True False False 6 Spelling: $LANGUAGE ($LOCATION) False 0 0 dialog False vertical 12 False end gtk-help True True True True False True 0 True _Options... True True True True Opens a dialog, where you can select the user-defined dictionaries, and set the rules for the spellchecking. False True 1 gtk-undo True True True True True Click to undo the last change in the current sentence. Click again to undo the previous change in the same sentence. False True 2 gtk-close True True True True True True False True 3 False True end 0 True False True True 6 12 False True True True 0 0 1 More... True True True none 1 1 True True 0 in True False True True GDK_BUTTON_MOTION_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | GDK_KEY_PRESS_MASK | GDK_KEY_RELEASE_MASK | GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK | GDK_STRUCTURE_MASK Displays the sentence with the misspelled word highlighted. Edit the word or the sentence, or click one of the suggestions in the text box below. 0 3 True False _Suggestions True suggestionslb 0 0 4 2 True True True True in True True True True liststore1 False False 6 0 Lists suggested words to replace the misspelled word. Select the word that you want to use, and then click Correct or Correct All. 0 5 Chec_k grammar True True False True 0 True Enable Check grammar to work first on all spelling errors, then on all grammar errors. 0 6 2 True False 12 True False True _Not in dictionary True sentence 0 0 0 True False end icons True False Paste True gtk-paste False True True False Special Character True cmd/sc_insertsymbol.png False True 1 0 0 2 True False 12 True False True Text languag_e: True languagelb 0 0 0 True False end liststore6 0 1 0 2 Specifies the language to use to check the spelling. 1 0 0 0 False True 6 False True Res_ume True 0 0 False True (no suggestions) True 1 0 False True Spelling: $LANGUAGE ($LOCATION) True 2 0 0 7 2 True False vertical 6 Co_rrect True True True center True True Replaces the unknown word with the current suggestion. If you changed more than just the misspelled word, the entire sentence is replaced. 0 0 Correct A_ll True True True center True True Replaces all occurrences of the unknown word with the current suggestion. 0 1 Alwa_ys Correct True True True center True True Adds the current combination of the incorrect word and the replacement word to the AutoCorrect replacements table. 0 2 1 5 True False vertical 6 _Ignore Once True True True center True True Skips the unknown word and continues with the spellcheck. 0 0 I_gnore All True True True center True True Skips all occurrences of the unknown word until the end of the current %PRODUCTNAME session and continues with the spellcheck. 0 1 I_gnore Rule True True True center True True While performing a grammar check, click Ignore Rule to ignore the rule that is currently flagged as a grammar error. 0 2 _Add to Dictionary True True True center True True 0 3 _Add to Dictionary True True True center True True addmenu False Adds the unknown word to a user-defined dictionary. 0 4 1 3 True True 1 help options undo close Checks the document or the current selection for spelling errors. If a grammar checking extension is installed, the dialog also checks for grammar errors.