2 9 2 1 10 99 1 10 55535 1 1 10 2 9 2 1 10 2 9 2 1 10 2 9 2 1 10 True False 6 12 12 True False GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK 0 none True False 6 12 12 6 A_utomatically True True False True True True Automatically inserts hyphens where they are needed in a paragraph. 0 0 2 True True start 25 True adjustment2 True Enter the maximum number of consecutive lines that can be hyphenated. 0 4 True True start 25 True adjustment4 True Enter the minimum number of characters that must appear at the beginning of the line after the hyphen. 0 3 True True start 25 True adjustment1 True Enter the minimum number of characters to leave at the end of the line before a hyphen is inserted. 0 2 True False start C_haracters at line end True spinLineEnd 1 2 True False start Cha_racters at line begin True spinLineBegin 1 3 True False start _Maximum number of consecutive hyphens True spinMaxNum 1 4 Don't hyphenate words in _CAPS True True False True True 0 1 2 True False Hyphenation 0 0 True False 0 none True False 3 6 12 6 _Insert True True False True True True Select this check box, and then select the break type that you want to use. 0 0 With page st_yle: True True False True True True Select this check box, and then select the page style that you want to use for the first page after the break. 0 3 True False _Type: True comboBreakType 1 0 1 True True True adjustment3 True Enter the page number for the first page that follows the break. If you want to continue the current page numbering, leave the checkbox unchecked. 1 4 Page _number: True True False True True True 0 4 True False Position: True right comboBreakPosition 1 0 2 True False Page Style Select the formatting style to use for the first page after the break. 1 3 True False Page Column Select the break type that you want to insert. 1 1 True False Before After Select where you want to insert the break. 1 2 True False Breaks 1 0 True False 0 none True False 6 12 12 6 _Do not split paragraph True True False True True True Shifts the entire paragraph to the next page or column after a break is inserted. 0 0 3 _Keep with next paragraph True True False True True True Keeps the current paragraph and the following paragraph together when a break or column break is inserted. 0 1 3 _Orphan control True True False True True True Specifies the minimum number of lines in a paragraph before a page break. Select this check box, and then enter a number in the Lines box. 0 2 _Widow control True True False True True True Specifies the minimum number of lines in a paragraph in the first page after the break. Select this check box, and then enter a number in the Lines box. 0 3 True True True adjustment5 True Specifies the minimum number of lines in a paragraph before a page break. Select this check box, and then enter a number in the Lines box. 1 2 True True True adjustment6 True True Specifies the minimum number of lines in a paragraph in the first page after the break. Select this check box, and then enter a number in the Lines box. 1 3 True False lines 0 2 2 True False lines 0 2 3 True False Options 0 1 Specify hyphenation and pagination options.