/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "adtabdlg.hxx" #include "adtabdlg.hrc" #include "sqlmessage.hxx" #include #include #include #include "dbaccess_helpid.hrc" #include "dbu_resource.hrc" #include "dbu_dlg.hrc" #include #include "QueryTableView.hxx" #include "QueryDesignView.hxx" #include "querycontroller.hxx" #include #include "browserids.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include "UITools.hxx" #include "imageprovider.hxx" #include #include "cppuhelper/basemutex.hxx" #include // slot ids using namespace dbaui; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::container; using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdb; using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdbc; using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdbcx; using namespace dbtools; // TableObjectListFacade ------------------------------------------------------- TableObjectListFacade::~TableObjectListFacade() { } // TableListFacade ------------------------------------------------------------- class TableListFacade : public ::cppu::BaseMutex , public TableObjectListFacade , public ::comphelper::OContainerListener { OTableTreeListBox& m_rTableList; Reference< XConnection > m_xConnection; ::rtl::Reference< comphelper::OContainerListenerAdapter> m_pContainerListener; bool m_bAllowViews; public: TableListFacade( OTableTreeListBox& _rTableList, const Reference< XConnection >& _rxConnection ) : ::comphelper::OContainerListener(m_aMutex) ,m_rTableList( _rTableList ) ,m_xConnection( _rxConnection ) ,m_bAllowViews(true) { } virtual ~TableListFacade(); private: virtual void updateTableObjectList( bool _bAllowViews ); virtual String getSelectedName( String& _out_rAliasName ) const; virtual bool isLeafSelected() const; // OContainerListener virtual void _elementInserted( const ::com::sun::star::container::ContainerEvent& _rEvent ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException); virtual void _elementRemoved( const ::com::sun::star::container::ContainerEvent& _rEvent ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException); virtual void _elementReplaced( const ::com::sun::star::container::ContainerEvent& _rEvent ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException); }; TableListFacade::~TableListFacade() { if ( m_pContainerListener.is() ) m_pContainerListener->dispose(); } String TableListFacade::getSelectedName( String& _out_rAliasName ) const { SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = m_rTableList.FirstSelected(); if ( !pEntry ) return String(); ::rtl::OUString aCatalog, aSchema, aTableName; SvTreeListEntry* pSchema = m_rTableList.GetParent(pEntry); if(pSchema && pSchema != m_rTableList.getAllObjectsEntry()) { SvTreeListEntry* pCatalog = m_rTableList.GetParent(pSchema); if(pCatalog && pCatalog != m_rTableList.getAllObjectsEntry()) aCatalog = m_rTableList.GetEntryText(pCatalog); aSchema = m_rTableList.GetEntryText(pSchema); } aTableName = m_rTableList.GetEntryText(pEntry); ::rtl::OUString aComposedName; try { Reference< XDatabaseMetaData > xMeta( m_xConnection->getMetaData(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); if ( aCatalog.isEmpty() && !aSchema.isEmpty() && xMeta->supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation() && !xMeta->supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() ) { aCatalog = aSchema; aSchema = ::rtl::OUString(); } aComposedName = ::dbtools::composeTableName( xMeta, aCatalog, aSchema, aTableName, sal_False, ::dbtools::eInDataManipulation ); } catch ( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION(); } _out_rAliasName = aTableName; return aComposedName; } void TableListFacade::_elementInserted( const container::ContainerEvent& /*_rEvent*/ ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException) { updateTableObjectList(m_bAllowViews); } void TableListFacade::_elementRemoved( const container::ContainerEvent& /*_rEvent*/ ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException) { updateTableObjectList(m_bAllowViews); } void TableListFacade::_elementReplaced( const container::ContainerEvent& /*_rEvent*/ ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException) { } void TableListFacade::updateTableObjectList( bool _bAllowViews ) { m_bAllowViews = _bAllowViews; m_rTableList.Clear(); try { Reference< XTablesSupplier > xTableSupp( m_xConnection, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XViewsSupplier > xViewSupp; Reference< XNameAccess > xTables, xViews; Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > sTables, sViews; xTables = xTableSupp->getTables(); if ( xTables.is() ) { if ( !m_pContainerListener.is() ) { Reference< XContainer> xContainer(xTables,uno::UNO_QUERY); if ( xContainer.is() ) m_pContainerListener = new ::comphelper::OContainerListenerAdapter(this,xContainer); } sTables = xTables->getElementNames(); } xViewSupp.set( xTableSupp, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xViewSupp.is() ) { xViews = xViewSupp->getViews(); if ( xViews.is() ) sViews = xViews->getElementNames(); } // if no views are allowed remove the views also out the table name filter if ( !_bAllowViews ) { const ::rtl::OUString* pTableBegin = sTables.getConstArray(); const ::rtl::OUString* pTableEnd = pTableBegin + sTables.getLength(); ::std::vector< ::rtl::OUString > aTables(pTableBegin,pTableEnd); const ::rtl::OUString* pViewBegin = sViews.getConstArray(); const ::rtl::OUString* pViewEnd = pViewBegin + sViews.getLength(); ::comphelper::TStringMixEqualFunctor aEqualFunctor; for(;pViewBegin != pViewEnd;++pViewBegin) aTables.erase(::std::remove_if(aTables.begin(),aTables.end(),::std::bind2nd(aEqualFunctor,*pViewBegin)),aTables.end()); ::rtl::OUString* pTables = aTables.empty() ? 0 : &aTables[0]; sTables = Sequence< ::rtl::OUString>(pTables, aTables.size()); sViews = Sequence< ::rtl::OUString>(); } m_rTableList.UpdateTableList( m_xConnection, sTables, sViews ); SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = m_rTableList.First(); while( pEntry && m_rTableList.GetModel()->HasChildren( pEntry ) ) { m_rTableList.Expand( pEntry ); pEntry = m_rTableList.Next( pEntry ); } if ( pEntry ) m_rTableList.Select(pEntry); } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION(); } } bool TableListFacade::isLeafSelected() const { SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = m_rTableList.FirstSelected(); return pEntry && !m_rTableList.GetModel()->HasChildren( pEntry ); } // QueryListFacade ------------------------------------------------------------- class QueryListFacade : public ::cppu::BaseMutex , public TableObjectListFacade , public ::comphelper::OContainerListener { SvTreeListBox& m_rQueryList; Reference< XConnection > m_xConnection; ::rtl::Reference< comphelper::OContainerListenerAdapter> m_pContainerListener; public: QueryListFacade( SvTreeListBox& _rQueryList, const Reference< XConnection >& _rxConnection ) : ::comphelper::OContainerListener(m_aMutex) ,m_rQueryList( _rQueryList ) ,m_xConnection( _rxConnection ) { } virtual ~QueryListFacade(); private: virtual void updateTableObjectList( bool _bAllowViews ); virtual String getSelectedName( String& _out_rAliasName ) const; virtual bool isLeafSelected() const; // OContainerListener virtual void _elementInserted( const ::com::sun::star::container::ContainerEvent& _rEvent ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException); virtual void _elementRemoved( const ::com::sun::star::container::ContainerEvent& _rEvent ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException); virtual void _elementReplaced( const ::com::sun::star::container::ContainerEvent& _rEvent ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException); }; QueryListFacade::~QueryListFacade() { if ( m_pContainerListener.is() ) m_pContainerListener->dispose(); } void QueryListFacade::_elementInserted( const container::ContainerEvent& _rEvent ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException) { ::rtl::OUString sName; if ( _rEvent.Accessor >>= sName ) m_rQueryList.InsertEntry( sName ); } void QueryListFacade::_elementRemoved( const container::ContainerEvent& /*_rEvent*/ ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException) { updateTableObjectList(true); } void QueryListFacade::_elementReplaced( const container::ContainerEvent& /*_rEvent*/ ) throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException) { } void QueryListFacade::updateTableObjectList( bool /*_bAllowViews*/ ) { m_rQueryList.Clear(); try { ImageProvider aImageProvider( m_xConnection ); Image aQueryImage( aImageProvider.getDefaultImage( DatabaseObject::QUERY ) ); m_rQueryList.SetDefaultExpandedEntryBmp( aQueryImage ); m_rQueryList.SetDefaultCollapsedEntryBmp( aQueryImage ); Reference< XQueriesSupplier > xSuppQueries( m_xConnection, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XNameAccess > xQueries( xSuppQueries->getQueries(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); if ( !m_pContainerListener.is() ) { Reference< XContainer> xContainer(xQueries,UNO_QUERY_THROW); m_pContainerListener = new ::comphelper::OContainerListenerAdapter(this,xContainer); } Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aQueryNames = xQueries->getElementNames(); const ::rtl::OUString* pQuery = aQueryNames.getConstArray(); const ::rtl::OUString* pQueryEnd = aQueryNames.getConstArray() + aQueryNames.getLength(); while ( pQuery != pQueryEnd ) m_rQueryList.InsertEntry( *pQuery++ ); } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION(); } } String QueryListFacade::getSelectedName( String& _out_rAliasName ) const { String sSelected; SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = m_rQueryList.FirstSelected(); if ( pEntry ) sSelected = _out_rAliasName = m_rQueryList.GetEntryText( pEntry ); return sSelected; } bool QueryListFacade::isLeafSelected() const { SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = m_rQueryList.FirstSelected(); return pEntry && !m_rQueryList.GetModel()->HasChildren( pEntry ); } // OAddTableDlg ---------------------------------------------------------------- OAddTableDlg::OAddTableDlg( Window* pParent, IAddTableDialogContext& _rContext ) :ModelessDialog( pParent, ModuleRes(DLG_JOIN_TABADD) ) ,m_aCaseTables( this, ModuleRes( RB_CASE_TABLES ) ) ,m_aCaseQueries( this, ModuleRes( RB_CASE_QUERIES ) ) ,m_aTableList( this, NULL, ModuleRes( LB_TABLE_OR_QUERY ), sal_False ) ,m_aQueryList( this, ModuleRes( LB_TABLE_OR_QUERY ) ) ,aAddButton( this, ModuleRes( PB_ADDTABLE ) ) ,aCloseButton( this, ModuleRes( PB_CLOSE ) ) ,aHelpButton( this, ModuleRes( PB_HELP ) ) ,m_rContext( _rContext ) { // the Close-Button already has a standard help text which should not // occur here. Therefore, resetting the text and giving a new ID aCloseButton.SetHelpText(String()); aCloseButton.SetHelpId(HID_JOINSH_ADDTAB_CLOSE); m_aTableList.SetHelpId( HID_JOINSH_ADDTAB_TABLELIST ); m_aQueryList.SetHelpId( HID_JOINSH_ADDTAB_QUERYLIST ); m_aCaseTables.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, OAddTableDlg, OnTypeSelected ) ); m_aCaseQueries.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, OAddTableDlg, OnTypeSelected ) ); aAddButton.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, OAddTableDlg, AddClickHdl ) ); aCloseButton.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, OAddTableDlg, CloseClickHdl ) ); m_aTableList.SetDoubleClickHdl( LINK( this, OAddTableDlg, TableListDoubleClickHdl ) ); m_aTableList.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, OAddTableDlg, TableListSelectHdl ) ); m_aQueryList.SetDoubleClickHdl( LINK( this, OAddTableDlg, TableListDoubleClickHdl ) ); m_aQueryList.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, OAddTableDlg, TableListSelectHdl ) ); m_aTableList.EnableInplaceEditing( sal_False ); m_aTableList.SetStyle(m_aTableList.GetStyle() | WB_BORDER | WB_HASLINES |WB_HASBUTTONS | WB_HASBUTTONSATROOT | WB_HASLINESATROOT | WB_SORT | WB_HSCROLL ); m_aTableList.EnableCheckButton( NULL ); // do not show any buttons m_aTableList.SetSelectionMode( SINGLE_SELECTION ); m_aTableList.notifyHiContrastChanged(); m_aTableList.suppressEmptyFolders(); m_aQueryList.EnableInplaceEditing( sal_False ); m_aQueryList.SetSelectionMode( SINGLE_SELECTION ); if ( !m_rContext.allowQueries() ) { m_aCaseTables.Hide(); m_aCaseQueries.Hide(); long nPixelDiff = m_aTableList.GetPosPixel().Y() - m_aCaseTables.GetPosPixel().Y(); Point aListPos( m_aTableList.GetPosPixel() ); aListPos.Y() -= nPixelDiff; Size aListSize( m_aTableList.GetSizePixel() ); aListSize.Height() += nPixelDiff; m_aTableList.SetPosSizePixel( aListPos, aListSize ); } FreeResource(); SetText( getDialogTitleForContext( m_rContext ) ); } OAddTableDlg::~OAddTableDlg() { m_rContext.onWindowClosing( this ); } void OAddTableDlg::impl_switchTo( ObjectList _eList ) { switch ( _eList ) { case Tables: m_aTableList.Show( sal_True ); m_aCaseTables.Check( sal_True ); m_aQueryList.Show( sal_False ); m_aCaseQueries.Check( sal_False ); m_pCurrentList.reset( new TableListFacade( m_aTableList, m_rContext.getConnection() ) ); m_aTableList.GrabFocus(); break; case Queries: m_aTableList.Show( sal_False ); m_aCaseTables.Check( sal_False ); m_aQueryList.Show( sal_True ); m_aCaseQueries.Check( sal_True ); m_pCurrentList.reset( new QueryListFacade( m_aQueryList, m_rContext.getConnection() ) ); m_aQueryList.GrabFocus(); break; } m_pCurrentList->updateTableObjectList( m_rContext.allowViews() ); } void OAddTableDlg::Update() { if ( !m_pCurrentList.get() ) impl_switchTo( Tables ); else m_pCurrentList->updateTableObjectList( m_rContext.allowViews() ); } void OAddTableDlg::impl_addTable() { if ( m_pCurrentList->isLeafSelected() ) { String sSelectedName, sAliasName; sSelectedName = m_pCurrentList->getSelectedName( sAliasName ); m_rContext.addTableWindow( sSelectedName, sAliasName ); } } IMPL_LINK( OAddTableDlg, AddClickHdl, Button*, /*pButton*/ ) { TableListDoubleClickHdl(NULL); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( OAddTableDlg, TableListDoubleClickHdl, void*, /*EMPTY_ARG*/ ) { if ( impl_isAddAllowed() ) { impl_addTable(); if ( !impl_isAddAllowed() ) Close(); return 1L; // handled } return 0L; // not handled } IMPL_LINK( OAddTableDlg, TableListSelectHdl, void*, /*EMPTY_ARG*/ ) { aAddButton.Enable( m_pCurrentList->isLeafSelected() ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( OAddTableDlg, CloseClickHdl, Button*, /*pButton*/ ) { return Close(); } IMPL_LINK( OAddTableDlg, OnTypeSelected, void*, /*EMPTY_ARG*/ ) { if ( m_aCaseTables.IsChecked() ) impl_switchTo( Tables ); else impl_switchTo( Queries ); return 0; } sal_Bool OAddTableDlg::Close() { m_rContext.onWindowClosing( this ); return ModelessDialog::Close(); } bool OAddTableDlg::impl_isAddAllowed() { return m_rContext.allowAddition(); } String OAddTableDlg::getDialogTitleForContext( IAddTableDialogContext& _rContext ) { String sTitle; ::svt::OLocalResourceAccess aLocalRes( ModuleRes( DLG_JOIN_TABADD ), RSC_MODELESSDIALOG ); if ( _rContext.allowQueries() ) sTitle = String( ModuleRes( STR_ADD_TABLE_OR_QUERY ) ); else sTitle = String( ModuleRes( STR_ADD_TABLES ) ); return sTitle; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */