/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: indexfieldscontrol.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.11 $ * * last change: $Author: fs $ $Date: 2002-09-10 14:34:29 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _DBAUI_INDEXFIELDSCONTROL_HXX_ #include "indexfieldscontrol.hxx" #endif #ifndef _DBU_DLG_HRC_ #include "dbu_dlg.hrc" #endif #ifndef _DBAUI_MODULE_DBU_HXX_ #include "moduledbu.hxx" #endif #ifndef _OSL_DIAGNOSE_H_ #include #endif #ifndef _DBA_DBACCESS_HELPID_HRC_ #include "dbaccess_helpid.hrc" #endif //...................................................................... namespace dbaui { //...................................................................... #define BROWSER_STANDARD_FLAGS BROWSER_COLUMNSELECTION | BROWSER_HLINESFULL | BROWSER_VLINESFULL | \ BROWSER_HIDECURSOR | BROWSER_HIDESELECT | BROWSER_AUTO_HSCROLL | BROWSER_AUTO_VSCROLL #define COLUMN_ID_FIELDNAME 1 #define COLUMN_ID_ORDER 2 using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::svt; //================================================================== //= DbaMouseDownListBoxController //================================================================== class DbaMouseDownListBoxController : public ListBoxCellController { protected: Link m_aOriginalModifyHdl; Link m_aAdditionalModifyHdl; public: DbaMouseDownListBoxController(ListBoxControl* _pParent) :ListBoxCellController(_pParent) { } void SetAdditionalModifyHdl(const Link& _rHdl); protected: virtual sal_Bool WantMouseEvent() const { return sal_True; } virtual void SetModifyHdl(const Link& _rHdl); private: void implCheckLinks(); DECL_LINK( OnMultiplexModify, void* ); }; //------------------------------------------------------------------ void DbaMouseDownListBoxController::SetAdditionalModifyHdl(const Link& _rHdl) { m_aAdditionalModifyHdl = _rHdl; implCheckLinks(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void DbaMouseDownListBoxController::SetModifyHdl(const Link& _rHdl) { m_aOriginalModifyHdl = _rHdl; implCheckLinks(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK( DbaMouseDownListBoxController, OnMultiplexModify, void*, _pArg ) { if (m_aAdditionalModifyHdl.IsSet()) m_aAdditionalModifyHdl.Call(_pArg); if (m_aOriginalModifyHdl.IsSet()) m_aOriginalModifyHdl.Call(_pArg); return 0L; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void DbaMouseDownListBoxController::implCheckLinks() { if (m_aAdditionalModifyHdl.IsSet() || m_aOriginalModifyHdl.IsSet()) ListBoxCellController::SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, DbaMouseDownListBoxController, OnMultiplexModify)); else ListBoxCellController::SetModifyHdl(Link()); } //================================================================== //= IndexFieldsControl //================================================================== //------------------------------------------------------------------ IndexFieldsControl::IndexFieldsControl( Window* _pParent, const ResId& _rId ,sal_Int32 _nMaxColumnsInIndex) :EditBrowseBox(_pParent, _rId, EBBF_SMART_TAB_TRAVEL | EBBF_ACTIVATE_ON_BUTTONDOWN, BROWSER_STANDARD_FLAGS) ,m_aSeekRow(m_aFields.end()) ,m_pSortingCell(NULL) ,m_pFieldNameCell(NULL) ,m_nMaxColumnsInIndex(_nMaxColumnsInIndex) { SetUniqueId( UID_DLGINDEX_INDEXDETAILS_BACK ); GetDataWindow().SetUniqueId( UID_DLGINDEX_INDEXDETAILS_MAIN ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ IndexFieldsControl::~IndexFieldsControl() { delete m_pSortingCell; delete m_pFieldNameCell; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool IndexFieldsControl::SeekRow(long nRow) { if (!EditBrowseBox::SeekRow(nRow)) return sal_False; if (nRow < 0) { m_aSeekRow = m_aFields.end(); } else { m_aSeekRow = m_aFields.begin() + nRow; OSL_ENSURE(m_aSeekRow <= m_aFields.end(), "IndexFieldsControl::SeekRow: invalid row!"); } return sal_True; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void IndexFieldsControl::PaintCell( OutputDevice& _rDev, const Rectangle& _rRect, sal_uInt16 _nColumnId ) const { Point aPos(_rRect.TopLeft()); aPos.X() += 1; String aText = GetRowCellText(m_aSeekRow,_nColumnId); Size TxtSize(GetDataWindow().GetTextWidth(aText), GetDataWindow().GetTextHeight()); // clipping if (aPos.X() < _rRect.Right() || aPos.X() + TxtSize.Width() > _rRect.Right() || aPos.Y() < _rRect.Top() || aPos.Y() + TxtSize.Height() > _rRect.Bottom()) _rDev.SetClipRegion( _rRect ); // allow for a disabled control ... sal_Bool bEnabled = IsEnabled(); Color aOriginalColor = _rDev.GetTextColor(); if (!bEnabled) _rDev.SetTextColor(GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetDisableColor()); // draw the text _rDev.DrawText(aPos, aText); // reset the color (if necessary) if (!bEnabled) _rDev.SetTextColor(aOriginalColor); if (_rDev.IsClipRegion()) _rDev.SetClipRegion(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void IndexFieldsControl::initializeFrom(const IndexFields& _rFields) { // copy the field descriptions m_aFields = _rFields; m_aSeekRow = m_aFields.end(); SetUpdateMode(sal_False); // remove all rows RowRemoved(1, GetRowCount()); // insert rows for the the fields RowInserted(GetRowCount(), m_aFields.size(), sal_False); // insert an additional row for a new field for that index // if(!m_nMaxColumnsInIndex || GetRowCount() < m_nMaxColumnsInIndex ) RowInserted(GetRowCount(), 1, sal_False); SetUpdateMode(sal_True); GoToRowColumnId(0, COLUMN_ID_FIELDNAME); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void IndexFieldsControl::commitTo(IndexFields& _rFields) { // do not just copy the array, we may have empty field names (which should not be copied) _rFields.resize(m_aFields.size()); ConstIndexFieldsIterator aSource = m_aFields.begin(); ConstIndexFieldsIterator aSourceEnd = m_aFields.end(); IndexFieldsIterator aDest = _rFields.begin(); for (; aSource < aSourceEnd; ++aSource) if (0 != aSource->sFieldName.Len()) { *aDest = *aSource; ++aDest; } _rFields.resize(aDest - _rFields.begin()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_uInt32 IndexFieldsControl::GetTotalCellWidth(long _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColId) { if (COLUMN_ID_ORDER == _nColId) { sal_Int32 nWidthAsc = GetTextWidth(m_sAscendingText) + GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize(); sal_Int32 nWidthDesc = GetTextWidth(m_sDescendingText) + GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize(); // maximum plus some additional space return (nWidthAsc > nWidthDesc ? nWidthAsc : nWidthDesc) + GetTextWidth('0') * 2; } return EditBrowseBox::GetTotalCellWidth(_nRow, _nColId); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void IndexFieldsControl::Init(const Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& _rAvailableFields) { RemoveColumns(); m_sAscendingText = String(ModuleRes(STR_ORDER_ASCENDING)); m_sDescendingText = String(ModuleRes(STR_ORDER_DESCENDING)); // the "sort order" column String sColumnName = String(ModuleRes(STR_TAB_INDEX_SORTORDER)); // the width of the order column is the maximum widths of the texts used // (the title of the column) sal_Int32 nSortOrderColumnWidth = GetTextWidth(sColumnName); // ("ascending" + scrollbar width) sal_Int32 nOther = GetTextWidth(m_sAscendingText) + GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize(); nSortOrderColumnWidth = nSortOrderColumnWidth > nOther ? nSortOrderColumnWidth : nOther; // ("descending" + scrollbar width) nOther = GetTextWidth(m_sDescendingText) + GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize(); nSortOrderColumnWidth = nSortOrderColumnWidth > nOther ? nSortOrderColumnWidth : nOther; // (plus some additional space) nSortOrderColumnWidth += GetTextWidth('0') * 2; InsertDataColumn(COLUMN_ID_ORDER, sColumnName, nSortOrderColumnWidth, HIB_STDSTYLE, 1); // for the width: both columns together should be somewhat smaller than the whole window (without the scrollbar) sal_Int32 nFieldNameWidth = GetSizePixel().Width(); nFieldNameWidth -= nSortOrderColumnWidth; StyleSettings aSystemStyle = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); nFieldNameWidth -= aSystemStyle.GetScrollBarSize(); nFieldNameWidth -= 8; // the "field name" column sColumnName = String(ModuleRes(STR_TAB_INDEX_FIELD)); InsertDataColumn(COLUMN_ID_FIELDNAME, sColumnName, nFieldNameWidth, HIB_STDSTYLE, 0); // create the cell controllers // for the field name cell m_pFieldNameCell = new ListBoxControl(&GetDataWindow()); m_pFieldNameCell->InsertEntry(String()); const ::rtl::OUString* pFields = _rAvailableFields.getConstArray(); const ::rtl::OUString* pFieldsEnd = pFields + _rAvailableFields.getLength(); for (;pFields < pFieldsEnd; ++pFields) m_pFieldNameCell->InsertEntry(*pFields); // for the sort cell m_pSortingCell = new ListBoxControl(&GetDataWindow()); m_pSortingCell->InsertEntry(m_sAscendingText); m_pSortingCell->InsertEntry(m_sDescendingText); m_pFieldNameCell->SetHelpId( HID_DLGINDEX_INDEXDETAILS_FIELD ); m_pSortingCell->SetHelpId( HID_DLGINDEX_INDEXDETAILS_SORTORDER ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ CellController* IndexFieldsControl::GetController(long _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumnId) { if (!IsEnabled()) return NULL; ConstIndexFieldsIterator aRow; sal_Bool bNewField = !implGetFieldDesc(_nRow, aRow); DbaMouseDownListBoxController* pReturn = NULL; switch (_nColumnId) { case COLUMN_ID_ORDER: if (!bNewField && m_pSortingCell && 0 != aRow->sFieldName.Len()) pReturn = new DbaMouseDownListBoxController(m_pSortingCell); break; case COLUMN_ID_FIELDNAME: pReturn = new DbaMouseDownListBoxController(m_pFieldNameCell); break; default: OSL_ENSURE(sal_False, "IndexFieldsControl::GetController: invalid column id!"); } if (pReturn) pReturn->SetAdditionalModifyHdl(LINK(this, IndexFieldsControl, OnListEntrySelected)); return pReturn; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool IndexFieldsControl::implGetFieldDesc(long _nRow, ConstIndexFieldsIterator& _rPos) { _rPos = m_aFields.end(); if ((_nRow < 0) || (_nRow >= (sal_Int32)m_aFields.size())) return sal_False; _rPos = m_aFields.begin() + _nRow; return sal_True; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool IndexFieldsControl::IsModified() const { return EditBrowseBox::IsModified(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool IndexFieldsControl::SaveModified() { if (!IsModified()) return sal_True; switch (GetCurColumnId()) { case COLUMN_ID_FIELDNAME: { String sFieldSelected = m_pFieldNameCell->GetSelectEntry(); sal_Bool bEmptySelected = 0 == sFieldSelected.Len(); if (isNewField()) { if (!bEmptySelected) { // add a new field to the collection OIndexField aNewField; aNewField.sFieldName = sFieldSelected; m_aFields.push_back(aNewField); RowInserted(GetRowCount(), 1, sal_True); } } else { sal_Int32 nRow = GetCurRow(); OSL_ENSURE(nRow < (sal_Int32)m_aFields.size(), "IndexFieldsControl::SaveModified: invalid current row!"); if (nRow >= 0) // may be -1 in case the control was empty { // remove the field from the selection IndexFieldsIterator aPos = m_aFields.begin() + nRow; if (bEmptySelected) { aPos->sFieldName = String(); // invalidate the row to force repaint Invalidate(GetRowRectPixel(nRow)); return sal_True; } if (sFieldSelected == aPos->sFieldName) // nothing changed return sal_True; aPos->sFieldName = sFieldSelected; } } Invalidate(GetRowRectPixel(GetCurRow())); } break; case COLUMN_ID_ORDER: { OSL_ENSURE(!isNewField(), "IndexFieldsControl::SaveModified: why the hell ...!!!"); // selected entry sal_uInt16 nPos = m_pSortingCell->GetSelectEntryPos(); OSL_ENSURE(LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND != nPos, "IndexFieldsControl::SaveModified: how did you get this selection??"); // adjust the sort flag in the index field description OIndexField& rCurrentField = m_aFields[GetCurRow()]; rCurrentField.bSortAscending = (0 == nPos); } break; default: OSL_ENSURE(sal_False, "IndexFieldsControl::SaveModified: invalid column id!"); } return sal_True; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ void IndexFieldsControl::InitController(CellControllerRef& _rController, long _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumnId) { ConstIndexFieldsIterator aFieldDescription; sal_Bool bNewField = !implGetFieldDesc(_nRow, aFieldDescription); switch (_nColumnId) { case COLUMN_ID_FIELDNAME: m_pFieldNameCell->SelectEntry(bNewField ? String() : aFieldDescription->sFieldName); m_pFieldNameCell->SaveValue(); break; case COLUMN_ID_ORDER: m_pSortingCell->SelectEntry(aFieldDescription->bSortAscending ? m_sAscendingText : m_sDescendingText); m_pSortingCell->SaveValue(); break; default: OSL_ENSURE(sal_False, "IndexFieldsControl::InitController: invalid column id!"); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK( IndexFieldsControl, OnListEntrySelected, ListBox*, _pBox ) { if (!_pBox->IsTravelSelect() && m_aModifyHdl.IsSet()) m_aModifyHdl.Call(this); if (_pBox == m_pFieldNameCell) { // a field has been selected if (GetCurRow() >= GetRowCount() - 2) { // and we're in one of the last two rows String sSelectedEntry = m_pFieldNameCell->GetSelectEntry(); sal_Int32 nCurrentRow = GetCurRow(); sal_Int32 nRowCount = GetRowCount(); OSL_ENSURE(((sal_Int32)(m_aFields.size() + 1)) == nRowCount, "IndexFieldsControl::OnListEntrySelected: inconsistence!"); if (sSelectedEntry.Len() && (nCurrentRow == nRowCount - 1) /*&& (!m_nMaxColumnsInIndex || nRowCount < m_nMaxColumnsInIndex )*/ ) { // in the last row, an non-empty string has been selected // -> insert a new row m_aFields.push_back(OIndexField()); RowInserted(GetRowCount(), 1); Invalidate(GetRowRectPixel(nCurrentRow)); } else if (!sSelectedEntry.Len() && (nCurrentRow == nRowCount - 2)) { // in the (last-1)th row, an empty entry has been selected // -> remove the last row m_aFields.erase(m_aFields.end() - 1); RowRemoved(GetRowCount() - 1, 1); Invalidate(GetRowRectPixel(nCurrentRow)); } } SaveModified(); } return 0L; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ String IndexFieldsControl::GetCellText(long _nRow,sal_uInt16 nColId) const { ConstIndexFieldsIterator aRow = m_aFields.end(); if ( _nRow >= 0 ) { aRow = m_aFields.begin() + _nRow; OSL_ENSURE(aRow <= m_aFields.end(), "IndexFieldsControl::SeekRow: invalid row!"); } return GetRowCellText(aRow,nColId); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ String IndexFieldsControl::GetRowCellText(const ConstIndexFieldsIterator& _rRow,sal_uInt16 nColId) const { if (_rRow < m_aFields.end()) { switch (nColId) { case COLUMN_ID_FIELDNAME: return _rRow->sFieldName; case COLUMN_ID_ORDER: if (0 == _rRow->sFieldName.Len()) return String(); else return _rRow->bSortAscending ? m_sAscendingText : m_sDescendingText; default: OSL_ENSURE(sal_False, "IndexFieldsControl::GetCurrentRowCellText: invalid column id!"); } } return String(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool IndexFieldsControl::IsTabAllowed(sal_Bool bForward) const { return sal_False; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //...................................................................... } // namespace dbaui //...................................................................... /************************************************************************* * history: * $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ * Revision 1.10 2002/08/19 07:40:33 oj * #99473# change string resource files * * Revision 1.9 2002/04/09 07:43:43 oj * #98286# new virtual method GetCellText * * Revision 1.8 2002/03/19 07:21:01 oj * #97274# disable traveling with tab to allow control change * * Revision 1.7 2001/08/06 07:44:33 fs * #90529# help ids * * Revision 1.6 2001/06/29 08:38:00 fs * #86721# DbBrowseBox replaced by svt::EditBrowseBox * * Revision 1.5 2001/05/02 11:48:41 fs * #86450# disable m_nMaxColumnsIndex for the moment - need more comprehensive handling for this * * Revision 1.4 2001/04/27 14:20:33 fs * #86464# no SaveModified if not IfModified * * Revision 1.3 2001/03/30 14:10:22 oj * #85298##85297# correct index impl * * Revision 1.2 2001/03/19 06:00:13 fs * no controller if not enabled * * Revision 1.1 2001/03/16 16:23:31 fs * initial checkin - index design dialog and friends * * * Revision 1.0 07.03.01 14:26:26 fs ************************************************************************/