/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "officeipcthread.hxx" #include "cmdlineargs.hxx" #include "dispatchwatcher.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if ENABLE_DBUS #include #include #endif using namespace desktop; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame; namespace { static char const ARGUMENT_PREFIX[] = "InternalIPC::Arguments"; static char const SEND_ARGUMENTS[] = "InternalIPC::SendArguments"; static char const PROCESSING_DONE[] = "InternalIPC::ProcessingDone"; // Receives packets from the pipe until a packet ends in a NUL character (that // will not be included in the returned string) or it cannot read anything (due // to error or closed pipe, in which case an empty string will be returned to // signal failure): OString readStringFromPipe(osl::StreamPipe const & pipe) { for (OStringBuffer str;;) { char buf[1024]; sal_Int32 n = pipe.recv(buf, SAL_N_ELEMENTS(buf)); if (n <= 0) { SAL_INFO("desktop.app", "read empty string"); return ""; } bool end = false; if (buf[n - 1] == '\0') { end = true; --n; } str.append(buf, n); //TODO: how does OStringBuffer.append handle overflow? if (end) { auto s = str.makeStringAndClear(); SAL_INFO("desktop.app", "read <" << s << ">"); return s; } } } } namespace desktop { namespace { class Parser: public CommandLineArgs::Supplier { public: explicit Parser(OString const & input): m_input(input) { if (!m_input.match(ARGUMENT_PREFIX) || m_input.getLength() == RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH(ARGUMENT_PREFIX)) { throw CommandLineArgs::Supplier::Exception(); } m_index = RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH(ARGUMENT_PREFIX); switch (m_input[m_index++]) { case '0': break; case '1': { OUString url; if (!next(&url, false)) { throw CommandLineArgs::Supplier::Exception(); } m_cwdUrl = url; break; } case '2': { OUString path; if (!next(&path, false)) { throw CommandLineArgs::Supplier::Exception(); } OUString url; if (osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath(path, url) == osl::FileBase::E_None) { m_cwdUrl = url; } break; } default: throw CommandLineArgs::Supplier::Exception(); } } virtual o3tl::optional< OUString > getCwdUrl() override { return m_cwdUrl; } virtual bool next(OUString * argument) override { return next(argument, true); } private: bool next(OUString * argument, bool prefix) { OSL_ASSERT(argument != nullptr); if (m_index < m_input.getLength()) { if (prefix) { if (m_input[m_index] != ',') { throw CommandLineArgs::Supplier::Exception(); } ++m_index; } OStringBuffer b; while (m_index < m_input.getLength()) { char c = m_input[m_index]; if (c == ',') { break; } ++m_index; if (c == '\\') { if (m_index >= m_input.getLength()) throw CommandLineArgs::Supplier::Exception(); c = m_input[m_index++]; switch (c) { case '0': c = '\0'; break; case ',': case '\\': break; default: throw CommandLineArgs::Supplier::Exception(); } } b.append(c); } OString b2(b.makeStringAndClear()); if (!rtl_convertStringToUString( &argument->pData, b2.getStr(), b2.getLength(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, (RTL_TEXTTOUNICODE_FLAGS_UNDEFINED_ERROR | RTL_TEXTTOUNICODE_FLAGS_MBUNDEFINED_ERROR | RTL_TEXTTOUNICODE_FLAGS_INVALID_ERROR))) { throw CommandLineArgs::Supplier::Exception(); } return true; } else { return false; } } o3tl::optional< OUString > m_cwdUrl; OString m_input; sal_Int32 m_index; }; bool addArgument(OStringBuffer &rArguments, char prefix, const OUString &rArgument) { OString utf8; if (!rArgument.convertToString( &utf8, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, (RTL_UNICODETOTEXT_FLAGS_UNDEFINED_ERROR | RTL_UNICODETOTEXT_FLAGS_INVALID_ERROR))) { return false; } rArguments.append(prefix); for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < utf8.getLength(); ++i) { char c = utf8[i]; switch (c) { case '\0': rArguments.append("\\0"); break; case ',': rArguments.append("\\,"); break; case '\\': rArguments.append("\\\\"); break; default: rArguments.append(c); break; } } return true; } } rtl::Reference< RequestHandler > RequestHandler::pGlobal; // Turns a string in aMsg such as file:///home/foo/.libreoffice/3 // Into a hex string of well known length ff132a86... static OUString CreateMD5FromString( const OUString& aMsg ) { SAL_INFO("desktop.app", "create md5 from '" << aMsg << "'"); rtlDigest handle = rtl_digest_create( rtl_Digest_AlgorithmMD5 ); if ( handle ) { const sal_uInt8* pData = reinterpret_cast(aMsg.getStr()); sal_uInt32 nSize = aMsg.getLength() * sizeof( sal_Unicode ); sal_uInt32 nMD5KeyLen = rtl_digest_queryLength( handle ); std::unique_ptr pMD5KeyBuffer(new sal_uInt8[ nMD5KeyLen ]); rtl_digest_init( handle, pData, nSize ); rtl_digest_update( handle, pData, nSize ); rtl_digest_get( handle, pMD5KeyBuffer.get(), nMD5KeyLen ); rtl_digest_destroy( handle ); // Create hex-value string from the MD5 value to keep the string size minimal OUStringBuffer aBuffer( nMD5KeyLen * 2 + 1 ); for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nMD5KeyLen; i++ ) aBuffer.append( static_cast(pMD5KeyBuffer[i]), 16 ); return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear(); } return OUString(); } namespace { class ProcessEventsClass_Impl { public: DECL_STATIC_LINK( ProcessEventsClass_Impl, CallEvent, void*, void ); DECL_STATIC_LINK( ProcessEventsClass_Impl, ProcessDocumentsEvent, void*, void ); }; } IMPL_STATIC_LINK( ProcessEventsClass_Impl, CallEvent, void*, pEvent, void ) { // Application events are processed by the Desktop::HandleAppEvent implementation. Desktop::HandleAppEvent( *static_cast(pEvent) ); delete static_cast(pEvent); } IMPL_STATIC_LINK( ProcessEventsClass_Impl, ProcessDocumentsEvent, void*, pEvent, void ) { // Documents requests are processed by the RequestHandler implementation ProcessDocumentsRequest* pDocsRequest = static_cast(pEvent); RequestHandler::ExecuteCmdLineRequests(*pDocsRequest, false); delete pDocsRequest; } static void ImplPostForeignAppEvent( ApplicationEvent* pEvent ) { Application::PostUserEvent( LINK( nullptr, ProcessEventsClass_Impl, CallEvent ), pEvent ); } static void ImplPostProcessDocumentsEvent( std::unique_ptr pEvent ) { Application::PostUserEvent( LINK( nullptr, ProcessEventsClass_Impl, ProcessDocumentsEvent ), pEvent.release() ); } oslSignalAction SalMainPipeExchangeSignal_impl(SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER void* /*pData*/, oslSignalInfo* pInfo) { if( pInfo->Signal == osl_Signal_Terminate ) RequestHandler::SetDowning(); return osl_Signal_ActCallNextHdl; } // The RequestHandlerController implementation is a bookkeeper for all pending requests // that were created by the RequestHandler. The requests are waiting to be processed by // our framework loadComponentFromURL function (e.g. open/print request). // During shutdown the framework is asking RequestHandlerController about pending requests. // If there are pending requests framework has to stop the shutdown process. It is waiting // for these requests because framework is not able to handle shutdown and open a document // concurrently. // XServiceInfo OUString SAL_CALL RequestHandlerController::getImplementationName() { return "com.sun.star.comp.RequestHandlerController"; } sal_Bool RequestHandlerController::supportsService( OUString const & ServiceName) { return cppu::supportsService(this, ServiceName); } Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL RequestHandlerController::getSupportedServiceNames() { return { }; } // XEventListener void SAL_CALL RequestHandlerController::disposing( const EventObject& ) { } // XTerminateListener void SAL_CALL RequestHandlerController::queryTermination( const EventObject& ) { // Desktop ask about pending request through our office ipc pipe. We have to // be sure that no pending request is waiting because framework is not able to // handle shutdown and open a document concurrently. if ( RequestHandler::AreRequestsPending() ) throw TerminationVetoException(); RequestHandler::SetDowning(); } void SAL_CALL RequestHandlerController::notifyTermination( const EventObject& ) { } class IpcThread: public salhelper::Thread { public: void start(RequestHandler * handler) { m_handler = handler; launch(); } virtual void close() = 0; protected: explicit IpcThread(char const * name): Thread(name), m_handler(nullptr) {} virtual ~IpcThread() override {} bool process(OString const & arguments, bool * waitProcessed); RequestHandler * m_handler; }; class PipeIpcThread: public IpcThread { public: static RequestHandler::Status enable(rtl::Reference * thread); private: explicit PipeIpcThread(osl::Pipe const & pipe): IpcThread("PipeIPC"), pipe_(pipe) {} virtual ~PipeIpcThread() override {} void execute() override; void close() override { pipe_.close(); } osl::Pipe pipe_; }; #if ENABLE_DBUS namespace { struct DbusConnectionHolder { explicit DbusConnectionHolder(DBusConnection * theConnection): connection(theConnection) {} DbusConnectionHolder(DbusConnectionHolder && other): connection(nullptr) { std::swap(connection, other.connection); } ~DbusConnectionHolder() { if (connection != nullptr) { dbus_connection_close(connection); dbus_connection_unref(connection); } } DBusConnection * connection; }; struct DbusMessageHolder { explicit DbusMessageHolder(DBusMessage * theMessage): message(theMessage) {} ~DbusMessageHolder() { clear(); } void clear() { if (message != nullptr) { dbus_message_unref(message); } message = nullptr; } DBusMessage * message; private: DbusMessageHolder(DbusMessageHolder const &) = delete; DbusMessageHolder& operator =(DbusMessageHolder const &) = delete; }; } class DbusIpcThread: public IpcThread { public: static RequestHandler::Status enable(rtl::Reference * thread); private: explicit DbusIpcThread(DbusConnectionHolder && connection): IpcThread("DbusIPC"), connection_(std::move(connection)) {} virtual ~DbusIpcThread() override {} void execute() override; void close() override; DbusConnectionHolder connection_; }; RequestHandler::Status DbusIpcThread::enable(rtl::Reference * thread) { assert(thread != nullptr); if (!dbus_threads_init_default()) { SAL_WARN("desktop.app", "dbus_threads_init_default failed"); return RequestHandler::IPC_STATUS_BOOTSTRAP_ERROR; } DBusError e; dbus_error_init(&e); DbusConnectionHolder con(dbus_bus_get_private(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &e)); assert((con.connection == nullptr) == bool(dbus_error_is_set(&e))); if (con.connection == nullptr) { SAL_WARN( "desktop.app", "dbus_bus_get_private failed with: " << e.name << ": " << e.message); dbus_error_free(&e); return RequestHandler::IPC_STATUS_BOOTSTRAP_ERROR; } for (;;) { int n = dbus_bus_request_name( con.connection, "org.libreoffice.LibreOfficeIpc0", DBUS_NAME_FLAG_DO_NOT_QUEUE, &e); assert((n == -1) == bool(dbus_error_is_set(&e))); switch (n) { case -1: SAL_WARN( "desktop.app", "dbus_bus_request_name failed with: " << e.name << ": " << e.message); dbus_error_free(&e); return RequestHandler::IPC_STATUS_BOOTSTRAP_ERROR; case DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNER: *thread = new DbusIpcThread(std::move(con)); return RequestHandler::IPC_STATUS_OK; case DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_EXISTS: { OStringBuffer buf(ARGUMENT_PREFIX); OUString arg; if (!(utl::Bootstrap::getProcessWorkingDir(arg) && addArgument(buf, '1', arg))) { buf.append('0'); } sal_uInt32 narg = rtl_getAppCommandArgCount(); for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i != narg; ++i) { rtl_getAppCommandArg(i, &arg.pData); if (!addArgument(buf, ',', arg)) { return RequestHandler::IPC_STATUS_BOOTSTRAP_ERROR; } } char const * argstr = buf.getStr(); DbusMessageHolder msg( dbus_message_new_method_call( "org.libreoffice.LibreOfficeIpc0", "/org/libreoffice/LibreOfficeIpc0", "org.libreoffice.LibreOfficeIpcIfc0", "Execute")); if (msg.message == nullptr) { SAL_WARN( "desktop.app", "dbus_message_new_method_call failed"); return RequestHandler::IPC_STATUS_BOOTSTRAP_ERROR; } DBusMessageIter it; dbus_message_iter_init_append(msg.message, &it); if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic( &it, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &argstr)) { SAL_WARN( "desktop.app", "dbus_message_iter_append_basic failed"); return RequestHandler::IPC_STATUS_BOOTSTRAP_ERROR; } DbusMessageHolder repl( dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block( con.connection, msg.message, 0x7FFFFFFF, &e)); assert( (repl.message == nullptr) == bool(dbus_error_is_set(&e))); if (repl.message == nullptr) { SAL_INFO( "desktop.app", "dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block failed" " with: " << e.name << ": " << e.message); dbus_error_free(&e); break; } return RequestHandler::IPC_STATUS_2ND_OFFICE; } case DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_IN_QUEUE: case DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_ALREADY_OWNER: SAL_WARN( "desktop.app", "dbus_bus_request_name failed with unexpected " << +n); return RequestHandler::IPC_STATUS_BOOTSTRAP_ERROR; default: for (;;) std::abort(); } } } void DbusIpcThread::execute() { assert(m_handler != nullptr); m_handler->cReady.wait(); for (;;) { { osl::MutexGuard g(RequestHandler::GetMutex()); if (m_handler->mState == RequestHandler::State::Downing) { break; } } if (!dbus_connection_read_write(connection_.connection, -1)) { break; } for (;;) { DbusMessageHolder msg( dbus_connection_pop_message(connection_.connection)); if (msg.message == nullptr) { break; } if (!dbus_message_is_method_call( msg.message, "org.libreoffice.LibreOfficeIpcIfc0", "Execute")) { SAL_INFO("desktop.app", "unknown DBus message ignored"); continue; } DBusMessageIter it; if (!dbus_message_iter_init(msg.message, &it)) { SAL_WARN( "desktop.app", "DBus message without argument ignored"); continue; } if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&it) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING) { SAL_WARN( "desktop.app", "DBus message with non-string argument ignored"); continue; } char const * argstr; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&it, &argstr); bool waitProcessed = false; { osl::MutexGuard g(RequestHandler::GetMutex()); if (!process(argstr, &waitProcessed)) { continue; } } if (waitProcessed) { m_handler->cProcessed.wait(); } DbusMessageHolder repl(dbus_message_new_method_return(msg.message)); if (repl.message == nullptr) { SAL_WARN( "desktop.app", "dbus_message_new_method_return failed"); continue; } dbus_uint32_t serial = 0; if (!dbus_connection_send( connection_.connection, repl.message, &serial)) { SAL_WARN("desktop.app", "dbus_connection_send failed"); continue; } dbus_connection_flush(connection_.connection); } } } void DbusIpcThread::close() { assert(connection_.connection != nullptr); // Make dbus_connection_read_write fall out of internal poll call blocking // on POLLIN: int fd; if (!dbus_connection_get_socket(connection_.connection, &fd)) { SAL_WARN("desktop.app", "dbus_connection_get_socket failed"); return; } if (shutdown(fd, SHUT_RD) == -1) { auto const e = errno; SAL_WARN("desktop.app", "shutdown failed with errno " << e); } } #endif namespace { class theRequestHandlerMutex : public rtl::Static {}; } ::osl::Mutex& RequestHandler::GetMutex() { return theRequestHandlerMutex::get(); } void RequestHandler::SetDowning() { // We have the order to block all incoming requests. Framework // wants to shutdown and we have to make sure that no loading/printing // requests are executed anymore. ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetMutex() ); if ( pGlobal.is() ) pGlobal->mState = State::Downing; } void RequestHandler::EnableRequests() { // switch between just queueing the requests and executing them ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetMutex() ); if ( pGlobal.is() ) { if (pGlobal->mState != State::Downing) { pGlobal->mState = State::RequestsEnabled; } // hit the compiler over the head ProcessDocumentsRequest aEmptyReq { o3tl::optional< OUString >() }; // trigger already queued requests RequestHandler::ExecuteCmdLineRequests(aEmptyReq, true); } } bool RequestHandler::AreRequestsPending() { // Give info about pending requests ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetMutex() ); if ( pGlobal.is() ) return ( pGlobal->mnPendingRequests > 0 ); else return false; } void RequestHandler::RequestsCompleted() { // Remove nCount pending requests from our internal counter ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetMutex() ); if ( pGlobal.is() ) { if ( pGlobal->mnPendingRequests > 0 ) pGlobal->mnPendingRequests --; } } RequestHandler::Status RequestHandler::Enable(bool ipc) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( GetMutex() ); if( pGlobal.is() ) return IPC_STATUS_OK; #if !HAVE_FEATURE_DESKTOP || HAVE_FEATURE_MACOSX_SANDBOX ipc = false; #endif if (!ipc) { pGlobal = new RequestHandler; return IPC_STATUS_OK; } enum class Kind { Pipe, Dbus }; Kind kind; #if ENABLE_DBUS kind = std::getenv("LIBO_FLATPAK") != nullptr ? Kind::Dbus : Kind::Pipe; #else kind = Kind::Pipe; #endif rtl::Reference thread; Status stat = Status(); // silence bogus potentially-uninitialized warnings switch (kind) { case Kind::Pipe: stat = PipeIpcThread::enable(&thread); break; case Kind::Dbus: #if ENABLE_DBUS stat = DbusIpcThread::enable(&thread); break; #endif default: assert(false); } assert(thread.is() == (stat == IPC_STATUS_OK)); if (stat == IPC_STATUS_OK) { pGlobal = new RequestHandler; pGlobal->mIpcThread = thread; pGlobal->mIpcThread->start(pGlobal.get()); } return stat; } RequestHandler::Status PipeIpcThread::enable(rtl::Reference * thread) { assert(thread != nullptr); // The name of the named pipe is created with the hashcode of the user installation directory (without /user). We have to retrieve // this information from a unotools implementation. OUString aUserInstallPath; ::utl::Bootstrap::PathStatus aLocateResult = ::utl::Bootstrap::locateUserInstallation( aUserInstallPath ); if (aLocateResult != utl::Bootstrap::PATH_EXISTS && aLocateResult != utl::Bootstrap::PATH_VALID) { return RequestHandler::IPC_STATUS_BOOTSTRAP_ERROR; } // Try to determine if we are the first office or not! This should prevent multiple // access to the user directory ! // First we try to create our pipe if this fails we try to connect. We have to do this // in a loop because the other office can crash or shutdown between createPipe // and connectPipe!! auto aUserInstallPathHashCode = CreateMD5FromString(aUserInstallPath); // Check result to create a hash code from the user install path if ( aUserInstallPathHashCode.isEmpty() ) return RequestHandler::IPC_STATUS_BOOTSTRAP_ERROR; // Something completely broken, we cannot create a valid hash code! osl::Pipe pipe; enum PipeMode { PIPEMODE_DONTKNOW, PIPEMODE_CREATED, PIPEMODE_CONNECTED }; PipeMode nPipeMode = PIPEMODE_DONTKNOW; OUString aPipeIdent( "SingleOfficeIPC_" + aUserInstallPathHashCode ); do { osl::Security security; // Try to create pipe if ( pipe.create( aPipeIdent, osl_Pipe_CREATE, security )) { // Pipe created nPipeMode = PIPEMODE_CREATED; } else if( pipe.create( aPipeIdent, osl_Pipe_OPEN, security )) // Creation not successful, now we try to connect { osl::StreamPipe aStreamPipe(pipe.getHandle()); if (readStringFromPipe(aStreamPipe) == SEND_ARGUMENTS) { // Pipe connected to first office nPipeMode = PIPEMODE_CONNECTED; } else { // Pipe connection failed (other office exited or crashed) TimeValue tval; tval.Seconds = 0; tval.Nanosec = 500000000; salhelper::Thread::wait( tval ); } } else { oslPipeError eReason = pipe.getError(); if ((eReason == osl_Pipe_E_ConnectionRefused) || (eReason == osl_Pipe_E_invalidError)) return RequestHandler::IPC_STATUS_PIPE_ERROR; // Wait for second office to be ready TimeValue aTimeValue; aTimeValue.Seconds = 0; aTimeValue.Nanosec = 10000000; // 10ms salhelper::Thread::wait( aTimeValue ); } } while ( nPipeMode == PIPEMODE_DONTKNOW ); if ( nPipeMode == PIPEMODE_CREATED ) { // Seems we are the one and only, so create listening thread *thread = new PipeIpcThread(pipe); return RequestHandler::IPC_STATUS_OK; } else { // Seems another office is running. Pipe arguments to it and self terminate osl::StreamPipe aStreamPipe(pipe.getHandle()); OStringBuffer aArguments(ARGUMENT_PREFIX); OUString cwdUrl; if (!(utl::Bootstrap::getProcessWorkingDir(cwdUrl) && addArgument(aArguments, '1', cwdUrl))) { aArguments.append('0'); } sal_uInt32 nCount = rtl_getAppCommandArgCount(); for( sal_uInt32 i=0; i < nCount; i++ ) { rtl_getAppCommandArg( i, &aUserInstallPath.pData ); if (!addArgument(aArguments, ',', aUserInstallPath)) { return RequestHandler::IPC_STATUS_BOOTSTRAP_ERROR; } } aArguments.append('\0'); // finally, write the string onto the pipe SAL_INFO("desktop.app", "writing <" << aArguments.getStr() << ">"); sal_Int32 n = aStreamPipe.write( aArguments.getStr(), aArguments.getLength()); if (n != aArguments.getLength()) { SAL_INFO("desktop.app", "short write: " << n); return RequestHandler::IPC_STATUS_BOOTSTRAP_ERROR; } if (readStringFromPipe(aStreamPipe) != PROCESSING_DONE) { // something went wrong return RequestHandler::IPC_STATUS_BOOTSTRAP_ERROR; } return RequestHandler::IPC_STATUS_2ND_OFFICE; } } void RequestHandler::Disable() { osl::ClearableMutexGuard aMutex( GetMutex() ); if( pGlobal.is() ) { rtl::Reference< RequestHandler > handler(pGlobal); pGlobal.clear(); handler->mState = State::Downing; if (handler->mIpcThread.is()) { handler->mIpcThread->close(); } // release mutex to avoid deadlocks aMutex.clear(); handler->cReady.set(); // exit gracefully and join if (handler->mIpcThread.is()) { handler->mIpcThread->join(); handler->mIpcThread.clear(); } handler->cReady.reset(); } } RequestHandler::RequestHandler() : mState( State::Starting ), mnPendingRequests( 0 ) { } RequestHandler::~RequestHandler() { assert(!mIpcThread.is()); } void RequestHandler::SetReady(bool bIsReady) { osl::MutexGuard g(GetMutex()); if (pGlobal.is()) { if (bIsReady) pGlobal->cReady.set(); else pGlobal->cReady.reset(); } } void RequestHandler::WaitForReady() { rtl::Reference t; { osl::MutexGuard g(GetMutex()); t = pGlobal; } if (t.is()) { t->cReady.wait(); } } bool IpcThread::process(OString const & arguments, bool * waitProcessed) { assert(waitProcessed != nullptr); std::unique_ptr< CommandLineArgs > aCmdLineArgs; try { Parser p(arguments); aCmdLineArgs.reset( new CommandLineArgs( p ) ); } catch ( const CommandLineArgs::Supplier::Exception & ) { SAL_WARN("desktop.app", "Error in received command line arguments"); return false; } bool bDocRequestSent = false; OUString aUnknown( aCmdLineArgs->GetUnknown() ); if (aUnknown.isEmpty() && !aCmdLineArgs->IsHelp() && !aCmdLineArgs->IsVersion()) { const CommandLineArgs &rCurrentCmdLineArgs = Desktop::GetCommandLineArgs(); if ( aCmdLineArgs->IsQuickstart() ) { // we have to use application event, because we have to start quickstart service in main thread!! ApplicationEvent* pAppEvent = new ApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent::Type::QuickStart); ImplPostForeignAppEvent( pAppEvent ); } // handle request for acceptor std::vector< OUString > const & accept = aCmdLineArgs->GetAccept(); for (auto const& elem : accept) { ApplicationEvent* pAppEvent = new ApplicationEvent( ApplicationEvent::Type::Accept, elem); ImplPostForeignAppEvent( pAppEvent ); } // handle acceptor removal std::vector< OUString > const & unaccept = aCmdLineArgs->GetUnaccept(); for (auto const& elem : unaccept) { ApplicationEvent* pAppEvent = new ApplicationEvent( ApplicationEvent::Type::Unaccept, elem); ImplPostForeignAppEvent( pAppEvent ); } std::unique_ptr pRequest(new ProcessDocumentsRequest( aCmdLineArgs->getCwdUrl())); m_handler->cProcessed.reset(); pRequest->pcProcessed = &m_handler->cProcessed; m_handler->mbSuccess = false; pRequest->mpbSuccess = &m_handler->mbSuccess; // Print requests are not dependent on the --invisible cmdline argument as they are // loaded with the "hidden" flag! So they are always checked. pRequest->aPrintList = aCmdLineArgs->GetPrintList(); bDocRequestSent |= !pRequest->aPrintList.empty(); pRequest->aPrintToList = aCmdLineArgs->GetPrintToList(); pRequest->aPrinterName = aCmdLineArgs->GetPrinterName(); bDocRequestSent |= !( pRequest->aPrintToList.empty() || pRequest->aPrinterName.isEmpty() ); pRequest->aConversionList = aCmdLineArgs->GetConversionList(); pRequest->aConversionParams = aCmdLineArgs->GetConversionParams(); pRequest->aConversionOut = aCmdLineArgs->GetConversionOut(); pRequest->aImageConversionType = aCmdLineArgs->GetImageConversionType(); pRequest->aInFilter = aCmdLineArgs->GetInFilter(); pRequest->bTextCat = aCmdLineArgs->IsTextCat(); pRequest->bScriptCat = aCmdLineArgs->IsScriptCat(); bDocRequestSent |= !pRequest->aConversionList.empty(); if ( !rCurrentCmdLineArgs.IsInvisible() ) { // Read cmdline args that can open/create documents. As they would open a window // they are only allowed if the "--invisible" is currently not used! pRequest->aOpenList = aCmdLineArgs->GetOpenList(); bDocRequestSent |= !pRequest->aOpenList.empty(); pRequest->aViewList = aCmdLineArgs->GetViewList(); bDocRequestSent |= !pRequest->aViewList.empty(); pRequest->aStartList = aCmdLineArgs->GetStartList(); bDocRequestSent |= !pRequest->aStartList.empty(); pRequest->aForceOpenList = aCmdLineArgs->GetForceOpenList(); bDocRequestSent |= !pRequest->aForceOpenList.empty(); pRequest->aForceNewList = aCmdLineArgs->GetForceNewList(); bDocRequestSent |= !pRequest->aForceNewList.empty(); // Special command line args to create an empty document for a given module // #i18338# (lo) // we only do this if no document was specified on the command line, // since this would be inconsistent with the behaviour of // the first process, see OpenClients() (call to OpenDefault()) in app.cxx if ( aCmdLineArgs->HasModuleParam() && !bDocRequestSent ) { SvtModuleOptions aOpt; SvtModuleOptions::EFactory eFactory = SvtModuleOptions::EFactory::WRITER; if ( aCmdLineArgs->IsWriter() ) eFactory = SvtModuleOptions::EFactory::WRITER; else if ( aCmdLineArgs->IsCalc() ) eFactory = SvtModuleOptions::EFactory::CALC; else if ( aCmdLineArgs->IsDraw() ) eFactory = SvtModuleOptions::EFactory::DRAW; else if ( aCmdLineArgs->IsImpress() ) eFactory = SvtModuleOptions::EFactory::IMPRESS; else if ( aCmdLineArgs->IsBase() ) eFactory = SvtModuleOptions::EFactory::DATABASE; else if ( aCmdLineArgs->IsMath() ) eFactory = SvtModuleOptions::EFactory::MATH; else if ( aCmdLineArgs->IsGlobal() ) eFactory = SvtModuleOptions::EFactory::WRITERGLOBAL; else if ( aCmdLineArgs->IsWeb() ) eFactory = SvtModuleOptions::EFactory::WRITERWEB; if ( !pRequest->aOpenList.empty() ) pRequest->aModule = aOpt.GetFactoryName( eFactory ); else pRequest->aOpenList.push_back( aOpt.GetFactoryEmptyDocumentURL( eFactory ) ); bDocRequestSent = true; } } if ( !aCmdLineArgs->IsQuickstart() ) { bool bShowHelp = false; OUStringBuffer aHelpURLBuffer; if (aCmdLineArgs->IsHelpWriter()) { bShowHelp = true; aHelpURLBuffer.append("vnd.sun.star.help://swriter/start"); } else if (aCmdLineArgs->IsHelpCalc()) { bShowHelp = true; aHelpURLBuffer.append("vnd.sun.star.help://scalc/start"); } else if (aCmdLineArgs->IsHelpDraw()) { bShowHelp = true; aHelpURLBuffer.append("vnd.sun.star.help://sdraw/start"); } else if (aCmdLineArgs->IsHelpImpress()) { bShowHelp = true; aHelpURLBuffer.append("vnd.sun.star.help://simpress/start"); } else if (aCmdLineArgs->IsHelpBase()) { bShowHelp = true; aHelpURLBuffer.append("vnd.sun.star.help://sdatabase/start"); } else if (aCmdLineArgs->IsHelpBasic()) { bShowHelp = true; aHelpURLBuffer.append("vnd.sun.star.help://sbasic/start"); } else if (aCmdLineArgs->IsHelpMath()) { bShowHelp = true; aHelpURLBuffer.append("vnd.sun.star.help://smath/start"); } if (bShowHelp) { aHelpURLBuffer.append("?Language="); aHelpURLBuffer.append(utl::ConfigManager::getUILocale()); #if defined UNX aHelpURLBuffer.append("&System=UNX"); #elif defined WNT aHelpURLBuffer.append("&System=WIN"); #endif ApplicationEvent* pAppEvent = new ApplicationEvent( ApplicationEvent::Type::OpenHelpUrl, aHelpURLBuffer.makeStringAndClear()); ImplPostForeignAppEvent( pAppEvent ); } } if ( bDocRequestSent ) { // Send requests to dispatch watcher if we have at least one. The receiver // is responsible to delete the request after processing it. if ( aCmdLineArgs->HasModuleParam() ) { SvtModuleOptions aOpt; // Support command line parameters to start a module (as preselection) if ( aCmdLineArgs->IsWriter() && aOpt.IsModuleInstalled( SvtModuleOptions::EModule::WRITER ) ) pRequest->aModule = aOpt.GetFactoryName( SvtModuleOptions::EFactory::WRITER ); else if ( aCmdLineArgs->IsCalc() && aOpt.IsModuleInstalled( SvtModuleOptions::EModule::CALC ) ) pRequest->aModule = aOpt.GetFactoryName( SvtModuleOptions::EFactory::CALC ); else if ( aCmdLineArgs->IsImpress() && aOpt.IsModuleInstalled( SvtModuleOptions::EModule::IMPRESS ) ) pRequest->aModule= aOpt.GetFactoryName( SvtModuleOptions::EFactory::IMPRESS ); else if ( aCmdLineArgs->IsDraw() && aOpt.IsModuleInstalled( SvtModuleOptions::EModule::DRAW ) ) pRequest->aModule= aOpt.GetFactoryName( SvtModuleOptions::EFactory::DRAW ); } ImplPostProcessDocumentsEvent( std::move(pRequest) ); } else { // delete not used request again pRequest.reset(); } if (aCmdLineArgs->IsEmpty()) { // no document was sent, just bring Office to front ApplicationEvent* pAppEvent = new ApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent::Type::Appear); ImplPostForeignAppEvent( pAppEvent ); } } *waitProcessed = bDocRequestSent; return true; } void PipeIpcThread::execute() { assert(m_handler != nullptr); do { osl::StreamPipe aStreamPipe; oslPipeError nError = pipe_.accept( aStreamPipe ); if( nError == osl_Pipe_E_None ) { // if we receive a request while the office is displaying some dialog or error during // bootstrap, that dialogs event loop might get events that are dispatched by this thread // we have to wait for cReady to be set by the real main loop. // only requests that don't dispatch events may be processed before cReady is set. m_handler->cReady.wait(); // we might have decided to shutdown while we were sleeping if (!RequestHandler::pGlobal.is()) return; // only lock the mutex when processing starts, otherwise we deadlock when the office goes // down during wait osl::ClearableMutexGuard aGuard( RequestHandler::GetMutex() ); if (m_handler->mState == RequestHandler::State::Downing) { break; } // notify client we're ready to process its args: SAL_INFO("desktop.app", "writing <" << SEND_ARGUMENTS << ">"); sal_Int32 n = aStreamPipe.write( SEND_ARGUMENTS, SAL_N_ELEMENTS(SEND_ARGUMENTS)); // incl. terminating NUL if (n != SAL_N_ELEMENTS(SEND_ARGUMENTS)) { SAL_WARN("desktop.app", "short write: " << n); continue; } OString aArguments = readStringFromPipe(aStreamPipe); // Is this a lookup message from another application? if so, ignore if (aArguments.isEmpty()) continue; bool waitProcessed = false; if (!process(aArguments, &waitProcessed)) { continue; } // we don't need the mutex any longer... aGuard.clear(); bool bSuccess = true; // wait for processing to finish if (waitProcessed) { m_handler->cProcessed.wait(); bSuccess = m_handler->mbSuccess; } if (bSuccess) { // processing finished, inform the requesting end: SAL_INFO("desktop.app", "writing <" << PROCESSING_DONE << ">"); n = aStreamPipe.write(PROCESSING_DONE, SAL_N_ELEMENTS(PROCESSING_DONE)); // incl. terminating NUL if (n != SAL_N_ELEMENTS(PROCESSING_DONE)) { SAL_WARN("desktop.app", "short write: " << n); continue; } } } else { { osl::MutexGuard aGuard( RequestHandler::GetMutex() ); if (m_handler->mState == RequestHandler::State::Downing) { break; } } SAL_WARN( "desktop.app", "Error on accept: " << static_cast(nError)); TimeValue tval; tval.Seconds = 1; tval.Nanosec = 0; salhelper::Thread::wait( tval ); } } while( schedule() ); } static void AddToDispatchList( std::vector& rDispatchList, o3tl::optional< OUString > const & cwdUrl, std::vector< OUString > const & aRequestList, DispatchWatcher::RequestType nType, const OUString& aParam, const OUString& aFactory ) { for (auto const& request : aRequestList) { rDispatchList.push_back({nType, request, cwdUrl, aParam, aFactory}); } } static void AddConversionsToDispatchList( std::vector& rDispatchList, o3tl::optional< OUString > const & cwdUrl, std::vector< OUString > const & rRequestList, const OUString& rParam, const OUString& rPrinterName, const OUString& rFactory, const OUString& rParamOut, const OUString& rImgOut, const bool isTextCat, const bool isScriptCat ) { DispatchWatcher::RequestType nType; OUString aParam( rParam ); if( !rParam.isEmpty() ) { if ( isTextCat ) nType = DispatchWatcher::REQUEST_CAT; else nType = DispatchWatcher::REQUEST_CONVERSION; aParam = rParam; } else { if ( isScriptCat ) nType = DispatchWatcher::REQUEST_SCRIPT_CAT; else { nType = DispatchWatcher::REQUEST_BATCHPRINT; aParam = rPrinterName; } } OUString aOutDir( rParamOut.trim() ); OUString aImgOut( rImgOut.trim() ); OUString aPWD; if (cwdUrl) { aPWD = *cwdUrl; } else { utl::Bootstrap::getProcessWorkingDir( aPWD ); } if( !::osl::FileBase::getAbsoluteFileURL( aPWD, rParamOut, aOutDir ) ) ::osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL( aOutDir, aOutDir ); if( !rParamOut.trim().isEmpty() ) { aParam += ";" + aOutDir; } else { ::osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL( aPWD, aPWD ); aParam += ";" + aPWD; } if( !rImgOut.trim().isEmpty() ) aParam += "|" + aImgOut; for (auto const& request : rRequestList) { rDispatchList.push_back({nType, request, cwdUrl, aParam, rFactory}); } } namespace { struct ConditionSetGuard { osl::Condition* m_pCondition; ConditionSetGuard(osl::Condition* pCondition) : m_pCondition(pCondition) {} ~ConditionSetGuard() { if (m_pCondition) m_pCondition->set(); } }; } bool RequestHandler::ExecuteCmdLineRequests( ProcessDocumentsRequest& aRequest, bool noTerminate) { // protect the dispatch list osl::ClearableMutexGuard aGuard( GetMutex() ); // ensure that Processed flag (if exists) is signaled in any outcome ConditionSetGuard aSetGuard(aRequest.pcProcessed); static std::vector aDispatchList; // Create dispatch list for dispatch watcher AddToDispatchList( aDispatchList, aRequest.aCwdUrl, aRequest.aInFilter, DispatchWatcher::REQUEST_INFILTER, "", aRequest.aModule ); AddToDispatchList( aDispatchList, aRequest.aCwdUrl, aRequest.aOpenList, DispatchWatcher::REQUEST_OPEN, "", aRequest.aModule ); AddToDispatchList( aDispatchList, aRequest.aCwdUrl, aRequest.aViewList, DispatchWatcher::REQUEST_VIEW, "", aRequest.aModule ); AddToDispatchList( aDispatchList, aRequest.aCwdUrl, aRequest.aStartList, DispatchWatcher::REQUEST_START, "", aRequest.aModule ); AddToDispatchList( aDispatchList, aRequest.aCwdUrl, aRequest.aPrintList, DispatchWatcher::REQUEST_PRINT, "", aRequest.aModule ); AddToDispatchList( aDispatchList, aRequest.aCwdUrl, aRequest.aPrintToList, DispatchWatcher::REQUEST_PRINTTO, aRequest.aPrinterName, aRequest.aModule ); AddToDispatchList( aDispatchList, aRequest.aCwdUrl, aRequest.aForceOpenList, DispatchWatcher::REQUEST_FORCEOPEN, "", aRequest.aModule ); AddToDispatchList( aDispatchList, aRequest.aCwdUrl, aRequest.aForceNewList, DispatchWatcher::REQUEST_FORCENEW, "", aRequest.aModule ); AddConversionsToDispatchList( aDispatchList, aRequest.aCwdUrl, aRequest.aConversionList, aRequest.aConversionParams, aRequest.aPrinterName, aRequest.aModule, aRequest.aConversionOut, aRequest.aImageConversionType, aRequest.bTextCat, aRequest.bScriptCat ); bool bShutdown( false ); if ( pGlobal.is() ) { if( ! pGlobal->AreRequestsEnabled() ) { // Either starting, or downing - do not process the request, just try to bring Office to front ApplicationEvent* pAppEvent = new ApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent::Type::Appear); ImplPostForeignAppEvent(pAppEvent); return bShutdown; } pGlobal->mnPendingRequests += aDispatchList.size(); if ( !pGlobal->mpDispatchWatcher.is() ) { pGlobal->mpDispatchWatcher = new DispatchWatcher; } rtl::Reference dispatchWatcher( pGlobal->mpDispatchWatcher); // copy for execute std::vector aTempList; aTempList.swap( aDispatchList ); aGuard.clear(); // Execute dispatch requests bShutdown = dispatchWatcher->executeDispatchRequests( aTempList, noTerminate); if (aRequest.mpbSuccess) *aRequest.mpbSuccess = true; // signal that we have actually succeeded } return bShutdown; } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */