# This is an OS specific configuration file # It assumes that OBJDIR, TARGET and DEBUG are previously defined. # It defines CFLAGS, LDARGS, CPPFLAGS, STARTUPFILE, LDOBJS # It augments SRC, OBJDIR, TARGET, CFLAGS, LDLIBS # OSRELEASE *= ibm - := $(SWITCHAR) # Memory model to compile for # set to s - small, m - medium, c - compact, l - large # Use only large model now. MODEL = l STARTUPFILE = $(OS)/startup.mk CPPFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) LDOBJS = $(CSTARTUP) $(OBJDIR)/{$(<:f)} LDARGS = $(LDHEAD) @$(LDTMPOBJ),$(TARGET),NUL.MAP,,$(LDTAIL) LDTAIL = $(_libs)$(LDFLAGS:s/ //) _libs = $(!null,$(LDLIBS) ,@$(LDTMPLIB)) LDTMPOBJ = $(mktmp,,$(DIVFILE) $(LDOBJS:s,/,\\,:t"+\n")\n) LDTMPLIB = $(mktmp,,$(DIVFILE) $(LDLIBS)\n) # Debug flags DB_CFLAGS = -DDBUG DB_LDFLAGS = DB_LDLIBS = # NO Debug flags NDB_CFLAGS = NDB_LDFLAGS = NDB_LDLIBS = # Local configuration modifications for CFLAGS. CFLAGS += $-I$(OS) # OS2 does not have a swap version. The operating system will # handle all swapping. # To save copying unchanged files in from elsewhere, I shall use them in situ. OS_SRC += ruletab.c dchdir.c switchar.c DOS_SRC += dirbrk.c arlib.c dstrlwr.c runargv.c rmprq.c SRC += $(OS_SRC) $(DOS_SRC) .SETDIR=$(OS) : $(ASRC) $(OS_SRC) .SETDIR=msdos : $(DOS_SRC) # Set source dirs so that we can find files named in this # config file. .SOURCE.h : $(OS) # See if we modify anything in the lower levels. .IF $(OSRELEASE) != $(NULL) .INCLUDE .IGNORE : $(OS)$(DIRSEPSTR)$(OSRELEASE)$(DIRSEPSTR)config.mk .END