/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; // IOleObject COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::SetClientSite( IOleClientSite* pSite ) { m_pClientSite = pSite; return S_OK; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::GetClientSite( IOleClientSite** pSite ) { *pSite = m_pClientSite; return S_OK; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::SetHostNames( LPCOLESTR szContainerApp, LPCOLESTR szContainerObj ) { // the code should be ignored for links if ( !m_aFileName.getLength() ) { m_pDocHolder->setTitle(OUString(o3tl::toU(szContainerObj))); m_pDocHolder->setContainerName(OUString(o3tl::toU(szContainerApp))); } return S_OK; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::Close( DWORD dwSaveOption ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if ( m_pDocHolder->HasFrame() ) { if ( dwSaveOption == 2 && m_aFileName.getLength() ) { // ask the user about saving if ( m_pDocHolder->ExecuteSuspendCloseFrame() ) { m_pDocHolder->CloseDocument(); return S_OK; } else return OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED; } if ( dwSaveOption != 1 ) hr = SaveObject(); // ADVF_DATAONSTOP); m_pDocHolder->CloseFrame(); OLENotifyDeactivation(); } m_pDocHolder->FreeOffice(); m_pDocHolder->CloseDocument(); OLENotifyClosing(); return hr; } HRESULT EmbedDocument_Impl::OLENotifyClosing() { AdviseSinkHashMap aAHM(m_aAdviseHashMap); for (auto const& advise : aAHM) { if (advise.second) advise.second->OnClose(); } return S_OK; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::SetMoniker( DWORD /*dwWhichMoniker*/, IMoniker * /*pmk*/ ) { return E_NOTIMPL; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::GetMoniker( DWORD /*dwAssign*/, DWORD /*dwWhichMoniker*/, IMoniker ** /*ppmk*/ ) { return E_NOTIMPL; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::InitFromData( IDataObject * /*pDataObject*/, BOOL /*fCreation*/, DWORD /*dwReserved*/ ) { return E_NOTIMPL; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::GetClipboardData( DWORD /*dwReserved*/, IDataObject ** /*ppDataObject*/ ) { return E_NOTIMPL; } /** * Well, this is a not so very inefficient way to deliver * */ COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::DoVerb( LONG iVerb, LPMSG, IOleClientSite *pActiveSite, LONG, HWND, LPCRECT ) { // no locking is used since the OLE must use the same thread always if ( m_bIsInVerbHandling ) return OLEOBJ_S_CANNOT_DOVERB_NOW; // an object can not handle any Verbs in Hands off mode if ( m_pMasterStorage == nullptr || m_pOwnStream == nullptr ) return OLE_E_CANT_BINDTOSOURCE; BooleanGuard_Impl aGuard( m_bIsInVerbHandling ); if ( iVerb == OLEIVERB_PRIMARY ) { if ( m_aFileName.getLength() ) { // that should be a link iVerb = OLEIVERB_OPEN; } else iVerb = OLEIVERB_SHOW; } try { switch(iVerb) { case OLEIVERB_DISCARDUNDOSTATE: // free any undostate? break; case OLEIVERB_INPLACEACTIVATE: OSL_ENSURE(m_pDocHolder,"no document for inplace activation"); return m_pDocHolder->InPlaceActivate(pActiveSite,FALSE); case OLEIVERB_UIACTIVATE: OSL_ENSURE(m_pDocHolder,"no document for inplace activation"); return m_pDocHolder->InPlaceActivate(pActiveSite,TRUE); case OLEIVERB_PRIMARY: case OLEIVERB_SHOW: OSL_ENSURE(m_pDocHolder,"no document for inplace activation"); if(m_pDocHolder->isActive()) return NOERROR; //Already active if(SUCCEEDED( m_pDocHolder->InPlaceActivate( pActiveSite,TRUE))) return NOERROR; [[fallthrough]]; case OLEIVERB_OPEN: OSL_ENSURE(m_pDocHolder,"no document to open"); // the commented code could be useful in case // outer window would be resized depending from inner one // RECTL aEmbArea; // m_pDocHolder->GetVisArea( &aEmbArea ); // m_pDocHolder->show(); // m_pDocHolder->SetVisArea( &aEmbArea ); if(m_pDocHolder->isActive()) { m_pDocHolder->InPlaceDeactivate(); m_pDocHolder->DisableInplaceActivation(true); } SIZEL aEmbSize; m_pDocHolder->GetExtent( &aEmbSize ); m_pDocHolder->show(); m_pDocHolder->resizeWin( aEmbSize ); if ( m_pClientSite ) m_pClientSite->OnShowWindow( TRUE ); notify(); break; case OLEIVERB_HIDE: OSL_ENSURE(m_pDocHolder,"no document to hide"); if(m_pDocHolder->isActive()) m_pDocHolder->InPlaceDeactivate(); else { m_pDocHolder->hide(); if( m_pClientSite ) m_pClientSite->OnShowWindow(FALSE); } break; default: break; } } catch( const uno::Exception& ) { return OLEOBJ_S_CANNOT_DOVERB_NOW; } return NOERROR; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::EnumVerbs( IEnumOLEVERB ** /*ppEnumOleVerb*/ ) { return OLE_S_USEREG; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::Update() { return S_OK; // HRESULT hr = CACHE_E_NOCACHE_UPDATED; // return hr; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::IsUpToDate() { return S_OK; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::GetUserClassID( CLSID *pClsid ) { return GetClassID( pClsid ); } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::GetUserType( DWORD /*dwFormOfTypeUe*/, LPOLESTR * /*pszUserType*/ ) { return OLE_S_USEREG; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::SetExtent( DWORD /*dwDrawAspect*/, SIZEL *psizel ) { if ( !psizel ) return E_FAIL; m_pDocHolder->SetExtent( psizel ); return S_OK; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::GetExtent( DWORD /*dwDrawAspect*/, SIZEL * psizel ) { if ( !psizel ) return E_INVALIDARG; if ( FAILED( m_pDocHolder->GetExtent( psizel ) ) ) { // return default values psizel->cx = 500; psizel->cy = 500; } return S_OK; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::Advise( IAdviseSink *pAdvSink, DWORD *pdwConnection ) { if ( m_nAdviseNum == 0xFFFFFFFF ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; pAdvSink->AddRef(); m_aAdviseHashMap.insert( std::pair< DWORD, IAdviseSink* >( m_nAdviseNum, pAdvSink ) ); *pdwConnection = m_nAdviseNum++; return S_OK; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::Unadvise( DWORD dwConnection ) { auto iAdvise = m_aAdviseHashMap.find( dwConnection ); if ( iAdvise != m_aAdviseHashMap.end() ) { iAdvise->second->Release(); m_aAdviseHashMap.erase( iAdvise ); } else return OLE_E_NOCONNECTION; return S_OK; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::EnumAdvise( IEnumSTATDATA ** /*ppenumAdvise*/ ) { return E_NOTIMPL; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::GetMiscStatus( DWORD /*dwAspect*/, DWORD * /*pdwStatus*/ ) { return OLE_S_USEREG; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::SetColorScheme( LOGPALETTE * /*pLogpal*/ ) { return E_NOTIMPL; } // IDispatch COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::GetTypeInfoCount(unsigned int* pctinfo) { if ( m_pDocHolder->GetIDispatch() ) return m_pDocHolder->GetIDispatch()->GetTypeInfoCount( pctinfo ); return E_NOTIMPL; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::GetTypeInfo(unsigned int iTInfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo** ppTInfo) { if ( m_pDocHolder->GetIDispatch() ) return m_pDocHolder->GetIDispatch()->GetTypeInfo( iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo ); return DISP_E_BADINDEX; // the only error that can be returned } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::GetIDsOfNames( REFIID riid, OLECHAR** rgszNames, unsigned int cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID* rgDispId ) { if ( m_pDocHolder->GetIDispatch() ) return m_pDocHolder->GetIDispatch()->GetIDsOfNames( riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId ); for ( unsigned int ind = 0; ind < cNames; ind++ ) rgDispId[ind] = DISPID_UNKNOWN; return DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME; } COM_DECLSPEC_NOTHROW STDMETHODIMP EmbedDocument_Impl::Invoke( DISPID dispIdMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS* pDispParams, VARIANT* pVarResult, EXCEPINFO* pExcepInfo, unsigned int* puArgErr ) { if ( m_pDocHolder->GetIDispatch() ) return m_pDocHolder->GetIDispatch()->Invoke( dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr ); return DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; } // IExternalConnection DWORD STDMETHODCALLTYPE EmbedDocument_Impl::AddConnection( DWORD , DWORD ) { return AddRef(); } DWORD STDMETHODCALLTYPE EmbedDocument_Impl::ReleaseConnection( DWORD , DWORD , BOOL ) { return Release(); } // C++ - methods HRESULT EmbedDocument_Impl::SaveObject() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if(m_pClientSite) { hr = m_pClientSite->SaveObject(); for (auto const& advise : m_aAdviseHashMap) if (advise.second) advise.second->OnSave(); } else if ( m_aFileName.getLength() && IsDirty() == S_OK ) { OUString aPreservFileName = m_aFileName; // in case of links the containers does not provide client site sometimes hr = Save( static_cast(nullptr), FALSE ); // triggers saving to the link location SaveCompleted(o3tl::toW(aPreservFileName.getStr())); } notify( false ); return hr; } HRESULT EmbedDocument_Impl::ShowObject() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if(m_pClientSite) hr = m_pClientSite->ShowObject(); return hr; } void EmbedDocument_Impl::notify( bool bDataChanged ) { for (auto const& advise : m_aAdviseHashMap) if (advise.second) advise.second->OnViewChange( DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1 ); if ( m_pDAdviseHolder && bDataChanged ) m_pDAdviseHolder->SendOnDataChange( static_cast(this), 0, 0 ); } void EmbedDocument_Impl::Deactivate() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if ( m_pDocHolder->HasFrame() ) { hr = SaveObject(); m_pDocHolder->CloseFrame(); OLENotifyDeactivation(); } } HRESULT EmbedDocument_Impl::OLENotifyDeactivation() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if ( m_pClientSite ) hr = m_pClientSite->OnShowWindow( FALSE ); return hr; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */