/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "emfiodllapi.h" namespace emfio { /* [MS-EMF] - v20210625 - pages 43, 107 */ enum class RegionMode : sal_uInt32 { RGN_AND = 0x01, RGN_OR = 0x02, RGN_XOR = 0x03, RGN_DIFF = 0x04, RGN_COPY = 0x05 }; /* [MS-EMF] - v20210625 - pages 40, 198 */ enum class BackgroundMode : sal_uInt32 { NONE = 0, Transparent = 1, OPAQUE = 2, }; /* [MS-EMF] - v20210625 - pages 40, 210 */ /* xform stuff */ enum class ModifyWorldTransformMode : sal_uInt32 { MWT_IDENTITY = 0x01, MWT_LEFTMULTIPLY = 0x02, MWT_RIGHTMULTIPLY = 0x03, MWT_SET = 0x04 }; constexpr sal_uInt32 ENHMETA_STOCK_OBJECT = 0x80000000; /* [MS-EMF] - v20210625 - pages 44, 45, 182 */ /* Stock Logical Objects */ enum class StockObject : sal_uInt32 { WHITE_BRUSH = 0, LTGRAY_BRUSH = 1, GRAY_BRUSH = 2, DKGRAY_BRUSH = 3, BLACK_BRUSH = 4, NULL_BRUSH = 5, WHITE_PEN = 6, BLACK_PEN = 7, NULL_PEN = 8, ANSI_FIXED_FONT = 11, ANSI_VAR_FONT = 12, SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT = 16 }; /* Note: This enum is incomplete compared to the specification */ /* [MS-WMF] - v20210625 - pages 25-26 */ enum class WMFRasterOp : sal_uInt16 { NONE = 0, Black = 1, Not = 6, XorPen = 7, Nop = 11, CopyPen = 13 }; /* Note: We have MapMode elsewhere, so we use MappingMode instead */ /* [MS-EMF] - v20210625 - pages 38-50, 202 */ /* Mapping modes */ enum MappingMode : sal_uInt32 { MM_TEXT = 0x01, MM_LOMETRIC = 0x02, MM_HIMETRIC = 0x03, MM_LOENGLISH = 0x04, MM_HIENGLISH = 0x05, MM_TWIPS = 0x06, MM_ISOTROPIC = 0x07, MM_ANISOTROPIC = 0x08 }; /* Note: No type is specified, but 32-bit unsigned is used to provide * to match the number of bits in the binary literal, and also the * previous definition of SetGfxMode() and GetGfxMode() functions */ /* [MS-EMF] - v20210625 - pages 35 */ /* Graphics modes */ enum class GraphicsMode : sal_uInt32 { GM_COMPATIBLE = 0x00000001, GM_ADVANCED = 0x00000002 } ; /* [MS-WMF] - v20210625 - pages 46 */ /* StretchBlt() modes */ enum class StretchMode : sal_uInt16 { BLACKONWHITE = 0x0001, WHITEONBLACK = 0x0002, COLORONCOLOR = 0x0003, HALFTONE = 0x0004, STRETCH_ANDSCANS = BLACKONWHITE, STRETCH_ORSCANS = WHITEONBLACK, STRETCH_DELETESCANS = COLORONCOLOR }; constexpr sal_Int32 LF_FACESIZE = 32; struct LOGFONTW { sal_Int32 lfHeight; sal_Int32 lfWidth; sal_Int32 lfEscapement; sal_Int32 lfOrientation; sal_Int32 lfWeight; sal_uInt8 lfItalic; sal_uInt8 lfUnderline; sal_uInt8 lfStrikeOut; sal_uInt8 lfCharSet; sal_uInt8 lfOutPrecision; sal_uInt8 lfClipPrecision; sal_uInt8 lfQuality; sal_uInt8 lfPitchAndFamily; OUString alfFaceName; LOGFONTW() : lfHeight(0) , lfWidth(0) , lfEscapement(0) , lfOrientation(0) , lfWeight(0) , lfItalic(0) , lfUnderline(0) , lfStrikeOut(0) , lfCharSet(0) , lfOutPrecision(0) , lfClipPrecision(0) , lfQuality(0) , lfPitchAndFamily(0) { } }; /* [MS-WMF] - v20210625 - pages 153 */ enum TextAlignmentMode : sal_uInt16 { TA_NOUPDATECP = 0x0000, TA_UPDATECP = 0x0001, TA_LEFT = 0x0000, TA_RIGHT = 0x0002, TA_CENTER = 0x0006, TA_RIGHT_CENTER = (TA_RIGHT | TA_CENTER), TA_TOP = 0x0000, TA_BOTTOM = 0x0008, // In [MS-WMF], TA_BASELINE value is wrong. // It is 0x0018 and it should be 0x0010. TA_BASELINE = 0x0010, TA_RTLREADING = 0x0100 }; /* Note: This enum is incomplete compared to the specification */ /* [MS-EMF] - v20210625 - pages 47-50, 126 */ /* Ternary raster operations */ enum TernaryRasterOperation : sal_uInt32 { SRCCOPY = 0x00CC0020L, SRCPAINT = 0x00EE0086L, SRCAND = 0x008800C6L, SRCINVERT = 0x00660046L, SRCERASE = 0x00440328L, PATCOPY = 0x00F00021L, PATINVERT = 0x005A0049L, BLACKNESS = 0x00000042L, WHITENESS = 0x00FF0062L }; /* [MS-EMF] - v20210625 - pages 40, 41, 65 */ enum PenStyle : sal_uInt32 { PS_COSMETIC = 0x00000000, PS_SOLID = 0x00000000, PS_DASH = 0x00000001, PS_DOT = 0x00000002, PS_DASHDOT = 0x00000003, PS_DASHDOTDOT = 0x00000004, PS_NULL = 0x00000005, PS_INSIDEFRAME = 0x00000006, PS_USERSTYLE = 0x00000007, PS_ALTERNATE = 0x00000008, PS_STYLE_MASK = 0x0000000F, PS_ENDCAP_ROUND = 0x00000000, PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE = 0x00000100, PS_ENDCAP_FLAT = 0x00000200, PS_ENDCAP_STYLE_MASK = 0x00000F00, PS_JOIN_ROUND = 0x00000000, PS_JOIN_BEVEL = 0x00001000, PS_JOIN_MITER = 0x00002000, PS_JOIN_STYLE_MASK = 0x0000F000, PS_GEOMETRIC = 0x00010000 }; /* [MS-WMF] - v20210625 - pages 30, 82 */ /* Character Sets */ enum CharacterSet : sal_uInt8 { ANSI_CHARSET = 0x00000000, DEFAULT_CHARSET = 0x00000001, SYMBOL_CHARSET = 0x00000002, SHIFTJIS_CHARSET = 0x00000080, HANGUL_CHARSET = 0x00000081, GB2312_CHARSET = 0x00000086, CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET = 0x00000088, OEM_CHARSET = 0x000000FF, /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */ MAC_CHARSET = 0x0000004D, JOHAB_CHARSET = 0x00000082, GREEK_CHARSET = 0x000000A1, TURKISH_CHARSET = 0x000000A2, VIETNAMESE_CHARSET = 0x000000A3, HEBREW_CHARSET = 0x000000B1, ARABIC_CHARSET = 0x000000B2, BALTIC_CHARSET = 0x000000BA, RUSSIAN_CHARSET = 0x000000CC, THAI_CHARSET = 0x000000DE, EASTEUROPE_CHARSET = 0x000000EE }; /* Note: This enum is incomplete compared to the specification */ /* [MS-EMF] - v20210625 - pages 32, 283 */ enum ExtTextOutOptions : sal_uInt32 { ETO_OPAQUE = 0x0002, ETO_CLIPPED = 0x0004, /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */ ETO_GLYPH_INDEX = 0x0010, ETO_RTLREADING = 0x0080, /* _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 */ ETO_NO_RECT = 0x0100, ETO_PDY = 0x2000 }; /* [MS-WMF] - v20210625 - pages 44, 96 */ /* This is packed into a byte as 2 bits */ enum PitchFont : sal_uInt8 { DEFAULT_PITCH = 0, FIXED_PITCH = 1, VARIABLE_PITCH = 2 }; /* [MS-WMF] - v20210625 - pages 33, */ enum FamilyFont : sal_uInt8 { FF_DONTCARE = 0x00, FF_ROMAN = 0x01, FF_SWISS = 0x02, FF_MODERN = 0x03, FF_SCRIPT = 0x04, FF_DECORATIVE = 0x05 }; enum WeightFont { FW_THIN = 100, FW_EXTRALIGHT = 200, FW_LIGHT = 300, FW_NORMAL = 400, FW_MEDIUM = 500, FW_SEMIBOLD = 600, FW_BOLD = 700, FW_EXTRABOLD = 800, FW_ULTRALIGHT = 200, FW_ULTRABOLD = 800, FW_BLACK = 900 }; /* [MS-WMF] - v20210625 - pages 29, 30, 182 */ enum class BrushStyle : sal_uInt16 { BS_SOLID = 0, BS_NULL = 1, BS_HOLLOW = 1, BS_HATCHED = 2, BS_PATTERN = 3, BS_INDEXED = 4, BS_DIBPATTERN = 5, BS_DIBPATTERNPT = 6, BS_PATTERN8X8 = 7, BS_DIBPATTERN8X8 = 8, BS_MONOPATTERN = 9 }; constexpr sal_Int32 RDH_RECTANGLES = 1; constexpr sal_Int32 W_MFCOMMENT = 15; constexpr sal_Int32 PRIVATE_ESCAPE_UNICODE = 2; //Scalar constants constexpr sal_Int32 UNDOCUMENTED_WIN_RCL_RELATION = 32; constexpr sal_Int32 MS_FIXPOINT_BITCOUNT_28_4 = 4; } //============================ WmfReader ================================== namespace emfio { class WinMtfClipPath { basegfx::utils::B2DClipState maClip; public: WinMtfClipPath() : maClip() {}; void setClipPath(const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon&, RegionMode nClippingMode); void intersectClip(const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon); void excludeClip(const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon); void moveClipRegion(const Size& rSize); void setDefaultClipPath(); bool isEmpty() const { return maClip.isCleared(); } basegfx::utils::B2DClipState const & getClip() const { return maClip; } basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon const & getClipPath() const; bool operator==(const WinMtfClipPath& rPath) const { return maClip == rPath.maClip; }; }; class WinMtfPathObj : public tools::PolyPolygon { bool bClosed; public: WinMtfPathObj() : bClosed(true) {} void Init() { Clear(); bClosed = true; } void ClosePath(); void AddPoint(const Point& rPoint); void AddPolygon(const tools::Polygon& rPoly); void AddPolyLine(const tools::Polygon& rPoly); void AddPolyPolygon(const tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon); }; struct EMFIO_DLLPUBLIC GDIObj { GDIObj() = default; GDIObj(GDIObj const &) = default; virtual ~GDIObj() = default; // Polymorphic base class GDIObj & operator =(GDIObj const &) = default; }; struct EMFIO_DLLPUBLIC WinMtfFontStyle final : GDIObj { vcl::Font aFont; explicit WinMtfFontStyle(LOGFONTW const & rLogFont); }; enum class WinMtfFillStyleType { Solid, Pattern }; struct WinMtfFillStyle final : GDIObj { Color aFillColor; bool bTransparent; WinMtfFillStyleType aType; Bitmap aBmp; WinMtfFillStyle() : aFillColor(COL_BLACK) , bTransparent(false) , aType(WinMtfFillStyleType::Solid) {} WinMtfFillStyle(const Color& rColor, bool bTrans = false) : aFillColor(rColor) , bTransparent(bTrans) , aType(WinMtfFillStyleType::Solid) {} explicit WinMtfFillStyle(Bitmap const & rBmp) : bTransparent(false) , aType(WinMtfFillStyleType::Pattern) , aBmp(rBmp) {} bool operator==(const WinMtfFillStyle& rStyle) const { return aFillColor == rStyle.aFillColor && bTransparent == rStyle.bTransparent && aType == rStyle.aType; } }; struct WinMtfPalette final : GDIObj { std::vector< Color > aPaletteColors; WinMtfPalette() : aPaletteColors(std::vector< Color >{}) {} WinMtfPalette(const std::vector< Color > rPaletteColors) : aPaletteColors(rPaletteColors) {} }; struct WinMtfLineStyle final : GDIObj { Color aLineColor; LineInfo aLineInfo; bool bTransparent; WinMtfLineStyle() : aLineColor(COL_BLACK) , bTransparent(false) {} WinMtfLineStyle(const Color& rColor, bool bTrans = false) : aLineColor(rColor) , bTransparent(bTrans) {} WinMtfLineStyle(const Color& rColor, const sal_uInt32 nStyle, const sal_Int32 nPenWidth) : aLineColor(rColor) { // According to documentation: nStyle = PS_COSMETIC = 0x0 - line with a width of one logical unit and a style that is a solid color // tdf#140271 Based on observed behaviour the line width is not constant with PS_COSMETIC // Width 0 means default width for LineInfo (HairLine) with 1 pixel wide aLineInfo.SetWidth(nPenWidth); switch (nStyle & PS_STYLE_MASK) { case PS_DASHDOTDOT: aLineInfo.SetStyle(LineStyle::Dash); aLineInfo.SetDashCount(1); aLineInfo.SetDotCount(2); break; case PS_DASHDOT: aLineInfo.SetStyle(LineStyle::Dash); aLineInfo.SetDashCount(1); aLineInfo.SetDotCount(1); break; case PS_DOT: aLineInfo.SetStyle(LineStyle::Dash); aLineInfo.SetDashCount(0); aLineInfo.SetDotCount(1); break; case PS_DASH: aLineInfo.SetStyle(LineStyle::Dash); aLineInfo.SetDashCount(1); aLineInfo.SetDotCount(0); break; case PS_NULL: aLineInfo.SetStyle(LineStyle::NONE); break; case PS_INSIDEFRAME: // TODO Implement PS_INSIDEFRAME case PS_SOLID: default: aLineInfo.SetStyle(LineStyle::Solid); } if (nPenWidth) switch (nStyle & PS_ENDCAP_STYLE_MASK) { case PS_ENDCAP_ROUND: aLineInfo.SetLineCap(css::drawing::LineCap_ROUND); break; case PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE: aLineInfo.SetLineCap(css::drawing::LineCap_SQUARE); break; case PS_ENDCAP_FLAT: default: aLineInfo.SetLineCap(css::drawing::LineCap_BUTT); } else aLineInfo.SetLineCap(css::drawing::LineCap_BUTT); switch (nStyle & PS_JOIN_STYLE_MASK) { case PS_JOIN_ROUND: aLineInfo.SetLineJoin(basegfx::B2DLineJoin::Round); break; case PS_JOIN_BEVEL: aLineInfo.SetLineJoin(basegfx::B2DLineJoin::Bevel); break; // Undocumented but based on experiments with MS Paint and MS Word, // the default Join Style is PS_JOIN_MITER case PS_JOIN_MITER: default: aLineInfo.SetLineJoin(basegfx::B2DLineJoin::Miter); } bTransparent = aLineInfo.GetStyle() == LineStyle::NONE; } bool operator==(const WinMtfLineStyle& rStyle) const { return aLineColor == rStyle.aLineColor && bTransparent == rStyle.bTransparent && aLineInfo == rStyle.aLineInfo; } }; struct XForm { float eM11; float eM12; float eM21; float eM22; float eDx; float eDy; XForm() : eM11(1.0f) , eM12(0.0f) , eM21(0.0f) , eM22(1.0f) , eDx(0.0f) , eDy(0.0f) {} }; SvStream& operator >> (SvStream& rInStream, XForm& rXForm); struct SaveStruct { BackgroundMode nBkMode; MappingMode eMapMode; GraphicsMode eGfxMode; vcl::text::ComplexTextLayoutFlags nTextLayoutMode; sal_Int32 nWinOrgX, nWinOrgY, nWinExtX, nWinExtY; sal_Int32 nDevOrgX, nDevOrgY, nDevWidth, nDevHeight; WinMtfLineStyle aLineStyle; WinMtfFillStyle aFillStyle; vcl::Font aFont; Color aBkColor; Color aTextColor; sal_uInt32 nTextAlign; RasterOp eRasterOp; Point aActPos; WinMtfPathObj maPathObj; WinMtfClipPath maClipPath; XForm aXForm; bool bClockWiseArcDirection; bool bFillStyleSelected; }; struct BSaveStruct { BitmapEx aBmpEx; tools::Rectangle aOutRect; sal_uInt32 nWinRop; bool m_bForceAlpha = false; BSaveStruct(const Bitmap& rBmp, const tools::Rectangle& rOutRect, sal_uInt32 nRop) : aBmpEx(rBmp) , aOutRect(rOutRect) , nWinRop(nRop) {} BSaveStruct(const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const tools::Rectangle& rOutRect, sal_uInt32 nRop, bool bForceAlpha = false) : aBmpEx(rBmpEx) , aOutRect(rOutRect) , nWinRop(nRop) , m_bForceAlpha(bForceAlpha) {} }; // tdf#127471 implement detection and correction of wrongly scaled // fonts in own-written, old (before this fix) EMF/WMF files class ScaledFontDetectCorrectHelper { private: rtl::Reference maCurrentMetaFontAction; std::vector maAlternativeFontScales; std::vector, double>> maPositiveIdentifiedCases; std::vector, double>> maNegativeIdentifiedCases; public: ScaledFontDetectCorrectHelper(); void endCurrentMetaFontAction(); void newCurrentMetaFontAction(const rtl::Reference& rNewMetaFontAction); void evaluateAlternativeFontScale(OUString const & rText, tools::Long nImportedTextLength); void applyAlternativeFontScale(); }; class MtfTools { MtfTools(MtfTools const &) = delete; MtfTools& operator =(MtfTools const &) = delete; protected: WinMtfPathObj maPathObj; WinMtfClipPath maClipPath; WinMtfLineStyle maLatestLineStyle; WinMtfLineStyle maLineStyle; WinMtfLineStyle maNopLineStyle; WinMtfFillStyle maLatestFillStyle; WinMtfFillStyle maFillStyle; WinMtfFillStyle maNopFillStyle; WinMtfPalette maPalette; vcl::Font maLatestFont; vcl::Font maFont; sal_uInt32 mnLatestTextAlign; sal_uInt32 mnTextAlign; Color maLatestTextColor; Color maTextColor; Color maLatestBkColor; Color maBkColor; vcl::text::ComplexTextLayoutFlags mnLatestTextLayoutMode; vcl::text::ComplexTextLayoutFlags mnTextLayoutMode; BackgroundMode mnLatestBkMode; BackgroundMode mnBkMode; RasterOp meLatestRasterOp; RasterOp meRasterOp; std::vector< std::unique_ptr > mvGDIObj; Point maActPos; WMFRasterOp mnRop; std::vector< std::shared_ptr > mvSaveStack; GraphicsMode meGfxMode; MappingMode meMapMode; XForm maXForm; sal_Int32 mnDevOrgX; sal_Int32 mnDevOrgY; sal_Int32 mnDevWidth; sal_Int32 mnDevHeight; sal_Int32 mnWinOrgX; sal_Int32 mnWinOrgY; sal_Int32 mnWinExtX; sal_Int32 mnWinExtY; sal_Int32 mnPixX; // Reference Device in pixel sal_Int32 mnPixY; // Reference Device in pixel sal_Int32 mnMillX; // Reference Device in Mill sal_Int32 mnMillY; // Reference Device in Mill tools::Rectangle mrclFrame; tools::Rectangle mrclBounds; GDIMetaFile* mpGDIMetaFile; SvStream* mpInputStream; // the WMF/EMF file to be read sal_uInt32 mnStartPos; sal_uInt32 mnEndPos; std::vector maBmpSaveList; // tdf#127471 always try to detect - only used with ScaledText ScaledFontDetectCorrectHelper maScaledFontHelper; bool mbNopMode : 1; bool mbClockWiseArcDirection : 1; bool mbFillStyleSelected : 1; bool mbClipNeedsUpdate : 1; bool mbComplexClip : 1; bool mbIsMapWinSet : 1; bool mbIsMapDevSet : 1; void UpdateLineStyle(); void UpdateFillStyle(); Point ImplMap(const Point& rPt); Point ImplScale(const Point& rPt); Size ImplMap(const Size& rSize, bool bDoWorldTransform = true); tools::Rectangle ImplMap(const tools::Rectangle& rRectangle); void ImplMap(vcl::Font& rFont); tools::Polygon& ImplMap(tools::Polygon& rPolygon); tools::PolyPolygon& ImplMap(tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon); void ImplScale(tools::Polygon& rPolygon); tools::PolyPolygon& ImplScale(tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon); void ImplResizeObjectArry(sal_uInt32 nNewEntry); void ImplSetNonPersistentLineColorTransparenz(); void ImplDrawClippedPolyPolygon(const tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly); void ImplDrawBitmap(const Point& rPos, const Size& rSize, const BitmapEx& rBitmap); public: void SetDevByWin(); //Hack to set varying defaults for incompletely defined files. void SetDevOrg(const Point& rPoint); void SetDevOrgOffset(sal_Int32 nXAdd, sal_Int32 nYAdd); void SetDevExt(const Size& rSize, bool regular = true); void ScaleDevExt(double fX, double fY); void SetWinOrg(const Point& rPoint, bool bIsEMF = false); Point GetWinOrg() { return Point(mnWinOrgX, mnWinOrgY); } void SetWinOrgOffset(sal_Int32 nX, sal_Int32 nY); void SetWinExt(const Size& rSize, bool bIsEMF = false); void ScaleWinExt(double fX, double fY); void SetrclBounds(const tools::Rectangle& rRect); void SetrclFrame(const tools::Rectangle& rRect); void SetRefPix(const Size& rSize); void SetRefMill(const Size& rSize); void SetMapMode(MappingMode mnMapMode); void SetWorldTransform(const XForm& rXForm); void ModifyWorldTransform(const XForm& rXForm, ModifyWorldTransformMode nMode); void Push(); void Pop( const sal_Int32 nSavedDC = -1 ); WMFRasterOp SetRasterOp(WMFRasterOp nRasterOp); void StrokeAndFillPath(bool bStroke, bool bFill); void SetArcDirection(bool bCounterClockWise); bool IsArcDirectionClockWise() { return mbClockWiseArcDirection; }; void SetGfxMode(GraphicsMode nGfxMode) { meGfxMode = nGfxMode; }; GraphicsMode GetGfxMode() const { return meGfxMode; }; void SetBkMode(BackgroundMode nMode); void SetBkColor(const Color& rColor); void SetTextColor(const Color& rColor); void SetTextAlign(sal_uInt32 nAlign); void CreateObject(std::unique_ptr pObject); void CreateObjectIndexed(sal_uInt32 nIndex, std::unique_ptr pObject); void CreateObject(); void DeleteObject(sal_uInt32 nIndex); void SelectObject(sal_uInt32 nIndex); rtl_TextEncoding GetCharSet() const { return maFont.GetCharSet(); }; const vcl::Font& GetFont() const { return maFont; } void SetTextLayoutMode(vcl::text::ComplexTextLayoutFlags nLayoutMode); void ClearPath() { maPathObj.Init(); }; void ClosePath() { maPathObj.ClosePath(); }; const tools::PolyPolygon& GetPathObj() const { return maPathObj; }; void MoveTo(const Point& rPoint, bool bRecordPath = false); void LineTo(const Point& rPoint, bool bRecordPath = false); void DrawPixel(const Point& rSource, const Color& rColor); void DrawRect(const tools::Rectangle& rRect, bool bEdge = true); void DrawRectWithBGColor(const tools::Rectangle& rRect); void DrawRoundRect(const tools::Rectangle& rRect, const Size& rSize); void DrawEllipse(const tools::Rectangle& rRect); void DrawArc( const tools::Rectangle& rRect, const Point& rStartAngle, const Point& rEndAngle, bool bDrawTo = false ); void DrawPie( const tools::Rectangle& rRect, const Point& rStartAngle, const Point& rEndAngle ); void DrawChord( const tools::Rectangle& rRect, const Point& rStartAngle, const Point& rEndAngle ); void DrawPolygon(tools::Polygon rPolygon, bool bRecordPath); void DrawPolyPolygon(tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon, bool bRecordPath = false); void DrawPolyLine(tools::Polygon rPolygon, bool bDrawTo = false, bool bRecordPath = false ); void DrawPolyBezier(tools::Polygon rPolygon, bool bDrawTo, bool bRecordPath ); void DrawText(Point& rPosition, OUString const & rString, KernArray* pDXArry = nullptr, tools::Long* pDYArry = nullptr, bool bRecordPath = false, GraphicsMode nGraphicsMode = GraphicsMode::GM_COMPATIBLE); void ResolveBitmapActions(std::vector& rSaveList); void IntersectClipRect(const tools::Rectangle& rRect); void ExcludeClipRect(const tools::Rectangle& rRect); void MoveClipRegion(const Size& rSize); void SetClipPath( const tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, RegionMode nClippingMode, bool bIsMapped ); void SetDefaultClipPath(); void UpdateClipRegion(); void AddFromGDIMetaFile(GDIMetaFile& rGDIMetaFile); void PassEMFPlus(void const * pBuffer, sal_uInt32 nLength); void PassEMFPlusHeaderInfo(); Color ReadColor(); explicit MtfTools(GDIMetaFile& rGDIMetaFile, SvStream& rStreamWMF); ~MtfTools() COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE; }; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */ ption value='libreoffice-4-0-0'>libreoffice-4-0-0 LibreOffice 核心代码仓库文档基金会
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