/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
 * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
 * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
 * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
 * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
 * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
 * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XServiceInfo.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XInitialization.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XSingleServiceFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/registry/XRegistryKey.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XIntrospection.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/MethodConcept.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/XEventAttacher2.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/XTypeConverter.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/XAllListener.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/XInvocationAdapterFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/reflection/XIdlReflection.hpp>

// InvocationToAllListenerMapper
#include <com/sun/star/script/XInvocation.hpp>
#include <cppuhelper/weak.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/factory.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/implbase3.hxx>

using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace com::sun::star::registry;
using namespace com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace com::sun::star::script;
using namespace com::sun::star::reflection;
using namespace cppu;
using namespace osl;

using ::rtl::OUString;

#define SERVICENAME "com.sun.star.script.EventAttacher"
#define IMPLNAME    "com.sun.star.comp.EventAttacher"

namespace comp_EventAttacher {

//  class InvocationToAllListenerMapper
//  helper class to map XInvocation to XAllListener
class InvocationToAllListenerMapper : public WeakImplHelper1< XInvocation >
    InvocationToAllListenerMapper( const Reference< XIdlClass >& ListenerType,
        const Reference< XAllListener >& AllListener, const Any& Helper );

    // XInvocation
    virtual Reference< XIntrospectionAccess > SAL_CALL getIntrospection(void) throw( RuntimeException );
    virtual Any SAL_CALL invoke(const OUString& FunctionName, const Sequence< Any >& Params, Sequence< sal_Int16 >& OutParamIndex, Sequence< Any >& OutParam)
        throw( IllegalArgumentException, CannotConvertException, InvocationTargetException, RuntimeException );
    virtual void SAL_CALL setValue(const OUString& PropertyName, const Any& Value)
        throw( UnknownPropertyException, CannotConvertException, InvocationTargetException, RuntimeException );
    virtual Any SAL_CALL getValue(const OUString& PropertyName) throw( UnknownPropertyException, RuntimeException );
    virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasMethod(const OUString& Name) throw( RuntimeException );
    virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasProperty(const OUString& Name) throw( RuntimeException );

    Reference< XIdlReflection >  m_xCoreReflection;
    Reference< XAllListener >    m_xAllListener;
    Reference< XIdlClass >       m_xListenerType;
    Any                          m_Helper;

// Function to replace AllListenerAdapterService::createAllListerAdapter
Reference< XInterface > createAllListenerAdapter
    const Reference< XInvocationAdapterFactory >& xInvocationAdapterFactory,
    const Reference< XIdlClass >& xListenerType,
    const Reference< XAllListener >& xListener,
    const Any& Helper
    Reference< XInterface > xAdapter;
    if( xInvocationAdapterFactory.is() && xListenerType.is() && xListener.is() )
       Reference< XInvocation > xInvocationToAllListenerMapper =
            (XInvocation*)new InvocationToAllListenerMapper( xListenerType, xListener, Helper );
        Type aListenerType( xListenerType->getTypeClass(), xListenerType->getName());
        xAdapter = xInvocationAdapterFactory->createAdapter( xInvocationToAllListenerMapper, aListenerType );
    return xAdapter;

// InvocationToAllListenerMapper
    ( const Reference< XIdlClass >& ListenerType, const Reference< XAllListener >& AllListener, const Any& Helper )
        : m_xAllListener( AllListener )
        , m_xListenerType( ListenerType )
        , m_Helper( Helper )

Reference< XIntrospectionAccess > SAL_CALL InvocationToAllListenerMapper::getIntrospection(void)
    throw( RuntimeException )
    return Reference< XIntrospectionAccess >();

Any SAL_CALL InvocationToAllListenerMapper::invoke(const OUString& FunctionName, const Sequence< Any >& Params,
    Sequence< sal_Int16 >& , Sequence< Any >& )
        throw( IllegalArgumentException, CannotConvertException,
        InvocationTargetException, RuntimeException )
    Any aRet;

    // Check if to firing or approveFiring has to be called
    Reference< XIdlMethod > xMethod = m_xListenerType->getMethod( FunctionName );
    sal_Bool bApproveFiring = sal_False;
    if( !xMethod.is() )
        return aRet;
    Reference< XIdlClass > xReturnType = xMethod->getReturnType();
    Sequence< Reference< XIdlClass > > aExceptionSeq = xMethod->getExceptionTypes();
    if( ( xReturnType.is() && xReturnType->getTypeClass() != TypeClass_VOID ) ||
        aExceptionSeq.getLength() > 0 )
        bApproveFiring = sal_True;
        Sequence< ParamInfo > aParamSeq = xMethod->getParameterInfos();
        sal_uInt32 nParamCount = aParamSeq.getLength();
        if( nParamCount > 1 )
            const ParamInfo* pInfos = aParamSeq.getConstArray();
            for( sal_uInt32 i = 0 ; i < nParamCount ; i++ )
                if( pInfos[ i ].aMode != ParamMode_IN )
                    bApproveFiring = sal_True;

    AllEventObject aAllEvent;
    aAllEvent.Source = (OWeakObject*) this;
    aAllEvent.Helper = m_Helper;
    aAllEvent.ListenerType = Type(m_xListenerType->getTypeClass(), m_xListenerType->getName());
    aAllEvent.MethodName = FunctionName;
    aAllEvent.Arguments = Params;
    if( bApproveFiring )
        aRet = m_xAllListener->approveFiring( aAllEvent );
        m_xAllListener->firing( aAllEvent );
    return aRet;

void SAL_CALL InvocationToAllListenerMapper::setValue(const OUString& , const Any& )
    throw( UnknownPropertyException, CannotConvertException,
           InvocationTargetException, RuntimeException )

Any SAL_CALL InvocationToAllListenerMapper::getValue(const OUString& )
    throw( UnknownPropertyException, RuntimeException )
    return Any();

sal_Bool SAL_CALL InvocationToAllListenerMapper::hasMethod(const OUString& Name)
    throw( RuntimeException )
    Reference< XIdlMethod > xMethod = m_xListenerType->getMethod( Name );
    return xMethod.is();

sal_Bool SAL_CALL InvocationToAllListenerMapper::hasProperty(const OUString& Name)
    throw( RuntimeException )
    Reference< XIdlField > xField = m_xListenerType->getField( Name );
    return xField.is();

//  class EventAttacherImpl
//  represents an implementation of the EventAttacher service
class EventAttacherImpl : public WeakImplHelper3 < XEventAttacher2, XInitialization, XServiceInfo >
    EventAttacherImpl( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& );

    // XServiceInfo
    virtual OUString SAL_CALL getImplementationName(  ) throw(RuntimeException);
    virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL supportsService( const OUString& ServiceName ) throw(RuntimeException);
    virtual Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL getSupportedServiceNames(  ) throw(RuntimeException);
    static OUString SAL_CALL getImplementationName_Static(  );
    static Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL getSupportedServiceNames_Static(  );

    // XInitialization
    virtual void SAL_CALL initialize( const Sequence< Any >& aArguments )
        throw( Exception, RuntimeException);

    // Methoden von XEventAttacher
    virtual Reference< XEventListener > SAL_CALL attachListener(const Reference< XInterface >& xObject,
            const Reference< XAllListener >& AllListener, const Any& Helper,
            const OUString& ListenerType, const OUString& AddListenerParam)
        throw( IllegalArgumentException, ServiceNotRegisteredException, CannotCreateAdapterException, IntrospectionException, RuntimeException );
    virtual Reference< XEventListener > SAL_CALL attachSingleEventListener(const Reference< XInterface >& xObject,
            const Reference< XAllListener >& AllListener, const Any& Helper,
            const OUString& ListenerType, const OUString& AddListenerParam,
            const OUString& EventMethod)
        throw( IllegalArgumentException, ServiceNotRegisteredException, CannotCreateAdapterException, IntrospectionException, RuntimeException );
    virtual void SAL_CALL removeListener(const Reference< XInterface >& xObject,
            const OUString& ListenerType, const OUString& AddListenerParam,
            const Reference< XEventListener >& aToRemoveListener)
        throw( IllegalArgumentException, IntrospectionException, RuntimeException );

    // XEventAttacher2
    virtual Sequence< Reference<XEventListener> > SAL_CALL attachMultipleEventListeners(
        const Reference<XInterface>& xObject, const Sequence<com::sun::star::script::EventListener>& aListeners )
            throw( IllegalArgumentException, ServiceNotRegisteredException, CannotCreateAdapterException, IntrospectionException, RuntimeException );

    // used by FilterAllListener_Impl
    Reference< XTypeConverter > getConverter() throw( Exception );

    friend class FilterAllListenerImpl;

    Reference<XEventListener> attachListenerForTarget(
        const Reference<XIntrospectionAccess>& xAccess,
        const Reference<XInvocationAdapterFactory>& xInvocationAdapterFactory,
        const Reference<XAllListener>& xAllListener,
        const Any& aObject,
        const Any& aHelper,
        const OUString& aListenerType,
        const OUString& aAddListenerParam );

    Sequence< Reference<XEventListener> > attachListeners(
        const Reference<XInterface>& xObject,
        const Sequence< Reference<XAllListener> >& AllListeners,
        const Sequence<com::sun::star::script::EventListener>& aListeners );

    Mutex                               m_aMutex;
    Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >   m_xSMgr;

    // Save Services
    Reference< XIntrospection >             m_xIntrospection;
    Reference< XIdlReflection >             m_xReflection;
    Reference< XTypeConverter >             m_xConverter;
    Reference< XInvocationAdapterFactory >  m_xInvocationAdapterFactory;

    // needed services
    Reference< XIntrospection >             getIntrospection() throw( Exception );
    Reference< XIdlReflection >             getReflection() throw( Exception );
    Reference< XInvocationAdapterFactory >  getInvocationAdapterService() throw( Exception );

EventAttacherImpl::EventAttacherImpl( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& rSMgr )
    : m_xSMgr( rSMgr )


Reference< XInterface > SAL_CALL EventAttacherImpl_CreateInstance( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& rSMgr ) throw( Exception )
    Reference< XInterface > xRet;
    XEventAttacher *pEventAttacher = (XEventAttacher*) new EventAttacherImpl(rSMgr);

    if (pEventAttacher)
        xRet = Reference<XInterface>::query(pEventAttacher);

    return xRet;

OUString SAL_CALL EventAttacherImpl::getImplementationName(  )

sal_Bool SAL_CALL EventAttacherImpl::supportsService( const OUString& ServiceName )
    Sequence< OUString > aSNL = getSupportedServiceNames();
    const OUString * pArray = aSNL.getArray();
    for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < aSNL.getLength(); i++ )
        if( pArray[i] == ServiceName )
            return sal_True;
    return sal_False;

Sequence<OUString> SAL_CALL EventAttacherImpl::getSupportedServiceNames(  )
    return getSupportedServiceNames_Static();

Sequence<OUString> SAL_CALL EventAttacherImpl::getSupportedServiceNames_Static(  )
    return Sequence< OUString >( &aStr, 1 );

void SAL_CALL EventAttacherImpl::initialize(const Sequence< Any >& Arguments) throw( Exception, RuntimeException )
    // get services from the argument list
    const Any * pArray = Arguments.getConstArray();
    for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < Arguments.getLength(); i++ )
        if( pArray[i].getValueType().getTypeClass() != TypeClass_INTERFACE )
            throw IllegalArgumentException();

        // InvocationAdapter service ?
        Reference< XInvocationAdapterFactory > xALAS;
        pArray[i] >>= xALAS;
        if( xALAS.is() )
            Guard< Mutex > aGuard( m_aMutex );
            m_xInvocationAdapterFactory = xALAS;
        // Introspection service ?
        Reference< XIntrospection > xI;
        pArray[i] >>= xI;
        if( xI.is() )
            Guard< Mutex > aGuard( m_aMutex );
            m_xIntrospection = xI;
        // Reflection service ?
        Reference< XIdlReflection > xIdlR;
        pArray[i] >>= xIdlR;
        if( xIdlR.is() )
            Guard< Mutex > aGuard( m_aMutex );
            m_xReflection = xIdlR;
        // Converter Service ?
        Reference< XTypeConverter > xC;
        pArray[i] >>= xC;
        if( xC.is() )
            Guard< Mutex > aGuard( m_aMutex );
            m_xConverter = xC;

        // no right interface
        if( !xALAS.is() && !xI.is() && !xIdlR.is() && !xC.is() )
            throw IllegalArgumentException();

//*** Private helper methods ***
Reference< XIntrospection > EventAttacherImpl::getIntrospection() throw( Exception )
    Guard< Mutex > aGuard( m_aMutex );
    if( !m_xIntrospection.is() )
        Reference< XInterface > xIFace( m_xSMgr->createInstance( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.beans.Introspection")) ) );
        m_xIntrospection = Reference< XIntrospection >( xIFace, UNO_QUERY );
    return m_xIntrospection;

//*** Private helper methods ***
Reference< XIdlReflection > EventAttacherImpl::getReflection() throw( Exception )
    Guard< Mutex > aGuard( m_aMutex );
    if( !m_xReflection.is() )
        Reference< XInterface > xIFace( m_xSMgr->createInstance( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.reflection.CoreReflection")) ) );
        m_xReflection = Reference< XIdlReflection >( xIFace, UNO_QUERY);
    return m_xReflection;

//*** Private helper methods ***
Reference< XInvocationAdapterFactory > EventAttacherImpl::getInvocationAdapterService() throw( Exception )
    Guard< Mutex > aGuard( m_aMutex );
    if( !m_xInvocationAdapterFactory.is() )
        Reference< XInterface > xIFace( m_xSMgr->createInstance( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.script.InvocationAdapterFactory")) ) );
        m_xInvocationAdapterFactory = Reference< XInvocationAdapterFactory >( xIFace, UNO_QUERY );
    return m_xInvocationAdapterFactory;

//*** Private helper methods ***
Reference< XTypeConverter > EventAttacherImpl::getConverter() throw( Exception )
    Guard< Mutex > aGuard( m_aMutex );
    if( !m_xConverter.is() )
        Reference< XInterface > xIFace( m_xSMgr->createInstance( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.script.Converter")) ) );
        m_xConverter = Reference< XTypeConverter >( xIFace, UNO_QUERY );
    return m_xConverter;

// Implementation of an EventAttacher-related AllListeners, which brings
// a few Events to a general AllListener
class FilterAllListenerImpl : public WeakImplHelper1< XAllListener  >
    FilterAllListenerImpl( EventAttacherImpl * pEA_, const OUString& EventMethod_,
                           const Reference< XAllListener >& AllListener_ );

    // XAllListener
    virtual void SAL_CALL firing(const AllEventObject& Event) throw( RuntimeException );
    virtual Any SAL_CALL approveFiring(const AllEventObject& Event) throw( InvocationTargetException, RuntimeException );

    // XEventListener
    virtual void SAL_CALL disposing(const EventObject& Source) throw( RuntimeException );

    // convert
    void convertToEventReturn( Any & rRet, const Type& rRetType )
            throw( CannotConvertException );

    EventAttacherImpl *         m_pEA;
    Reference< XInterface >     m_xEAHold;
    OUString                    m_EventMethod;
    Reference< XAllListener >   m_AllListener;

FilterAllListenerImpl::FilterAllListenerImpl( EventAttacherImpl * pEA_, const OUString& EventMethod_,
                                              const Reference< XAllListener >& AllListener_ )
        : m_pEA( pEA_ )
        , m_xEAHold( *pEA_ )
        , m_EventMethod( EventMethod_ )
        , m_AllListener( AllListener_ )

void SAL_CALL FilterAllListenerImpl::firing(const AllEventObject& Event)
    throw( RuntimeException )
    if( Event.MethodName == m_EventMethod && m_AllListener.is() )
        m_AllListener->firing( Event );

// Convert to the standard event return
void FilterAllListenerImpl::convertToEventReturn( Any & rRet, const Type & rRetType )
    throw( CannotConvertException )
    // no return value? Set to the specified values
    if( rRet.getValueType().getTypeClass() == TypeClass_VOID )
        switch( rRetType.getTypeClass()  )
            case TypeClass_INTERFACE:
                rRet <<= Reference< XInterface >();

            case TypeClass_BOOLEAN:
                rRet <<= sal_True;

            case TypeClass_STRING:
                rRet <<= OUString();

            case TypeClass_FLOAT:           rRet <<= float(0);  break;
            case TypeClass_DOUBLE:          rRet <<= double(0.0);   break;
            case TypeClass_BYTE:            rRet <<= sal_uInt8( 0 );    break;
            case TypeClass_SHORT:           rRet <<= sal_Int16( 0 );    break;
            case TypeClass_LONG:            rRet <<= sal_Int32( 0 );    break;
            case TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT:  rRet <<= sal_uInt16( 0 );   break;
            case TypeClass_UNSIGNED_LONG:   rRet <<= sal_uInt32( 0 );   break;
    else if( !rRet.getValueType().equals( rRetType ) )
        Reference< XTypeConverter > xConverter = m_pEA->getConverter();
        if( xConverter.is() )
            rRet = xConverter->convertTo( rRet, rRetType );
            throw CannotConvertException(); // TODO TypeConversionException

Any SAL_CALL FilterAllListenerImpl::approveFiring( const AllEventObject& Event )
    throw( InvocationTargetException, RuntimeException )
    Any aRet;

    if( Event.MethodName == m_EventMethod && m_AllListener.is() )
        aRet = m_AllListener->approveFiring( Event );
        // Convert to the standard event return
            Reference< XIdlClass > xListenerType = m_pEA->getReflection()->
                        forName( Event.ListenerType.getTypeName() );
            Reference< XIdlMethod > xMeth = xListenerType->getMethod( Event.MethodName );
            if( xMeth.is() )
                Reference< XIdlClass > xRetType = xMeth->getReturnType();
                Type aRetType( xRetType->getTypeClass(), xRetType->getName() );
                convertToEventReturn( aRet, aRetType );
        catch( const CannotConvertException& e )
            throw InvocationTargetException( OUString(), Reference< XInterface >(), Any(&e, ::getCppuType( (CannotConvertException*)0)) );
    return aRet;

void FilterAllListenerImpl::disposing(const EventObject& )
    throw( RuntimeException )
    // TODO: ???

Reference< XEventListener > EventAttacherImpl::attachListener
    const Reference< XInterface >& xObject,
    const Reference< XAllListener >& AllListener,
    const Any& Helper,
    const OUString& ListenerType,
    const OUString& AddListenerParam
    throw( IllegalArgumentException, ServiceNotRegisteredException, CannotCreateAdapterException, IntrospectionException, RuntimeException )
    if( !xObject.is() || !AllListener.is() )
        throw IllegalArgumentException();

    Reference< XInvocationAdapterFactory > xInvocationAdapterFactory = getInvocationAdapterService();
    if( !xInvocationAdapterFactory.is() )
        throw ServiceNotRegisteredException();

    Reference< XIdlReflection > xReflection = getReflection();
    if( !xReflection.is() )
        throw ServiceNotRegisteredException();

    // Sign in, Call the fitting addListener method
    // First Introspection, as the Methods can be analyzed in the same way
    // For better perfomance it is implemented here again or make the Impl-Method
    // of the Introspection configurable for this purpose.
    Reference< XIntrospection > xIntrospection = getIntrospection();
    if( !xIntrospection.is() )
        return Reference<XEventListener>();

    // Inspect Introspection
    Any aObjAny( &xObject, ::getCppuType( (const Reference< XInterface > *)0) );

    Reference< XIntrospectionAccess > xAccess = xIntrospection->inspect( aObjAny );
    if( !xAccess.is() )
        return Reference<XEventListener>();

    return attachListenerForTarget(
        xAccess, xInvocationAdapterFactory, AllListener, aObjAny, Helper,
        ListenerType, AddListenerParam);

Reference<XEventListener> EventAttacherImpl::attachListenerForTarget(
    const Reference<XIntrospectionAccess>& xAccess,
    const Reference<XInvocationAdapterFactory>& xInvocationAdapterFactory,
    const Reference<XAllListener>& xAllListener,
    const Any& aObject,
    const Any& aHelper,
    const OUString& aListenerType,
    const OUString& aAddListenerParam)
    Reference< XEventListener > xRet = NULL;

    // Construct the name of the addListener-Method.
    sal_Int32 nIndex = aListenerType.lastIndexOf('.');
    // set index to the interface name without package name
    if( nIndex == -1 )
        // not found
        nIndex = 0;

    OUString aListenerName = (aListenerType[nIndex] == 'X') ? aListenerType.copy(nIndex+1) : aListenerType;
    OUString aAddListenerName = OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("add")) + aListenerName;

    // Send Methods to the correct addListener-Method
    Sequence< Reference< XIdlMethod > > aMethodSeq = xAccess->getMethods( MethodConcept::LISTENER );
    const Reference< XIdlMethod >* pMethods = aMethodSeq.getConstArray();
    for (sal_Int32 i = 0, n = aMethodSeq.getLength(); i < n ; ++i)
        const Reference< XIdlMethod >& rxMethod = pMethods[i];

        // Is it the correct method?
        OUString aMethName = rxMethod->getName();

        if (aAddListenerName != aMethName)

        Sequence< Reference< XIdlClass > > params = rxMethod->getParameterTypes();
        sal_uInt32 nParamCount = params.getLength();

        Reference< XIdlClass > xListenerType;
        if( nParamCount == 1 )
            xListenerType = params.getConstArray()[0];
        else if( nParamCount == 2 )
            xListenerType = params.getConstArray()[1];

        // Request Adapter for the actual Listener type
        Reference< XInterface > xAdapter = createAllListenerAdapter(
            xInvocationAdapterFactory, xListenerType, xAllListener, aHelper );

        if( !xAdapter.is() )
            throw CannotCreateAdapterException();
        xRet = Reference< XEventListener >( xAdapter, UNO_QUERY );

        // Just the Listener as parameter?
        if( nParamCount == 1 )
            Sequence< Any > args( 1 );
            args.getArray()[0] <<= xAdapter;
                rxMethod->invoke( aObject, args );
            catch( const InvocationTargetException& )
                throw IntrospectionException();
        // Else, pass the other parameter now
        else if( nParamCount == 2 )
            Sequence< Any > args( 2 );
            Any* pAnys = args.getArray();

            // Check the type of the 1st parameter
            Reference< XIdlClass > xParamClass = params.getConstArray()[0];
            if( xParamClass->getTypeClass() == TypeClass_STRING )
                pAnys[0] <<= aAddListenerParam;

            // 2nd Parameter == Listener? TODO: Test!
            pAnys[1] <<= xAdapter;

            // TODO: Convert String -> ?
            // else
                rxMethod->invoke( aObject, args );
            catch( const InvocationTargetException& )
                throw IntrospectionException();
        // else...
        // Anything else is not supported

    return xRet;

Sequence< Reference<XEventListener> > EventAttacherImpl::attachListeners(
    const Reference<XInterface>& xObject,
    const Sequence< Reference<XAllListener> >& AllListeners,
    const Sequence<com::sun::star::script::EventListener>& aListeners )
    sal_Int32 nCount = aListeners.getLength();
    if (nCount != AllListeners.getLength())
        // This is a prerequisite!
        throw RuntimeException();

    if (!xObject.is())
        throw IllegalArgumentException();

    Reference< XInvocationAdapterFactory > xInvocationAdapterFactory = getInvocationAdapterService();
    if( !xInvocationAdapterFactory.is() )
        throw ServiceNotRegisteredException();

    Reference< XIdlReflection > xReflection = getReflection();
    if( !xReflection.is() )
        throw ServiceNotRegisteredException();

    // Sign in, Call the fitting addListener method
    // First Introspection, as the Methods can be analyzed in the same way
    // For better perfomance it is implemented here again or make the Impl-Method
    // of the Introspection configurable for this purpose.
    Reference< XIntrospection > xIntrospection = getIntrospection();
    if( !xIntrospection.is() )
        return Sequence< Reference<XEventListener> >();

    // Inspect Introspection
    Any aObjAny( &xObject, ::getCppuType(static_cast<const Reference<XInterface>*>(0)) );

    Reference<XIntrospectionAccess> xAccess = xIntrospection->inspect(aObjAny);
    if (!xAccess.is())
        return Sequence< Reference<XEventListener> >();

    Sequence< Reference<XEventListener> > aRet(nCount);
    Reference<XEventListener>* pArray = aRet.getArray();

    for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
        pArray[i] = attachListenerForTarget(
            xAccess, xInvocationAdapterFactory, AllListeners[ i ],
            aObjAny, aListeners[i].Helper, aListeners[i].ListenerType, aListeners[i].AddListenerParam);

    return aRet;

// XEventAttacher
Reference< XEventListener > EventAttacherImpl::attachSingleEventListener
    const Reference< XInterface >& xObject,
    const Reference< XAllListener >& AllListener,
    const Any& Helper,
    const OUString& ListenerType,
    const OUString& AddListenerParam,
    const OUString& EventMethod
    throw( IllegalArgumentException, ServiceNotRegisteredException, CannotCreateAdapterException, IntrospectionException, RuntimeException )
    // Subscribe FilterListener
    Reference< XAllListener > aFilterListener = (XAllListener*)
        new FilterAllListenerImpl( this, EventMethod, AllListener );
    return attachListener( xObject, aFilterListener, Helper, ListenerType, AddListenerParam);

// XEventAttacher
void EventAttacherImpl::removeListener
    const Reference< XInterface >& xObject,
    const OUString& ListenerType,
    const OUString& AddListenerParam,
    const Reference< XEventListener >& aToRemoveListener
    throw( IllegalArgumentException, IntrospectionException, RuntimeException )
    if( !xObject.is() || !aToRemoveListener.is() )
        throw IllegalArgumentException();

    Reference< XIdlReflection > xReflection = getReflection();
    if( !xReflection.is() )
        throw IntrospectionException();

    // Sign off, Call the fitting removeListener method
    // First Introspection, as the Methods can be analyzed in the same way
    // For better perfomance it is implemented here again or make the Impl-Method
    // of the Introspection configurable for this purpose.
    Reference< XIntrospection > xIntrospection = getIntrospection();
    if( !xIntrospection.is() )
        throw IntrospectionException();

    //Inspect Introspection
    Any aObjAny( &xObject, ::getCppuType( (const Reference< XInterface > *)0) );
    Reference< XIntrospectionAccess > xAccess = xIntrospection->inspect( aObjAny );
    if( !xAccess.is() )
        throw IntrospectionException();

    // Create name of the removeListener-Method
    OUString aRemoveListenerName;
    OUString aListenerName( ListenerType );
    sal_Int32 nIndex = aListenerName.lastIndexOf( '.' );
    // set index to the interface name without package name
    if( nIndex == -1 )
        // not found
        nIndex = 0;
    if( aListenerName[nIndex] == 'X' )
        // erase X from the interface name
        aListenerName = aListenerName.copy( nIndex +1 );
    aRemoveListenerName = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("remove") ) + aListenerName;

    // Search methods for the correct removeListener method
    Sequence< Reference< XIdlMethod > > aMethodSeq = xAccess->getMethods( MethodConcept::LISTENER );
    sal_uInt32 i, nLen = aMethodSeq.getLength();
    const Reference< XIdlMethod >* pMethods = aMethodSeq.getConstArray();
    for( i = 0 ; i < nLen ; i++ )
        // Call Methode
        const Reference< XIdlMethod >& rxMethod = pMethods[i];

        // Is it the right method?
        if( aRemoveListenerName == rxMethod->getName() )
            Sequence< Reference< XIdlClass > > params = rxMethod->getParameterTypes();
            sal_uInt32 nParamCount = params.getLength();

            // Just the Listener as parameter?
            if( nParamCount == 1 )
                Sequence< Any > args( 1 );
                args.getArray()[0] <<= aToRemoveListener;
                    rxMethod->invoke( aObjAny, args );
                catch( const InvocationTargetException& )
                    throw IntrospectionException();
            // Else pass the other parameter
            else if( nParamCount == 2 )
                Sequence< Any > args( 2 );
                Any* pAnys = args.getArray();

                // Check the type of the 1st parameter
                Reference< XIdlClass > xParamClass = params.getConstArray()[0];
                if( xParamClass->getTypeClass() == TypeClass_STRING )
                    pAnys[0] <<= AddListenerParam;

                // 2nd parameter == Listener? TODO: Test!
                pAnys[1] <<= aToRemoveListener;

                // TODO: Convert String -> ?
                // else
                    rxMethod->invoke( aObjAny, args );
                catch( const InvocationTargetException& )
                    throw IntrospectionException();

Sequence< Reference<XEventListener> > EventAttacherImpl::attachMultipleEventListeners(
    const Reference<XInterface>& xObject, const Sequence<com::sun::star::script::EventListener>& aListeners )
        throw( IllegalArgumentException, ServiceNotRegisteredException, CannotCreateAdapterException, IntrospectionException, RuntimeException )
    sal_Int32 nCount = aListeners.getLength();
    Sequence< Reference<XAllListener> > aFilterListeners(nCount);
    for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
        aFilterListeners[i] = (XAllListener*)
            new FilterAllListenerImpl(this, aListeners[i].EventMethod, aListeners[i].AllListener);

    return attachListeners(xObject, aFilterListeners, aListeners);


extern "C"
SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT void * SAL_CALL component_getFactory(
    const sal_Char * pImplName, void * pServiceManager, void * )
    void * pRet = 0;

    if (pServiceManager && rtl_str_compare( pImplName, IMPLNAME ) == 0)
        Reference< XSingleServiceFactory > xFactory( createOneInstanceFactory(
            reinterpret_cast< XMultiServiceFactory * >( pServiceManager ),
            ::comp_EventAttacher::EventAttacherImpl::getSupportedServiceNames_Static() ) );

        if (xFactory.is())
            pRet = xFactory.get();

    return pRet;

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