/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
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 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include <svtools/roadmapwizard.hxx>
#include "addresssettings.hxx"
#include <vcl/fixed.hxx>
#include "datasourcehandling.hxx"

namespace abp

    //= OAddessBookSourcePilot
    typedef ::svt::RoadmapWizard OAddessBookSourcePilot_Base;
    class OAddessBookSourcePilot : public OAddessBookSourcePilot_Base
        ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext >
        AddressSettings         m_aSettings;

        ODataSource             m_aNewDataSource;
        AddressSourceType       m_eNewDataSourceType;

        /// ctor
            Window* _pParent,
            const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext >& _rxORB);
        /// dtor

        /// get the service factory which was used to create the dialog
        const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext >&
                                getORB() { return m_xORB; }
        AddressSettings&        getSettings() { return m_aSettings; }
        const AddressSettings&  getSettings() const { return m_aSettings; }

        const ODataSource&      getDataSource() const { return m_aNewDataSource; }

        sal_Bool                connectToDataSource( sal_Bool _bForceReConnect );

        void                    travelNext( ) { OAddessBookSourcePilot_Base::travelNext(); }

        /// to be called when the selected type changed
        void                    typeSelectionChanged( AddressSourceType _eType );

        // OWizardMachine overridables
        virtual ::svt::OWizardPage* createPage( WizardState _nState );
        virtual void                enterState( WizardState _nState );
        virtual sal_Bool            prepareLeaveCurrentState( CommitPageReason _eReason );
        virtual sal_Bool            onFinish();

        // RoadmapWizard
        virtual String              getStateDisplayName( WizardState _nState ) const;

        virtual sal_Bool    Close();

        DECL_LINK( OnCancelClicked, void* );

        /** creates a new data source of the type indicated by m_aSettings
            <p>If another data source has been created before, this one is deleted.</p>
        void implCreateDataSource();

        /// does an automatic field mapping (possible for all types except AST_OTHER)
        void implDoAutoFieldMapping();

        /// guesses a default for the table name, if no valid table is selected
        void implDefaultTableName();

        inline sal_Bool needAdminInvokationPage( AddressSourceType _eType ) const
            return  (   ( AST_LDAP == _eType )
                    ||  ( AST_OTHER == _eType )
        /// check if with the current settings, we would need to invoke he administration dialog for more details about the data source
        inline sal_Bool needAdminInvokationPage() const
            return  needAdminInvokationPage( m_aSettings.eType );

        inline sal_Bool needManualFieldMapping( AddressSourceType _eType ) const
            return  ( AST_OTHER == _eType ) || ( AST_KAB == _eType ) ||
                    ( AST_EVOLUTION == _eType ) || ( AST_EVOLUTION_GROUPWISE == _eType ) ||
                    ( AST_EVOLUTION_LDAP == _eType );
        /// checks if we need a manual (user-guided) field mapping
        inline sal_Bool needManualFieldMapping() const
            return needManualFieldMapping( m_aSettings.eType );

        /// determines whether the given address book type does provide one table only
        inline bool needTableSelection( AddressSourceType _eType ) const
            return  ( AST_LDAP != _eType ) && ( AST_KAB != _eType );

        inline bool needTableSelection() const
            return needTableSelection( m_aSettings.eType );

        void implCleanup();
        void implCommitAll();

        void impl_updateRoadmap( AddressSourceType _eType );

}   // namespace abp


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