/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_extensions.hxx" #ifdef OS2 #define UNIX #endif #ifdef UNIX #define XP_UNIX 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif //end of UNIX #ifdef WNT #define _WINDOWS #pragma warning (push,1) #pragma warning (disable:4668) #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma warning (pop) #endif //end of WNT #include #include #include #include "boost/scoped_array.hpp" #include "tools/pathutils.hxx" //http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=82545 //https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=241262 #ifdef UNIX # ifndef _UINT32 # if defined(__alpha) || defined(__LP64__) typedef unsigned int uint32; # else /* __alpha */ typedef unsigned long uint32; # endif # define _UINT32 # endif # ifndef _INT32 # if defined(__alpha) || defined(__LP64__) typedef int int32; # else /* __alpha */ typedef long int32; # endif # define _INT32 # endif #endif #include "npapi.h" #include "npshell.hxx" #include "so_env.hxx" #include "so_msg.hxx" #include "ns_debug.hxx" #include "nsp_func.hxx" #include /*********************************************************************** * * Implementations of plugin API functions * ***********************************************************************/ static NSP_Mute_Obj send_lock = NSP_New_Mute_Obj(); static NSP_PIPE_FD write_fd = 0; long int NSP_WriteToPipe(NSP_PIPE_FD fp, void* buf, unsigned long int len) { unsigned long int len_unix = 0, len_wnt = 0; len_unix = NSP_Write_Pipe(fp, buf, len, &len_wnt); #ifdef UNIX (void)len_wnt; return len_unix; #endif //end of UNIX #ifdef WNT return len_wnt; #endif //end of WNT } #ifdef UNIX static pid_t nChildPID = 0; #endif #define MY_LENGTH(s) (sizeof (s) / sizeof *(s) - 1) #define MY_STRING(s) (s), MY_LENGTH(s) #if defined WNT namespace { bool extendEnvironment( boost::scoped_array< WCHAR > * environment, WCHAR const * pathBegin, WCHAR const * pathEnd) { WCHAR ure[MAX_PATH]; if (tools::buildPath(ure, pathBegin, pathEnd, MY_STRING(L"\\ure-link")) == NULL) { return false; } WCHAR * ureEnd = tools::resolveLink(ure); if (ureEnd == NULL) { return false; } ureEnd = tools::buildPath(ure, ure, ureEnd, MY_STRING(L"\\bin")); if (ureEnd == NULL) { return false; } WCHAR const * env = GetEnvironmentStringsW(); if (env == NULL) { return false; } WCHAR const * p = env; WCHAR const * p1 = NULL; while (*p != L'\0') { size_t n = wcslen(p); if (p1 == NULL && n >= MY_LENGTH(L"PATH=") && (p[0] == L'P' || p[0] == L'p') && (p[1] == L'A' || p[1] == L'a') && (p[2] == L'T' || p[2] == L't') && (p[3] == L'H' || p[3] == L'h') && p[4] == L'=') { p1 = p + MY_LENGTH(L"PATH="); //TODO: check whether the ure path is already present in PATH (at // the beginning of PATH?) } p += n + 1; } ++p; if (p1 == NULL) { environment->reset( new WCHAR[MY_LENGTH(L"PATH=") + (ureEnd - ure) + 1 + (p - env)]); //TODO: overflow memcpy(environment->get(), MY_STRING(L"PATH=") * sizeof (WCHAR)); memcpy( environment->get() + MY_LENGTH(L"PATH="), ure, ((ureEnd - ure) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR)); memcpy( environment->get() + MY_LENGTH(L"PATH=") + (ureEnd - ure) + 1, env, (p - env) * sizeof (WCHAR)); } else { environment->reset( new WCHAR[(p - env) + (ureEnd - ure) + MY_LENGTH(L";")]); //TODO: overflow memcpy(environment->get(), env, (p1 - env) * sizeof (WCHAR)); memcpy( environment->get() + (p1 - env), ure, (ureEnd - ure) * sizeof (WCHAR)); environment->get()[(p1 - env) + (ureEnd - ure)] = L';'; memcpy( environment->get() + (p1 - env) + (ureEnd - ure) + 1, p1, (p - p1) * sizeof (WCHAR)); } return true; } } #endif // start nspluin executable in child process, and use pipe to talk with it int do_init_pipe() { debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "enter do_init_pipe 1\n"); NSP_PIPE_FD fd[2]; if( 0 != NSP_Inherited_Pipe(fd) ) return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR; write_fd = fd[1]; // write fd #ifdef UNIX // the parent process will wait for the child process in NPP_Shutdown code nChildPID = fork(); if( ! nChildPID ) // child process #endif //end of UNIX { #ifdef UNIX char s_read_fd[16] = {0}; char s_write_fd[16] = {0}; sprintf(s_read_fd, "%d", fd[0]); sprintf(s_write_fd, "%d", fd[1]); char const * instdir = findInstallDir(); boost::scoped_array< char > exepath( new char[strlen(instdir) + RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH("/basis-link/program/nsplugin") + 1]); sprintf(exepath.get(), "%s/basis-link/program/nsplugin", instdir); char const * progdir = findProgramDir(); boost::scoped_array< char > inifilepath( new char[ RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH( "-env:INIFILENAME=vnd.sun.star.pathname:") + strlen(progdir) + RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH("/redirectrc") + 1]); //TODO: overflow sprintf( inifilepath.get(), "-env:INIFILENAME=vnd.sun.star.pathname:%s/redirectrc", progdir); execl( exepath.get(), exepath.get(), s_read_fd, s_write_fd, inifilepath.get(), progdir, NULL); _exit(255); #endif //end of UNIX #ifdef WNT WCHAR s_read_fd[16] = {0}; WCHAR s_write_fd[16] = {0}; wsprintfW(s_read_fd, L"%d", fd[0]); wsprintfW(s_write_fd, L"%d", fd[1]); WCHAR brand[MAX_PATH]; int brandLen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, findInstallDir(), -1, brand, MAX_PATH); //TODO: conversion errors if (brandLen == 0) { return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR; } WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; if (tools::buildPath( path, brand, brand + brandLen - 1, MY_STRING(L"\\basis-link")) == NULL) { return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR; } WCHAR * pathEnd = tools::resolveLink(path); if (pathEnd == NULL) { return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR; } boost::scoped_array< WCHAR > env; if (!extendEnvironment(&env, path, pathEnd)) { return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR; } pathEnd = tools::buildPath( path, path, pathEnd, MY_STRING(L"\\program")); if (pathEnd == NULL) { return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR; } WCHAR exe[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR * exeEnd = tools::buildPath( exe, path, pathEnd, MY_STRING(L"\\nsplugin.exe")); if (exeEnd == NULL) { return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR; } WCHAR * brandEnd = tools::buildPath( brand, brand, brand + brandLen - 1, MY_STRING(L"\\program\\redirect.ini")); if (brandEnd == NULL) { return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR; } boost::scoped_array< WCHAR > args( new WCHAR[ MY_LENGTH(L"\"") + (exeEnd - exe) + MY_LENGTH(L"\" ") + wcslen(s_read_fd) + MY_LENGTH(L" ") + wcslen(s_write_fd) + MY_LENGTH(L" \"-env:INIFILENAME=vnd.sun.star.pathname:") + (brandEnd - brand) + MY_LENGTH(L"\"") + 1]); //TODO: overflow wsprintfW( args.get(), L"\"%s\" %s %s \"-env:INIFILENAME=vnd.sun.star.pathname:%s\"", exe, s_read_fd, s_write_fd, brand); STARTUPINFOW NSP_StarInfo; memset((void*) &NSP_StarInfo, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFOW)); NSP_StarInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOW); PROCESS_INFORMATION NSP_ProcessInfo; memset((void*)&NSP_ProcessInfo, 0, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION)); if(!CreateProcessW( exe, args.get(), NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW | CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, env.get(), path, &NSP_StarInfo, &NSP_ProcessInfo)) { DWORD Err = GetLastError(); (void)Err; } #endif //end of WNT } NSP_Close_Pipe(fd[0]); return NPERR_NO_ERROR; } bool sendMsg( PLUGIN_MSG* pMsg, size_t len, int iEnsure) { NSP_Lock_Mute_Obj(send_lock); size_t len_w = 0; debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "try to send message type:%d; len: %d\n", pMsg->msg_id, len); /* debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "NSPlugin Message: msg_id:%d; instance_id:%d; wnd_id:%d;wnd_x:%d;wnd_y:%d;wnd_w:%d;wnd_h:%d; url:%s\n", pMsg->msg_id, pMsg->instance_id, pMsg->wnd_id, pMsg->wnd_x, pMsg->wnd_y, pMsg->wnd_w, pMsg->wnd_h, pMsg->url);*/ len_w = NSP_WriteToPipe(write_fd, (void*) pMsg, len); if (len_w != len){ if(errno == EPIPE) // If pipe breaks, then init pipe again and resend the msg { if(iEnsure){ debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "send message error, plugin exec need to be restart\n"); NSP_Close_Pipe(write_fd); do_init_pipe(); len_w = NSP_WriteToPipe(write_fd, (void*) pMsg, len); } } else if(errno == EINTR) // If interrupted by signal, then continue to send { long new_len; debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "send message error, send intrrupted by singal, resend again\n"); new_len = NSP_WriteToPipe(write_fd, (char*)pMsg+len_w, len-len_w); len_w = len_w + new_len; } else // else return error { debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "send message error :%s.\n", strerror(errno)); len_w = 0; } } NSP_Unlock_Mute_Obj(send_lock); debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "send message success!\n"); return len_w == len; } extern "C" { char* pMimeTypes = const_cast< char* >( "application/vnd.stardivision.calc:sdc:StarCalc 3.0 - 5.0;" "application/vnd.stardivision.chart:sds:StarChart 3.0 - 5.0;" "application/vnd.stardivision.draw:sda:StarDraw 3.0 - 5.0;" "application/vnd.stardivision.impress:sdd:StarImpress 3.0 - 5.0;" "application/vnd.stardivision.impress-packed:sdp:StarImpress-packed 3.0 - 5.0;" "application/vnd.stardivision.math:smf:StarMath 3.0 - 5.0;" "application/vnd.stardivision.writer:vor:StarWriter Template 3.0 - 5.0;" "application/vnd.stardivision.writer-global:sgl:StarWriter Global 3.0 - 5.0;" "application/vnd.staroffice.writer:sdw:StarWriter 3.0 - 5.0;" MIMETYPE_VND_SUN_XML_CALC_ASCII ":sxc:StarOffice 6.0/7 Spreadsheet;" MIMETYPE_VND_SUN_XML_CALC_TEMPLATE_ASCII":stc:StarOffice 6.0/7 Spreadsheet Template;" MIMETYPE_VND_SUN_XML_DRAW_ASCII ":sxd:StarOffice 6.0/7 Drawing;" MIMETYPE_VND_SUN_XML_DRAW_TEMPLATE_ASCII ":std:StarOffice 6.0/7 Drawing Template;" MIMETYPE_VND_SUN_XML_IMPRESS_ASCII ":sxi:StarOffice 6.0/7 Presentation;" MIMETYPE_VND_SUN_XML_IMPRESS_TEMPLATE_ASCII ":sti:StarOffice 6.0/7 Presentation Template;" MIMETYPE_VND_SUN_XML_MATH_ASCII ":sxm:StarOffice 6.0/7 Formula;" MIMETYPE_VND_SUN_XML_WRITER_ASCII ":sxw:StarOffice 6.0/7 Text Document;" MIMETYPE_VND_SUN_XML_WRITER_GLOBAL_ASCII ":sxg:StarOffice 6.0/7 Master Document;" MIMETYPE_VND_SUN_XML_WRITER_TEMPLATE_ASCII ":stw:StarOffice 6.0/7 Text Document Template;" MIMETYPE_OASIS_OPENDOCUMENT_TEXT_ASCII ":odt:OpenDocument Text;" MIMETYPE_OASIS_OPENDOCUMENT_TEXT_TEMPLATE_ASCII ":ott:OpenDocument Text Template;" MIMETYPE_OASIS_OPENDOCUMENT_TEXT_GLOBAL_ASCII ":odm:OpenDocument Master Document;" MIMETYPE_OASIS_OPENDOCUMENT_TEXT_WEB_ASCII ":oth:HTML Document Template;" MIMETYPE_OASIS_OPENDOCUMENT_SPREADSHEET_ASCII ":ods:OpenDocument Spreadsheet;" MIMETYPE_OASIS_OPENDOCUMENT_SPREADSHEET_TEMPLATE_ASCII ":ots:OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template;" MIMETYPE_OASIS_OPENDOCUMENT_DRAWING_ASCII ":odg:OpenDocument Drawing;" MIMETYPE_OASIS_OPENDOCUMENT_DRAWING_TEMPLATE_ASCII ":otg:OpenDocument Drawing Template;" MIMETYPE_OASIS_OPENDOCUMENT_PRESENTATION_ASCII ":odp:OpenDocument Presentation;" MIMETYPE_OASIS_OPENDOCUMENT_PRESENTATION_TEMPLATE_ASCII ":otp:OpenDocument Presentation Template;" MIMETYPE_OASIS_OPENDOCUMENT_FORMULA_ASCII ":odf:OpenDocument Formula;" ); char* NPP_GetMIMEDescription(void) { debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "print by Netscape Plugin, NPP_GetMIMEDescription:%s.\n", pMimeTypes); return(pMimeTypes); } #ifdef UNIX NPError // I am not actually sure wrt this, it ast least compiles with external // npapi.h now... NPP_GetValue(NPP /*instance*/, NPPVariable variable, void *value) { NPError err = NPERR_NO_ERROR; switch (variable) { case NPPVpluginNameString: // add here, for dynamic productname *((char **)value) = NSP_getPluginName(); break; case NPPVpluginDescriptionString: // add here, for dynamic product description *((char **)value) = NSP_getPluginDesc(); break; default: err = NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR; } debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "print by Netscape Plugin, NPP_GetValue return %d.\n", err); return err; } NPMIMEType dupMimeType(NPMIMEType type) { NPMIMEType mimetype = (NPMIMEType) NPN_MemAlloc(strlen(type)+1); mimetype[strlen(type)] = 0; if (mimetype) strcpy(mimetype, type); return(mimetype); } #endif // end of UNIX NPError NPP_Initialize(void) { debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_NEW, "NS Plugin begin initialize.\n"); return (NPError)do_init_pipe(); } #ifdef OJI jref NPP_GetJavaClass() { return NULL; } #endif void NPP_Shutdown(void) { PLUGIN_MSG msg; memset((char*)&msg, 0, sizeof(PLUGIN_MSG)); msg.msg_id = SO_SHUTDOWN; sendMsg(&msg, sizeof(PLUGIN_MSG), 0); NSP_Close_Pipe(write_fd); #ifdef UNIX // on Unix we should wait till the child process is dead int nStatus; waitpid( nChildPID, &nStatus, 0 ); #endif } NPError NPP_New(NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16 mode, int16 /*argc*/, char* /*argn*/[], char* /*argv*/[], NPSavedData* /*saved*/) { PluginInstance* This; debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "print by Netscape Plugin, enter NPP_New.\n"); if (instance == NULL) return NPERR_INVALID_INSTANCE_ERROR; instance->pdata = (PluginInstance*)NPN_MemAlloc(sizeof(PluginInstance)); memset(instance->pdata, 0 , sizeof(PluginInstance)); This = (PluginInstance*) instance->pdata; if (This == NULL) { return NPERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR; } memset(This, 0, sizeof(PluginInstance)); /* mode is NP_EMBED, NP_FULL, or NP_BACKGROUND (see npapi.h) */ #ifdef UNIX This->mode = mode; This->type = dupMimeType(pluginType); This->instance = instance; This->pluginsPageUrl = NULL; This->exists = FALSE; #endif //end of UNIX #ifdef WNT (void)pluginType; This->fWindow = (NPWindow*)NPN_MemAlloc(sizeof(NPWindow)); memset(This->fWindow, 0, sizeof (NPWindow)); This->fMode = mode; #endif //end of WNT PLUGIN_MSG msg; memset((char*)&msg, 0, sizeof(PLUGIN_MSG)); msg.msg_id = SO_NEW_INSTANCE; msg.instance_id = (plugin_Int32)instance; if (!sendMsg(&msg, sizeof(PLUGIN_MSG), 1)) return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR; NPN_Status(instance, "......"); return NPERR_NO_ERROR; } NPError NPP_Destroy(NPP instance, NPSavedData** /*save*/) { debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "print by Nsplugin, enter NPP_Destroy.\n"); PluginInstance* This; if (instance == NULL) return NPERR_INVALID_INSTANCE_ERROR; // Send destroy message PLUGIN_MSG msg; memset((char*)&msg, 0, sizeof(PLUGIN_MSG)); msg.msg_id = SO_DESTROY; msg.instance_id = (plugin_Int32)instance; #ifdef UNIX msg.wnd_id =(plugin_Int32)((PluginInstance*) instance->pdata)->window; #endif //end of UNIX #ifdef WNT msg.wnd_id =(plugin_Int32)((PluginInstance*) instance->pdata)->fhWnd; #endif //end of WNT sendMsg(&msg, sizeof(PLUGIN_MSG), 0); // Free the instance space This = (PluginInstance*) instance->pdata; if (This != NULL) { #ifdef UNIX if (This->type) NPN_MemFree(This->type); if (This->pluginsPageUrl) NPN_MemFree(This->pluginsPageUrl); if (This->pluginsFileUrl) NPN_MemFree(This->pluginsFileUrl); #endif //end of UNIX #ifdef WNT if(This->fWindow) NPN_MemFree(This->fWindow); #endif //end of WNT NPN_MemFree(instance->pdata); instance->pdata = NULL; } return NPERR_NO_ERROR; } NPError NPP_SetWindow(NPP instance, NPWindow* window) { PluginInstance* This; #ifdef UNIX NPSetWindowCallbackStruct *ws_info; #endif //end of UNIX debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "print by Netscape Plugin, received window resize.\n"); if (instance == NULL) return NPERR_INVALID_INSTANCE_ERROR; This = (PluginInstance*) instance->pdata; if (This == NULL) return NPERR_INVALID_INSTANCE_ERROR; // Prepare the general part of the SET_WINDOW message PLUGIN_MSG msg; memset((char*)&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); msg.msg_id = SO_SET_WINDOW; msg.instance_id = (plugin_Int32)instance; if ( window ) { // Set window info for instance #ifdef UNIX ws_info = (NPSetWindowCallbackStruct *)window->ws_info; This->window = (Window) window->window; This->x = window->x; This->y = window->y; This->width = window->width; This->height = window->height; This->display = ws_info->display; This->visual = ws_info->visual; This->depth = ws_info->depth; This->colormap = ws_info->colormap; #endif //end of UNIX #ifdef WNT This->fhWnd = (HWND) window->window; This->fWindow->x = window->x; This->fWindow->y = window->y; This->fWindow->width = window->width; This->fWindow->height = window->height; #endif //end of WNT debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "begin Set window of Office\n"); debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "W=(%d) H=(%d)\n", window->width, window->height); // fill the window dependent part of the message msg.wnd_id = (plugin_Int32) window->window; msg.wnd_x = window->x; msg.wnd_y = window->y; msg.wnd_w = window->width; msg.wnd_h = window->height; } else { // empty window pointer usually means closing of the parent window #ifdef UNIX ws_info = NULL; This->window = (Window) NULL; This->x = 0; This->y = 0; This->width = 0; This->height = 0; This->display = NULL; This->visual = NULL; #endif //end of UNIX #ifdef WNT This->fhWnd = (HWND) NULL; This->fWindow->x = 0; This->fWindow->y = 0; This->fWindow->width = 0; This->fWindow->height = 0; #endif //end of WNT debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "Empty window pointer is provided\n"); // fill the window dependent part of the message msg.wnd_id = (plugin_Int32) NULL; msg.wnd_x = 0; msg.wnd_y = 0; msg.wnd_w = 0; msg.wnd_h = 0; } if(!sendMsg(&msg, sizeof(PLUGIN_MSG), 1)) { debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "NPP_SetWindow return failure \n"); return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR; } return NPERR_NO_ERROR; } NPError NPP_NewStream(NPP instance, NPMIMEType /*type*/, NPStream* /*stream*/, NPBool /*seekable*/, uint16 *stype) { if (instance == NULL) return NPERR_INVALID_INSTANCE_ERROR; // Notify Mozilla to fetch the remote file into local cache directory *stype=NP_ASFILEONLY; return NPERR_NO_ERROR; } int32 STREAMBUFSIZE = 0X0FFFFFFF; /* If we are reading from a file in NPAsFile * mode so we can take any size stream in our * write call (since we ignore it) */ int32 NPP_WriteReady(NPP /*instance*/, NPStream* /*stream*/) { return STREAMBUFSIZE; } int32 NPP_Write(NPP /*instance*/, NPStream* /*stream*/, int32 /*offset*/, int32 len, void* /*buffer*/) { return len; /* The number of bytes accepted */ } NPError NPP_DestroyStream(NPP instance, NPStream* /*stream*/, NPError /*reason*/) { if (instance == NULL) return NPERR_INVALID_INSTANCE_ERROR; return NPERR_NO_ERROR; } // save fname to another file with the original file name void NPP_StreamAsFile(NPP instance, NPStream *stream, const char* fname) { debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "Into Stream\n"); char* url = (char*)stream->url; char filename[1024] = {0}; char* pfilename = NULL; if (NULL != (pfilename = strrchr(url, '/'))) { strcpy(filename, pfilename+1); } else { return; } int length = strlen(url); debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "url: %s; length: %d\n", url, length); PluginInstance* This; This = (PluginInstance*) instance->pdata; debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "NPP_StreamAsFile\n"); // copy cached file to another file with original name char localPathNew[NPP_PATH_MAX] = {0}; char localFileNew[NPP_PATH_MAX] = {0}; // if the file is from local if (0 == STRNICMP(url, "file:///", strlen("file:///"))) { sprintf(localPathNew, "%s", fname); char* pAskSymbol = NULL; if(NULL != (pAskSymbol = strrchr(localPathNew, '?'))) *pAskSymbol = 0; } else // from network, on windows, fname is c:\abc123 { strncpy(localPathNew, fname, sizeof(localPathNew)); char* pRandomFilename = NULL; #ifdef UNIX if(NULL != (pRandomFilename = strrchr(localPathNew, '/'))) #endif //end of UNIX #ifdef WNT if(NULL != (pRandomFilename = strrchr(localPathNew, '\\'))) #endif //end of WNT { pRandomFilename[1] = 0; } else { return; } strcat(localPathNew, filename); char* pAskSymbol = NULL; if(NULL != (pAskSymbol = strrchr(localPathNew, '?'))) *pAskSymbol = 0; sprintf(localFileNew, "file://%s", localPathNew); UnixToDosPath(localFileNew); debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "fname: %s\n localPathNew: %s\nlocalFileNew: %s\n", fname, localPathNew, localFileNew); restoreUTF8(localPathNew); restoreUTF8(localFileNew); if(0 != strcmp(fname, localPathNew)) { #ifdef WNT if(NULL == CopyFile(fname, localPathNew, FALSE)) return; #endif //end of WNT #ifdef UNIX int fdSrc, fdDst; if((0 > (fdSrc = open(fname, O_RDONLY)))){ return; } remove(localPathNew); umask(0); if (0 > (fdDst = open(localPathNew, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH))){ close( fdSrc); debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "NPP_StreamAsFile:can not create cache file %s. error: %s \n", localPathNew, strerror(errno)); return; } char buffer[NPP_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0}; int ret; while(0 <= (ret = read(fdSrc, buffer, NPP_BUFFER_SIZE))) { if (0 == ret) { if(EINTR == errno) continue; else break; } write(fdDst, buffer, ret); } close(fdSrc); close(fdDst); #endif //end of UNIX debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "NPP_StreamAsFile:before SetURL\n"); } } // send SO_SET_URl message to inform the new URL PLUGIN_MSG msg; memset((char*)&msg, 0, sizeof(PLUGIN_MSG)); msg.msg_id = SO_SET_URL; msg.instance_id = (plugin_Int32)instance; #ifdef UNIX msg.wnd_id =(plugin_Int32)(This->window); sprintf(msg.url, "file://%s", localPathNew); #endif //end of UNIX #ifdef WNT msg.wnd_id =(int)(This->fhWnd); sprintf(msg.url, "file:///%s", localPathNew); DosToUnixPath(msg.url); #endif //endof WNT if(!sendMsg(&msg, sizeof(PLUGIN_MSG), 1)) debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "NPP_StreamAsFile send SO_SET_URL return failure \n"); // send SO_SET_WINDOW message // memset((char*)&msg, 0, sizeof(PLUGIN_MSG)); msg.msg_id = SO_SET_WINDOW; msg.instance_id = (plugin_Int32)instance; // msg.wnd_id =(plugin_Int32)((PluginInstance*) instance->pdata)->window; #ifdef UNIX msg.wnd_x = This->x; msg.wnd_y = This->y; msg.wnd_w = This->width; msg.wnd_h = This->height; #endif //end of UNIX #ifdef WNT msg.wnd_x = This->fWindow->x; msg.wnd_y = This->fWindow->y; msg.wnd_w = This->fWindow->width; msg.wnd_h = This->fWindow->height; #endif //endof WNT if(!sendMsg(&msg, sizeof(PLUGIN_MSG), 1)) debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "NPP_StreamAsFile send SO_SET_WINDOW return failure \n"); } void NPP_URLNotify(NPP /*instance*/, const char* /*url*/, NPReason /*reason*/, void* /*notifyData*/) { } void NPP_Print(NPP instance, NPPrint* printInfo) { if(printInfo == NULL) return; if (instance != NULL) { /***** Insert NPP_Print code here *****/ PluginInstance* This = (PluginInstance*) instance->pdata; (void)This; PLUGIN_MSG msg; memset((char*)&msg, 0, sizeof(PLUGIN_MSG)); msg.msg_id = SO_PRINT; msg.instance_id = (plugin_Int32)instance; if(!sendMsg(&msg, sizeof(PLUGIN_MSG), 1)) debug_fprintf(NSP_LOG_APPEND, "NPP_StreamAsFile send SO_SET_WINDOW return failure \n"); printInfo->mode = TRUE; /**************************************/ if (printInfo->mode == NP_FULL) { /* * PLUGIN DEVELOPERS: * If your plugin would like to take over * printing completely when it is in full-screen mode, * set printInfo->pluginPrinted to TRUE and print your * plugin as you see fit. If your plugin wants Netscape * to handle printing in this case, set * printInfo->pluginPrinted to FALSE (the default) and * do nothing. If you do want to handle printing * yourself, printOne is true if the print button * (as opposed to the print menu) was clicked. * On the Macintosh, platformPrint is a THPrint; on * Windows, platformPrint is a structure * (defined in npapi.h) containing the printer name, port, * etc. */ /***** Insert NPP_Print code here *****\ void* platformPrint = printInfo->print.fullPrint.platformPrint; NPBool printOne = printInfo->print.fullPrint.printOne; \**************************************/ /* Do the default*/ printInfo->print.fullPrint.pluginPrinted = FALSE; } else { /* If not fullscreen, we must be embedded */ /* * PLUGIN DEVELOPERS: * If your plugin is embedded, or is full-screen * but you returned false in pluginPrinted above, NPP_Print * will be called with mode == NP_EMBED. The NPWindow * in the printInfo gives the location and dimensions of * the embedded plugin on the printed page. On the * Macintosh, platformPrint is the printer port; on * Windows, platformPrint is the handle to the printing * device context. */ /***** Insert NPP_Print code here *****\ NPWindow* printWindow = &(printInfo->print.embedPrint.window); void* platformPrint = printInfo->print.embedPrint.platformPrint; \**************************************/ } } } }// end of extern "C"