/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "browserline.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace pcr { using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference; using ::com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext; using ::com::sun::star::inspection::XPropertyControl; using ::com::sun::star::inspection::XPropertyControlContext; using ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Exception; using ::com::sun::star::graphic::GraphicProvider; using ::com::sun::star::graphic::XGraphicProvider; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence; using ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue; using ::com::sun::star::graphic::XGraphic; namespace PropertyLineElement = ::com::sun::star::inspection::PropertyLineElement; OBrowserLine::OBrowserLine( const OUString& _rEntryName, vcl::Window* pParent ) :m_sEntryName( _rEntryName ) ,m_aFtTitle(VclPtr::Create(pParent)) ,m_pControlWindow( nullptr ) ,m_pBrowseButton(nullptr) ,m_pAdditionalBrowseButton( nullptr ) ,m_pClickListener( nullptr ) ,m_pTheParent(pParent) ,m_nNameWidth(0) ,m_nEnableFlags( 0xFFFF ) ,m_bIndentTitle( false ) ,m_bReadOnly( false ) { m_aFtTitle->Show(); } OBrowserLine::~OBrowserLine() { implHideBrowseButton(true); implHideBrowseButton(false); m_aFtTitle.disposeAndClear(); } void OBrowserLine::IndentTitle( bool _bIndent ) { if ( m_bIndentTitle != _bIndent ) { m_bIndentTitle = _bIndent; impl_layoutComponents(); } } void OBrowserLine::SetComponentHelpIds(const OString& _rHelpId) { if ( m_pControlWindow ) m_pControlWindow->SetHelpId( _rHelpId ); if ( m_pBrowseButton ) { m_pBrowseButton->SetHelpId( _rHelpId ); if ( m_pAdditionalBrowseButton ) { m_pAdditionalBrowseButton->SetHelpId( _rHelpId ); } } } void OBrowserLine::setControl( const Reference< XPropertyControl >& _rxControl ) { m_xControl = _rxControl; m_pControlWindow = m_xControl.is() ? VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow( _rxControl->getControlWindow() ) : VclPtr(); DBG_ASSERT( m_pControlWindow, "OBrowserLine::setControl: setting NULL controls/windows is not allowed!" ); if ( m_pControlWindow ) { m_pControlWindow->SetParent( m_pTheParent ); m_pControlWindow->Show(); } impl_layoutComponents(); } vcl::Window* OBrowserLine::GetRefWindow() { vcl::Window* pRefWindow = m_aFtTitle.get(); if(m_pBrowseButton) { pRefWindow = m_pBrowseButton; } else if ( m_pControlWindow ) { pRefWindow = m_pControlWindow; } return pRefWindow; } void OBrowserLine::SetTabOrder(vcl::Window* pRefWindow, ZOrderFlags nFlags ) { m_aFtTitle->SetZOrder(pRefWindow,nFlags); if ( m_pControlWindow ) m_pControlWindow->SetZOrder( m_aFtTitle.get(), ZOrderFlags::Behind ); if ( m_pBrowseButton && m_pControlWindow ) m_pBrowseButton->SetZOrder( m_pControlWindow, ZOrderFlags::Behind ); if ( m_pAdditionalBrowseButton && m_pBrowseButton ) m_pAdditionalBrowseButton->SetZOrder( m_pBrowseButton, ZOrderFlags::Behind ); } bool OBrowserLine::GrabFocus() { bool bRes=false; if ( m_pControlWindow && m_pControlWindow->IsEnabled() ) { m_pControlWindow->GrabFocus(); bRes = true; } else if ( m_pAdditionalBrowseButton && m_pAdditionalBrowseButton->IsEnabled() ) { m_pAdditionalBrowseButton->GrabFocus(); bRes = true; } else if ( m_pBrowseButton && m_pBrowseButton->IsEnabled() ) { m_pBrowseButton->GrabFocus(); bRes = true; } return bRes; } void OBrowserLine::SetPosSizePixel( Point _rPos, Size _rSize ) { m_aLinePos = _rPos; m_aOutputSize = _rSize; impl_layoutComponents(); } void OBrowserLine::Show(bool bFlag) { m_aFtTitle->Show(bFlag); if ( m_pControlWindow ) m_pControlWindow->Show( bFlag ); if ( m_pBrowseButton ) m_pBrowseButton->Show( bFlag ); if ( m_pAdditionalBrowseButton ) m_pAdditionalBrowseButton->Show( bFlag ); } void OBrowserLine::Hide() { Show(false); } bool OBrowserLine::IsVisible() { return m_aFtTitle->IsVisible(); } void OBrowserLine::impl_layoutComponents() { { Point aTitlePos( m_aLinePos.X(), m_aLinePos.Y() + 8 ); Size aTitleSize( m_nNameWidth - 3, m_aOutputSize.Height() ); if ( m_bIndentTitle ) { Size aIndent( m_pTheParent->LogicToPixel(Size(8, 0), MapMode(MapUnit::MapAppFont)) ); aTitlePos.AdjustX(aIndent.Width() ); aTitleSize.AdjustWidth( -(aIndent.Width()) ); } m_aFtTitle->SetPosSizePixel( aTitlePos, aTitleSize ); } sal_Int32 nBrowseButtonSize = m_aOutputSize.Height() - 4; if ( m_pControlWindow ) { Point aControlPos( m_aLinePos.X() + m_nNameWidth, m_aLinePos.Y() + 2 ); m_pControlWindow->SetPosPixel( aControlPos ); Size aControlSize( m_aOutputSize.Width() - 4 - m_nNameWidth - nBrowseButtonSize - 4, m_pControlWindow->GetSizePixel().Height() ); if ( m_pAdditionalBrowseButton ) aControlSize.AdjustWidth( -(nBrowseButtonSize + 4) ); m_pControlWindow->SetSizePixel( aControlSize ); } if ( m_pBrowseButton ) { Point aButtonPos( m_aOutputSize.Width() - 4 - nBrowseButtonSize, m_aLinePos.Y() + 2 ); Size aButtonSize( nBrowseButtonSize, nBrowseButtonSize ); m_pBrowseButton->SetPosSizePixel( aButtonPos, aButtonSize ); if ( m_pAdditionalBrowseButton ) { aButtonPos.AdjustX( -(nBrowseButtonSize + 4) ); m_pAdditionalBrowseButton->SetPosSizePixel( aButtonPos, aButtonSize ); } } } void OBrowserLine::SetTitle(const OUString& _rNewTitle ) { if ( GetTitle() == _rNewTitle ) return; m_aFtTitle->SetText( _rNewTitle ); if ( m_pControlWindow ) m_pControlWindow->SetAccessibleName( _rNewTitle ); if ( m_pBrowseButton ) m_pBrowseButton->SetAccessibleName( _rNewTitle ); FullFillTitleString(); } void OBrowserLine::FullFillTitleString() { if( m_pTheParent ) { OUStringBuffer aText( m_aFtTitle->GetText() ); while( m_pTheParent->GetTextWidth( aText.toString() ) < m_nNameWidth ) aText.append("..........."); // for Issue 69452 if (AllSettings::GetLayoutRTL()) { sal_Unicode const cRTL_mark = 0x200F; aText.append( OUString(cRTL_mark) ); } m_aFtTitle->SetText( aText.makeStringAndClear() ); } } OUString OBrowserLine::GetTitle() const { OUString sDisplayName = m_aFtTitle->GetText(); // for Issue 69452 if (AllSettings::GetLayoutRTL()) { sal_Unicode const cRTL_mark = 0x200F; sDisplayName = comphelper::string::stripEnd(sDisplayName, cRTL_mark); } sDisplayName = comphelper::string::stripEnd(sDisplayName, '.'); return sDisplayName; } void OBrowserLine::SetReadOnly( bool _bReadOnly ) { if ( m_bReadOnly != _bReadOnly ) { m_bReadOnly = _bReadOnly; implUpdateEnabledDisabled(); } } namespace { void implSetBitIfAffected( sal_uInt16& _nEnabledBits, sal_Int16 _nAffectedMask, sal_Int16 _nTestBit, bool _bSet ) { if ( _nAffectedMask & _nTestBit ) { if ( _bSet ) _nEnabledBits |= _nTestBit; else _nEnabledBits &= ~_nTestBit; } } void implEnable( vcl::Window* _pWindow, sal_uInt16 _nEnabledBits, sal_uInt16 _nMatchBits ) { if ( _pWindow ) _pWindow->Enable( ( _nEnabledBits & _nMatchBits ) == _nMatchBits ); } void implEnable( vcl::Window* _pWindow, bool _bEnable ) { if ( _pWindow ) _pWindow->Enable( _bEnable ); } } void OBrowserLine::implUpdateEnabledDisabled() { implEnable( m_aFtTitle.get(), m_nEnableFlags, PropertyLineElement::CompleteLine ); if ( m_pControlWindow ) implEnable( m_pControlWindow, m_nEnableFlags, PropertyLineElement::CompleteLine | PropertyLineElement::InputControl ); if ( m_bReadOnly ) { implEnable( m_pBrowseButton, false ); implEnable( m_pAdditionalBrowseButton, false ); } else { implEnable( m_pBrowseButton, m_nEnableFlags, PropertyLineElement::CompleteLine | PropertyLineElement::PrimaryButton ); implEnable( m_pAdditionalBrowseButton, m_nEnableFlags, PropertyLineElement::CompleteLine | PropertyLineElement::SecondaryButton ); } } void OBrowserLine::EnablePropertyLine( bool _bEnable ) { implSetBitIfAffected( m_nEnableFlags, PropertyLineElement::CompleteLine, PropertyLineElement::CompleteLine, _bEnable ); implUpdateEnabledDisabled(); } void OBrowserLine::EnablePropertyControls( sal_Int16 _nControls, bool _bEnable ) { implSetBitIfAffected( m_nEnableFlags, _nControls, PropertyLineElement::InputControl, _bEnable ); implSetBitIfAffected( m_nEnableFlags, _nControls, PropertyLineElement::PrimaryButton, _bEnable ); implSetBitIfAffected( m_nEnableFlags, _nControls, PropertyLineElement::SecondaryButton, _bEnable ); implUpdateEnabledDisabled(); } PushButton& OBrowserLine::impl_ensureButton( bool _bPrimary ) { VclPtr& rpButton = _bPrimary ? m_pBrowseButton : m_pAdditionalBrowseButton; if ( !rpButton ) { rpButton = VclPtr::Create( m_pTheParent, WB_NOPOINTERFOCUS ); rpButton->SetGetFocusHdl( LINK( this, OBrowserLine, OnButtonFocus ) ); rpButton->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, OBrowserLine, OnButtonClicked ) ); rpButton->SetText("..."); } rpButton->Show(); impl_layoutComponents(); return *rpButton; } void OBrowserLine::ShowBrowseButton( const OUString& _rImageURL, bool _bPrimary ) { PushButton& rButton( impl_ensureButton( _bPrimary ) ); OSL_PRECOND( !_rImageURL.isEmpty(), "OBrowserLine::ShowBrowseButton: use the other version if you don't have an image!" ); Image aImage; try { Reference< XComponentContext > xContext( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ); Reference< XGraphicProvider > xGraphicProvider( GraphicProvider::create(xContext) ); Sequence< PropertyValue > aMediaProperties(1); aMediaProperties[0].Name = "URL"; aMediaProperties[0].Value <<= _rImageURL; Reference< XGraphic > xGraphic( xGraphicProvider->queryGraphic( aMediaProperties ), css::uno::UNO_SET_THROW ); aImage = Image( xGraphic ); } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("extensions.propctrlr"); } rButton.SetModeImage( aImage ); } void OBrowserLine::ShowBrowseButton( const Image& _rImage, bool _bPrimary ) { PushButton& rButton( impl_ensureButton( _bPrimary ) ); if ( !!_rImage ) rButton.SetModeImage( _rImage ); } void OBrowserLine::ShowBrowseButton( bool _bPrimary ) { impl_ensureButton( _bPrimary ); } void OBrowserLine::implHideBrowseButton(bool _bPrimary) { VclPtr& rpButton = _bPrimary ? m_pBrowseButton : m_pAdditionalBrowseButton; if ( rpButton ) { rpButton->Hide(); rpButton.disposeAndClear(); } } void OBrowserLine::HideBrowseButton(bool _bPrimary) { implHideBrowseButton(_bPrimary); impl_layoutComponents(); } void OBrowserLine::SetTitleWidth(sal_uInt16 nWidth) { if (m_nNameWidth != nWidth+10) { m_nNameWidth = nWidth+10; impl_layoutComponents(); } FullFillTitleString(); } void OBrowserLine::SetClickListener( IButtonClickListener* _pListener ) { m_pClickListener = _pListener; } IMPL_LINK( OBrowserLine, OnButtonClicked, Button*, _pButton, void ) { if ( m_pClickListener ) m_pClickListener->buttonClicked( this, _pButton == m_pBrowseButton ); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG( OBrowserLine, OnButtonFocus, Control&, void ) { if ( m_xControl.is() ) { try { Reference< XPropertyControlContext > xContext( m_xControl->getControlContext(), css::uno::UNO_SET_THROW ); xContext->focusGained( m_xControl ); } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("extensions.propctrlr"); } } } } // namespace pcr /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */