/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #ifndef INCLUDED_EXTENSIONS_SOURCE_PROPCTRLR_FORMMETADATA_HXX #define INCLUDED_EXTENSIONS_SOURCE_PROPCTRLR_FORMMETADATA_HXX #include "propertyinfo.hxx" #include "modulepcr.hxx" #include "enumrepresentation.hxx" namespace pcr { struct OPropertyInfoImpl; //= OPropertyInfoService class OPropertyInfoService :public IPropertyInfoService ,public PcrClient { protected: static sal_uInt16 s_nCount; static OPropertyInfoImpl* s_pPropertyInfos; // TODO: a real structure which allows quick access by name as well as by id public: // IPropertyInfoService virtual sal_Int32 getPropertyId(const OUString& _rName) const SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual OUString getPropertyTranslation(sal_Int32 _nId) const SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual OString getPropertyHelpId(sal_Int32 _nId) const SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual sal_Int16 getPropertyPos(sal_Int32 _nId) const SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual sal_uInt32 getPropertyUIFlags(sal_Int32 _nId) const SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual ::std::vector< OUString > getPropertyEnumRepresentations(sal_Int32 _nId) const SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual OUString getPropertyName( sal_Int32 _nPropId ) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual bool isComposeable( const OUString& _rPropertyName ) const; protected: static const OPropertyInfoImpl* getPropertyInfo(); static const OPropertyInfoImpl* getPropertyInfo(const OUString& _rName); static const OPropertyInfoImpl* getPropertyInfo(sal_Int32 _nId); }; //= DefaultEnumRepresentation /** an implementation of the IPropertyEnumRepresentation To be used with properties which, in formmetadata.cxx, are declared as ENUM. */ class DefaultEnumRepresentation : public IPropertyEnumRepresentation { private: const IPropertyInfoService& m_rMetaData; ::com::sun::star::uno::Type m_aType; const sal_Int32 m_nPropertyId; public: /** constructs an instance @param _rInfo An instance implementing IPropertyInfoService. Must live at least as long as the DefaultEnumRepresentation should live. */ DefaultEnumRepresentation( const IPropertyInfoService& _rInfo, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Type& _rType, sal_Int32 _nPropertyId ); protected: virtual ~DefaultEnumRepresentation(); protected: // IPropertyEnumRepresentation implementqation virtual ::std::vector< OUString > SAL_CALL getDescriptions() const SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual void SAL_CALL getValueFromDescription( const OUString& _rDescription, ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& _out_rValue ) const SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual OUString SAL_CALL getDescriptionForValue( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& _rEnumValue ) const SAL_OVERRIDE; private: DefaultEnumRepresentation(); // never implemented DefaultEnumRepresentation( const DefaultEnumRepresentation& ); // never implemented DefaultEnumRepresentation& operator=( const DefaultEnumRepresentation& ); // never implemented }; //= UI flags (for all browseable properties) #define PROP_FLAG_NONE 0x00000000 // no special flag #define PROP_FLAG_FORM_VISIBLE 0x00000001 // the property is visible when inspecting a form object #define PROP_FLAG_DIALOG_VISIBLE 0x00000002 // the property is visible when inspecting a dialog object #define PROP_FLAG_DATA_PROPERTY 0x00000004 // the property is to appear on the "Data" page #define PROP_FLAG_ENUM 0x00000020 // the property is some kind of enum property, i.e. its // value is chosen from a fixed list of possible values #define PROP_FLAG_ENUM_ONE 0x00000060 // the property is an enum property starting with 1 // (note that this includes PROP_FLAG_ENUM) #define PROP_FLAG_COMPOSEABLE 0x00000080 // the property is "composeable", i.e. an intersection of property // sets should expose it, if all elements do #define PROP_FLAG_EXPERIMENTAL 0x00000100 // the property is experimental, i.e. should not appear in the // UI, unless experimental properties are enabled by a configuraiton // option //= property ids (for all browseable properties) #define PROPERTY_ID_NAME 1 #define PROPERTY_ID_LABEL 2 #define PROPERTY_ID_CONTROLLABEL 3 #define PROPERTY_ID_MAXTEXTLEN 4 #define PROPERTY_ID_EDITMASK 5 #define PROPERTY_ID_LITERALMASK 6 #define PROPERTY_ID_STRICTFORMAT 7 #define PROPERTY_ID_ENABLED 8 #define PROPERTY_ID_READONLY 9 #define PROPERTY_ID_PRINTABLE 10 #define PROPERTY_ID_CONTROLSOURCE 11 #define PROPERTY_ID_TABSTOP 12 #define PROPERTY_ID_TABINDEX 13 #define PROPERTY_ID_DATASOURCE 14 #define PROPERTY_ID_COMMAND 15 #define PROPERTY_ID_COMMANDTYPE 16 #define PROPERTY_ID_FILTER 17 #define PROPERTY_ID_SORT 18 #define PROPERTY_ID_INSERTONLY 19 #define PROPERTY_ID_ALLOWADDITIONS 20 #define PROPERTY_ID_ALLOWEDITS 21 #define PROPERTY_ID_ALLOWDELETIONS 22 #define PROPERTY_ID_GROUP_NAME 23 #define PROPERTY_ID_NAVIGATION 24 #define PROPERTY_ID_CYCLE 25 #define PROPERTY_ID_HIDDEN_VALUE 26 #define PROPERTY_ID_VALUEMIN 27 #define PROPERTY_ID_VALUEMAX 28 #define PROPERTY_ID_VALUESTEP 29 #define PROPERTY_ID_DEFAULT_VALUE 30 #define PROPERTY_ID_DECIMAL_ACCURACY 31 #define PROPERTY_ID_SHOWTHOUSANDSEP 32 #define PROPERTY_ID_REFVALUE 33 #define PROPERTY_ID_CURRENCYSYMBOL 34 #define PROPERTY_ID_CURRSYM_POSITION 35 #define PROPERTY_ID_DATEMIN 36 #define PROPERTY_ID_DATEMAX 37 #define PROPERTY_ID_DATEFORMAT 38 #define PROPERTY_ID_SELECTEDITEMS 39 #define PROPERTY_ID_DEFAULT_DATE 40 #define PROPERTY_ID_TIMEMIN 41 #define PROPERTY_ID_TIMEMAX 42 #define PROPERTY_ID_TIMEFORMAT 43 #define PROPERTY_ID_DEFAULT_TIME 44 #define PROPERTY_ID_EFFECTIVE_MIN 45 #define PROPERTY_ID_EFFECTIVE_MAX 46 #define PROPERTY_ID_EFFECTIVE_DEFAULT 47 #define PROPERTY_ID_FORMATKEY 48 #define PROPERTY_ID_CLASSID 50 #define PROPERTY_ID_HEIGHT 51 #define PROPERTY_ID_WIDTH 52 #define PROPERTY_ID_BOUNDCOLUMN 53 #define PROPERTY_ID_LISTSOURCETYPE 54 #define PROPERTY_ID_LISTSOURCE 55 #define PROPERTY_ID_LISTINDEX 56 #define PROPERTY_ID_STRINGITEMLIST 57 #define PROPERTY_ID_DEFAULT_TEXT 58 #define PROPERTY_ID_FONT 59 #define PROPERTY_ID_ALIGN 60 #define PROPERTY_ID_ROWHEIGHT 61 #define PROPERTY_ID_BACKGROUNDCOLOR 62 #define PROPERTY_ID_FILLCOLOR 63 #define PROPERTY_ID_ESCAPE_PROCESSING 64 #define PROPERTY_ID_LINECOLOR 65 #define PROPERTY_ID_BORDER 66 #define PROPERTY_ID_DROPDOWN 67 #define PROPERTY_ID_AUTOCOMPLETE 68 #define PROPERTY_ID_LINECOUNT 69 #define PROPERTY_ID_WORDBREAK 70 #define PROPERTY_ID_MULTILINE 71 #define PROPERTY_ID_MULTISELECTION 72 #define PROPERTY_ID_AUTOLINEBREAK 73 #define PROPERTY_ID_HSCROLL 74 #define PROPERTY_ID_VSCROLL 75 #define PROPERTY_ID_SPIN 76 #define PROPERTY_ID_BUTTONTYPE 77 #define PROPERTY_ID_TARGET_URL 78 #define PROPERTY_ID_TARGET_FRAME 79 #define PROPERTY_ID_SUBMIT_ACTION 80 #define PROPERTY_ID_SUBMIT_TARGET 81 #define PROPERTY_ID_SUBMIT_METHOD 82 #define PROPERTY_ID_SUBMIT_ENCODING 83 #define PROPERTY_ID_DEFAULT_STATE 84 #define PROPERTY_ID_DEFAULTBUTTON 85 #define PROPERTY_ID_IMAGE_URL 86 #define PROPERTY_ID_DEFAULT_SELECT_SEQ 87 #define PROPERTY_ID_ECHO_CHAR 88 #define PROPERTY_ID_EMPTY_IS_NULL 89 #define PROPERTY_ID_TRISTATE 90 #define PROPERTY_ID_MASTERFIELDS 91 #define PROPERTY_ID_DETAILFIELDS 92 #define PROPERTY_ID_RECORDMARKER 93 #define PROPERTY_ID_FILTERPROPOSAL 94 #define PROPERTY_ID_TAG 95 #define PROPERTY_ID_HELPTEXT 96 #define PROPERTY_ID_HELPURL 97 #define PROPERTY_ID_HASNAVIGATION 98 #define PROPERTY_ID_POSITIONX 99 #define PROPERTY_ID_POSITIONY 100 #define PROPERTY_ID_TITLE 101 #define PROPERTY_ID_STEP 102 #define PROPERTY_ID_PROGRESSVALUE 103 #define PROPERTY_ID_PROGRESSVALUE_MIN 104 #define PROPERTY_ID_PROGRESSVALUE_MAX 105 #define PROPERTY_ID_SCROLLVALUE 106 #define PROPERTY_ID_SCROLLVALUE_MAX 107 #define PROPERTY_ID_LINEINCREMENT 108 #define PROPERTY_ID_BLOCKINCREMENT 109 #define PROPERTY_ID_VISIBLESIZE 110 #define PROPERTY_ID_ORIENTATION 111 #define PROPERTY_ID_IMAGEPOSITION 112 #define PROPERTY_ID_DATE 113 #define PROPERTY_ID_STATE 114 #define PROPERTY_ID_TIME 115 #define PROPERTY_ID_VALUE 116 #define PROPERTY_ID_SCALEIMAGE 117 #define PROPERTY_ID_PUSHBUTTONTYPE 118 #define PROPERTY_ID_EFFECTIVE_VALUE 119 #define PROPERTY_ID_TEXT 120 #define PROPERTY_ID_BOUND_CELL 121 #define PROPERTY_ID_LIST_CELL_RANGE 122 #define PROPERTY_ID_CELL_EXCHANGE_TYPE 123 #define PROPERTY_ID_SCROLLVALUE_MIN 124 #define PROPERTY_ID_DEFAULT_SCROLLVALUE 125 #define PROPERTY_ID_REPEAT_DELAY 126 #define PROPERTY_ID_SYMBOLCOLOR 127 #define PROPERTY_ID_SPINVALUE 128 #define PROPERTY_ID_SPINVALUE_MIN 129 #define PROPERTY_ID_SPINVALUE_MAX 130 #define PROPERTY_ID_DEFAULT_SPINVALUE 131 #define PROPERTY_ID_SPININCREMENT 132 #define PROPERTY_ID_REPEAT 133 #define PROPERTY_ID_SHOW_SCROLLBARS 134 #define PROPERTY_ID_ICONSIZE 135 #define PROPERTY_ID_SHOW_POSITION 136 #define PROPERTY_ID_SHOW_NAVIGATION 137 #define PROPERTY_ID_SHOW_RECORDACTIONS 138 #define PROPERTY_ID_SHOW_FILTERSORT 139 #define PROPERTY_ID_TEXTTYPE 140 #define PROPERTY_ID_LINEEND_FORMAT 141 #define PROPERTY_ID_TOGGLE 142 #define PROPERTY_ID_FOCUSONCLICK 143 #define PROPERTY_ID_HIDEINACTIVESELECTION 144 #define PROPERTY_ID_VISUALEFFECT 145 #define PROPERTY_ID_BORDERCOLOR 146 #define PROPERTY_ID_XML_DATA_MODEL 147 #define PROPERTY_ID_BIND_EXPRESSION 148 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_REQUIRED 149 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_RELEVANT 150 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_READONLY 151 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_CONSTRAINT 152 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_CALCULATION 153 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_DATA_TYPE 154 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_WHITESPACES 155 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_PATTERN 156 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_LENGTH 157 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MIN_LENGTH 158 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MAX_LENGTH 159 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_TOTAL_DIGITS 160 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_FRACTION_DIGITS 161 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MAX_INCLUSIVE_INT 162 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MAX_EXCLUSIVE_INT 163 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MIN_INCLUSIVE_INT 164 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MIN_EXCLUSIVE_INT 165 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MAX_INCLUSIVE_DOUBLE 166 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MAX_EXCLUSIVE_DOUBLE 167 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MIN_INCLUSIVE_DOUBLE 168 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MIN_EXCLUSIVE_DOUBLE 169 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MAX_INCLUSIVE_DATE 170 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MAX_EXCLUSIVE_DATE 171 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MIN_INCLUSIVE_DATE 172 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MIN_EXCLUSIVE_DATE 173 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MAX_INCLUSIVE_TIME 174 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MAX_EXCLUSIVE_TIME 175 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MIN_INCLUSIVE_TIME 176 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MIN_EXCLUSIVE_TIME 177 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MAX_INCLUSIVE_DATE_TIME 178 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MAX_EXCLUSIVE_DATE_TIME 179 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MIN_INCLUSIVE_DATE_TIME 180 #define PROPERTY_ID_XSD_MIN_EXCLUSIVE_DATE_TIME 181 #define PROPERTY_ID_UNCHECKEDREFVALUE 182 #define PROPERTY_ID_SUBMISSION_ID 183 #define PROPERTY_ID_XFORMS_BUTTONTYPE 184 #define PROPERTY_ID_LIST_BINDING 185 #define PROPERTY_ID_VERTICAL_ALIGN 186 #define PROPERTY_ID_BINDING_NAME 187 #define PROPERTY_ID_DECORATION 188 #define PROPERTY_ID_SELECTION_TYPE 189 #define PROPERTY_ID_ROOT_DISPLAYED 190 #define PROPERTY_ID_SHOWS_HANDLES 191 #define PROPERTY_ID_SHOWS_ROOT_HANDLES 192 #define PROPERTY_ID_EDITABLE 193 #define PROPERTY_ID_INVOKES_STOP_NOT_EDITING 194 #define PROPERTY_ID_NOLABEL 195 #define PROPERTY_ID_SCALE_MODE 196 #define PROPERTY_ID_INPUT_REQUIRED 197 #define PROPERTY_ID_WRITING_MODE 198 #define PROPERTY_ID_ENABLE_VISIBLE 199 #define PROPERTY_ID_WHEEL_BEHAVIOR 200 #define PROPERTY_ID_TEXT_ANCHOR_TYPE 201 #define PROPERTY_ID_SHEET_ANCHOR_TYPE 202 #define PROPERTY_ID_SCROLL_WIDTH 203 #define PROPERTY_ID_SCROLL_HEIGHT 204 #define PROPERTY_ID_SCROLL_TOP 205 #define PROPERTY_ID_SCROLL_LEFT 206 } // namespace pcr #endif // INCLUDED_EXTENSIONS_SOURCE_PROPCTRLR_FORMMETADATA_HXX /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */