/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PREVIEW_WIDTH 113 #define PREVIEW_HEIGHT 160 class ScanPreview : public Window { private: enum DragDirection { TopLeft, Top, TopRight, Right, BottomRight, Bottom, BottomLeft, Left }; Bitmap maPreviewBitmap; Rectangle maPreviewRect; Point maTopLeft, maBottomRight; Point maMinTopLeft, maMaxBottomRight; SaneDlg* mpParentDialog; DragDirection meDragDirection; bool mbDragEnable; bool mbDragDrawn; bool mbIsDragging; void DrawRectangles(Point& rUL, Point& rBR); public: ScanPreview(Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle) : Window(pParent, nStyle) , maMaxBottomRight(PREVIEW_WIDTH, PREVIEW_HEIGHT) , mpParentDialog(NULL) , meDragDirection(TopLeft) , mbDragEnable(false) , mbDragDrawn(false) , mbIsDragging(false) { } void Init(SaneDlg *pParent) { mpParentDialog = pParent; } void ResetForNewScanner() { maTopLeft = Point(); maBottomRight = Point(); maMinTopLeft = Point(); maMaxBottomRight = Point(PREVIEW_WIDTH, PREVIEW_HEIGHT); } void EnableDrag() { mbDragEnable = true; } void DisableDrag() { mbDragEnable = false; } bool IsDragEnabled() { return mbDragEnable; } virtual void Paint(const Rectangle& rRect) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual void MouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual void MouseMove(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) SAL_OVERRIDE; virtual void MouseButtonUp(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) SAL_OVERRIDE; Point GetPixelPos(const Point& rIn) const; Point GetLogicPos(const Point& rIn) const; void GetPreviewLogicRect(Point& rTopLeft, Point &rBottomRight) const { rTopLeft = GetLogicPos(maTopLeft); rBottomRight = GetLogicPos(maBottomRight); } void GetMaxLogicRect(Point& rTopLeft, Point &rBottomRight) const { rTopLeft = maMinTopLeft; rBottomRight = maMaxBottomRight; } void ChangePreviewLogicTopLeftY(long Y) { Point aPoint(0, Y); aPoint = GetPixelPos(aPoint); maTopLeft.Y() = aPoint.Y(); } void ChangePreviewLogicTopLeftX(long X) { Point aPoint(X, 0); aPoint = GetPixelPos(aPoint); maTopLeft.X() = aPoint.X(); } void ChangePreviewLogicBottomRightY(long Y) { Point aPoint(0, Y); aPoint = GetPixelPos(aPoint); maBottomRight.Y() = aPoint.Y(); } void ChangePreviewLogicBottomRightX(long X) { Point aPoint(X, 0); aPoint = GetPixelPos(aPoint); maBottomRight.X() = aPoint.X(); } void SetPreviewLogicRect(const Point& rTopLeft, const Point &rBottomRight) { maTopLeft = GetPixelPos(rTopLeft); maBottomRight = GetPixelPos(rBottomRight); maPreviewRect = Rectangle( maTopLeft, Size( maBottomRight.X() - maTopLeft.X(), maBottomRight.Y() - maTopLeft.Y() ) ); } void SetPreviewMaxRect(const Point& rTopLeft, const Point &rBottomRight) { maMinTopLeft = rTopLeft; maMaxBottomRight = rBottomRight; } void DrawDrag(); void UpdatePreviewBounds(); void SetBitmap(SvStream &rStream) { ReadDIB(maPreviewBitmap, rStream, true); } virtual Size GetOptimalSize() const SAL_OVERRIDE { Size aSize(LogicToPixel(Size(PREVIEW_WIDTH, PREVIEW_HEIGHT), MAP_APPFONT)); aSize.setWidth(aSize.getWidth()+1); aSize.setHeight(aSize.getHeight()+1); return aSize; } }; extern "C" SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT Window* SAL_CALL makeScanPreview(Window *pParent, VclBuilder::stringmap &rMap) { WinBits nWinStyle = 0; OString sBorder = VclBuilder::extractCustomProperty(rMap); if (!sBorder.isEmpty()) nWinStyle |= WB_BORDER; ScanPreview *pWindow = new ScanPreview(pParent, nWinStyle); return pWindow; } SaneDlg::SaneDlg( Window* pParent, Sane& rSane, bool bScanEnabled ) : ModalDialog(pParent, "SaneDialog", "modules/scanner/ui/sanedialog.ui"), mrSane( rSane ), mbScanEnabled( bScanEnabled ), mnCurrentOption(0), mnCurrentElement(0), mpRange(0), mfMin(0.0), mfMax(0.0), doScan(false) { get(mpOKButton, "ok"); get(mpCancelButton, "cancel"); get(mpDeviceInfoButton, "deviceInfoButton"); get(mpPreviewButton, "previewButton"); get(mpScanButton, "scanButton"); get(mpButtonOption, "optionsButton"); get(mpOptionTitle, "optionTitleLabel"); Size aSize(LogicToPixel(Size(130, 102), MAP_APPFONT)); mpOptionTitle->set_width_request(aSize.Width()); mpOptionTitle->set_height_request(aSize.Height() / 2); get(mpOptionDescTxt, "optionsDescLabel"); get(mpVectorTxt, "vectorLabel"); get(mpLeftField, "leftSpinbutton"); get(mpTopField, "topSpinbutton"); get(mpRightField, "rightSpinbutton"); get(mpBottomField, "bottomSpinbutton"); get(mpDeviceBox, "deviceCombobox"); get(mpReslBox, "reslCombobox"); get(mpAdvancedBox, "advancedCheckbutton"); get(mpVectorBox, "vectorSpinbutton-nospin"); get(mpQuantumRangeBox, "quantumRangeCombobox"); get(mpStringRangeBox, "stringRangeCombobox"); get(mpStringEdit, "stringEntry"); get(mpNumericEdit, "numericEntry"); get(mpOptionBox, "optionSvTreeListBox"); mpOptionBox->set_width_request(aSize.Width()); mpOptionBox->set_height_request(aSize.Height()); get(mpBoolCheckBox, "boolCheckbutton"); get(mpPreview, "preview"); mpPreview->Init(this); if( Sane::IsSane() ) { InitDevices(); // opens first sane device DisableOption(); InitFields(); } mpDeviceInfoButton->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, ClickBtnHdl ) ); mpPreviewButton->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, ClickBtnHdl ) ); mpScanButton->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, ClickBtnHdl ) ); mpButtonOption->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, ClickBtnHdl ) ); mpDeviceBox->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, SelectHdl ) ); mpOptionBox->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, OptionsBoxSelectHdl ) ); mpOKButton->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, ClickBtnHdl ) ); mpCancelButton->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, ClickBtnHdl ) ); mpBoolCheckBox->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, ClickBtnHdl ) ); mpStringEdit->SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, ModifyHdl ) ); mpNumericEdit->SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, ModifyHdl ) ); mpVectorBox->SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, ModifyHdl ) ); mpReslBox->SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, ModifyHdl ) ); mpStringRangeBox->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, SelectHdl ) ); mpQuantumRangeBox->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, SelectHdl ) ); mpLeftField->SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, ModifyHdl ) ); mpRightField->SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, ModifyHdl ) ); mpTopField->SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, ModifyHdl ) ); mpBottomField->SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, ModifyHdl ) ); mpAdvancedBox->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, ClickBtnHdl ) ); maOldLink = mrSane.SetReloadOptionsHdl( LINK( this, SaneDlg, ReloadSaneOptionsHdl ) ); mpOptionBox->SetNodeBitmaps(get("plus")->GetImage(), get("minus")->GetImage()); mpOptionBox->SetStyle( mpOptionBox->GetStyle()| WB_HASLINES | WB_HASBUTTONS | WB_NOINITIALSELECTION | WB_HASBUTTONSATROOT | WB_HASLINESATROOT ); } SaneDlg::~SaneDlg() { mrSane.SetReloadOptionsHdl( maOldLink ); } short SaneDlg::Execute() { if( ! Sane::IsSane() ) { ErrorBox aErrorBox( NULL, WB_OK | WB_DEF_OK, "The SANE interface could not be initialized. Scanning is not possible." ); aErrorBox.Execute(); return sal_False; } LoadState(); return ModalDialog::Execute(); } void SaneDlg::InitDevices() { if( ! Sane::IsSane() ) return; if( mrSane.IsOpen() ) mrSane.Close(); mrSane.ReloadDevices(); mpDeviceBox->Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < Sane::CountDevices(); ++i) mpDeviceBox->InsertEntry(Sane::GetName(i)); if( Sane::CountDevices() ) { mrSane.Open(0); mpDeviceBox->SelectEntryPos(0); } } void SaneDlg::InitFields() { if( ! Sane::IsSane() ) return; int nOption, i, nValue; double fValue; bool bSuccess = false; const char *ppSpecialOptions[] = { "resolution", "tl-x", "tl-y", "br-x", "br-y", "preview" }; mpPreview->EnableDrag(); mpReslBox->Clear(); Point aTopLeft, aBottomRight; mpPreview->GetPreviewLogicRect(aTopLeft, aBottomRight); Point aMinTopLeft, aMaxBottomRight; mpPreview->GetMaxLogicRect(aMinTopLeft, aMaxBottomRight); mpScanButton->Show( mbScanEnabled ); if( ! mrSane.IsOpen() ) return; // set Resolution nOption = mrSane.GetOptionByName( "resolution" ); if( nOption != -1 ) { double fRes; bSuccess = mrSane.GetOptionValue( nOption, fRes ); if( bSuccess ) { mpReslBox->Enable( true ); mpReslBox->SetValue( (long)fRes ); double *pDouble = NULL; nValue = mrSane.GetRange( nOption, pDouble ); if( nValue > -1 ) { if( nValue ) { mpReslBox->SetMin( (long)pDouble[0] ); mpReslBox->SetMax( (long)pDouble[ nValue-1 ] ); for( i=0; iInsertValue( (long)pDouble[i] ); } } else { mpReslBox->SetMin( (long)pDouble[0] ); mpReslBox->SetMax( (long)pDouble[1] ); mpReslBox->InsertValue( (long)pDouble[0] ); // Can only select 75 and 2400 dpi in Scanner dialogue // scanner allows random setting of dpi resolution, a slider might be useful // support that // workaround: offer at least some more standard dpi resolution between // min and max value int bGot300 = 0; for ( int nRes = (long) pDouble[0] * 2; nRes < (long) pDouble[1]; nRes = nRes * 2 ) { if ( !bGot300 && nRes > 300 ) { nRes = 300; bGot300 = 1; } mpReslBox->InsertValue(nRes); } mpReslBox->InsertValue( (long)pDouble[1] ); } } else mpReslBox->Enable( false ); delete [] pDouble; } } else mpReslBox->Enable( false ); // set scan area for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { char const *pOptionName = NULL; MetricField* pField = NULL; switch( i ) { case 0: pOptionName = "tl-x"; pField = mpLeftField; break; case 1: pOptionName = "tl-y"; pField = mpTopField; break; case 2: pOptionName = "br-x"; pField = mpRightField; break; case 3: pOptionName = "br-y"; pField = mpBottomField; } nOption = pOptionName ? mrSane.GetOptionByName( pOptionName ) : -1; bSuccess = false; if( nOption != -1 ) { bSuccess = mrSane.GetOptionValue( nOption, fValue, 0 ); if( bSuccess ) { if( mrSane.GetOptionUnit( nOption ) == SANE_UNIT_MM ) { pField->SetUnit( FUNIT_MM ); pField->SetValue( (int)fValue, FUNIT_MM ); } else // SANE_UNIT_PIXEL { pField->SetValue( (int)fValue, FUNIT_CUSTOM ); pField->SetCustomUnitText(OUString("Pixel")); } switch( i ) { case 0: aTopLeft.X() = (int)fValue;break; case 1: aTopLeft.Y() = (int)fValue;break; case 2: aBottomRight.X() = (int)fValue;break; case 3: aBottomRight.Y() = (int)fValue;break; } } double *pDouble = NULL; nValue = mrSane.GetRange( nOption, pDouble ); if( nValue > -1 ) { if( pDouble ) { pField->SetMin( (long)pDouble[0] ); if( nValue ) pField->SetMax( (long)pDouble[ nValue-1 ] ); else pField->SetMax( (long)pDouble[ 1 ] ); delete [] pDouble; } switch( i ) { case 0: aMinTopLeft.X() = pField->GetMin();break; case 1: aMinTopLeft.Y() = pField->GetMin();break; case 2: aMaxBottomRight.X() = pField->GetMax();break; case 3: aMaxBottomRight.Y() = pField->GetMax();break; } } else { switch( i ) { case 0: aMinTopLeft.X() = (int)fValue;break; case 1: aMinTopLeft.Y() = (int)fValue;break; case 2: aMaxBottomRight.X() = (int)fValue;break; case 3: aMaxBottomRight.Y() = (int)fValue;break; } } pField->Enable( true ); } else { mpPreview->DisableDrag(); pField->SetMin( 0 ); switch( i ) { case 0: aMinTopLeft.X() = 0; aTopLeft.X() = 0; pField->SetMax( PREVIEW_WIDTH ); pField->SetValue( 0 ); break; case 1: aMinTopLeft.Y() = 0; aTopLeft.Y() = 0; pField->SetMax( PREVIEW_HEIGHT ); pField->SetValue( 0 ); break; case 2: aMaxBottomRight.X() = PREVIEW_WIDTH; aBottomRight.X() = PREVIEW_WIDTH; pField->SetMax( PREVIEW_WIDTH ); pField->SetValue( PREVIEW_WIDTH ); break; case 3: aMaxBottomRight.Y() = PREVIEW_HEIGHT; aBottomRight.Y() = PREVIEW_HEIGHT; pField->SetMax( PREVIEW_HEIGHT ); pField->SetValue( PREVIEW_HEIGHT ); break; } pField->Enable( false ); } } mpPreview->SetPreviewMaxRect(aMinTopLeft, aMaxBottomRight); mpPreview->SetPreviewLogicRect(aTopLeft, aBottomRight); mpPreview->Invalidate(); // fill OptionBox mpOptionBox->Clear(); SvTreeListEntry* pParentEntry = 0; bool bGroupRejected = false; for( i = 1; i < mrSane.CountOptions(); i++ ) { OUString aOption=mrSane.GetOptionName( i ); bool bInsertAdvanced = mrSane.GetOptionCap( i ) & SANE_CAP_ADVANCED && ! mpAdvancedBox->IsChecked() ? sal_False : sal_True; if( mrSane.GetOptionType( i ) == SANE_TYPE_GROUP ) { if( bInsertAdvanced ) { aOption = mrSane.GetOptionTitle( i ); pParentEntry = mpOptionBox->InsertEntry( aOption ); bGroupRejected = false; } else bGroupRejected = true; } else if( !aOption.isEmpty() && ! ( mrSane.GetOptionCap( i ) & ( SANE_CAP_HARD_SELECT | SANE_CAP_INACTIVE ) ) && bInsertAdvanced && ! bGroupRejected ) { bool bIsSpecial = false; for( size_t n = 0; !bIsSpecial && n < SAL_N_ELEMENTS(ppSpecialOptions); n++ ) { if( aOption == OUString::createFromAscii(ppSpecialOptions[n]) ) bIsSpecial=true; } if( ! bIsSpecial ) { if( pParentEntry ) mpOptionBox->InsertEntry( aOption, pParentEntry ); else mpOptionBox->InsertEntry( aOption ); } } } } IMPL_LINK( SaneDlg, ClickBtnHdl, Button*, pButton ) { if( mrSane.IsOpen() ) { if( pButton == mpDeviceInfoButton ) { OUString aString("Device: %s\nVendor: %s\nModel: %s\nType: %s"); aString = aString.replaceFirst( "%s", Sane::GetName( mrSane.GetDeviceNumber() ) ); aString = aString.replaceFirst( "%s", Sane::GetVendor( mrSane.GetDeviceNumber() ) ); aString = aString.replaceFirst( "%s", Sane::GetModel( mrSane.GetDeviceNumber() ) ); aString = aString.replaceFirst( "%s", Sane::GetType( mrSane.GetDeviceNumber() ) ); InfoBox aInfoBox( this, aString ); aInfoBox.Execute(); } else if( pButton == mpPreviewButton ) AcquirePreview(); else if( pButton == mpBoolCheckBox ) { mrSane.SetOptionValue( mnCurrentOption, mpBoolCheckBox->IsChecked() ); } else if( pButton == mpButtonOption ) { SANE_Value_Type nType = mrSane.GetOptionType( mnCurrentOption ); switch( nType ) { case SANE_TYPE_BUTTON: mrSane.ActivateButtonOption( mnCurrentOption ); break; case SANE_TYPE_FIXED: case SANE_TYPE_INT: { int nElements = mrSane.GetOptionElements( mnCurrentOption ); boost::scoped_array x(new double[ nElements ]); boost::scoped_array y(new double[ nElements ]); for( int i = 0; i < nElements; i++ ) x[ i ] = (double)i; mrSane.GetOptionValue( mnCurrentOption, y.get() ); GridDialog aGrid( x.get(), y.get(), nElements, this ); aGrid.SetText( mrSane.GetOptionName( mnCurrentOption ) ); aGrid.setBoundings( 0, mfMin, nElements, mfMax ); if( aGrid.Execute() && aGrid.getNewYValues() ) mrSane.SetOptionValue( mnCurrentOption, aGrid.getNewYValues() ); } break; case SANE_TYPE_BOOL: case SANE_TYPE_STRING: case SANE_TYPE_GROUP: break; } } else if( pButton == mpAdvancedBox ) { ReloadSaneOptionsHdl( NULL ); } } if( pButton == mpOKButton || pButton == mpScanButton ) { double fRes = (double)mpReslBox->GetValue(); SetAdjustedNumericalValue( "resolution", fRes ); UpdateScanArea(true); SaveState(); EndDialog( mrSane.IsOpen() ? 1 : 0 ); doScan = (pButton == mpScanButton); } else if( pButton == mpCancelButton ) { mrSane.Close(); EndDialog( 0 ); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SaneDlg, SelectHdl, ListBox*, pListBox ) { if( pListBox == mpDeviceBox && Sane::IsSane() && Sane::CountDevices() ) { int nNewNumber = mpDeviceBox->GetSelectEntryPos(); int nOldNumber = mrSane.GetDeviceNumber(); if (nNewNumber != nOldNumber) { mrSane.Close(); mrSane.Open(nNewNumber); mpPreview->ResetForNewScanner(); InitFields(); } } if( mrSane.IsOpen() ) { if( pListBox == mpQuantumRangeBox ) { OString aValue(OUStringToOString(mpQuantumRangeBox->GetSelectEntry(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); double fValue = atof(aValue.getStr()); mrSane.SetOptionValue( mnCurrentOption, fValue, mnCurrentElement ); } else if( pListBox == mpStringRangeBox ) { mrSane.SetOptionValue( mnCurrentOption, mpStringRangeBox->GetSelectEntry() ); } } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SaneDlg, OptionsBoxSelectHdl, SvTreeListBox*, pBox ) { if( pBox == mpOptionBox && Sane::IsSane() ) { OUString aOption = mpOptionBox->GetEntryText( mpOptionBox->FirstSelected() ); int nOption = mrSane.GetOptionByName(OUStringToOString(aOption, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()).getStr()); if( nOption != -1 && nOption != mnCurrentOption ) { DisableOption(); mnCurrentOption = nOption; mpOptionTitle->SetText( mrSane.GetOptionTitle( mnCurrentOption ) ); SANE_Value_Type nType = mrSane.GetOptionType( mnCurrentOption ); SANE_Constraint_Type nConstraint; switch( nType ) { case SANE_TYPE_BOOL: EstablishBoolOption();break; case SANE_TYPE_STRING: nConstraint = mrSane.GetOptionConstraintType( mnCurrentOption ); if( nConstraint == SANE_CONSTRAINT_STRING_LIST ) EstablishStringRange(); else EstablishStringOption(); break; case SANE_TYPE_FIXED: case SANE_TYPE_INT: { nConstraint = mrSane.GetOptionConstraintType( mnCurrentOption ); int nElements = mrSane.GetOptionElements( mnCurrentOption ); mnCurrentElement = 0; if( nConstraint == SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE || nConstraint == SANE_CONSTRAINT_WORD_LIST ) EstablishQuantumRange(); else { mfMin = mfMax = 0.0; EstablishNumericOption(); } if( nElements > 1 ) { if( nElements <= 10 ) { mpVectorBox->SetValue( 1 ); mpVectorBox->SetMin( 1 ); mpVectorBox->SetMax( mrSane.GetOptionElements( mnCurrentOption ) ); mpVectorBox->Show( true ); mpVectorTxt->Show( true ); } else { DisableOption(); // bring up dialog only on button click EstablishButtonOption(); } } } break; case SANE_TYPE_BUTTON: EstablishButtonOption(); break; default: break; } } } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SaneDlg, ModifyHdl, Edit*, pEdit ) { if( mrSane.IsOpen() ) { if( pEdit == mpStringEdit ) { mrSane.SetOptionValue( mnCurrentOption, mpStringEdit->GetText() ); } else if( pEdit == mpReslBox ) { double fRes = (double)mpReslBox->GetValue(); int nOption = mrSane.GetOptionByName( "resolution" ); if( nOption != -1 ) { double* pDouble = NULL; int nValues = mrSane.GetRange( nOption, pDouble ); if( nValues > 0 ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < nValues; i++ ) { if( fRes == pDouble[i] ) break; } if( i >= nValues ) fRes = pDouble[0]; } else if( nValues == 0 ) { if( fRes < pDouble[ 0 ] ) fRes = pDouble[ 0 ]; if( fRes > pDouble[ 1 ] ) fRes = pDouble[ 1 ]; } delete[] pDouble; mpReslBox->SetValue( (sal_uLong)fRes ); } } else if( pEdit == mpNumericEdit ) { double fValue; OString aContents(OUStringToOString(mpNumericEdit->GetText(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); fValue = atof(aContents.getStr()); if( mfMin != mfMax && ( fValue < mfMin || fValue > mfMax ) ) { char pBuf[256]; if( fValue < mfMin ) fValue = mfMin; else if( fValue > mfMax ) fValue = mfMax; sprintf( pBuf, "%g", fValue ); mpNumericEdit->SetText( OUString( pBuf, strlen(pBuf), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ) ); } mrSane.SetOptionValue( mnCurrentOption, fValue, mnCurrentElement ); } else if( pEdit == mpVectorBox ) { char pBuf[256]; mnCurrentElement = mpVectorBox->GetValue()-1; double fValue; if( mrSane.GetOptionValue( mnCurrentOption, fValue, mnCurrentElement )) { sprintf( pBuf, "%g", fValue ); OUString aValue( pBuf, strlen(pBuf), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); mpNumericEdit->SetText( aValue ); mpQuantumRangeBox->SelectEntry( aValue ); } } else if( pEdit == mpTopField ) { mpPreview->ChangePreviewLogicTopLeftY(mpTopField->GetValue()); mpPreview->DrawDrag(); } else if( pEdit == mpLeftField ) { mpPreview->ChangePreviewLogicTopLeftX(mpLeftField->GetValue()); mpPreview->DrawDrag(); } else if( pEdit == mpBottomField ) { mpPreview->ChangePreviewLogicBottomRightY(mpBottomField->GetValue()); mpPreview->DrawDrag(); } else if( pEdit == mpRightField ) { mpPreview->ChangePreviewLogicBottomRightX(mpRightField->GetValue()); mpPreview->DrawDrag(); } } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SaneDlg, ReloadSaneOptionsHdl, Sane*, /*pSane*/ ) { mnCurrentOption = -1; mnCurrentElement = 0; DisableOption(); InitFields(); mpPreview->Invalidate(); return 0; } void SaneDlg::AcquirePreview() { if( ! mrSane.IsOpen() ) return; UpdateScanArea( true ); // set small resolution for preview double fResl = (double)mpReslBox->GetValue(); SetAdjustedNumericalValue( "resolution", 30.0 ); int nOption = mrSane.GetOptionByName( "preview" ); if( nOption == -1 ) { OUString aString("The device does not offer a preview option. Therefore, a normal scan will be used as a preview instead. This may take a considerable amount of time." ); WarningBox aBox( this, WB_OK_CANCEL | WB_DEF_OK, aString ); if( aBox.Execute() == RET_CANCEL ) return; } else mrSane.SetOptionValue( nOption, true ); BitmapTransporter aTransporter; if( ! mrSane.Start( aTransporter ) ) { ErrorBox aErrorBox( this, WB_OK | WB_DEF_OK, "An error occurred while scanning." ); aErrorBox.Execute(); } else { #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 aTransporter.getStream().Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ); fprintf( stderr, "Previewbitmapstream contains %d bytes\n", (int)aTransporter.getStream().Tell() ); #endif aTransporter.getStream().Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_BEGIN ); mpPreview->SetBitmap(aTransporter.getStream()); } SetAdjustedNumericalValue( "resolution", fResl ); mpReslBox->SetValue( (sal_uLong)fResl ); mpPreview->UpdatePreviewBounds(); mpPreview->Invalidate(); } void ScanPreview::UpdatePreviewBounds() { if( mbDragEnable ) { maPreviewRect = Rectangle( maTopLeft, Size( maBottomRight.X() - maTopLeft.X(), maBottomRight.Y() - maTopLeft.Y() ) ); } else { Size aBMSize( maPreviewBitmap.GetSizePixel() ); if( aBMSize.Width() > aBMSize.Height() && aBMSize.Width() ) { int nVHeight = (maBottomRight.X() - maTopLeft.X()) * aBMSize.Height() / aBMSize.Width(); maPreviewRect = Rectangle( Point( maTopLeft.X(), ( maTopLeft.Y() + maBottomRight.Y() )/2 - nVHeight/2 ), Size( maBottomRight.X() - maTopLeft.X(), nVHeight ) ); } else if (aBMSize.Height()) { int nVWidth = (maBottomRight.Y() - maTopLeft.Y()) * aBMSize.Width() / aBMSize.Height(); maPreviewRect = Rectangle( Point( ( maTopLeft.X() + maBottomRight.X() )/2 - nVWidth/2, maTopLeft.Y() ), Size( nVWidth, maBottomRight.Y() - maTopLeft.Y() ) ); } } } void ScanPreview::Paint(const Rectangle& rRect) { Window::Paint(rRect); SetMapMode(MAP_APPFONT); SetFillColor( Color( COL_WHITE ) ); SetLineColor( Color( COL_WHITE ) ); DrawRect( Rectangle( Point( 0, 0 ), Size( PREVIEW_WIDTH, PREVIEW_HEIGHT ) ) ); SetMapMode( MapMode( MAP_PIXEL ) ); // check for sane values DrawBitmap( maPreviewRect.TopLeft(), maPreviewRect.GetSize(), maPreviewBitmap ); mbDragDrawn = false; DrawDrag(); } void SaneDlg::DisableOption() { mpBoolCheckBox->Show( false ); mpStringEdit->Show( false ); mpNumericEdit->Show( false ); mpQuantumRangeBox->Show( false ); mpStringRangeBox->Show( false ); mpButtonOption->Show( false ); mpVectorBox->Show( false ); mpVectorTxt->Show( false ); mpOptionDescTxt->Show( false ); } void SaneDlg::EstablishBoolOption() { bool bSuccess, bValue; bSuccess = mrSane.GetOptionValue( mnCurrentOption, bValue ); if( bSuccess ) { mpBoolCheckBox->SetText( mrSane.GetOptionName( mnCurrentOption ) ); mpBoolCheckBox->Check( bValue ); mpBoolCheckBox->Show( true ); } } void SaneDlg::EstablishStringOption() { bool bSuccess; OString aValue; bSuccess = mrSane.GetOptionValue( mnCurrentOption, aValue ); if( bSuccess ) { mpOptionDescTxt->SetText( mrSane.GetOptionName( mnCurrentOption ) ); mpOptionDescTxt->Show( true ); mpStringEdit->SetText(OStringToOUString(aValue, osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); mpStringEdit->Show( true ); } } void SaneDlg::EstablishStringRange() { const char** ppStrings = mrSane.GetStringConstraint( mnCurrentOption ); mpStringRangeBox->Clear(); for( int i = 0; ppStrings[i] != 0; i++ ) mpStringRangeBox->InsertEntry( OUString( ppStrings[i], strlen(ppStrings[i]), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ) ); OString aValue; mrSane.GetOptionValue( mnCurrentOption, aValue ); mpStringRangeBox->SelectEntry(OStringToOUString(aValue, osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); mpStringRangeBox->Show( true ); mpOptionDescTxt->SetText( mrSane.GetOptionName( mnCurrentOption ) ); mpOptionDescTxt->Show( true ); } void SaneDlg::EstablishQuantumRange() { if( mpRange ) { delete [] mpRange; mpRange = 0; } int nValues = mrSane.GetRange( mnCurrentOption, mpRange ); if( nValues == 0 ) { mfMin = mpRange[ 0 ]; mfMax = mpRange[ 1 ]; delete [] mpRange; mpRange = 0; EstablishNumericOption(); } else if( nValues > 0 ) { char pBuf[ 256 ]; mpQuantumRangeBox->Clear(); mfMin = mpRange[ 0 ]; mfMax = mpRange[ nValues-1 ]; for( int i = 0; i < nValues; i++ ) { sprintf( pBuf, "%g", mpRange[ i ] ); mpQuantumRangeBox->InsertEntry( OUString( pBuf, strlen(pBuf), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ) ); } double fValue; if( mrSane.GetOptionValue( mnCurrentOption, fValue, mnCurrentElement ) ) { sprintf( pBuf, "%g", fValue ); mpQuantumRangeBox->SelectEntry( OUString( pBuf, strlen(pBuf), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ) ); } mpQuantumRangeBox->Show( true ); OUString aText( mrSane.GetOptionName( mnCurrentOption ) ); aText += " "; aText += mrSane.GetOptionUnitName( mnCurrentOption ); mpOptionDescTxt->SetText( aText ); mpOptionDescTxt->Show( true ); } } void SaneDlg::EstablishNumericOption() { bool bSuccess; double fValue; bSuccess = mrSane.GetOptionValue( mnCurrentOption, fValue ); if( ! bSuccess ) return; char pBuf[256]; OUString aText( mrSane.GetOptionName( mnCurrentOption ) ); aText += " "; aText += mrSane.GetOptionUnitName( mnCurrentOption ); if( mfMin != mfMax ) { sprintf( pBuf, " < %g ; %g >", mfMin, mfMax ); aText += OUString( pBuf, strlen(pBuf), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); } mpOptionDescTxt->SetText( aText ); mpOptionDescTxt->Show( true ); sprintf( pBuf, "%g", fValue ); mpNumericEdit->SetText( OUString( pBuf, strlen(pBuf), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ) ); mpNumericEdit->Show( true ); } void SaneDlg::EstablishButtonOption() { mpOptionDescTxt->SetText( mrSane.GetOptionName( mnCurrentOption ) ); mpOptionDescTxt->Show( true ); mpButtonOption->Show( true ); } #define RECT_SIZE_PIX 7 void ScanPreview::MouseMove(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) { if( mbIsDragging ) { Point aMousePos = rMEvt.GetPosPixel(); // move into valid area Point aLogicPos = GetLogicPos( aMousePos ); aMousePos = GetPixelPos( aLogicPos ); switch( meDragDirection ) { case TopLeft: maTopLeft = aMousePos; break; case Top: maTopLeft.Y() = aMousePos.Y(); break; case TopRight: maTopLeft.Y() = aMousePos.Y(); maBottomRight.X() = aMousePos.X(); break; case Right: maBottomRight.X() = aMousePos.X(); break; case BottomRight: maBottomRight = aMousePos; break; case Bottom: maBottomRight.Y() = aMousePos.Y(); break; case BottomLeft: maTopLeft.X() = aMousePos.X(); maBottomRight.Y() = aMousePos.Y(); break; case Left: maTopLeft.X() = aMousePos.X(); break; default: break; } int nSwap; if( maTopLeft.X() > maBottomRight.X() ) { nSwap = maTopLeft.X(); maTopLeft.X() = maBottomRight.X(); maBottomRight.X() = nSwap; } if( maTopLeft.Y() > maBottomRight.Y() ) { nSwap = maTopLeft.Y(); maTopLeft.Y() = maBottomRight.Y(); maBottomRight.Y() = nSwap; } DrawDrag(); mpParentDialog->UpdateScanArea(false); } Window::MouseMove( rMEvt ); } void ScanPreview::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { Point aMousePixel = rMEvt.GetPosPixel(); if( ! mbIsDragging && mbDragEnable ) { int nMiddleX = ( maBottomRight.X() - maTopLeft.X() ) / 2 - RECT_SIZE_PIX/2 + maTopLeft.X(); int nMiddleY = ( maBottomRight.Y() - maTopLeft.Y() ) / 2 - RECT_SIZE_PIX/2 + maTopLeft.Y(); if( aMousePixel.Y() >= maTopLeft.Y() && aMousePixel.Y() < maTopLeft.Y() + RECT_SIZE_PIX ) { if( aMousePixel.X() >= maTopLeft.X() && aMousePixel.X() < maTopLeft.X() + RECT_SIZE_PIX ) { meDragDirection = TopLeft; aMousePixel = maTopLeft; mbIsDragging = true; } else if( aMousePixel.X() >= nMiddleX && aMousePixel.X() < nMiddleX + RECT_SIZE_PIX ) { meDragDirection = Top; aMousePixel.Y() = maTopLeft.Y(); mbIsDragging = true; } else if( aMousePixel.X() > maBottomRight.X() - RECT_SIZE_PIX && aMousePixel.X() <= maBottomRight.X() ) { meDragDirection = TopRight; aMousePixel = Point( maBottomRight.X(), maTopLeft.Y() ); mbIsDragging = true; } } else if( aMousePixel.Y() >= nMiddleY && aMousePixel.Y() < nMiddleY + RECT_SIZE_PIX ) { if( aMousePixel.X() >= maTopLeft.X() && aMousePixel.X() < maTopLeft.X() + RECT_SIZE_PIX ) { meDragDirection = Left; aMousePixel.X() = maTopLeft.X(); mbIsDragging = true; } else if( aMousePixel.X() > maBottomRight.X() - RECT_SIZE_PIX && aMousePixel.X() <= maBottomRight.X() ) { meDragDirection = Right; aMousePixel.X() = maBottomRight.X(); mbIsDragging = true; } } else if( aMousePixel.Y() <= maBottomRight.Y() && aMousePixel.Y() > maBottomRight.Y() - RECT_SIZE_PIX ) { if( aMousePixel.X() >= maTopLeft.X() && aMousePixel.X() < maTopLeft.X() + RECT_SIZE_PIX ) { meDragDirection = BottomLeft; aMousePixel = Point( maTopLeft.X(), maBottomRight.Y() ); mbIsDragging = true; } else if( aMousePixel.X() >= nMiddleX && aMousePixel.X() < nMiddleX + RECT_SIZE_PIX ) { meDragDirection = Bottom; aMousePixel.Y() = maBottomRight.Y(); mbIsDragging = true; } else if( aMousePixel.X() > maBottomRight.X() - RECT_SIZE_PIX && aMousePixel.X() <= maBottomRight.X() ) { meDragDirection = BottomRight; aMousePixel = maBottomRight; mbIsDragging = true; } } } if( mbIsDragging ) { SetPointerPosPixel( aMousePixel ); DrawDrag(); } Window::MouseButtonDown( rMEvt ); } void ScanPreview::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if( mbIsDragging ) { mpParentDialog->UpdateScanArea(true); } mbIsDragging = false; Window::MouseButtonUp( rMEvt ); } void ScanPreview::DrawRectangles( Point& rUL, Point& rBR ) { int nMiddleX, nMiddleY; Point aBL, aUR; aUR = Point( rBR.X(), rUL.Y() ); aBL = Point( rUL.X(), rBR.Y() ); nMiddleX = ( rBR.X() - rUL.X() ) / 2 + rUL.X(); nMiddleY = ( rBR.Y() - rUL.Y() ) / 2 + rUL.Y(); DrawLine( rUL, aBL ); DrawLine( aBL, rBR ); DrawLine( rBR, aUR ); DrawLine( aUR, rUL ); DrawRect( Rectangle( rUL, Size( RECT_SIZE_PIX,RECT_SIZE_PIX ) ) ); DrawRect( Rectangle( aBL, Size( RECT_SIZE_PIX, -RECT_SIZE_PIX ) ) ); DrawRect( Rectangle( rBR, Size( -RECT_SIZE_PIX, -RECT_SIZE_PIX ) ) ); DrawRect( Rectangle( aUR, Size( -RECT_SIZE_PIX, RECT_SIZE_PIX ) ) ); DrawRect( Rectangle( Point( nMiddleX - RECT_SIZE_PIX/2, rUL.Y() ), Size( RECT_SIZE_PIX, RECT_SIZE_PIX ) ) ); DrawRect( Rectangle( Point( nMiddleX - RECT_SIZE_PIX/2, rBR.Y() ), Size( RECT_SIZE_PIX, -RECT_SIZE_PIX ) ) ); DrawRect( Rectangle( Point( rUL.X(), nMiddleY - RECT_SIZE_PIX/2 ), Size( RECT_SIZE_PIX, RECT_SIZE_PIX ) ) ); DrawRect( Rectangle( Point( rBR.X(), nMiddleY - RECT_SIZE_PIX/2 ), Size( -RECT_SIZE_PIX, RECT_SIZE_PIX ) ) ); } void ScanPreview::DrawDrag() { static Point aLastUL, aLastBR; if( ! mbDragEnable ) return; RasterOp eROP = GetRasterOp(); SetRasterOp( ROP_INVERT ); SetMapMode( MapMode( MAP_PIXEL ) ); if( mbDragDrawn ) DrawRectangles( aLastUL, aLastBR ); aLastUL = maTopLeft; aLastBR = maBottomRight; DrawRectangles( maTopLeft, maBottomRight ); mbDragDrawn = true; SetRasterOp( eROP ); SetMapMode(MAP_APPFONT); } Point ScanPreview::GetPixelPos( const Point& rIn) const { Point aConvert( ( ( rIn.X() * PREVIEW_WIDTH ) / ( maMaxBottomRight.X() - maMinTopLeft.X() ) ) , ( ( rIn.Y() * PREVIEW_HEIGHT ) / ( maMaxBottomRight.Y() - maMinTopLeft.Y() ) ) ); return LogicToPixel(aConvert, MAP_APPFONT); } Point ScanPreview::GetLogicPos(const Point& rIn) const { Point aConvert = PixelToLogic(rIn, MAP_APPFONT); if( aConvert.X() < 0 ) aConvert.X() = 0; if( aConvert.X() >= PREVIEW_WIDTH ) aConvert.X() = PREVIEW_WIDTH-1; if( aConvert.Y() < 0 ) aConvert.Y() = 0; if( aConvert.Y() >= PREVIEW_HEIGHT ) aConvert.Y() = PREVIEW_HEIGHT-1; aConvert.X() *= ( maMaxBottomRight.X() - maMinTopLeft.X() ); aConvert.X() /= PREVIEW_WIDTH; aConvert.Y() *= ( maMaxBottomRight.Y() - maMinTopLeft.Y() ); aConvert.Y() /= PREVIEW_HEIGHT; return aConvert; } void SaneDlg::UpdateScanArea(bool bSend) { if (!mpPreview->IsDragEnabled()) return; Point aUL, aBR; mpPreview->GetPreviewLogicRect(aUL, aBR); mpLeftField->SetValue( aUL.X() ); mpTopField->SetValue( aUL.Y() ); mpRightField->SetValue( aBR.X() ); mpBottomField->SetValue( aBR.Y() ); if (!bSend) return; if( mrSane.IsOpen() ) { SetAdjustedNumericalValue( "tl-x", (double)aUL.X() ); SetAdjustedNumericalValue( "tl-y", (double)aUL.Y() ); SetAdjustedNumericalValue( "br-x", (double)aBR.X() ); SetAdjustedNumericalValue( "br-y", (double)aBR.Y() ); } } bool SaneDlg::LoadState() { int i; if( ! Sane::IsSane() ) return false; const char* pEnv = getenv("HOME"); OUString aFileName = pEnv ? OUString(pEnv, strlen(pEnv), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ) : OUString(); aFileName += "/.so_sane_state"; Config aConfig( aFileName ); if( ! aConfig.HasGroup( "SANE" ) ) return false; aConfig.SetGroup( "SANE" ); OString aString = aConfig.ReadKey( "SO_LastSaneDevice" ); for( i = 0; i < Sane::CountDevices() && !aString.equals(OUStringToOString(Sane::GetName(i), osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); i++ ) ; if( i == Sane::CountDevices() ) return false; mrSane.Close(); mrSane.Open( aString.getStr() ); DisableOption(); InitFields(); if( mrSane.IsOpen() ) { int iMax = aConfig.GetKeyCount(); for (i = 0; i < iMax; ++i) { aString = aConfig.GetKeyName( i ); OString aValue = aConfig.ReadKey( i ); int nOption = mrSane.GetOptionByName( aString.getStr() ); if( nOption == -1 ) continue; if (aValue.startsWith("BOOL=")) { aValue = aValue.copy(RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH("BOOL=")); bool aBOOL = aValue.toInt32() != 0; mrSane.SetOptionValue( nOption, aBOOL ); } else if (aValue.startsWith("STRING=")) { aValue = aValue.copy(RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH("STRING=")); mrSane.SetOptionValue(nOption,OStringToOUString(aValue, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()) ); } else if (aValue.startsWith("NUMERIC=")) { aValue = aValue.copy(RTL_CONSTASCII_LENGTH("NUMERIC=")); sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; int n = 0; do { OString aSub = aValue.getToken(0, ':', nIndex); double fValue=0.0; sscanf(aSub.getStr(), "%lg", &fValue); SetAdjustedNumericalValue(aString.getStr(), fValue, n++); } while ( nIndex >= 0 ); } } } DisableOption(); InitFields(); return true; } void SaneDlg::SaveState() { if( ! Sane::IsSane() ) return; const char* pEnv = getenv( "HOME" ); OUString aFileName; if( pEnv ) aFileName = OUString::createFromAscii(pEnv) + "/.so_sane_state"; else aFileName = OStringToOUString("", osl_getThreadTextEncoding()) + "/.so_sane_state"; Config aConfig( aFileName ); aConfig.DeleteGroup( "SANE" ); aConfig.SetGroup( "SANE" ); aConfig.WriteKey( "SO_LastSANEDevice", OUStringToOString(mpDeviceBox->GetSelectEntry(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) ); static char const* pSaveOptions[] = { "resolution", "tl-x", "tl-y", "br-x", "br-y" }; for( size_t i = 0; i < SAL_N_ELEMENTS(pSaveOptions); ++i ) { OString aOption = pSaveOptions[i]; int nOption = mrSane.GetOptionByName( pSaveOptions[i] ); if( nOption > -1 ) { SANE_Value_Type nType = mrSane.GetOptionType( nOption ); switch( nType ) { case SANE_TYPE_BOOL: { bool bValue; if( mrSane.GetOptionValue( nOption, bValue ) ) { OStringBuffer aString("BOOL="); aString.append(static_cast(bValue)); aConfig.WriteKey(aOption, aString.makeStringAndClear()); } } break; case SANE_TYPE_STRING: { OString aValue; if( mrSane.GetOptionValue( nOption, aValue ) ) { OStringBuffer aString("STRING="); aString.append(aValue); aConfig.WriteKey( aOption, aString.makeStringAndClear() ); } } break; case SANE_TYPE_FIXED: case SANE_TYPE_INT: { OStringBuffer aString("NUMERIC="); double fValue; char buf[256]; int n; for( n = 0; n < mrSane.GetOptionElements( nOption ); n++ ) { if( ! mrSane.GetOptionValue( nOption, fValue, n ) ) break; if( n > 0 ) aString.append(':'); sprintf( buf, "%lg", fValue ); aString.append(buf); } if( n >= mrSane.GetOptionElements( nOption ) ) aConfig.WriteKey( aOption, aString.makeStringAndClear() ); } break; default: break; } } } } bool SaneDlg::SetAdjustedNumericalValue( const char* pOption, double fValue, int nElement ) { int nOption; if( ! Sane::IsSane() || ! mrSane.IsOpen() || ( nOption = mrSane.GetOptionByName( pOption ) ) == -1 ) return false; if( nElement < 0 || nElement >= mrSane.GetOptionElements( nOption ) ) return false; double* pValues = NULL; int nValues; if( ( nValues = mrSane.GetRange( nOption, pValues ) ) < 0 ) { delete [] pValues; return false; } #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf( stderr, "SaneDlg::SetAdjustedNumericalValue( \"%s\", %lg ) ", pOption, fValue ); #endif if( nValues ) { int nNearest = 0; double fNearest = 1e6; for( int i = 0; i < nValues; i++ ) { if( fabs( fValue - pValues[ i ] ) < fNearest ) { fNearest = fabs( fValue - pValues[ i ] ); nNearest = i; } } fValue = pValues[ nNearest ]; } else { if( fValue < pValues[0] ) fValue = pValues[0]; if( fValue > pValues[1] ) fValue = pValues[1]; } delete [] pValues; mrSane.SetOptionValue( nOption, fValue, nElement ); #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf( stderr, "yields %lg\n", fValue ); #endif return true; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */