/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include "updatecheck.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #endif #include "onlinecheck.hxx" #include "updateprotocol.hxx" #include "updatecheckconfig.hxx" namespace beans = com::sun::star::beans ; namespace deployment = com::sun::star::deployment ; namespace frame = com::sun::star::frame ; namespace lang = com::sun::star::lang ; namespace c3s = com::sun::star::system ; namespace task = com::sun::star::task ; namespace uno = com::sun::star::uno ; constexpr OUStringLiteral PROPERTY_TITLE = u"BubbleHeading"; constexpr OUStringLiteral PROPERTY_TEXT = u"BubbleText"; constexpr OUStringLiteral PROPERTY_SHOW_BUBBLE = u"BubbleVisible"; constexpr OUStringLiteral PROPERTY_CLICK_HDL = u"MenuClickHDL"; constexpr OUStringLiteral PROPERTY_SHOW_MENUICON = u"MenuIconVisible"; // Returns the URL of the release note for the given position OUString getReleaseNote(const UpdateInfo& rInfo, sal_uInt8 pos, bool autoDownloadEnabled) { for (auto const& elem : rInfo.ReleaseNotes) { if( pos == elem.Pos ) { if( (pos > 2) || !autoDownloadEnabled || elem.URL2.isEmpty() ) return elem.URL; } else if( (pos == elem.Pos2) && ((1 == elem.Pos) || (2 == elem.Pos)) && autoDownloadEnabled ) return elem.URL2; } return OUString(); } namespace { OUString getBuildId() { OUString aPathVal("${$BRAND_BASE_DIR/" LIBO_ETC_FOLDER "/" SAL_CONFIGFILE("version") ":buildid}"); rtl::Bootstrap::expandMacros(aPathVal); return aPathVal; } #if (defined LINUX || defined __sun) OUString getBaseInstallation() { OUString aPathVal("$BRAND_BASE_DIR"); rtl::Bootstrap::expandMacros(aPathVal); return aPathVal; } #endif bool isObsoleteUpdateInfo(std::u16string_view rBuildId) { return rBuildId != getBuildId() && !rBuildId.empty(); } OUString getImageFromFileName(const OUString& aFile) { #ifndef _WIN32 OUString aUnpackPath; if( osl_getExecutableFile(&aUnpackPath.pData) == osl_Process_E_None ) { sal_uInt32 lastIndex = aUnpackPath.lastIndexOf('/'); if ( lastIndex > 0 ) { aUnpackPath = OUString::Concat(aUnpackPath.subView( 0, lastIndex+1 )) + "unpack_update"; } oslFileHandle hOut = nullptr; oslProcess hProcess = nullptr; OUString aSystemPath; osl::File::getSystemPathFromFileURL(aFile, aSystemPath); oslProcessError rc = osl_executeProcess_WithRedirectedIO( aUnpackPath.pData, // [in] Image name &aSystemPath.pData, 1, // [in] Arguments osl_Process_WAIT | osl_Process_NORMAL, // [in] Options nullptr, // [in] Security nullptr, // [in] Working directory nullptr, 0, // [in] Environment variables &hProcess, // [out] Process handle nullptr, &hOut, nullptr // [out] File handles for redirected I/O ); if( osl_Process_E_None == rc ) { // Create a guard to ensure correct cleanup in its dtor in any case comphelper::ScopeGuard g([hOut, hProcess] () { osl_closeFile(hOut); osl_freeProcessHandle(hProcess); }); oslProcessInfo aInfo; aInfo.Size = sizeof(oslProcessInfo); if( osl_Process_E_None == osl_getProcessInfo(hProcess, osl_Process_EXITCODE, &aInfo) ) { if( 0 == aInfo.Code ) { char szBuffer[4096]; sal_uInt64 nBytesRead = 0; const sal_uInt64 nBytesToRead = sizeof(szBuffer) - 1; OUString aImageName; while( osl_File_E_None == osl_readFile(hOut, szBuffer, nBytesToRead, &nBytesRead) ) { char *pc = szBuffer + nBytesRead; do { *pc = '\0'; --pc; } while( ('\n' == *pc) || ('\r' == *pc) ); aImageName += OUString(szBuffer, pc - szBuffer + 1, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); if( nBytesRead < nBytesToRead ) break; } if( osl::FileBase::E_None == osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath(aImageName, aImageName) ) return aImageName; } } } } #endif return aFile; } uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > createMenuBarUI( const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& xContext, const uno::Reference< task::XJob >& xJob) { if( !xContext.is() ) throw uno::RuntimeException( "UpdateCheckJob: empty component context", uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > () ); uno::Reference< lang::XMultiComponentFactory > xServiceManager(xContext->getServiceManager()); if( !xServiceManager.is() ) throw uno::RuntimeException( "UpdateCheckJob: unable to obtain service manager from component context", uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > () ); uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xMenuBarUI( xServiceManager->createInstanceWithContext( "com.sun.star.setup.UpdateCheckUI", xContext ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW); xMenuBarUI->setPropertyValue( PROPERTY_CLICK_HDL, uno::makeAny( xJob ) ); return xMenuBarUI; } typedef sal_Bool (* OnlineCheckFunc) (); class UpdateCheckThread : public WorkerThread { public: UpdateCheckThread( osl::Condition& rCondition, const uno::Reference& xContext, rtl::Reference const & controller ); virtual void SAL_CALL join() override; virtual void SAL_CALL terminate() override; virtual void cancel() override; void cancelAsSoonAsPossible(); protected: virtual ~UpdateCheckThread() override; virtual void SAL_CALL run() override; virtual void SAL_CALL onTerminated() override; /* Wrapper around checkForUpdates */ bool runCheck( bool & rbExtensionsChecked ); private: /* Used to avoid dialup login windows (on platforms we know how to double this) */ static bool hasInternetConnection() { #ifdef _WIN32 return WNT_hasInternetConnection(); #else return true; #endif } /* Creates a new instance of UpdateInformationProvider and returns this instance */ uno::Reference createProvider() { osl::MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex); m_xProvider = deployment::UpdateInformationProvider::create(m_xContext); return m_xProvider; }; /* Returns the remembered instance of UpdateInformationProvider if any */ uno::Reference getProvider() { osl::MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex); return m_xProvider; }; /* Releases the remembered instance of UpdateInformationProvider if any */ void clearProvider() { osl::MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex); m_xProvider.clear(); }; osl::Mutex m_aMutex; protected: osl::Condition& m_aCondition; private: const uno::Reference m_xContext; uno::Reference m_xProvider; rtl::Reference m_controller; bool m_cancelAsSoonAsPossible; }; class ManualUpdateCheckThread : public UpdateCheckThread { public: ManualUpdateCheckThread( osl::Condition& rCondition, const uno::Reference& xContext ) : UpdateCheckThread(rCondition, xContext, {}) {}; virtual void SAL_CALL run() override; }; class MenuBarButtonJob : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< task::XJob > { public: explicit MenuBarButtonJob(const rtl::Reference< UpdateCheck >& rUpdateCheck); // XJob virtual uno::Any SAL_CALL execute(const uno::Sequence&) override; private: rtl::Reference< UpdateCheck > m_aUpdateCheck; }; class DownloadThread : public WorkerThread { public: DownloadThread( osl::Condition& rCondition, const uno::Reference& xContext, const rtl::Reference< DownloadInteractionHandler >& rHandler, const OUString& rURL ); virtual void SAL_CALL run() override; virtual void cancel() override; virtual void SAL_CALL suspend() override; virtual void SAL_CALL onTerminated() override; protected: virtual ~DownloadThread() override; private: osl::Condition& m_aCondition; const uno::Reference m_xContext; const OUString m_aURL; Download m_aDownload; }; class ShutdownThread : public osl::Thread { public: explicit ShutdownThread(const uno::Reference& xContext); virtual void SAL_CALL run() override; virtual void SAL_CALL onTerminated() override; protected: virtual ~ShutdownThread() override; private: osl::Condition m_aCondition; const uno::Reference m_xContext; }; UpdateCheckThread::UpdateCheckThread( osl::Condition& rCondition, const uno::Reference& xContext, rtl::Reference const & controller ) : m_aCondition(rCondition), m_xContext(xContext), m_controller(controller), m_cancelAsSoonAsPossible(false) { createSuspended(); // actually run the thread resume(); } UpdateCheckThread::~UpdateCheckThread() { } void SAL_CALL UpdateCheckThread::terminate() { // Cancel potentially hanging http request .. cancel(); // .. before terminating osl::Thread::terminate(); } void SAL_CALL UpdateCheckThread::join() { uno::Reference< deployment::XUpdateInformationProvider > xProvider(getProvider()); // do not join during an update check until #i73893# is fixed if( ! xProvider.is() ) { osl::Thread::join(); } } void UpdateCheckThread::cancel() { uno::Reference< deployment::XUpdateInformationProvider > xProvider(getProvider()); if( xProvider.is() ) xProvider->cancel(); } void UpdateCheckThread::cancelAsSoonAsPossible() { { osl::MutexGuard g(m_aMutex); m_cancelAsSoonAsPossible = true; } m_aCondition.set(); } bool UpdateCheckThread::runCheck( bool & rbExtensionsChecked ) { bool ret = false; UpdateState eUIState = UPDATESTATE_NO_UPDATE_AVAIL; UpdateInfo aInfo; rtl::Reference< UpdateCheck > aController(UpdateCheck::get()); if( checkForUpdates(aInfo, m_xContext, aController->getInteractionHandler(), createProvider()) ) { aController->setUpdateInfo(aInfo); eUIState = UpdateCheck::getUIState(aInfo); ret = true; } else aController->setCheckFailedState(); // We will only look for extension updates, when there is no 'check for office updates' dialog open // and when there was no office update found if ( ( eUIState != UPDATESTATE_UPDATE_AVAIL ) && ( eUIState != UPDATESTATE_UPDATE_NO_DOWNLOAD ) && !aController->isDialogShowing() && !rbExtensionsChecked ) { bool bHasExtensionUpdates = checkForExtensionUpdates( m_xContext ); aController->setHasExtensionUpdates( bHasExtensionUpdates ); if ( bHasExtensionUpdates ) aController->setUIState( UPDATESTATE_EXT_UPD_AVAIL ); rbExtensionsChecked = true; } // joining with this thread is safe again clearProvider(); return ret; } void SAL_CALL UpdateCheckThread::onTerminated() { delete this; } void SAL_CALL UpdateCheckThread::run() { osl_setThreadName("UpdateCheckThread"); TimeValue systime; TimeValue nExtCheckTime; osl_getSystemTime( &nExtCheckTime ); osl::Condition::Result aResult = osl::Condition::result_timeout; TimeValue tv = { 10, 0 }; // Initial wait to avoid doing further time consuming tasks during start-up aResult = m_aCondition.wait(&tv); { osl::MutexGuard g(m_aMutex); if (m_cancelAsSoonAsPossible) { goto done; } } try { bool bExtensionsChecked = false; while( schedule() ) { /* Use cases: * a) manual check requested from auto check thread - "last check" should not be checked (one time) * a1) manual check was requested in the middle of a running auto check, * condition is set * a2) manual check was requested while waiting for a retry, * condition is set * a3) manual check was requested while waiting for time to next * scheduled check elapsing, condition is set * a4) manual check was requested during initial wait, condition is set * b) check interval got changed, condition may be set - same sub-cases as a), * but "last check" should be honored * c) normal auto check mode, condition not set - "last check" should be honored */ // Accessing const members without synchronization rtl::Reference< UpdateCheck > aController(UpdateCheck::get()); rtl::Reference< UpdateCheckConfig > rModel = UpdateCheckConfig::get(m_xContext, *aController); // FIXME: remember last & offset ? sal_Int64 last = rModel->getLastChecked(); sal_Int64 offset = rModel->getCheckInterval(); rModel.clear(); // last == 0 means check immediately bool checkNow = last <= 0; // Reset the condition to avoid busy loops if( osl::Condition::result_ok == aResult ) { m_aCondition.reset(); aResult = osl::Condition::result_timeout; checkNow = aController->isDialogShowing(); } if( ! checkNow ) { osl_getSystemTime(&systime); // Go back to sleep until time has elapsed sal_Int64 next = last + offset; if( last + offset > systime.Seconds ) { // This can not be > 32 Bit for now .. tv.Seconds = static_cast< sal_Int32 > (next - systime.Seconds); aResult = m_aCondition.wait(&tv); { osl::MutexGuard g(m_aMutex); if (m_cancelAsSoonAsPossible) { goto done; } } continue; } } static sal_uInt8 n = 0; if( ! hasInternetConnection() || ! runCheck( bExtensionsChecked ) ) { // the extension update check should be independent from the office update check osl_getSystemTime( &systime ); if ( nExtCheckTime.Seconds + offset < systime.Seconds ) bExtensionsChecked = false; // Increase next by 15, 60, .. minutes static const sal_Int32 nRetryInterval[] = { 900, 3600, 14400, 86400 }; if( n < SAL_N_ELEMENTS(nRetryInterval) ) ++n; tv.Seconds = nRetryInterval[n-1]; aResult = m_aCondition.wait(&tv); { osl::MutexGuard g(m_aMutex); if (m_cancelAsSoonAsPossible) { goto done; } } } else // reset retry counter { n = 0; bExtensionsChecked = false; } } } catch(const uno::Exception&) { // Silently catch all errors TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION("extensions.update", "Caught exception, thread terminated" ); } done: if (m_controller.is()) { m_controller->notifyUpdateCheckFinished(); } } void SAL_CALL ManualUpdateCheckThread::run() { try { bool bExtensionsChecked = false; runCheck( bExtensionsChecked ); m_aCondition.reset(); } catch(const uno::Exception&) { // Silently catch all errors TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION("extensions.update", "Caught exception, thread terminated" ); } } MenuBarButtonJob::MenuBarButtonJob(const rtl::Reference< UpdateCheck >& rUpdateCheck) : m_aUpdateCheck(rUpdateCheck) { }; uno::Any SAL_CALL MenuBarButtonJob::execute(const uno::Sequence& ) { if ( m_aUpdateCheck->shouldShowExtUpdDlg() ) m_aUpdateCheck->showExtensionDialog(); else m_aUpdateCheck->showDialog(); return uno::Any(); } DownloadThread::DownloadThread(osl::Condition& rCondition, const uno::Reference& xContext, const rtl::Reference< DownloadInteractionHandler >& rHandler, const OUString& rURL) : m_aCondition(rCondition), m_xContext(xContext), m_aURL(rURL), m_aDownload(xContext, rHandler) { createSuspended(); } DownloadThread::~DownloadThread() { } void SAL_CALL DownloadThread::run() { osl_setThreadName("DownloadThread"); #ifdef _WIN32 int nNbCallCoInitializeExForReinit = 0; // for SystemShellExecute o3tl::safeCoInitializeEx(COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED, nNbCallCoInitializeExForReinit); #endif while( schedule() ) { rtl::Reference< UpdateCheckConfig > rModel = UpdateCheckConfig::get(m_xContext); OUString aLocalFile = rModel->getLocalFileName(); OUString aDownloadDest = rModel->getDownloadDestination(); // release config class for now rModel.clear(); static sal_uInt8 n = 0; if( ! m_aDownload.start(m_aURL, aLocalFile, aDownloadDest ) ) { // retry every 15s unless the dialog is not visible TimeValue tv; tv.Seconds = 15; if( ! UpdateCheck::get()->isDialogShowing() ) { // Increase next by 1, 5, 15, 60, .. minutes static const sal_Int16 nRetryInterval[] = { 60, 300, 900, 3600 }; if( n < SAL_N_ELEMENTS(nRetryInterval) ) ++n; tv.Seconds = nRetryInterval[n-1]; } m_aCondition.wait(&tv); } else { // reset wait period after successful download n=0; } } #ifdef _WIN32 o3tl::safeCoUninitializeReinit(COINIT_MULTITHREADED, nNbCallCoInitializeExForReinit); #endif } void DownloadThread::cancel() { m_aDownload.stop(); resume(); rtl::Reference< UpdateCheck > aController(UpdateCheck::get()); aController->cancelDownload(); } void SAL_CALL DownloadThread::suspend() { osl::Thread::suspend(); m_aDownload.stop(); } void SAL_CALL DownloadThread::onTerminated() { delete this; } ShutdownThread::ShutdownThread( const uno::Reference& xContext) : m_xContext( xContext ) { create(); } ShutdownThread::~ShutdownThread() { } void SAL_CALL ShutdownThread::run() { osl_setThreadName("ShutdownThread"); TimeValue tv = { 0, 250 }; m_aCondition.wait(&tv); // Tell QuickStarter not to veto .. uno::Reference< css::beans::XFastPropertySet > xQuickStarter = css::office::Quickstart::createDefault(m_xContext); xQuickStarter->setFastPropertyValue(0, uno::makeAny(false)); // Shutdown the office uno::Reference< frame::XDesktop2 > xDesktop = frame::Desktop::create(m_xContext); xDesktop->terminate(); } void SAL_CALL ShutdownThread::onTerminated() { delete this; } } // anonymous namespace UpdateCheck::UpdateCheck() : m_eState(NOT_INITIALIZED) , m_eUpdateState(UPDATESTATES_COUNT) , m_pThread(nullptr) , m_bHasExtensionUpdate(false) , m_bShowExtUpdDlg(false) , m_updateCheckRunning(false) { } UpdateCheck::~UpdateCheck() {} void UpdateCheck::initialize(const uno::Sequence< beans::NamedValue >& rValues, const uno::Reference& xContext) { std::scoped_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); if( NOT_INITIALIZED == m_eState ) { NamedValueByNameAccess aNameAccess(rValues); UpdateCheckROModel aModel( aNameAccess ); m_xContext = xContext; OUString aUpdateEntryVersion = aModel.getUpdateEntryVersion(); aModel.getUpdateEntry(m_aUpdateInfo); bool obsoleteUpdateInfo = isObsoleteUpdateInfo(aUpdateEntryVersion); bool bContinueDownload = false; bool bDownloadAvailable = false; m_bHasExtensionUpdate = checkForPendingUpdates( xContext ); m_bShowExtUpdDlg = false; OUString aLocalFileName = aModel.getLocalFileName(); if( !aLocalFileName.isEmpty() ) { bContinueDownload = true; // Try to get the number of bytes already on disk osl::DirectoryItem aDirectoryItem; if( osl::DirectoryItem::E_None == osl::DirectoryItem::get(aLocalFileName, aDirectoryItem) ) { osl::FileStatus aFileStatus(osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileSize); if( osl::DirectoryItem::E_None == aDirectoryItem.getFileStatus(aFileStatus) ) { sal_Int64 nDownloadSize = aModel.getDownloadSize(); sal_Int64 nFileSize = aFileStatus.getFileSize(); if( nDownloadSize > 0 ) { if ( nDownloadSize <= nFileSize ) // we have already downloaded everything { bContinueDownload = false; bDownloadAvailable = true; m_aImageName = getImageFromFileName( aLocalFileName ); } else // Calculate initial percent value. { sal_Int32 nPercent = static_cast(100 * nFileSize / nDownloadSize); getUpdateHandler()->setProgress( nPercent ); } } } } if ( bContinueDownload ) { bool downloadPaused = aModel.isDownloadPaused(); enableDownload(true, downloadPaused); // coverity[lock_order : FALSE] - incorrect report of lock order error with std::recursive_mutex setUIState(downloadPaused ? UPDATESTATE_DOWNLOAD_PAUSED : UPDATESTATE_DOWNLOADING); } } if ( !bContinueDownload ) { // We do this intentionally only if no download is in progress .. if( obsoleteUpdateInfo ) { // Bring-up release note for position 5 .. const OUString aURL(getReleaseNote(m_aUpdateInfo, 5)); if( !aURL.isEmpty() ) showReleaseNote(aURL); // Data is outdated, probably due to installed update rtl::Reference< UpdateCheckConfig > aConfig = UpdateCheckConfig::get( xContext, *this ); aConfig->clearUpdateFound(); aConfig->clearLocalFileName(); m_aUpdateInfo = UpdateInfo(); // Remove outdated release notes storeReleaseNote( 1, OUString() ); storeReleaseNote( 2, OUString() ); } else { enableAutoCheck(aModel.isAutoCheckEnabled()); if ( bDownloadAvailable ) setUIState( UPDATESTATE_DOWNLOAD_AVAIL ); else { // coverity[lock_order : FALSE] - incorrect report of lock order error with std::recursive_mutex setUIState(getUIState(m_aUpdateInfo)); } } } } } void UpdateCheck::cancel() { std::unique_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); WorkerThread *pThread = m_pThread; UpdateState eUIState = getUIState(m_aUpdateInfo); aGuard.unlock(); if( nullptr != pThread ) pThread->cancel(); setUIState(eUIState); } void UpdateCheck::download() { std::unique_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); UpdateInfo aInfo(m_aUpdateInfo); State eState = m_eState; aGuard.unlock(); if (aInfo.Sources.empty()) { SAL_WARN("extensions.update", "download called without source"); return; } if( aInfo.Sources[0].IsDirect ) { // Ignore second click of a double click if( DOWNLOADING != eState ) { shutdownThread(true); { std::scoped_lock aGuard2(m_aMutex); enableDownload(true); } setUIState(UPDATESTATE_DOWNLOADING); } } else { showReleaseNote(aInfo.Sources[0].URL); // Display in browser } } void UpdateCheck::install() { std::scoped_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); const uno::Reference< c3s::XSystemShellExecute > xShellExecute = c3s::SystemShellExecute::create( m_xContext ); try { // Construct install command ?? // Store release note for position 3 and 4 OUString aURL(getReleaseNote(m_aUpdateInfo, 3)); storeReleaseNote(1, aURL); aURL = getReleaseNote(m_aUpdateInfo, 4); storeReleaseNote(2, aURL); OUString aInstallImage(m_aImageName); osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL(aInstallImage, aInstallImage); sal_Int32 nFlags; #if (defined LINUX || defined __sun) nFlags = 42; OUString aParameter = getBaseInstallation(); if( !aParameter.isEmpty() ) osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL(aParameter, aParameter); aParameter += " &"; #else nFlags = c3s::SystemShellExecuteFlags::DEFAULTS; OUString const aParameter; #endif rtl::Reference< UpdateCheckConfig > rModel = UpdateCheckConfig::get( m_xContext ); rModel->clearLocalFileName(); xShellExecute->execute(aInstallImage, aParameter, nFlags); new ShutdownThread( m_xContext ); } catch(const uno::Exception&) { m_aUpdateHandler->setErrorMessage( m_aUpdateHandler->getDefaultInstErrMsg() ); } } void UpdateCheck::pause() { std::unique_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); if( nullptr != m_pThread ) m_pThread->suspend(); rtl::Reference< UpdateCheckConfig > rModel = UpdateCheckConfig::get(m_xContext); aGuard.unlock(); rModel->storeDownloadPaused(true); setUIState(UPDATESTATE_DOWNLOAD_PAUSED); } void UpdateCheck::resume() { std::unique_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); if( nullptr != m_pThread ) m_pThread->resume(); rtl::Reference< UpdateCheckConfig > rModel = UpdateCheckConfig::get(m_xContext); aGuard.unlock(); rModel->storeDownloadPaused(false); setUIState(UPDATESTATE_DOWNLOADING); } void UpdateCheck::closeAfterFailure() { std::unique_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); if ( ( m_eState == DISABLED ) || ( m_eState == CHECK_SCHEDULED ) ) { const UpdateState eUIState = getUIState( m_aUpdateInfo ); aGuard.unlock(); setUIState( eUIState, true ); } } void UpdateCheck::notifyUpdateCheckFinished() { std::scoped_lock l(m_aMutex); m_updateCheckRunning = false; m_updateCheckFinished.notify_all(); } void UpdateCheck::waitForUpdateCheckFinished() { UpdateCheckThread * thread; { std::scoped_lock l(m_aMutex); thread = dynamic_cast(m_pThread); } if (thread != nullptr) { thread->cancelAsSoonAsPossible(); } for (;;) { std::unique_lock lock(m_aMutex); if (!m_updateCheckRunning) { return; } m_updateCheckFinished.wait(lock); } } void UpdateCheck::shutdownThread(bool join) { std::unique_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); // copy thread object pointer to stack osl::Thread *pThread = m_pThread; m_pThread = nullptr; aGuard.unlock(); if( nullptr != pThread ) { pThread->terminate(); if( join ) { m_aCondition.set(); pThread->join(); m_aCondition.reset(); } } } void UpdateCheck::enableAutoCheck(bool enable) { if( enable ) { m_updateCheckRunning = true; m_pThread = new UpdateCheckThread(m_aCondition, m_xContext, this); } m_eState = enable ? CHECK_SCHEDULED : DISABLED; } void UpdateCheck::enableDownload(bool enable, bool paused) { OSL_ASSERT(nullptr == m_pThread); if( enable ) { m_pThread = new DownloadThread(m_aCondition, m_xContext, this, m_aUpdateInfo.Sources[0].URL ); State eState = DISABLED; if( !paused ) { eState = DOWNLOADING; m_pThread->resume(); } else eState = DOWNLOAD_PAUSED; m_eState = eState; } else { enableAutoCheck(UpdateCheckConfig::get(m_xContext)->isAutoCheckEnabled()); } } bool UpdateCheck::downloadTargetExists(const OUString& rFileName) { std::unique_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); rtl::Reference< UpdateHandler > aUpdateHandler(getUpdateHandler()); UpdateState eUIState = UPDATESTATE_DOWNLOADING; bool cont = false; if( aUpdateHandler->isVisible() ) { cont = aUpdateHandler->showOverwriteWarning(); if( cont ) { if( osl_File_E_None != osl_removeFile(rFileName.pData) ) { // FIXME: error message cont = false; } } else eUIState = getUIState(m_aUpdateInfo); } else { m_aImageName = getImageFromFileName(rFileName); eUIState = UPDATESTATE_DOWNLOAD_AVAIL; } if( !cont ) { shutdownThread(false); enableDownload(false); aGuard.unlock(); setUIState(eUIState); } return cont; } bool UpdateCheck::checkDownloadDestination( const OUString& rFileName ) { std::scoped_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); rtl::Reference< UpdateHandler > aUpdateHandler( getUpdateHandler() ); bool bReload = false; if( aUpdateHandler->isVisible() ) { bReload = aUpdateHandler->showOverwriteWarning( rFileName ); } return bReload; } void UpdateCheck::downloadStalled(const OUString& rErrorMessage) { std::unique_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); rtl::Reference< UpdateHandler > aUpdateHandler(getUpdateHandler()); aGuard.unlock(); aUpdateHandler->setErrorMessage(rErrorMessage); setUIState(UPDATESTATE_ERROR_DOWNLOADING); } void UpdateCheck::downloadProgressAt(sal_Int8 nPercent) { std::unique_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); rtl::Reference< UpdateHandler > aUpdateHandler(getUpdateHandler()); aGuard.unlock(); aUpdateHandler->setProgress(nPercent); setUIState(UPDATESTATE_DOWNLOADING); } void UpdateCheck::downloadStarted(const OUString& rLocalFileName, sal_Int64 nFileSize) { if ( nFileSize > 0 ) { std::scoped_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); rtl::Reference< UpdateCheckConfig > aModel(UpdateCheckConfig::get(m_xContext)); aModel->storeLocalFileName(rLocalFileName, nFileSize); // Bring-up release note for position 1 .. const OUString aURL(getReleaseNote(m_aUpdateInfo, 1, aModel->isAutoDownloadEnabled())); if( !aURL.isEmpty() ) showReleaseNote(aURL); } } void UpdateCheck::downloadFinished(const OUString& rLocalFileName) { std::unique_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); // no more retries m_pThread->terminate(); m_aImageName = getImageFromFileName(rLocalFileName); UpdateInfo aUpdateInfo(m_aUpdateInfo); aGuard.unlock(); setUIState(UPDATESTATE_DOWNLOAD_AVAIL); // Bring-up release note for position 2 .. rtl::Reference< UpdateCheckConfig > rModel = UpdateCheckConfig::get( m_xContext ); const OUString aURL(getReleaseNote(aUpdateInfo, 2, rModel->isAutoDownloadEnabled())); if( !aURL.isEmpty() ) showReleaseNote(aURL); } void UpdateCheck::cancelDownload() { shutdownThread(true); std::scoped_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); enableDownload(false); rtl::Reference< UpdateCheckConfig > rModel = UpdateCheckConfig::get(m_xContext); OUString aLocalFile(rModel->getLocalFileName()); rModel->clearLocalFileName(); rModel->storeDownloadPaused(false); if( isObsoleteUpdateInfo(rModel->getUpdateEntryVersion()) ) { rModel->clearUpdateFound(); // This wasn't done during init yet .. m_aUpdateInfo = UpdateInfo(); } /*oslFileError rc =*/ osl_removeFile(aLocalFile.pData); // FIXME: error handling .. } void UpdateCheck::showDialog(bool forceCheck) { std::unique_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); bool update_found = !m_aUpdateInfo.BuildId.isEmpty(); bool bSetUIState = ! m_aUpdateHandler.is(); UpdateState eDialogState = UPDATESTATES_COUNT; switch( m_eState ) { case DISABLED: case CHECK_SCHEDULED: if( forceCheck || ! update_found ) // Run check when forced or if we did not find an update yet { eDialogState = UPDATESTATE_CHECKING; bSetUIState = true; } else if(m_aUpdateInfo.Sources[0].IsDirect) eDialogState = UPDATESTATE_UPDATE_AVAIL; else eDialogState = UPDATESTATE_UPDATE_NO_DOWNLOAD; break; case DOWNLOADING: eDialogState = UPDATESTATE_DOWNLOADING; break; case DOWNLOAD_PAUSED: eDialogState = UPDATESTATE_DOWNLOAD_PAUSED; break; case NOT_INITIALIZED: OSL_ASSERT( false ); break; } if( bSetUIState ) { aGuard.unlock(); setUIState(eDialogState, true); // suppress bubble as Dialog will be visible soon aGuard.lock(); } getUpdateHandler()->setVisible(); // Run check in separate thread .. if( UPDATESTATE_CHECKING == eDialogState ) { if( DISABLED == m_eState ) { // destructs itself when done, not cancellable for now .. new ManualUpdateCheckThread(m_aCondition, m_xContext); } m_aCondition.set(); } } void UpdateCheck::setUpdateInfo(const UpdateInfo& aInfo) { std::unique_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); bool bSuppressBubble = aInfo.BuildId == m_aUpdateInfo.BuildId; m_aUpdateInfo = aInfo; OSL_ASSERT(DISABLED == m_eState || CHECK_SCHEDULED == m_eState); // Ignore leading non direct download if we get direct ones std::vector< DownloadSource >::iterator iter = std::find_if(m_aUpdateInfo.Sources.begin(), m_aUpdateInfo.Sources.end(), [](const DownloadSource& rSource) { return rSource.IsDirect; }); if( (iter != m_aUpdateInfo.Sources.begin()) && (iter != m_aUpdateInfo.Sources.end()) && iter->IsDirect ) { m_aUpdateInfo.Sources.erase(m_aUpdateInfo.Sources.begin(), --iter); } rtl::Reference< UpdateCheckConfig > rModel = UpdateCheckConfig::get(m_xContext, *this); OSL_ASSERT( rModel.is() ); // Decide whether to use alternate release note pos .. bool autoDownloadEnabled = rModel->isAutoDownloadEnabled(); for (auto & elem : m_aUpdateInfo.ReleaseNotes) { if( ((1 == elem.Pos) || (2 == elem.Pos)) && autoDownloadEnabled && !elem.URL2.isEmpty()) { elem.URL = elem.URL2; elem.URL2.clear(); elem.Pos = elem.Pos2; elem.Pos2 = 0; } } // do not move below store/clear .. rModel->updateLastChecked(); UpdateState eUIState; if( !m_aUpdateInfo.Sources.empty() ) { rModel->storeUpdateFound(aInfo, getBuildId()); if( m_aUpdateInfo.Sources[0].IsDirect ) { eUIState = UPDATESTATE_UPDATE_AVAIL; if( rModel->isAutoDownloadEnabled() ) { shutdownThread(false); eUIState = UPDATESTATE_DOWNLOADING; enableDownload(true); } } else eUIState = UPDATESTATE_UPDATE_NO_DOWNLOAD; } else { eUIState = UPDATESTATE_NO_UPDATE_AVAIL; rModel->clearUpdateFound(); } aGuard.unlock(); setUIState(eUIState, bSuppressBubble); } void UpdateCheck::setCheckFailedState() { setUIState(UPDATESTATE_ERROR_CHECKING); } void UpdateCheck::handleMenuBarUI( const rtl::Reference< UpdateHandler >& rUpdateHandler, UpdateState& eState, bool suppressBubble ) { uno::Reference xMenuBarUI( m_xMenuBarUI ); if ( ( UPDATESTATE_NO_UPDATE_AVAIL == eState ) && m_bHasExtensionUpdate ) eState = UPDATESTATE_EXT_UPD_AVAIL; if ( UPDATESTATE_EXT_UPD_AVAIL == eState ) m_bShowExtUpdDlg = true; else m_bShowExtUpdDlg = false; if( xMenuBarUI.is() ) { if( UPDATESTATE_NO_UPDATE_AVAIL == eState ) { xMenuBarUI->setPropertyValue( PROPERTY_SHOW_MENUICON, uno::makeAny(false) ); } else { xMenuBarUI->setPropertyValue( PROPERTY_TITLE, uno::makeAny(rUpdateHandler->getBubbleTitle(eState)) ); xMenuBarUI->setPropertyValue( PROPERTY_TEXT, uno::makeAny(rUpdateHandler->getBubbleText(eState)) ); if( ! suppressBubble && ( ! rUpdateHandler->isVisible() || rUpdateHandler->isMinimized() ) ) xMenuBarUI->setPropertyValue( PROPERTY_SHOW_BUBBLE, uno::makeAny( true ) ); if( UPDATESTATE_CHECKING != eState ) xMenuBarUI->setPropertyValue( PROPERTY_SHOW_MENUICON, uno::makeAny(true) ); } } } void UpdateCheck::setUIState(UpdateState eState, bool suppressBubble) { std::unique_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); if( ! m_xMenuBarUI.is() && (DISABLED != m_eState) && ( m_bHasExtensionUpdate || (UPDATESTATE_NO_UPDATE_AVAIL != eState)) && (UPDATESTATE_CHECKING != eState) && (UPDATESTATE_ERROR_CHECKING != eState) ) { m_xMenuBarUI = createMenuBarUI(m_xContext, new MenuBarButtonJob(this)); } // Show bubble only when the status has changed if ( eState == m_eUpdateState ) suppressBubble = true; else m_eUpdateState = eState; rtl::Reference aUpdateHandler(getUpdateHandler()); OSL_ASSERT( aUpdateHandler.is() ); UpdateInfo aUpdateInfo(m_aUpdateInfo); OUString aImageName(m_aImageName); aGuard.unlock(); handleMenuBarUI( aUpdateHandler, eState, suppressBubble ); if( (UPDATESTATE_UPDATE_AVAIL == eState) || (UPDATESTATE_DOWNLOAD_PAUSED == eState) || (UPDATESTATE_DOWNLOADING == eState) ) { uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext > xContext(m_xContext); OUString aDownloadDestination = UpdateCheckConfig::get(xContext, this)->getDownloadDestination(); osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL(aDownloadDestination.pData, &aDownloadDestination.pData); aUpdateHandler->setDownloadPath(aDownloadDestination); } else if( UPDATESTATE_DOWNLOAD_AVAIL == eState ) { aUpdateHandler->setDownloadFile(aImageName); } aUpdateHandler->setDescription(aUpdateInfo.Description); aUpdateHandler->setNextVersion(aUpdateInfo.Version); aUpdateHandler->setState(eState); } UpdateState UpdateCheck::getUIState(const UpdateInfo& rInfo) { UpdateState eUIState = UPDATESTATE_NO_UPDATE_AVAIL; if( !rInfo.BuildId.isEmpty() ) { if( rInfo.Sources[0].IsDirect ) eUIState = UPDATESTATE_UPDATE_AVAIL; else eUIState = UPDATESTATE_UPDATE_NO_DOWNLOAD; } return eUIState; } void UpdateCheck::showReleaseNote(const OUString& rURL) const { const uno::Reference< c3s::XSystemShellExecute > xShellExecute( c3s::SystemShellExecute::create( m_xContext ) ); try { xShellExecute->execute(rURL, OUString(), c3s::SystemShellExecuteFlags::URIS_ONLY); } catch(const c3s::SystemShellExecuteException&) { } } bool UpdateCheck::storeReleaseNote(sal_Int8 nNum, const OUString &rURL) { osl::FileBase::RC rc; OUString aTargetDir( UpdateCheckConfig::getAllUsersDirectory() + "/sun" ); osl::Directory::createPath( aTargetDir ); OUString aFileName = "releasenote" + OUString::number( nNum ) + ".url"; OUString aFilePath; rc = osl::FileBase::getAbsoluteFileURL( aTargetDir, aFileName, aFilePath ); if ( rc != osl::FileBase::E_None ) return false; osl::File::remove( aFilePath ); // don't store empty release notes, but delete old ones if ( rURL.isEmpty() ) return true; osl::File aFile( aFilePath ); rc = aFile.open( osl_File_OpenFlag_Write | osl_File_OpenFlag_Create ); if ( rc != osl::FileBase::E_None ) return false; OString aLineBuf("[InternetShortcut]\r\n"); sal_uInt64 nWritten = 0; OUString aURL( rURL ); #ifdef _WIN32 rc = aFile.write( aLineBuf.getStr(), aLineBuf.getLength(), nWritten ); if ( rc != osl::FileBase::E_None ) return false; aURL = "URL=" + rURL; #endif aLineBuf = OUStringToOString( aURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); rc = aFile.write( aLineBuf.getStr(), aLineBuf.getLength(), nWritten ); if ( rc != osl::FileBase::E_None ) return false; aFile.close(); return true; } void UpdateCheck::showExtensionDialog() { uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > xService; if( ! m_xContext.is() ) throw uno::RuntimeException( "UpdateCheck::showExtensionDialog(): empty component context", uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > () ); uno::Reference< lang::XMultiComponentFactory > xServiceManager( m_xContext->getServiceManager() ); if( !xServiceManager.is() ) throw uno::RuntimeException( "UpdateCheck::showExtensionDialog(): unable to obtain service manager from component context", uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > () ); xService = xServiceManager->createInstanceWithContext( "com.sun.star.deployment.ui.PackageManagerDialog", m_xContext ); uno::Reference< task::XJobExecutor > xExecutable( xService, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xExecutable.is() ) xExecutable->trigger( "SHOW_UPDATE_DIALOG" ); } rtl::Reference UpdateCheck::getUpdateHandler() { std::scoped_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); if( ! m_aUpdateHandler.is() ) m_aUpdateHandler = new UpdateHandler(m_xContext, this); return m_aUpdateHandler; } uno::Reference< task::XInteractionHandler > UpdateCheck::getInteractionHandler() const { std::scoped_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); uno::Reference< task::XInteractionHandler > xHandler; if( m_aUpdateHandler.is() && m_aUpdateHandler->isVisible() ) xHandler = m_aUpdateHandler.get(); return xHandler; } bool UpdateCheck::isDialogShowing() const { std::scoped_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); return m_aUpdateHandler.is() && m_aUpdateHandler->isVisible(); }; void UpdateCheck::autoCheckStatusChanged(bool enabled) { std::unique_lock aGuard(m_aMutex); if( (CHECK_SCHEDULED == m_eState) && !enabled ) shutdownThread(false); if( (DISABLED == m_eState) || (CHECK_SCHEDULED == m_eState) ) { enableAutoCheck(enabled); UpdateState eState = getUIState(m_aUpdateInfo); aGuard.unlock(); setUIState(eState); } }; void UpdateCheck::autoCheckIntervalChanged() { // just wake-up m_aCondition.set(); }; /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */