False 6 Column Layout for Table “%1” True 0 0 dialog False True True vertical 12 False end _OK True True True True True True False True 0 _Cancel True True True True False True 1 _Help True True True True False True 2 True False True end 1 True False True True 0 none True False True True 6 12 12 6 True False end _Short name True identifierCombobox 0 0 True False end _Author(s) True authorCombobox 0 1 True False end _Publisher True publisherCombobox 0 2 True False end _Chapter True chapterCombobox 0 3 True False end Editor 0 5 True False center True 1 1 True False center True 1 2 True False center True 1 3 True False center True 1 5 True False end _Type True authorityTypeCombobox 2 0 True False end _Year True yearCombobox 4 0 True False end Tit_le True titleCombobox 2 1 True False center True 3 0 True False center True 5 0 True False center True 3 1 True False end A_ddress True addressCombobox 2 2 True False end _ISBN True ISBNCombobox 4 2 True False end Pa_ge(s) True pagesCombobox 2 3 True False center True 3 2 True False center True 5 2 True False center True 3 3 True False end Ed_ition True editionCombobox 2 5 True False center True 3 5 True False end _Book title True bookTitleCombobox 0 6 True False end Volume 2 6 True False end Publication t_ype True howPublishedCombobox 4 6 True False center True 1 6 True False center True 3 6 True False center True 5 6 True False end Organi_zation True organizationCombobox 0 7 True False end Instit_ution True institutionCombobox 2 7 True False end Uni_versity True schoolCombobox 4 7 True False center True 1 7 True False center True 3 7 True False center True 5 7 True False end Type of re_port True reportTypeCombobox 0 8 True False end _Month True monthCombobox 2 8 True False center True 1 8 True False center True 3 8 True False end _Journal True journalCombobox 0 10 True False end Numb_er True numberCombobox 2 10 True False end Se_ries True seriesCombobox 4 10 True False center True 1 10 True False center True 3 10 True False center True 5 10 True False end Ann_otation True annoteCombobox 0 11 True False end _Note True noteCombobox 2 11 True False end URL 4 11 True False center True 1 11 True False center True 3 11 True False center True 5 11 True False end User-defined field _1 True custom1Combobox 0 13 True False end User-defined field _2 True custom2Combobox 2 13 True False end User-defined field _3 True custom3Combobox 4 13 True False end User-defined field _4 True custom4Combobox 0 14 True False end User-defined field _5 True custom5Combobox 2 14 True False center True 1 13 True False center True 3 13 True False center True 5 13 True False center True 1 14 True False center True 3 14 True False center True 1 0 12 12 True False vertical 0 12 12 12 True False vertical 0 9 12 12 True False vertical 0 4 True False Column Names False True 0 ok cancel help Lets you map the column headings to data fields from a different data source. To define a different data source for your bibliography, click the Data Source button on the record's Object bar.