/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html> * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_extensions.hxx" #include <stdio.h> #include <stardiv/uno/repos/implementationregistration.hxx> #include <stardiv/uno/script/script.hxx> #include <stardiv/uno/beans/exactname.hxx> #include <rtl/ustring.hxx> #include <osl/diagnose.h> #include <usr/services.hxx> #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> #include <usr/ustring.hxx> #include <usr/weak.hxx> #include <tools/string.hxx> #include <osl/conditn.hxx> using namespace usr; using ::rtl::StringToOUString; using ::rtl::OUStringToString; #define PCHAR_TO_USTRING(x) StringToOUString(String(x),CHARSET_SYSTEM) #define USTRING_TO_PCHAR(x) OUStringToString(x , CHARSET_DONTKNOW ).GetCharStr() /***** * * A Test root object ! * *****/ class MyPythonRoot : public XInvokation, public OWeakObject { public: MyPythonRoot() { m_iTestValue = 15; } BOOL queryInterface( Uik aUik, XInterfaceRef & rOut ); void acquire() { OWeakObject::acquire(); } void release() { OWeakObject::release(); } void* getImplementation(Reflection *p) { return OWeakObject::getImplementation(p); } public: XIntrospectionAccessRef getIntrospection(void) const THROWS( (UsrSystemException) ) { return XIntrospectionAccessRef(); } UsrAny invoke( const UString& FunctionName, const Sequence< UsrAny >& Params, Sequence< INT16 >& OutParamIndex, Sequence< UsrAny >& OutParam) THROWS( ( IllegalArgumentException, CannotConvertException, InvocationTargetException, UsrSystemException) ); void setValue(const UString& PropertyName, const UsrAny& Value) THROWS( ( UnknownPropertyException, CannotConvertException, InvocationTargetException, UsrSystemException) ); UsrAny getValue(const UString& PropertyName) THROWS( ( UnknownPropertyException, UsrSystemException) ); BOOL hasMethod(const UString& Name) const THROWS( (UsrSystemException) ); BOOL hasProperty(const UString& Name) const THROWS( (UsrSystemException) ); void getTestValueViaInout( int &inout ) { inout = m_iTestValue; } INT32 getTestValue() const { return m_iTestValue; } void setTestValue( INT32 i ) { m_iTestValue = i; } void printTestValue() { fprintf( stderr, "TestValue : %d\n" , getTestValue() ); } void addTestValue( INT32 i ) { m_iTestValue += i; } private: INT32 m_iTestValue; }; BOOL MyPythonRoot::queryInterface( Uik aUik, XInterfaceRef &rOut ) { if( aUik == XInvokation::getSmartUik() ) { rOut = ( XInvokation * ) this; } else { return OWeakObject::queryInterface( aUik , rOut ); } return TRUE; } UsrAny MyPythonRoot::invoke( const UString& FunctionName, const Sequence< UsrAny >& Params, Sequence< INT16 >& OutParamIndex, Sequence< UsrAny >& OutParam) THROWS( ( IllegalArgumentException, CannotConvertException, InvocationTargetException, UsrSystemException) ) { if( L"printTestValue" == FunctionName ) { printTestValue(); } else if( L"addTestValue" == FunctionName ) { addTestValue( Params.getConstArray()[0].getINT32() ); } else if( L"getTestValueViaInout" == FunctionName ) { int i = Params.getConstArray()[0].getINT32(); getTestValueViaInout( i ); OutParam.getArray()[0].setINT32( i ); } else { THROW( InvocationTargetException() ); } return UsrAny(); } void MyPythonRoot::setValue(const UString& PropertyName, const UsrAny& Value) THROWS( ( UnknownPropertyException, CannotConvertException, InvocationTargetException, UsrSystemException) ) { if( L"TestValue" == PropertyName ) { setTestValue( Value.getINT32() ); } else { THROW( UnknownPropertyException() ); } } UsrAny MyPythonRoot::getValue(const UString& PropertyName) THROWS( ( UnknownPropertyException, UsrSystemException) ) { UsrAny aRet; if( L"TestValue" == PropertyName ) { aRet.setINT32( getTestValue() ); } else { THROW( UnknownPropertyException() ); } return aRet; } BOOL MyPythonRoot::hasMethod(const UString& Name) const THROWS( (UsrSystemException) ) { if( L"printTestValue" == Name ) { return TRUE; } else if( L"addTestValue" == Name ) { return TRUE; } else if( L"getTestValueViaInout" == Name ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL MyPythonRoot::hasProperty(const UString& Name) const THROWS( (UsrSystemException) ) { if( L"TestValue" == Name ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /***** * * A test engine listener to check the debug interface * *****/ class TestListener : public XEngineListener, public OWeakObject { public: TestListener() { m_pDebuggingRef = 0; } TestListener( XDebuggingRef *p ) { attach( p ); } ~TestListener() { if( m_pDebuggingRef ) { detach(); } } BOOL queryInterface( Uik aUik, XInterfaceRef & rOut ); void acquire() { OWeakObject::acquire(); } void release() { OWeakObject::release(); } void* getImplementation(Reflection *p) { return OWeakObject::getImplementation(p); } void attach( XDebuggingRef *p ) { m_pDebuggingRef = p; } void detach( ); virtual void disposing( const EventObject &o ) { if( m_pDebuggingRef ) { detach(); } } virtual void interrupt(const InterruptEngineEvent& Evt) THROWS( (UsrSystemException) ) { } virtual void running(const EventObject& Evt) THROWS( (UsrSystemException) ) { (*m_pDebuggingRef)->stop(); m_aDebugCondition.set(); } virtual void finished(const FinishEngineEvent& Evt) THROWS( (UsrSystemException) ) { m_aDebugCondition.set(); } void cmdLine(); protected: osl::Condition m_aDebugCondition; XDebuggingRef *m_pDebuggingRef; }; void TestListener::cmdLine() { // Condition is set by running listener m_aDebugCondition.wait(); m_aDebugCondition.reset(); (*m_pDebuggingRef)->doContinue(); m_aDebugCondition.wait(); } void TestListener::detach() { OSL_ASSERT( m_pDebuggingRef ); m_pDebuggingRef = 0; } BOOL TestListener::queryInterface( Uik aUik, XInterfaceRef & rOut ) { if( aUik == XEngineListener::getSmartUik() ) rOut = (XEngineListener*)this; else return OWeakObject::queryInterface( aUik, rOut ); return TRUE; } void checkInvokation( const XInvokationRef &xInvoke ) { UsrAny anyList; // check exporting an object as an invokation OSL_ASSERT( xInvoke->hasProperty( L"list" ) ); anyList = xInvoke->getValue( L"list" ); OSL_ASSERT( anyList.getReflection() == XInvokation_getReflection() ); XInvokationRef *pRef = ( XInvokationRef * ) anyList.get(); OSL_ASSERT( (*pRef).is() ); OSL_ASSERT( (*pRef)->hasMethod( L"append" ) ); OSL_ASSERT( (*pRef)->hasMethod( L"count" ) ); Sequence<UsrAny> seq(1); UsrAny any( (INT32) 1); (seq.getArray())[0] = any; any = (*pRef)->invoke( L"count" , seq , Sequence<INT16>(), Sequence<UsrAny>() ); int nOldSize = any.getINT32(); any = (*pRef)->invoke( L"append" , seq , Sequence<INT16>(), Sequence<UsrAny>() ); any = (*pRef)->invoke( L"count" , seq , Sequence<INT16>(), Sequence<UsrAny>() ); OSL_ASSERT( nOldSize + 1 == any.getINT32() ); } // just for testing ! class PythonCodeLibrary : public XLibraryAccess, public OWeakObject { BOOL queryInterface( Uik aUik, XInterfaceRef & rOut ); void acquire() { OWeakObject::acquire(); } void release() { OWeakObject::release(); } void* getImplementation(Reflection *p) { return OWeakObject::getImplementation(p); } virtual BOOL isFunction(const UString& FunctionName) THROWS( (UsrSystemException) ) { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL isValidPath(const UString& PathName) THROWS( (UsrSystemException) ) { return FALSE; } virtual Sequence< UString > getModuleNames(void) THROWS( (UsrSystemException) ) { return Sequence<UString> (); } virtual UString getModuleSource(const UString& ModulName) THROWS( (UsrSystemException) ) { if( ModulName == L"testmodul" ) { return UString( L"def testmethod():\n" L" return 42\n"); } return UString(); } virtual Sequence< BYTE > getModuleCode(const UString& ModuleName) THROWS( (UsrSystemException) ) { return Sequence< BYTE > (); } virtual UString getFunctionSource(const UString& FunctionName) THROWS( (UsrSystemException) ) { return UString(); } virtual Sequence< BYTE > getFunctionCode(const UString& FunctionName) THROWS( (UsrSystemException) ) { return Sequence< BYTE > (); } }; BOOL PythonCodeLibrary::queryInterface( Uik aUik, XInterfaceRef & rOut ) { if( XLibraryAccess::getSmartUik() == aUik ) { rOut = (XLibraryAccess* ) this; } else { return OWeakObject::queryInterface( aUik , rOut ); } return TRUE; } /* * main. */ int __LOADONCALLAPI main (int argc, char **argv) { // necessary startup code XMultiServiceFactoryRef xSMgr = createRegistryServiceManager(); registerUsrServices( xSMgr ); setProcessServiceManager( xSMgr ); XInterfaceRef x = xSMgr->createInstance( L"stardiv.uno.repos.ImplementationRegistration" ); XImplementationRegistrationRef xReg( x, USR_QUERY ); sal_Char szBuf[1024]; ORealDynamicLoader::computeModuleName( "pythonengine", szBuf, 1024 ); UString aDllName( StringToOUString( szBuf, CHARSET_SYSTEM ) ); xReg->registerImplementation( L"stardiv.loader.SharedLibrary", aDllName, XSimpleRegistryRef() ); x = xSMgr->createInstance( L"stardiv.script.Python" ); XEngineRef xEngine( x, USR_QUERY ); XInvokationRef xInvoke( x, USR_QUERY ); XDebuggingRef xDebug( x , USR_QUERY ); XInterfaceRef rRoot( (XInvokation * )new MyPythonRoot , USR_QUERY ); xEngine->setRoot( rRoot ); // execute a simple script xEngine->run( L"nIntTest = 5\n" L"list = [2,3,4]\n" , XInterfaceRef(), Sequence<UsrAny> () ); /**** * * Xinvokation - Test * *****/ // get/set an int ! { OSL_ASSERT( xInvoke->hasProperty( L"nIntTest" ) ); UsrAny any = xInvoke->getValue( L"nIntTest" ); OSL_ASSERT( any.getReflection()->getTypeClass() == TypeClass_LONG ); OSL_ASSERT( any.getINT32() == 5 ); // simple test: set an int ! xInvoke->setValue( L"nIntTest" , UsrAny( (INT32) 10 ) ); any = xInvoke->getValue( L"nIntTest" ); OSL_ASSERT( any.getReflection()->getTypeClass() == TypeClass_LONG ); OSL_ASSERT( any.getINT32() == 10 ); } // call a python method ! { xEngine->run( L"def foo():\n" L" return 'this is foo'\n" , XInterfaceRef() , Sequence<UsrAny> () ); OSL_ASSERT( xInvoke->hasMethod( L"foo" ) ); UsrAny any = xInvoke->invoke( L"foo" , Sequence<UsrAny>(), Sequence<INT16>() , Sequence<UsrAny> () ); OSL_ASSERT( any.getString() == L"this is foo" ); } // check exception handling ! { try { xInvoke->invoke( L"foo" , Sequence<UsrAny>(1) , Sequence<INT16>(), Sequence<UsrAny> () ); // wrong number of arguments OSL_ASSERT( 0 ); } catch ( IllegalArgumentException& e ) { } catch ( InvocationTargetException& e ) { } catch ( CannotConvertException& e ) { // empty any cannot be converted } } // check InOut-Parameter checkInvokation( xInvoke ); /******* * * Check Introspection Access * *******/ { XIntrospectionAccessRef xIntrospection = xInvoke->getIntrospection(); OSL_ASSERT( xIntrospection.is() ); // no further test, simply call them xIntrospection->getMethods(0); xIntrospection->getProperties(0); OSL_ASSERT( xIntrospection->getSuppliedMethodConcepts() == 0 ); OSL_ASSERT( xIntrospection->getSuppliedPropertyConcepts() == 0 ); Property prop = xIntrospection->getProperty( L"nIntTest" ,0 ); OSL_ASSERT( prop.Name == L"nIntTest" ); OSL_ASSERT( prop.Type->getTypeClass() == TypeClass_LONG ); XIdlMethodRef method = xIntrospection->getMethod( L"foo" , 0 ); OSL_ASSERT( method->getName() == L"foo" ); } /****** * * Multithreading test * *******/ /****** * * XDebuggingTest * ******/ // stop/doContinue + runAsync listener { // test hangs, if something is wrong TestListener *pListener = new TestListener( &xDebug ); XEngineListenerRef ref( (XEngineListener * ) pListener , USR_QUERY ); // single listener check ! xEngine->runAsync( L"pass\n" , XInterfaceRef() , Sequence<UsrAny> () , ref ); pListener->cmdLine(); } // ListenerAdministration check ! { // test hangs, if something is wrong TestListener *pListener = new TestListener( &xDebug ); XEngineListenerRef ref( (XEngineListener * ) pListener , USR_QUERY ); // engine listener check ! xEngine->addEngineListener( ref ); xEngine->runAsync( L"pass\n" , XInterfaceRef() , Sequence<UsrAny> () , XEngineListenerRef() ); pListener->cmdLine(); xEngine->removeEngineListener( ref); } // check the import mechanism { XLibraryAccessRef xLibrary( ( XLibraryAccess * ) new PythonCodeLibrary , USR_QUERY ); xEngine->setLibraryAccess( xLibrary ); xEngine->run( L"import testmodul\n" L"x = testmodul.testmethod()\n" , XInterfaceRef() , Sequence<UsrAny>() ); UsrAny any = xInvoke->getValue( L"x" ); OSL_ASSERT( any.getReflection()->getTypeClass() == TypeClass_LONG ); OSL_ASSERT( any.getINT32() == 42 ); } // check other imports { // Check, if the libraries are available at run time xEngine->run( L"import math\n" L"dMathTest = math.exp(0)\n" , XInterfaceRef() , Sequence<UsrAny> () ); OSL_ASSERT( xInvoke->hasProperty( L"dMathTest" ) ); UsrAny any = xInvoke->getValue( L"dMathTest" ); OSL_ASSERT( any.getReflection()->getTypeClass() == TypeClass_DOUBLE ); OSL_ASSERT( any.getDouble() == 1. ); } // Test connection to root object ! { xEngine->run( L"x = stardiv.root.TestValue\n" L"y = stardiv.inout(5)\n" L"stardiv.root.getTestValueViaInout(y)\n" L"z = y.value\n" , XInterfaceRef() , Sequence<UsrAny> () ); UsrAny any = xInvoke->getValue( L"x" ); OSL_ASSERT( any.getReflection()->getTypeClass() == TypeClass_LONG ); OSL_ASSERT( any.getINT32() == 15 ); any = xInvoke->getValue( L"z" ); OSL_ASSERT( any.getReflection()->getTypeClass() == TypeClass_LONG ); OSL_ASSERT( any.getINT32() == 15 ); } // Test exactName interface { UsrAny any = xInvoke->getValue( L"__builtins__" ); OSL_ASSERT( any.getReflection()->getTypeClass() == TypeClass_INTERFACE ); XInvokationRef rInv( *((XInterfaceRef *) any.get() ), USR_QUERY ); OSL_ASSERT( rInv.is() ); XExactNameRef rName( *((XInterfaceRef*) any.get() ), USR_QUERY ); OSL_ASSERT( rName.is() ); UString str = rName->getExactName( L"SYNTAXERROR" ); OSL_ASSERT( str.len() ); } // Test exactName interface of the engine itself { XExactNameRef rName( xInvoke , USR_QUERY ); OSL_ASSERT( rName.is() ); UString str = rName->getExactName( L"STARDIV" ); OSL_ASSERT( str.len() ); } return 0; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */