--- Configurations/10-main.conf.sav	2023-09-19 22:02:31.000000000 +0900
+++ Configurations/10-main.conf	2023-09-30 23:47:49.734377000 +0900
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
         } elsif ($disabled{asm}) {
             # assembler is still used to compile uplink shim
             $vc_win64a_info = { AS        => "ml64",
-                                ASFLAGS   => "/nologo /Zi",
+                                ASFLAGS   => "/nologo $$(DEBUG_FLAGS_VALUE)",
                                 asflags   => "/c /Cp /Cx",
                                 asoutflag => "/Fo",
                                 perlasm_scheme => "masm" };
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
         } elsif ($disabled{asm}) {
             # not actually used, uplink shim is inlined into C code
             $vc_win32_info = { AS        => "ml",
-                               ASFLAGS   => "/nologo /Zi",
+                               ASFLAGS   => "/nologo $$(DEBUG_FLAGS_VALUE)",
                                asflags   => "/Cp /coff /c /Cx",
                                asoutflag => "/Fo",
                                perlasm_scheme => "win32" };
@@ -1333,10 +1333,10 @@
                                 "UNICODE", "_UNICODE",
-        lib_cflags       => add("/Zi /Fdossl_static.pdb"),
+        lib_cflags       => add("\$(DEBUG_FLAGS_VALUE)"),
         lib_defines      => add("L_ENDIAN"),
-        dso_cflags       => "/Zi /Fddso.pdb",
-        bin_cflags       => "/Zi /Fdapp.pdb",
+        dso_cflags       => "\$(DEBUG_FLAGS_VALUE)",
+        bin_cflags       => "\$(DEBUG_FLAGS_VALUE)",
         # def_flag made to empty string so a .def file gets generated
         shared_defflag   => '',
         shared_ldflag    => "/dll",