Modify the OpenSymbol.sfd and generate opens___.ttf from it with FontForge. The .sfd is the canonical source for the .ttf. See .sfd format documentation at Use TTX/FontTools, which can dump the content of .ttf as an XML file, in order to make sure that the resulting .ttf differs only deliberately from the original one. Every new version of the font should increase the font version. This is important so that when two versions of the font are installed, e.g. one bundled inside the office installation, and one already installed on the system that the most recent font can be detected and favoured. Bumping the font version is easiest done manually by bumping the place in the .sfd where the version is mentioned, e.g. -Version: 102.3 +Version: 102.4 The glyph names in the font should follow Adobe Glyph list for new fonts ( or just the uniXXXX scheme (see for the rationale). Fragments of OpenSymbol are mapped internally to a number of other fonts for interoperability purposes. See unotools/source/misc/fontcvt.cxx pwrt, the StarSymbol conversion tables. Generate the ttf from updated sfd: fontforge -lang=ff -c 'Open($1); Generate($2)' extras/source/truetype/symbol/OpenSymbol.sfd opens___.ttf Update opens___.ttf on TDF server: scp opens___.ttf$(sha256sum opens___.ttf | awk '{ print $1 }')-opens___.ttf Update sha256sums in source files like in this example commit: