#!/usr/bin/env python # # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the # License. # # Major Contributor(s): # Copyright (C) 2011 Marco Cecchetti # # All Rights Reserved. # # For minor contributions see the git repository. import os, sys MAX_LINES = 200 VARIABLE_NAME = 'aSVGScript' def get_var_decl(n): return 'static const char %s%d[] =' % ( VARIABLE_NAME, n ) script_name = os.path.basename( sys.argv[0] ) infile_name = sys.argv[1] outfile_name = sys.argv[2] # collect input JavaScript file lines if( not os.path.isfile( infile_name ) ): print ( '%s: error: file "%s" not found' % ( script_name, infile_name ) ) sys.exit( -1 ) infile = open( infile_name, 'r' ) in_lines = [line.rstrip() for line in infile.readlines()] infile.close() valid_lines=[] is_multiline_comment = False lineNumber = 0 emptyLineCount = 0 for line in in_lines: lineNumber += 1 index = line.find('"') if( index != -1 ): print ( '%s: warning: processed file contains \'"\' at %d:%d' % ( script_name, lineNumber, index ) ) sline = line.strip() # strip comment lines except multilines comments that begins with one '/' and exactly 5 '*' if( is_multiline_comment and sline.endswith( '*/' ) ): is_multiline_comment = False continue if( is_multiline_comment ): continue if( sline.startswith( '//' ) ): continue if( sline.startswith( '/*' ) and sline.endswith( '*/' ) ): continue if( ( sline.startswith( '/*' ) and not sline.startswith( '/*****' ) ) or sline.startswith( '/******' ) ): is_multiline_comment = True continue # disable any debug printer dline = line.replace( 'NAVDBG.on', 'NAVDBG.off' ) dline = dline.replace( 'ANIMDBG.on', 'ANIMDBG.off' ) dline = dline.replace( 'DebugPrinter.on', 'DebugPrinter.off' ) escaped_line = '%s' % dline escaped_line = escaped_line.rstrip().lstrip() # no more than 2 consecutive empty lines if( escaped_line == '' ): emptyLineCount += 1 else: emptyLineCount = 0 if( emptyLineCount > 2 ): continue # append to some escape sequence another '\' escaped_line = escaped_line.replace( '\\', '\\\\' ) escaped_line = escaped_line.replace( '\n', '\\n') escaped_line = escaped_line.replace( '\t', '\\t' ) valid_lines.append( escaped_line ) # compute the number of needed fragments that is of C constant strings total_valid_lines = len (valid_lines) + 2 total_fragments = total_valid_lines / MAX_LINES if( ( total_valid_lines % MAX_LINES ) != 0 ): total_fragments += 1 out_lines = [] out_lines.append( '' ) out_lines.append( '#define N_SVGSCRIPT_FRAGMENTS %d' % total_fragments ) out_lines.append( '' ) out_lines.append( get_var_decl( 0 ) ) out_lines.append( '"";' ) out_lines.append( '' ) outfile = open( outfile_name, 'w' ) if( not os.path.isfile( outfile_name ) ): print ( '%s: error: I cannot create file "%s"' % ( script_name, outfile_name ) ) sys.exit( -1 ) # C++ header header_info = '/* !! This file is auto-generated, do not edit !! */' outfile.write( header_info +'\n\n' ) for line in out_lines: outfile.write( line + '\n' ) outfile.close()