/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "ComboBox.hxx" #include <property.hxx> #include <services.hxx> #include <frm_resource.hxx> #include <strings.hrc> #include "BaseListBox.hxx" #include <com/sun/star/sdb/SQLErrorEvent.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XRowSet.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/sdbc/DataType.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/container/XIndexAccess.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/sdb/XSQLQueryComposerFactory.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/sdb/XQueriesSupplier.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/util/NumberFormat.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XConnection.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/sdb/SQLContext.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/sdb/CommandType.hpp> #include <comphelper/basicio.hxx> #include <comphelper/property.hxx> #include <connectivity/dbtools.hxx> #include <connectivity/dbconversion.hxx> #include <cppuhelper/queryinterface.hxx> #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx> #include <tools/debug.hxx> #include <tools/diagnose_ex.h> #include <unotools/sharedunocomponent.hxx> #include <limits.h> using namespace dbtools; namespace frm { using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdb; using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdbc; using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdbcx; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::container; using namespace ::com::sun::star::form; using namespace ::com::sun::star::awt; using namespace ::com::sun::star::io; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::util; using namespace ::com::sun::star::form::binding; // class OComboBoxModel Sequence<Type> OComboBoxModel::_getTypes() { return ::comphelper::concatSequences( OBoundControlModel::_getTypes(), OEntryListHelper::getTypes(), OErrorBroadcaster::getTypes() ); } // XServiceInfo css::uno::Sequence<OUString> SAL_CALL OComboBoxModel::getSupportedServiceNames() { css::uno::Sequence<OUString> aSupported = OBoundControlModel::getSupportedServiceNames(); sal_Int32 nOldLen = aSupported.getLength(); aSupported.realloc( nOldLen + 9 ); OUString* pStoreTo = aSupported.getArray() + nOldLen; *pStoreTo++ = BINDABLE_CONTROL_MODEL; *pStoreTo++ = DATA_AWARE_CONTROL_MODEL; *pStoreTo++ = VALIDATABLE_CONTROL_MODEL; *pStoreTo++ = BINDABLE_DATA_AWARE_CONTROL_MODEL; *pStoreTo++ = VALIDATABLE_BINDABLE_CONTROL_MODEL; *pStoreTo++ = FRM_SUN_COMPONENT_COMBOBOX; *pStoreTo++ = FRM_SUN_COMPONENT_DATABASE_COMBOBOX; *pStoreTo++ = BINDABLE_DATABASE_COMBO_BOX; *pStoreTo++ = FRM_COMPONENT_COMBOBOX; return aSupported; } Any SAL_CALL OComboBoxModel::queryAggregation(const Type& _rType) { Any aReturn = OBoundControlModel::queryAggregation( _rType ); if ( !aReturn.hasValue() ) aReturn = OEntryListHelper::queryInterface( _rType ); if ( !aReturn.hasValue() ) aReturn = OErrorBroadcaster::queryInterface( _rType ); return aReturn; } OComboBoxModel::OComboBoxModel(const Reference<XComponentContext>& _rxFactory) :OBoundControlModel( _rxFactory, VCL_CONTROLMODEL_COMBOBOX, FRM_SUN_CONTROL_COMBOBOX, true, true, true ) // use the old control name for compatibility reasons ,OEntryListHelper( static_cast<OControlModel&>(*this) ) ,OErrorBroadcaster( OComponentHelper::rBHelper ) ,m_aListRowSet() ,m_eListSourceType(ListSourceType_TABLE) ,m_bEmptyIsNull(true) { m_nClassId = FormComponentType::COMBOBOX; initValueProperty( PROPERTY_TEXT, PROPERTY_ID_TEXT ); } OComboBoxModel::OComboBoxModel( const OComboBoxModel* _pOriginal, const Reference<XComponentContext>& _rxFactory ) :OBoundControlModel( _pOriginal, _rxFactory ) ,OEntryListHelper( *_pOriginal, static_cast<OControlModel&>(*this) ) ,OErrorBroadcaster( OComponentHelper::rBHelper ) ,m_aListRowSet() ,m_aListSource( _pOriginal->m_aListSource ) ,m_aDefaultText( _pOriginal->m_aDefaultText ) ,m_eListSourceType( _pOriginal->m_eListSourceType ) ,m_bEmptyIsNull( _pOriginal->m_bEmptyIsNull ) { } OComboBoxModel::~OComboBoxModel() { if (!OComponentHelper::rBHelper.bDisposed) { acquire(); dispose(); } } // XCloneable IMPLEMENT_DEFAULT_CLONING( OComboBoxModel ) void OComboBoxModel::disposing() { OBoundControlModel::disposing(); OEntryListHelper::disposing(); OErrorBroadcaster::disposing(); m_xFormatter = nullptr; } void OComboBoxModel::getFastPropertyValue(Any& _rValue, sal_Int32 _nHandle) const { switch (_nHandle) { case PROPERTY_ID_LISTSOURCETYPE: _rValue <<= m_eListSourceType; break; case PROPERTY_ID_LISTSOURCE: _rValue <<= m_aListSource; break; case PROPERTY_ID_EMPTY_IS_NULL: _rValue <<= m_bEmptyIsNull; break; case PROPERTY_ID_DEFAULT_TEXT: _rValue <<= m_aDefaultText; break; case PROPERTY_ID_STRINGITEMLIST: _rValue <<= comphelper::containerToSequence(getStringItemList()); break; case PROPERTY_ID_TYPEDITEMLIST: _rValue <<= getTypedItemList(); break; default: OBoundControlModel::getFastPropertyValue(_rValue, _nHandle); } } void OComboBoxModel::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast(sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue) { switch (_nHandle) { case PROPERTY_ID_LISTSOURCETYPE : DBG_ASSERT(_rValue.getValueType().equals(::cppu::UnoType<ListSourceType>::get()), "OComboBoxModel::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast : invalid type !" ); _rValue >>= m_eListSourceType; break; case PROPERTY_ID_LISTSOURCE : DBG_ASSERT(_rValue.getValueType().getTypeClass() == TypeClass_STRING, "OComboBoxModel::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast : invalid type !" ); _rValue >>= m_aListSource; // The ListSource has changed -> reload if (ListSourceType_VALUELIST != m_eListSourceType) { if ( m_xCursor.is() && !hasField() && !hasExternalListSource() ) // combo box is already connected to a database, and no external list source // data source changed -> refresh loadData( false ); } break; case PROPERTY_ID_EMPTY_IS_NULL : DBG_ASSERT(_rValue.getValueType().getTypeClass() == TypeClass_BOOLEAN, "OComboBoxModel::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast : invalid type !" ); _rValue >>= m_bEmptyIsNull; break; case PROPERTY_ID_DEFAULT_TEXT : DBG_ASSERT(_rValue.getValueType().getTypeClass() == TypeClass_STRING, "OComboBoxModel::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast : invalid type !" ); _rValue >>= m_aDefaultText; resetNoBroadcast(); break; case PROPERTY_ID_STRINGITEMLIST: { ControlModelLock aLock( *this ); setNewStringItemList( _rValue, aLock ); // FIXME: this is bogus. setNewStringItemList expects a guard which has the *only* // lock to the mutex, but setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast is already called with // a lock - so we effectively has two locks here, of which setNewStringItemList can // only control one. } break; case PROPERTY_ID_TYPEDITEMLIST: { ControlModelLock aLock( *this ); setNewTypedItemList( _rValue, aLock ); // Same FIXME as above. } break; default: OBoundControlModel::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast(_nHandle, _rValue); } } sal_Bool OComboBoxModel::convertFastPropertyValue( Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue, sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue) { bool bModified(false); switch (_nHandle) { case PROPERTY_ID_LISTSOURCETYPE : bModified = tryPropertyValueEnum(_rConvertedValue, _rOldValue, _rValue, m_eListSourceType); break; case PROPERTY_ID_LISTSOURCE : bModified = tryPropertyValue(_rConvertedValue, _rOldValue, _rValue, m_aListSource); break; case PROPERTY_ID_EMPTY_IS_NULL : bModified = tryPropertyValue(_rConvertedValue, _rOldValue, _rValue, m_bEmptyIsNull); break; case PROPERTY_ID_DEFAULT_TEXT : bModified = tryPropertyValue(_rConvertedValue, _rOldValue, _rValue, m_aDefaultText); break; case PROPERTY_ID_STRINGITEMLIST: bModified = convertNewListSourceProperty( _rConvertedValue, _rOldValue, _rValue ); break; case PROPERTY_ID_TYPEDITEMLIST : if (hasExternalListSource()) throw IllegalArgumentException(); bModified = tryPropertyValue( _rConvertedValue, _rOldValue, _rValue, getTypedItemList()); break; default: bModified = OBoundControlModel::convertFastPropertyValue(_rConvertedValue, _rOldValue, _nHandle, _rValue); break; } return bModified; } void OComboBoxModel::describeFixedProperties( Sequence< Property >& _rProps ) const { BEGIN_DESCRIBE_PROPERTIES( 7, OBoundControlModel ) DECL_PROP1(TABINDEX, sal_Int16, BOUND); DECL_PROP1(LISTSOURCETYPE, ListSourceType, BOUND); DECL_PROP1(LISTSOURCE, OUString, BOUND); DECL_BOOL_PROP1(EMPTY_IS_NULL, BOUND); DECL_PROP1(DEFAULT_TEXT, OUString, BOUND); DECL_PROP1(STRINGITEMLIST, Sequence< OUString >,BOUND); DECL_PROP1(TYPEDITEMLIST, Sequence< Any >, OPTIONAL); END_DESCRIBE_PROPERTIES(); } void OComboBoxModel::describeAggregateProperties( Sequence< Property >& _rAggregateProps ) const { OBoundControlModel::describeAggregateProperties( _rAggregateProps ); // superseded properties: RemoveProperty( _rAggregateProps, PROPERTY_STRINGITEMLIST ); RemoveProperty( _rAggregateProps, PROPERTY_TYPEDITEMLIST ); } OUString SAL_CALL OComboBoxModel::getServiceName() { return OUString(FRM_COMPONENT_COMBOBOX); // old (non-sun) name for compatibility ! } void SAL_CALL OComboBoxModel::write(const Reference<css::io::XObjectOutputStream>& _rxOutStream) { OBoundControlModel::write(_rxOutStream); // Version // Version 0x0002: EmptyIsNull // Version 0x0003: ListSource->Seq // Version 0x0004: DefaultText // Version 0x0005: HelpText _rxOutStream->writeShort(0x0006); // Mask for Any sal_uInt16 nAnyMask = 0; if (m_aBoundColumn.getValueType().getTypeClass() == TypeClass_SHORT) nAnyMask |= BOUNDCOLUMN; _rxOutStream << nAnyMask; css::uno::Sequence<OUString> aListSourceSeq(&m_aListSource, 1); _rxOutStream << aListSourceSeq; _rxOutStream << static_cast<sal_Int16>(m_eListSourceType); if ((nAnyMask & BOUNDCOLUMN) == BOUNDCOLUMN) { sal_Int16 nBoundColumn = 0; m_aBoundColumn >>= nBoundColumn; _rxOutStream << nBoundColumn; } _rxOutStream << m_bEmptyIsNull; _rxOutStream << m_aDefaultText; writeHelpTextCompatibly(_rxOutStream); // from version 0x0006 : common properties writeCommonProperties(_rxOutStream); } void SAL_CALL OComboBoxModel::read(const Reference<css::io::XObjectInputStream>& _rxInStream) { OBoundControlModel::read(_rxInStream); ControlModelLock aLock( *this ); // since we are "overwriting" the StringItemList of our aggregate (means we have // an own place to store the value, instead of relying on our aggregate storing it), // we need to respect what the aggregate just read for the StringItemList property. try { if ( m_xAggregateSet.is() ) setNewStringItemList( m_xAggregateSet->getPropertyValue( PROPERTY_STRINGITEMLIST ), aLock ); } catch( const Exception& ) { OSL_FAIL( "OComboBoxModel::read: caught an exception while examining the aggregate's string item list!" ); } // Version sal_uInt16 nVersion = _rxInStream->readShort(); DBG_ASSERT(nVersion > 0, "OComboBoxModel::read : version 0 ? this should never have been written !"); if (nVersion > 0x0006) { OSL_FAIL("OComboBoxModel::read : invalid (means unknown) version !"); m_aListSource.clear(); m_aBoundColumn <<= sal_Int16(0); m_aDefaultText.clear(); m_eListSourceType = ListSourceType_TABLE; m_bEmptyIsNull = true; defaultCommonProperties(); return; } // Mask for Any sal_uInt16 nAnyMask; _rxInStream >> nAnyMask; // ListSource if (nVersion < 0x0003) { _rxInStream >> m_aListSource; } else // nVersion == 4 { m_aListSource.clear(); css::uno::Sequence<OUString> aListSource; _rxInStream >> aListSource; for (const OUString& rToken : aListSource) m_aListSource += rToken; } sal_Int16 nListSourceType; _rxInStream >> nListSourceType; m_eListSourceType = static_cast<ListSourceType>(nListSourceType); if ((nAnyMask & BOUNDCOLUMN) == BOUNDCOLUMN) { sal_Int16 nValue; _rxInStream >> nValue; m_aBoundColumn <<= nValue; } if (nVersion > 0x0001) { bool bNull; _rxInStream >> bNull; m_bEmptyIsNull = bNull; } if (nVersion > 0x0003) // nVersion == 4 _rxInStream >> m_aDefaultText; // StringList must be emptied if a ListSource is set. // This can be the case if we save in alive mode. if ( !m_aListSource.isEmpty() && !hasExternalListSource() ) { setFastPropertyValue( PROPERTY_ID_STRINGITEMLIST, makeAny( css::uno::Sequence<OUString>() ) ); setFastPropertyValue( PROPERTY_ID_TYPEDITEMLIST, makeAny( css::uno::Sequence<css::uno::Any>() ) ); } if (nVersion > 0x0004) readHelpTextCompatibly(_rxInStream); if (nVersion > 0x0005) readCommonProperties(_rxInStream); // After reading in, display the default values if ( !getControlSource().isEmpty() ) { // (not if we don't have a control source - the "State" property acts like it is persistent, then resetNoBroadcast(); } } void OComboBoxModel::loadData( bool _bForce ) { DBG_ASSERT(m_eListSourceType != ListSourceType_VALUELIST, "OComboBoxModel::loadData : do not call for a value list !"); DBG_ASSERT( !hasExternalListSource(), "OComboBoxModel::loadData: cannot load from DB when I have an external list source!" ); if ( hasExternalListSource() ) return; // Get Connection Reference<XRowSet> xForm(m_xCursor, UNO_QUERY); if (!xForm.is()) return; Reference<XConnection> xConnection = getConnection(xForm); if (!xConnection.is()) return; Reference<XServiceInfo> xServiceInfo(xConnection, UNO_QUERY); if (!xServiceInfo.is() || !xServiceInfo->supportsService(SRV_SDB_CONNECTION)) { OSL_FAIL("OComboBoxModel::loadData : invalid connection !"); return; } if (m_aListSource.isEmpty() || m_eListSourceType == ListSourceType_VALUELIST) return; ::utl::SharedUNOComponent< XResultSet > xListCursor; try { m_aListRowSet.setConnection( xConnection ); bool bExecuteRowSet( false ); switch (m_eListSourceType) { case ListSourceType_TABLEFIELDS: // don't work with a statement here, the fields will be collected below break; case ListSourceType_TABLE: { // does the bound field belong to the table ? // if we use an alias for the bound field, we won't find it // in that case we use the first field of the table Reference<XNameAccess> xFieldsByName = getTableFields(xConnection, m_aListSource); OUString aFieldName; if ( xFieldsByName.is() && xFieldsByName->hasByName( getControlSource() ) ) { aFieldName = getControlSource(); } else { // otherwise look for the alias Reference<XPropertySet> xFormProp(xForm,UNO_QUERY); Reference< XColumnsSupplier > xSupplyFields; xFormProp->getPropertyValue("SingleSelectQueryComposer") >>= xSupplyFields; // search the field DBG_ASSERT(xSupplyFields.is(), "OComboBoxModel::loadData : invalid query composer !"); Reference< XNameAccess > xFieldNames = xSupplyFields->getColumns(); if ( xFieldNames->hasByName( getControlSource() ) ) { Reference< XPropertySet > xComposerFieldAsSet; xFieldNames->getByName( getControlSource() ) >>= xComposerFieldAsSet; if (hasProperty(PROPERTY_FIELDSOURCE, xComposerFieldAsSet)) xComposerFieldAsSet->getPropertyValue(PROPERTY_FIELDSOURCE) >>= aFieldName; } } if (aFieldName.isEmpty()) break; Reference<XDatabaseMetaData> xMeta = xConnection->getMetaData(); OSL_ENSURE(xMeta.is(),"No database meta data!"); if ( xMeta.is() ) { OUString aQuote = xMeta->getIdentifierQuoteString(); OUString sCatalog, sSchema, sTable; qualifiedNameComponents( xMeta, m_aListSource, sCatalog, sSchema, sTable, EComposeRule::InDataManipulation ); OUStringBuffer aStatement; aStatement.append( "SELECT DISTINCT " ); aStatement.append ( quoteName( aQuote, aFieldName ) ); aStatement.append( " FROM " ); aStatement.append ( composeTableNameForSelect( xConnection, sCatalog, sSchema, sTable ) ); m_aListRowSet.setEscapeProcessing( false ); m_aListRowSet.setCommand( aStatement.makeStringAndClear() ); bExecuteRowSet = true; } } break; case ListSourceType_QUERY: { m_aListRowSet.setCommandFromQuery( m_aListSource ); bExecuteRowSet = true; } break; default: { m_aListRowSet.setEscapeProcessing( ListSourceType_SQLPASSTHROUGH != m_eListSourceType ); m_aListRowSet.setCommand( m_aListSource ); bExecuteRowSet = true; } } if ( bExecuteRowSet ) { if ( !_bForce && !m_aListRowSet.isDirty() ) { // if none of the settings of the row set changed, compared to the last // invocation of loadData, then don't re-fill the list. Instead, assume // the list entries are the same. return; } xListCursor.reset( m_aListRowSet.execute() ); } } catch(const SQLException& eSQL) { onError(eSQL, FRM_RES_STRING(RID_BASELISTBOX_ERROR_FILLLIST)); return; } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("forms.component"); return; } ::std::vector< OUString > aStringList; aStringList.reserve(16); try { OSL_ENSURE( xListCursor.is() || ( ListSourceType_TABLEFIELDS == m_eListSourceType ), "OComboBoxModel::loadData: logic error!" ); if ( !xListCursor.is() && ( ListSourceType_TABLEFIELDS != m_eListSourceType ) ) return; switch (m_eListSourceType) { case ListSourceType_SQL: case ListSourceType_SQLPASSTHROUGH: case ListSourceType_TABLE: case ListSourceType_QUERY: { // The XDatabaseVariant of the first column Reference<XColumnsSupplier> xSupplyCols(xListCursor, UNO_QUERY); DBG_ASSERT(xSupplyCols.is(), "OComboBoxModel::loadData : cursor supports the row set service but is no column supplier?!"); Reference<XIndexAccess> xColumns; if (xSupplyCols.is()) { xColumns.set(xSupplyCols->getColumns(), UNO_QUERY); DBG_ASSERT(xColumns.is(), "OComboBoxModel::loadData : no columns supplied by the row set !"); } Reference< XPropertySet > xDataField; if ( xColumns.is() ) xColumns->getByIndex(0) >>= xDataField; if ( !xDataField.is() ) return; ::dbtools::FormattedColumnValue aValueFormatter( getContext(), xForm, xDataField ); // Fill Lists sal_Int16 i = 0; // At the moment by definition the list cursor is positioned _before_ the first row while (xListCursor->next() && (i++<SHRT_MAX)) // Set max. count { aStringList.push_back( aValueFormatter.getFormattedValue() ); } } break; case ListSourceType_TABLEFIELDS: { Reference<XNameAccess> xFieldNames = getTableFields(xConnection, m_aListSource); if (xFieldNames.is()) { for (const OUString& rustrNames : xFieldNames->getElementNames()) aStringList.push_back(rustrNames); } } break; default: OSL_FAIL( "OComboBoxModel::loadData: unreachable!" ); break; } } catch(const SQLException& eSQL) { onError(eSQL, FRM_RES_STRING(RID_BASELISTBOX_ERROR_FILLLIST)); return; } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("forms.component"); return; } // Set String-Sequence at ListBox setFastPropertyValue( PROPERTY_ID_STRINGITEMLIST, makeAny( comphelper::containerToSequence(aStringList) ) ); // Reset TypedItemList, no matching data. setFastPropertyValue( PROPERTY_ID_TYPEDITEMLIST, makeAny( css::uno::Sequence<css::uno::Any>() ) ); } void OComboBoxModel::onConnectedDbColumn( const Reference< XInterface >& _rxForm ) { Reference<XPropertySet> xField = getField(); if ( xField.is() ) m_pValueFormatter.reset( new ::dbtools::FormattedColumnValue( getContext(), Reference< XRowSet >( _rxForm, UNO_QUERY ), xField ) ); getPropertyValue( PROPERTY_STRINGITEMLIST ) >>= m_aDesignModeStringItems; // Only load data if a ListSource was supplied if ( !m_aListSource.isEmpty() && m_xCursor.is() && !hasExternalListSource() ) loadData( false ); } void OComboBoxModel::onDisconnectedDbColumn() { m_pValueFormatter.reset(); // reset the string item list if ( !hasExternalListSource() ) setFastPropertyValue( PROPERTY_ID_STRINGITEMLIST, makeAny( m_aDesignModeStringItems ) ); m_aListRowSet.dispose(); } void SAL_CALL OComboBoxModel::reloaded( const EventObject& aEvent ) { OBoundControlModel::reloaded(aEvent); // reload data if we have a list source if ( !m_aListSource.isEmpty() && m_xCursor.is() && !hasExternalListSource() ) loadData( false ); } void OComboBoxModel::resetNoBroadcast() { OBoundControlModel::resetNoBroadcast(); m_aLastKnownValue.clear(); } bool OComboBoxModel::commitControlValueToDbColumn( bool _bPostReset ) { Any aNewValue( m_xAggregateFastSet->getFastPropertyValue( getValuePropertyAggHandle() ) ); OUString sNewValue; aNewValue >>= sNewValue; bool bModified = ( aNewValue != m_aLastKnownValue ); if ( bModified ) { if ( !aNewValue.hasValue() || ( sNewValue.isEmpty() // an empty string && m_bEmptyIsNull // which should be interpreted as NULL ) ) { m_xColumnUpdate->updateNull(); } else { try { OSL_PRECOND(m_pValueFormatter, "OComboBoxModel::commitControlValueToDbColumn: no value formatter!"); if (m_pValueFormatter) { if ( !m_pValueFormatter->setFormattedValue( sNewValue ) ) return false; } else m_xColumnUpdate->updateString( sNewValue ); } catch ( const Exception& ) { return false; } } m_aLastKnownValue = aNewValue; } // add the new value to the list bool bAddToList = bModified && !_bPostReset; // (only if this is not the "commit" triggered by a "reset") if ( bAddToList ) { css::uno::Sequence<OUString> aStringItemList; if ( getPropertyValue( PROPERTY_STRINGITEMLIST ) >>= aStringItemList ) { bool bFound = false; for (const OUString& rStringItem : aStringItemList) { if ( (bFound = rStringItem == sNewValue) ) break; } // not found -> add if (!bFound) { sal_Int32 nOldLen = aStringItemList.getLength(); aStringItemList.realloc( nOldLen + 1 ); aStringItemList[ nOldLen ] = sNewValue; setFastPropertyValue( PROPERTY_ID_STRINGITEMLIST, makeAny( aStringItemList ) ); setFastPropertyValue( PROPERTY_ID_TYPEDITEMLIST, makeAny( css::uno::Sequence<css::uno::Any>() ) ); } } } return true; } // XPropertiesChangeListener Any OComboBoxModel::translateDbColumnToControlValue() { OSL_PRECOND(m_pValueFormatter, "OComboBoxModel::translateDbColumnToControlValue: no value formatter!"); if (m_pValueFormatter) { OUString sValue( m_pValueFormatter->getFormattedValue() ); if ( sValue.isEmpty() && m_pValueFormatter->getColumn().is() && m_pValueFormatter->getColumn()->wasNull() ) { m_aLastKnownValue.clear(); } else { m_aLastKnownValue <<= sValue; } } else m_aLastKnownValue.clear(); return m_aLastKnownValue.hasValue() ? m_aLastKnownValue : makeAny( OUString() ); // (m_aLastKnownValue is allowed to be VOID, the control value isn't) } Any OComboBoxModel::getDefaultForReset() const { return makeAny( m_aDefaultText ); } void OComboBoxModel::stringItemListChanged( ControlModelLock& /*_rInstanceLock*/ ) { if ( m_xAggregateSet.is() ) { m_xAggregateSet->setPropertyValue( PROPERTY_STRINGITEMLIST, makeAny( comphelper::containerToSequence(getStringItemList()) ) ); m_xAggregateSet->setPropertyValue( PROPERTY_TYPEDITEMLIST, makeAny( getTypedItemList()) ) ; } } void OComboBoxModel::refreshInternalEntryList() { DBG_ASSERT( !hasExternalListSource(), "OComboBoxModel::refreshInternalEntryList: invalid call!" ); if ( !hasExternalListSource( ) && ( m_eListSourceType != ListSourceType_VALUELIST ) && ( m_xCursor.is() ) ) { loadData( true ); } } void SAL_CALL OComboBoxModel::disposing( const EventObject& _rSource ) { if ( !OEntryListHelper::handleDisposing( _rSource ) ) OBoundControlModel::disposing( _rSource ); } //= OComboBoxControl OComboBoxControl::OComboBoxControl(const Reference<XComponentContext>& _rxContext) :OBoundControl(_rxContext, VCL_CONTROL_COMBOBOX) { } css::uno::Sequence<OUString> SAL_CALL OComboBoxControl::getSupportedServiceNames() { css::uno::Sequence<OUString> aSupported = OBoundControl::getSupportedServiceNames(); aSupported.realloc(aSupported.getLength() + 2); OUString* pArray = aSupported.getArray(); pArray[aSupported.getLength()-2] = FRM_SUN_CONTROL_COMBOBOX; pArray[aSupported.getLength()-1] = STARDIV_ONE_FORM_CONTROL_COMBOBOX; return aSupported; } } extern "C" SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT css::uno::XInterface* com_sun_star_form_OComboBoxModel_get_implementation(css::uno::XComponentContext* component, css::uno::Sequence<css::uno::Any> const &) { return cppu::acquire(new frm::OComboBoxModel(component)); } extern "C" SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT css::uno::XInterface* com_sun_star_form_OComboBoxControl_get_implementation(css::uno::XComponentContext* component, css::uno::Sequence<css::uno::Any> const &) { return cppu::acquire(new frm::OComboBoxControl(component)); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */