/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #ifndef _FILEOPENDLG_HXX_ #define _FILEOPENDLG_HXX_ #include #include #include #include "platform_xp.h" #include "getfilenamewrapper.hxx" // because we don't want to import the new W2k platform skd // into our build environment if have stolen the definition // for the new OPENFILENAME structure from the new headers #ifndef _CDSIZEOF_STRUCT #define _CDSIZEOF_STRUCT(structname, member) (((int)((LPBYTE)(&((structname*)0)->member) - ((LPBYTE)((structname*)0)))) + sizeof(((structname*)0)->member)) #endif typedef struct _tagOFNA { DWORD lStructSize; HWND hwndOwner; HINSTANCE hInstance; LPCSTR lpstrFilter; LPSTR lpstrCustomFilter; DWORD nMaxCustFilter; DWORD nFilterIndex; LPSTR lpstrFile; DWORD nMaxFile; LPSTR lpstrFileTitle; DWORD nMaxFileTitle; LPCSTR lpstrInitialDir; LPCSTR lpstrTitle; DWORD Flags; WORD nFileOffset; WORD nFileExtension; LPCSTR lpstrDefExt; LPARAM lCustData; LPOFNHOOKPROC lpfnHook; LPCSTR lpTemplateName; #ifdef _MAC LPEDITMENU lpEditInfo; LPCSTR lpstrPrompt; #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500) void * pvReserved; DWORD dwReserved; DWORD FlagsEx; #endif // (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500) } _OPENFILENAMEA, *_LPOPENFILENAMEA; typedef struct _tagOFNW { DWORD lStructSize; HWND hwndOwner; HINSTANCE hInstance; LPCWSTR lpstrFilter; LPWSTR lpstrCustomFilter; DWORD nMaxCustFilter; DWORD nFilterIndex; LPWSTR lpstrFile; DWORD nMaxFile; LPWSTR lpstrFileTitle; DWORD nMaxFileTitle; LPCWSTR lpstrInitialDir; LPCWSTR lpstrTitle; DWORD Flags; WORD nFileOffset; WORD nFileExtension; LPCWSTR lpstrDefExt; LPARAM lCustData; LPOFNHOOKPROC lpfnHook; LPCWSTR lpTemplateName; #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500) void * pvReserved; DWORD dwReserved; DWORD FlagsEx; #endif // (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500) } _OPENFILENAMEW, *_LPOPENFILENAMEW; #ifdef UNICODE typedef _OPENFILENAMEW _OPENFILENAME; typedef _LPOPENFILENAMEW _LPOPENFILENAME; #else typedef _OPENFILENAMEA _OPENFILENAME; typedef _LPOPENFILENAMEA _LPOPENFILENAME; #endif // UNICODE #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500) #define _OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400A _CDSIZEOF_STRUCT(_OPENFILENAMEA,lpTemplateName) #define _OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400W _CDSIZEOF_STRUCT(_OPENFILENAMEW,lpTemplateName) #ifdef UNICODE #define _OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400 _OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400W #else #define _OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400 _OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400A #endif // !UNICODE #else #error _WIN32_WINNT seams not to be valid. #endif // (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500) //------------------------------------------------------------- // A simple wrapper class around the Win32 GetOpenFileName API. // This class is not thread-safe and only one instance at a // time is allowed //------------------------------------------------------------- class CFileOpenDialog { public: // ctor // bFileOpenDialog idicates if we want a FileOpen or FileSave // dialog // dwFlags see OPENFILENAME // dwTemplateId - an ID for custom templates // hInstance - an instance handle for the module // which provides the custom template, unused if dwTemplateId // is 0 CFileOpenDialog( bool bFileOpenDialog = sal_True, sal_uInt32 dwFlags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, sal_uInt32 dwTemplateId = 0, HINSTANCE hInstance = 0); virtual ~CFileOpenDialog(); virtual void SAL_CALL setTitle(const OUString& aTitle); // to set a filter string using the M$ format // e.g. FltName\0*.txt;*.rtf\0...\0\0 void SAL_CALL setFilter(const OUString& aFilter); // set the index of the current filter when the // dialog is about to shown, the index starts with 1 // the function succeeded if the given filter index // is greater than zero and is a valid position // within filter string that was previously set bool SAL_CALL setFilterIndex(sal_uInt32 aIndex); // get the index of the currently selected filter // the index of the returned filter starts with 1 sal_uInt32 SAL_CALL getSelectedFilterIndex() const; // set the name and optional the path of the // file that will be initially be shown when // the dialog will be displayed virtual void SAL_CALL setDefaultName(const OUString& aName); // set the initial directory virtual void SAL_CALL setDisplayDirectory(const OUString& aDirectory); // returns only the path of the selected file virtual OUString SAL_CALL getLastDisplayDirectory() const; // returns the full file name including drive letter, path // file name and file extension virtual OUString SAL_CALL getFullFileName() const; // returns the file name and the file extension without // drive letter and path OUString SAL_CALL getFileName() const; // returns the file extension of the selected file OUString SAL_CALL getFileExtension(); // set a default extension, only the first three letters of // the given extension will be used; the given extension // should not contain a '.' void SAL_CALL setDefaultFileExtension(const OUString& aExtension); // enables or disables the multiselection mode for // the FileOpen/FileSave dialog void SAL_CALL setMultiSelectionMode(bool bMode); // returns whether multi-selection mode is enabled or not bool SAL_CALL getMultiSelectionMode() const; // shows the dialog, calls preModal before // showing the dialog and postModal after // showing the dialog // the method returns: // 0 - when the dialog was canceled by the user // 1 - when the dialog was closed with ok // -1 - when an error occurred sal_Int16 SAL_CALL doModal(); // returns the last dialog error that occurred sal_uInt32 SAL_CALL getLastDialogError() const; // retrievs the currently selected file // including path and drive information // can be called only if the dialog is // already displayed OUString SAL_CALL getCurrentFilePath() const; // retrievs the currently selected folder OUString SAL_CALL getCurrentFolderPath() const; // retrievs the currently selected file name // without drive and path OUString SAL_CALL getCurrentFileName() const; protected: // have to be overwritten when subclasses // want to do special pre- and post-modal // processing // if preModal return true processing will // continue else doModal exit without showing // a dialog and returns -1 virtual bool SAL_CALL preModal(); // post modal processing // the function should accept only values returned from // doModal and act appropriately virtual void SAL_CALL postModal(sal_Int16 nDialogResult); // message handler, to be overwritten by subclasses virtual sal_uInt32 SAL_CALL onShareViolation(const OUString& aPathName); virtual sal_uInt32 SAL_CALL onFileOk(); virtual void SAL_CALL onSelChanged(HWND hwndListBox); virtual void SAL_CALL onHelp(); // only called back if OFN_EXPLORER is set virtual void SAL_CALL onInitDone(); virtual void SAL_CALL onFolderChanged(); virtual void SAL_CALL onTypeChanged(sal_uInt32 nFilterIndex); virtual void SAL_CALL onInitDialog(HWND hwndDlg) = 0; virtual sal_uInt32 SAL_CALL onCtrlCommand(HWND hwndDlg, sal_uInt16 ctrlId, sal_uInt16 notifyCode); sal_uInt32 SAL_CALL onWMNotify(HWND hwndChild, LPOFNOTIFYW lpOfNotify); // we use non-virtual functions to do necessary work before // calling the virtual funtions (see Gamma: Template method) void SAL_CALL handleInitDialog(HWND hwndDlg, HWND hwndChild); protected: // handle to the window of the // FileOpen/FileSave dialog // will be set on message // WM_INITDIALOG, before this // value is undefined HWND m_hwndFileOpenDlg; HWND m_hwndFileOpenDlgChild; _OPENFILENAME m_ofn; // we connect the instance with the dialog window using // SetProp, with this function we can reconnect from // callback functions to this instance static CFileOpenDialog* SAL_CALL getCurrentInstance(HWND hwnd); void SAL_CALL centerPositionToParent() const; private: // FileOpen or FileSaveDialog bool m_bFileOpenDialog; OUString m_dialogTitle; OUString m_displayDirectory; OUString m_defaultExtension; mutable OUStringBuffer m_filterBuffer; mutable OUStringBuffer m_fileTitleBuffer; mutable OUStringBuffer m_helperBuffer; mutable OUStringBuffer m_fileNameBuffer; CGetFileNameWrapper m_GetFileNameWrapper; WNDPROC m_pfnBaseDlgProc; // callback function static UINT_PTR CALLBACK ofnHookProc( HWND hChildDlg, // handle to child dialog box UINT uiMsg, // message identifier WPARAM wParam, // message parameter LPARAM lParam // message parameter ); // we have to subclass the dialog in order // to clean up the window property we are // using to connect the window with a class // instance in WM_NCDESTROY static LRESULT CALLBACK BaseDlgProc( HWND hWnd, UINT wMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); private: // avoid copy and assignment CFileOpenDialog(const CFileOpenDialog&); CFileOpenDialog& operator=(const CFileOpenDialog&); }; #endif /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */