/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include <services/license.hxx> #include <threadhelp/resetableguard.hxx> #include <macros/debug.hxx> #include <services.h> // local header for UI implementation #include "services/licensedlg.hxx" #include "classes/resource.hrc" #include <com/sun/star/frame/XDesktop.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/lang/XInitialization.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/configuration/theDefaultProvider.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx> #include <com/sun/star/util/XChangesBatch.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/beans/NamedValue.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/lang/XComponent.hpp> #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx> #include <rtl/strbuf.hxx> #include <rtl/ustring.hxx> #include <rtl/string.hxx> #include <unotools/bootstrap.hxx> #include <osl/file.hxx> #include <vcl/xtextedt.hxx> #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx> #include <tools/date.hxx> #include <tools/time.hxx> #include <tools/datetime.hxx> #include <osl/time.h> #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp> namespace framework{ using namespace utl; using namespace ::osl ; using namespace ::cppu ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::configuration ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::util ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame ; // license file name static const char *szLicensePath = "/share/readme"; #ifdef UNX static const char *szUNXLicenseName = "/LICENSE"; static const char *szUNXLicenseExt = ""; #elif defined(WNT) static const char *szWNTLicenseName = "/license"; static const char *szWNTLicenseExt = ".txt"; #endif //***************************************************************************************************************** // constructor //***************************************************************************************************************** License::License( const Reference< XComponentContext >& rxContext ) // Init baseclasses first // Attention: // Don't change order of initialization! // ThreadHelpBase is a struct with a mutex as member. We can't use a mutex as member, while // we must garant right initialization and a valid value of this! First initialize // baseclasses and then members. And we need the mutex for other baseclasses !!! : ThreadHelpBase ( &Application::GetSolarMutex() ) , OWeakObject ( ) // Init member , m_xContext ( rxContext ) , m_bTerminate ( sal_False ) { } //***************************************************************************************************************** // destructor //***************************************************************************************************************** License::~License() { } //***************************************************************************************************************** // XInterface, XTypeProvider, XServiceInfo //***************************************************************************************************************** DEFINE_XINTERFACE_4 ( License , OWeakObject , DIRECT_INTERFACE(XTypeProvider ), DIRECT_INTERFACE(XServiceInfo ), DIRECT_INTERFACE(XJob ), DIRECT_INTERFACE(XCloseable ) ) DEFINE_XTYPEPROVIDER_4 ( License , XTypeProvider , XServiceInfo , XJob , XCloseable ) DEFINE_XSERVICEINFO_MULTISERVICE_2 ( License, OWeakObject , SERVICENAME_LICENSE , IMPLEMENTATIONNAME_LICENSE ) DEFINE_INIT_SERVICE ( License, { } ) static DateTime _oslDateTimeToDateTime(const oslDateTime& aDateTime) { return DateTime( Date(aDateTime.Day, aDateTime.Month, aDateTime.Year), Time(aDateTime.Hours, aDateTime.Minutes, aDateTime.Seconds)); } static OUString _makeDateTimeString (const DateTime& aDateTime, sal_Bool bUTC = sal_False) { OStringBuffer aDateTimeString; aDateTimeString.append((sal_Int32)aDateTime.GetYear()); aDateTimeString.append("-"); if (aDateTime.GetMonth()<10) aDateTimeString.append("0"); aDateTimeString.append((sal_Int32)aDateTime.GetMonth()); aDateTimeString.append("-"); if (aDateTime.GetDay()<10) aDateTimeString.append("0"); aDateTimeString.append((sal_Int32)aDateTime.GetDay()); aDateTimeString.append("T"); if (aDateTime.GetHour()<10) aDateTimeString.append("0"); aDateTimeString.append((sal_Int32)aDateTime.GetHour()); aDateTimeString.append(":"); if (aDateTime.GetMin()<10) aDateTimeString.append("0"); aDateTimeString.append((sal_Int32)aDateTime.GetMin()); aDateTimeString.append(":"); if (aDateTime.GetSec()<10) aDateTimeString.append("0"); aDateTimeString.append((sal_Int32)aDateTime.GetSec()); if (bUTC) aDateTimeString.append("Z"); return OStringToOUString(aDateTimeString.makeStringAndClear(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US); } static sal_Bool _parseDateTime(const OUString& aString, DateTime& aDateTime) { // take apart a canonical literal xsd:dateTime string //CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss(Z) OUString aDateTimeString = aString.trim(); // check length if (aDateTimeString.getLength() < 19 || aDateTimeString.getLength() > 20) return sal_False; sal_Int32 nDateLength = 10; sal_Int32 nTimeLength = 8; OUString aUTCString("Z"); OUString aDateString = aDateTimeString.copy(0, nDateLength); OUString aTimeString = aDateTimeString.copy(nDateLength+1, nTimeLength); sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; sal_Int32 nYear = aDateString.getToken(0, '-', nIndex).toInt32(); sal_Int32 nMonth = aDateString.getToken(0, '-', nIndex).toInt32(); sal_Int32 nDay = aDateString.getToken(0, '-', nIndex).toInt32(); nIndex = 0; sal_Int32 nHour = aTimeString.getToken(0, ':', nIndex).toInt32(); sal_Int32 nMinute = aTimeString.getToken(0, ':', nIndex).toInt32(); sal_Int32 nSecond = aTimeString.getToken(0, ':', nIndex).toInt32(); Date tmpDate((sal_uInt16)nDay, (sal_uInt16)nMonth, (sal_uInt16)nYear); Time tmpTime(nHour, nMinute, nSecond); DateTime tmpDateTime(tmpDate, tmpTime); if (aString.indexOf(aUTCString) < 0) tmpDateTime.ConvertToUTC(); aDateTime = tmpDateTime; return sal_True; } static OUString _getCurrentDateString() { return _makeDateTimeString(DateTime( DateTime::SYSTEM)); } // execution of license check... css::uno::Any SAL_CALL License::execute(const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::NamedValue >& ) throw( css::lang::IllegalArgumentException, css::uno::Exception) { // return value Any aRet; aRet <<= sal_False; try { OUString aBaseInstallPath; Bootstrap::PathStatus aBaseLocateResult = Bootstrap::locateBaseInstallation(aBaseInstallPath); if (aBaseLocateResult != Bootstrap::PATH_EXISTS) { aRet <<= sal_False; return aRet; } // determine the filename of the license to show OUString aLangString( Application::GetSettings().GetUILanguageTag().getBcp47()); #if defined(WNT) OUString aLicensePath = aBaseInstallPath + OUString::createFromAscii(szLicensePath) + OUString::createFromAscii(szWNTLicenseName) + OUString("_") + aLangString + OUString::createFromAscii(szWNTLicenseExt); #else OUString aLicensePath = aBaseInstallPath + OUString::createFromAscii(szLicensePath) + OUString::createFromAscii(szUNXLicenseName) + OUString("_") + aLangString + OUString::createFromAscii(szUNXLicenseExt); #endif // check if we need to show the license at all // open org.openoffice.Setup/Office/ooLicenseAcceptDate OUString sAccessSrvc("com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationUpdateAccess"); // get configuration provider Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > theConfigProvider = theDefaultProvider::get( m_xContext ); Sequence< Any > theArgs(1); NamedValue v; v.Name = OUString("NodePath"); v.Value <<= OUString("org.openoffice.Setup/Office"); theArgs[0] <<= v; Reference< XPropertySet > pset = Reference< XPropertySet >( theConfigProvider->createInstanceWithArguments(sAccessSrvc, theArgs), UNO_QUERY_THROW); // if we find a date there, compare it to baseinstall license date OUString aAcceptDate; if (pset->getPropertyValue(OUString("ooLicenseAcceptDate")) >>= aAcceptDate) { // get LicenseFileDate from base install OUString aLicenseURL = aLicensePath; DirectoryItem aDirItem; if (DirectoryItem::get(aLicenseURL, aDirItem) != FileBase::E_None) return makeAny(sal_False); FileStatus aStatus(osl_FileStatus_Mask_All); if (aDirItem.getFileStatus(aStatus) != FileBase::E_None) return makeAny(sal_False); TimeValue aTimeVal = aStatus.getModifyTime(); oslDateTime aDateTimeVal; if (!osl_getDateTimeFromTimeValue(&aTimeVal, &aDateTimeVal)) return makeAny(sal_False); // compare dates DateTime aLicenseDateTime = _oslDateTimeToDateTime(aDateTimeVal); DateTime aAcceptDateTime( DateTime::EMPTY); if (!_parseDateTime(aAcceptDate, aAcceptDateTime)) return makeAny(sal_False); if ( aAcceptDateTime > aLicenseDateTime ) return makeAny(sal_True); } // prepare to show // display license dialog LanguageTag aLanguageTag( Application::GetSettings().GetUILanguageTag()); boost::scoped_ptr<ResMgr> pResMgr( ResMgr::SearchCreateResMgr("fwe", aLanguageTag)); boost::scoped_ptr<LicenseDialog> pDialog(new LicenseDialog(aLicensePath, pResMgr.get())); sal_Bool bAgreed = (pDialog->Execute() == 1); if (bAgreed) { // write org.openoffice.Setup/ooLicenseAcceptDate aAcceptDate = _getCurrentDateString(); pset->setPropertyValue(OUString("ooLicenseAcceptDate"), makeAny(aAcceptDate)); Reference< XChangesBatch >(pset, UNO_QUERY_THROW)->commitChanges(); // enable quickstarter sal_Bool bQuickstart( sal_True ); sal_Bool bAutostart( sal_True ); Sequence< Any > aSeq( 2 ); aSeq[0] <<= bQuickstart; aSeq[1] <<= bAutostart; Reference< XComponentContext > xContext = ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext(); Reference < XInitialization > xQuickstart( xContext->getServiceManager()->createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.office.Quickstart", xContext), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xQuickstart.is() ) xQuickstart->initialize( aSeq ); aRet <<= sal_True; } else { aRet <<= sal_False; } } catch (const RuntimeException&) { // license could not be verified aRet <<= sal_False; } return aRet; } void SAL_CALL License::close(sal_Bool /*bDeliverOwnership*/) throw (css::util::CloseVetoException) { if (!m_bTerminate) throw CloseVetoException(); } void SAL_CALL License::addCloseListener(const css::uno::Reference< css::util::XCloseListener >&) throw (css::uno::RuntimeException) { } void SAL_CALL License::removeCloseListener(const css::uno::Reference< css::util::XCloseListener >&) throw (css::uno::RuntimeException) { } //************************************************************************ // License Dialog //************************************************************************ LicenseDialog::LicenseDialog(const OUString & aLicensePath, ResMgr *pResMgr) : ModalDialog(NULL, ResId(DLG_LICENSE, *pResMgr)), aLicenseML(this, ResId(ML_LICENSE, *pResMgr)), aInfo1FT(this, ResId(FT_INFO1, *pResMgr)), aInfo2FT(this, ResId(FT_INFO2, *pResMgr)), aInfo3FT(this, ResId(FT_INFO3, *pResMgr)), aInfo2_1FT(this, ResId(FT_INFO2_1, *pResMgr)), aInfo3_1FT(this, ResId(FT_INFO3_1, *pResMgr)), aFixedLine(this, ResId(FL_DIVIDE, *pResMgr)), aPBPageDown(this, ResId(PB_PAGEDOWN, *pResMgr)), aPBDecline( this, ResId(PB_DECLINE, *pResMgr) ), aPBAccept( this, ResId(PB_ACCEPT, *pResMgr) ), aArrow(this, ResId(IMG_ARROW, *pResMgr)), aStrAccept( ResId(LICENSE_ACCEPT, *pResMgr) ), aStrNotAccept( ResId(LICENSE_NOTACCEPT, *pResMgr) ), bEndReached(sal_False) { FreeResource(); aLicenseML.SetEndReachedHdl( LINK(this, LicenseDialog, EndReachedHdl) ); aLicenseML.SetScrolledHdl( LINK(this, LicenseDialog, ScrolledHdl) ); aPBPageDown.SetClickHdl( LINK(this, LicenseDialog, PageDownHdl) ); aPBDecline.SetClickHdl( LINK(this, LicenseDialog, DeclineBtnHdl) ); aPBAccept.SetClickHdl( LINK(this, LicenseDialog, AcceptBtnHdl) ); // We want a automatic repeating page down button WinBits aStyle = aPBPageDown.GetStyle(); aStyle |= WB_REPEAT; aPBPageDown.SetStyle( aStyle ); String aText = aInfo2FT.GetText(); aText.SearchAndReplaceAll( OUString("%PAGEDOWN"), aPBPageDown.GetText() ); aInfo2FT.SetText( aText ); aPBDecline.SetText( aStrNotAccept ); aPBAccept.SetText( aStrAccept ); aPBAccept.Disable(); // load license text File aLicenseFile(aLicensePath); if ( aLicenseFile.open(osl_File_OpenFlag_Read) == FileBase::E_None) { DirectoryItem d; DirectoryItem::get(aLicensePath, d); FileStatus fs(osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileSize); d.getFileStatus(fs); sal_uInt64 nBytesRead = 0; sal_uInt64 nPosition = 0; sal_uInt32 nBytes = (sal_uInt32)fs.getFileSize(); sal_Char *pBuffer = new sal_Char[nBytes]; while (aLicenseFile.read(pBuffer+nPosition, nBytes-nPosition, nBytesRead) == FileBase::E_None && nPosition + nBytesRead < nBytes) { nPosition += nBytesRead; } OUString aLicenseString(pBuffer, nBytes, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OSTRING_TO_OUSTRING_CVTFLAGS | RTL_TEXTTOUNICODE_FLAGS_GLOBAL_SIGNATURE); delete[] pBuffer; aLicenseML.SetText(aLicenseString); } } LicenseDialog::~LicenseDialog() { } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(LicenseDialog, PageDownHdl) { aLicenseML.ScrollDown( SCROLL_PAGEDOWN ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(LicenseDialog, EndReachedHdl) { bEndReached = sal_True; EnableControls(); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(LicenseDialog, ScrolledHdl) { EnableControls(); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(LicenseDialog, DeclineBtnHdl) { EndDialog(0); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(LicenseDialog, AcceptBtnHdl) { EndDialog(1); return 0; } void LicenseDialog::EnableControls() { if( !bEndReached && ( aLicenseML.IsEndReached() || aLicenseML.GetText().isEmpty() ) ) bEndReached = sal_True; if ( bEndReached ) { Point aPos( aInfo1FT.GetPosPixel().X(), aInfo3_1FT.GetPosPixel().Y() ); aArrow.SetPosPixel( aPos ); aPBAccept.Enable(); } else { Point aPos( aInfo1FT.GetPosPixel().X(), aInfo2_1FT.GetPosPixel().Y() ); aArrow.SetPosPixel( aPos ); aPBAccept.Disable(); } if ( aLicenseML.IsEndReached() ) aPBPageDown.Disable(); else aPBPageDown.Enable(); } LicenseView::LicenseView( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : MultiLineEdit( pParent, rResId ) { SetLeftMargin( 5 ); mbEndReached = IsEndReached(); StartListening( *GetTextEngine() ); } LicenseView::~LicenseView() { maEndReachedHdl = Link(); maScrolledHdl = Link(); EndListeningAll(); } void LicenseView::ScrollDown( ScrollType eScroll ) { ScrollBar* pScroll = GetVScrollBar(); if ( pScroll ) pScroll->DoScrollAction( eScroll ); } sal_Bool LicenseView::IsEndReached() const { sal_Bool bEndReached; ExtTextView* pView = GetTextView(); ExtTextEngine* pEdit = GetTextEngine(); sal_uLong nHeight = pEdit->GetTextHeight(); Size aOutSize = pView->GetWindow()->GetOutputSizePixel(); Point aBottom( 0, aOutSize.Height() ); if ( (sal_uLong) pView->GetDocPos( aBottom ).Y() >= nHeight - 1 ) bEndReached = sal_True; else bEndReached = sal_False; return bEndReached; } void LicenseView::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint ) { if ( rHint.IsA( TYPE(TextHint) ) ) { sal_Bool bLastVal = EndReached(); sal_uLong nId = ((const TextHint&)rHint).GetId(); if ( nId == TEXT_HINT_PARAINSERTED ) { if ( bLastVal ) mbEndReached = IsEndReached(); } else if ( nId == TEXT_HINT_VIEWSCROLLED ) { if ( ! mbEndReached ) mbEndReached = IsEndReached(); maScrolledHdl.Call( this ); } if ( EndReached() && !bLastVal ) { maEndReachedHdl.Call( this ); } } } } // namespace framework /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */