/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame; using namespace ::com::sun::star::util; namespace framework { // Wrapper class to notify controller about events from combobox. // Unfortunaltly the events are notified through virtual methods instead // of Listeners. class SpinfieldControl final : public InterimItemWindow { public: SpinfieldControl(vcl::Window* pParent, SpinfieldToolbarController* pSpinfieldToolbarController); virtual ~SpinfieldControl() override; virtual void dispose() override; Formatter& GetFormatter() { return m_xWidget->GetFormatter(); } OUString get_entry_text() const { return m_xWidget->get_text(); } DECL_LINK(ValueChangedHdl, weld::FormattedSpinButton&, void); DECL_LINK(FormatOutputHdl, LinkParamNone*, bool); DECL_LINK(ParseInputHdl, sal_Int64*, TriState); DECL_LINK(ModifyHdl, weld::Entry&, void); DECL_LINK(ActivateHdl, weld::Entry&, bool); DECL_LINK(FocusInHdl, weld::Widget&, void); DECL_LINK(FocusOutHdl, weld::Widget&, void); DECL_LINK(KeyInputHdl, const ::KeyEvent&, bool); private: std::unique_ptr m_xWidget; SpinfieldToolbarController* m_pSpinfieldToolbarController; }; SpinfieldControl::SpinfieldControl(vcl::Window* pParent, SpinfieldToolbarController* pSpinfieldToolbarController) : InterimItemWindow(pParent, "svt/ui/spinfieldcontrol.ui", "SpinFieldControl") , m_xWidget(m_xBuilder->weld_formatted_spin_button("spinbutton")) , m_pSpinfieldToolbarController(pSpinfieldToolbarController) { InitControlBase(m_xWidget.get()); m_xWidget->connect_focus_in(LINK(this, SpinfieldControl, FocusInHdl)); m_xWidget->connect_focus_out(LINK(this, SpinfieldControl, FocusOutHdl)); Formatter& rFormatter = m_xWidget->GetFormatter(); rFormatter.SetOutputHdl(LINK(this, SpinfieldControl, FormatOutputHdl)); rFormatter.SetInputHdl(LINK(this, SpinfieldControl, ParseInputHdl)); m_xWidget->connect_value_changed(LINK(this, SpinfieldControl, ValueChangedHdl)); m_xWidget->connect_changed(LINK(this, SpinfieldControl, ModifyHdl)); m_xWidget->connect_activate(LINK(this, SpinfieldControl, ActivateHdl)); m_xWidget->connect_key_press(LINK(this, SpinfieldControl, KeyInputHdl)); // so a later narrow size request can stick m_xWidget->set_width_chars(3); m_xWidget->set_size_request(42, -1); SetSizePixel(get_preferred_size()); } IMPL_LINK(SpinfieldControl, KeyInputHdl, const ::KeyEvent&, rKEvt, bool) { return ChildKeyInput(rKEvt); } IMPL_LINK(SpinfieldControl, ParseInputHdl, sal_Int64*, result, TriState) { *result = m_xWidget->get_text().toDouble() * weld::SpinButton::Power10(m_xWidget->GetFormatter().GetDecimalDigits()); return TRISTATE_TRUE; } SpinfieldControl::~SpinfieldControl() { disposeOnce(); } void SpinfieldControl::dispose() { m_pSpinfieldToolbarController = nullptr; m_xWidget.reset(); InterimItemWindow::dispose(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SpinfieldControl, ValueChangedHdl, weld::FormattedSpinButton&, void) { if (m_pSpinfieldToolbarController) m_pSpinfieldToolbarController->execute(0); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SpinfieldControl, ModifyHdl, weld::Entry&, void) { if (m_pSpinfieldToolbarController) m_pSpinfieldToolbarController->Modify(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SpinfieldControl, FocusInHdl, weld::Widget&, void) { if (m_pSpinfieldToolbarController) m_pSpinfieldToolbarController->GetFocus(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SpinfieldControl, FocusOutHdl, weld::Widget&, void) { if (m_pSpinfieldToolbarController) m_pSpinfieldToolbarController->LoseFocus(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SpinfieldControl, ActivateHdl, weld::Entry&, bool) { bool bConsumed = false; if (m_pSpinfieldToolbarController) { m_pSpinfieldToolbarController->Activate(); bConsumed = true; } return bConsumed; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SpinfieldControl, FormatOutputHdl, LinkParamNone*, bool) { OUString aText = m_pSpinfieldToolbarController->FormatOutputString(m_xWidget->GetFormatter().GetValue()); m_xWidget->set_text(aText); return true; } SpinfieldToolbarController::SpinfieldToolbarController( const Reference< XComponentContext >& rxContext, const Reference< XFrame >& rFrame, ToolBox* pToolbar, sal_uInt16 nID, sal_Int32 nWidth, const OUString& aCommand ) : ComplexToolbarController( rxContext, rFrame, pToolbar, nID, aCommand ) , m_bFloat( false ) , m_nMax( 0.0 ) , m_nMin( 0.0 ) , m_nValue( 0.0 ) , m_nStep( 0.0 ) , m_pSpinfieldControl( nullptr ) { m_pSpinfieldControl = VclPtr::Create(m_xToolbar, this); if ( nWidth == 0 ) nWidth = 100; // SpinFieldControl ctor has set a suitable height already auto nHeight = m_pSpinfieldControl->GetSizePixel().Height(); m_pSpinfieldControl->SetSizePixel( ::Size( nWidth, nHeight )); m_xToolbar->SetItemWindow( m_nID, m_pSpinfieldControl ); } SpinfieldToolbarController::~SpinfieldToolbarController() { } void SAL_CALL SpinfieldToolbarController::dispose() { SolarMutexGuard aSolarMutexGuard; m_xToolbar->SetItemWindow( m_nID, nullptr ); m_pSpinfieldControl.disposeAndClear(); ComplexToolbarController::dispose(); } Sequence SpinfieldToolbarController::getExecuteArgs(sal_Int16 KeyModifier) const { Sequence aArgs( 2 ); OUString aSpinfieldText = m_pSpinfieldControl->get_entry_text(); // Add key modifier to argument list aArgs[0].Name = "KeyModifier"; aArgs[0].Value <<= KeyModifier; aArgs[1].Name = "Value"; if ( m_bFloat ) aArgs[1].Value <<= aSpinfieldText.toDouble(); else aArgs[1].Value <<= aSpinfieldText.toInt32(); return aArgs; } void SpinfieldToolbarController::Modify() { notifyTextChanged(m_pSpinfieldControl->get_entry_text()); } void SpinfieldToolbarController::GetFocus() { notifyFocusGet(); } void SpinfieldToolbarController::LoseFocus() { notifyFocusLost(); } void SpinfieldToolbarController::Activate() { // Call execute only with non-empty text if (!m_pSpinfieldControl->get_entry_text().isEmpty()) execute(0); } void SpinfieldToolbarController::executeControlCommand( const css::frame::ControlCommand& rControlCommand ) { OUString aValue; OUString aMax; OUString aMin; OUString aStep; bool bFloatValue( false ); if ( rControlCommand.Command == "SetStep" ) { for ( auto const & arg : rControlCommand.Arguments ) { if ( arg.Name == "Step" ) { sal_Int32 nValue; double fValue; bool bFloat( false ); if ( impl_getValue( arg.Value, nValue, fValue, bFloat )) aStep = bFloat ? OUString( OUString::number( fValue )) : OUString( OUString::number( nValue )); break; } } } else if ( rControlCommand.Command == "SetValue" ) { for ( auto const & arg : rControlCommand.Arguments ) { if ( arg.Name == "Value" ) { sal_Int32 nValue; double fValue; bool bFloat( false ); if ( impl_getValue( arg.Value, nValue, fValue, bFloat )) { aValue = bFloat ? OUString( OUString::number( fValue )) : OUString( OUString::number( nValue )); bFloatValue = bFloat; } break; } } } else if ( rControlCommand.Command == "SetValues" ) { for ( auto const & arg : rControlCommand.Arguments ) { sal_Int32 nValue; double fValue; bool bFloat( false ); OUString aName = arg.Name; if ( impl_getValue( arg.Value, nValue, fValue, bFloat )) { if ( aName == "Value" ) { aValue = bFloat ? OUString( OUString::number( fValue )) : OUString( OUString::number( nValue )); bFloatValue = bFloat; } else if ( aName == "Step" ) aStep = bFloat ? OUString( OUString::number( fValue )) : OUString( OUString::number( nValue )); else if ( aName == "LowerLimit" ) aMin = bFloat ? OUString( OUString::number( fValue )) : OUString( OUString::number( nValue )); else if ( aName == "UpperLimit" ) aMax = bFloat ? OUString( OUString::number( fValue )) : OUString( OUString::number( nValue )); } else if ( aName == "OutputFormat" ) arg.Value >>= m_aOutFormat; } } else if ( rControlCommand.Command == "SetLowerLimit" ) { for ( auto const & arg : rControlCommand.Arguments ) { if ( arg.Name == "LowerLimit" ) { sal_Int32 nValue; double fValue; bool bFloat( false ); if ( impl_getValue( arg.Value, nValue, fValue, bFloat )) aMin = bFloat ? OUString( OUString::number( fValue )) : OUString( OUString::number( nValue )); break; } } } else if ( rControlCommand.Command == "SetUpperLimit" ) { for ( auto const & arg : rControlCommand.Arguments ) { if ( arg.Name == "UpperLimit" ) { sal_Int32 nValue; double fValue; bool bFloat( false ); if ( impl_getValue( arg.Value, nValue, fValue, bFloat )) aMax = bFloat ? OUString( OUString::number( fValue )) : OUString( OUString::number( nValue )); break; } } } else if ( rControlCommand.Command == "SetOutputFormat" ) { for ( auto const & arg : rControlCommand.Arguments ) { if ( arg.Name == "OutputFormat" ) { arg.Value >>= m_aOutFormat; break; } } } Formatter& rFormatter = m_pSpinfieldControl->GetFormatter(); // Check values and set members if (bFloatValue) rFormatter.SetDecimalDigits(2); if ( !aValue.isEmpty() ) { m_bFloat = bFloatValue; m_nValue = aValue.toDouble(); rFormatter.SetValue(m_nValue); } if ( !aMax.isEmpty() ) { m_nMax = aMax.toDouble(); rFormatter.SetMaxValue(m_nMax); } if ( !aMin.isEmpty() ) { m_nMin = aMin.toDouble(); rFormatter.SetMinValue(m_nMin); } if ( !aStep.isEmpty() ) { m_nStep = aStep.toDouble(); rFormatter.SetSpinSize(m_nStep); } } bool SpinfieldToolbarController::impl_getValue( const Any& rAny, sal_Int32& nValue, double& fValue, bool& bFloat ) { using ::com::sun::star::uno::TypeClass; bool bValueValid( false ); bFloat = false; TypeClass aTypeClass = rAny.getValueTypeClass(); if (( aTypeClass == TypeClass( typelib_TypeClass_LONG )) || ( aTypeClass == TypeClass( typelib_TypeClass_SHORT )) || ( aTypeClass == TypeClass( typelib_TypeClass_BYTE ))) bValueValid = rAny >>= nValue; else if (( aTypeClass == TypeClass( typelib_TypeClass_FLOAT )) || ( aTypeClass == TypeClass( typelib_TypeClass_DOUBLE ))) { bValueValid = rAny >>= fValue; bFloat = true; } return bValueValid; } OUString SpinfieldToolbarController::FormatOutputString( double fValue ) { if ( m_aOutFormat.isEmpty() ) { if ( m_bFloat ) return OUString::number( fValue ); else return OUString::number( sal_Int32( fValue )); } else { #ifdef _WIN32 sal_Unicode aBuffer[128]; aBuffer[0] = 0; if ( m_bFloat ) _snwprintf( o3tl::toW(aBuffer), SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aBuffer), o3tl::toW(m_aOutFormat.getStr()), fValue ); else _snwprintf( o3tl::toW(aBuffer), SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aBuffer), o3tl::toW(m_aOutFormat.getStr()), sal_Int32( fValue )); return OUString(aBuffer); #else // Currently we have no support for a format string using sal_Unicode. wchar_t // is 32 bit on Unix platform! char aBuffer[128]; OString aFormat = OUStringToOString( m_aOutFormat, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); if ( m_bFloat ) snprintf( aBuffer, 128, aFormat.getStr(), fValue ); else snprintf( aBuffer, 128, aFormat.getStr(), static_cast( fValue )); sal_Int32 nSize = strlen( aBuffer ); OString aTmp( aBuffer, nSize ); return OStringToOUString( aTmp, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); #endif } } } // namespace /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */