/* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // namespaces using namespace ::com::sun::star::awt; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame; using namespace ::com::sun::star::graphic; using namespace ::com::sun::star::util; using namespace ::com::sun::star::container; using namespace ::com::sun::star::ui; using namespace ::com::sun::star; namespace framework { const char ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_COMMANDURL[] = "CommandURL"; const char ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_VISIBLE[] = "IsVisible"; const sal_uInt16 STARTID_CUSTOMIZE_POPUPMENU = 1000; static css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XLayoutManager > getLayoutManagerFromFrame( css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > const & rFrame ) { css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XLayoutManager > xLayoutManager; Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( rFrame, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xPropSet.is() ) { try { xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LayoutManager") >>= xLayoutManager; } catch (const RuntimeException&) { throw; } catch (const Exception&) { } } return xLayoutManager; } namespace { sal_Int16 getCurrentImageType() { SvtMiscOptions aMiscOptions; sal_Int16 nImageType = css::ui::ImageType::SIZE_DEFAULT; if (aMiscOptions.GetCurrentSymbolsSize() == SFX_SYMBOLS_SIZE_LARGE) nImageType |= css::ui::ImageType::SIZE_LARGE; else if (aMiscOptions.GetCurrentSymbolsSize() == SFX_SYMBOLS_SIZE_32) nImageType |= css::ui::ImageType::SIZE_32; return nImageType; } } // end anonymous namespace // XInterface, XTypeProvider, XServiceInfo ToolBarManager::ToolBarManager( const Reference< XComponentContext >& rxContext, const Reference< XFrame >& rFrame, const OUString& rResourceName, ToolBox* pToolBar ) : m_bDisposed( false ), m_bAddedToTaskPaneList( true ), m_bFrameActionRegistered( false ), m_bUpdateControllers( false ), m_eSymbolSize(SvtMiscOptions().GetCurrentSymbolsSize()), m_pToolBar( pToolBar ), m_aResourceName( rResourceName ), m_xFrame( rFrame ), m_aListenerContainer( m_mutex ), m_xContext( rxContext ), m_sIconTheme( SvtMiscOptions().GetIconTheme() ) { OSL_ASSERT( m_xContext.is() ); vcl::Window* pWindow = m_pToolBar; while ( pWindow && !pWindow->IsSystemWindow() ) pWindow = pWindow->GetParent(); if ( pWindow ) static_cast(pWindow)->GetTaskPaneList()->AddWindow( m_pToolBar ); m_xToolbarControllerFactory = frame::theToolbarControllerFactory::get( m_xContext ); m_xURLTransformer = URLTransformer::create( m_xContext ); m_pToolBar->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, ToolBarManager, Select) ); m_pToolBar->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, ToolBarManager, Click ) ); m_pToolBar->SetDropdownClickHdl( LINK( this, ToolBarManager, DropdownClick ) ); m_pToolBar->SetDoubleClickHdl( LINK( this, ToolBarManager, DoubleClick ) ); m_pToolBar->SetStateChangedHdl( LINK( this, ToolBarManager, StateChanged ) ); m_pToolBar->SetDataChangedHdl( LINK( this, ToolBarManager, DataChanged ) ); if (m_eSymbolSize == SFX_SYMBOLS_SIZE_LARGE) m_pToolBar->SetToolboxButtonSize(ToolBoxButtonSize::Large); else if (m_eSymbolSize == SFX_SYMBOLS_SIZE_32) m_pToolBar->SetToolboxButtonSize(ToolBoxButtonSize::Size32); else m_pToolBar->SetToolboxButtonSize(ToolBoxButtonSize::Small); // enables a menu for clipped items and customization SvtCommandOptions aCmdOptions; ToolBoxMenuType nMenuType = ToolBoxMenuType::ClippedItems; if ( !aCmdOptions.Lookup( SvtCommandOptions::CMDOPTION_DISABLED, "CreateDialog")) nMenuType |= ToolBoxMenuType::Customize; m_pToolBar->SetMenuType( nMenuType ); m_pToolBar->SetMenuButtonHdl( LINK( this, ToolBarManager, MenuButton ) ); m_pToolBar->SetMenuExecuteHdl( LINK( this, ToolBarManager, MenuPreExecute ) ); m_pToolBar->GetMenu()->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, ToolBarManager, MenuSelect ) ); // set name for testtool, the useful part is after the last '/' sal_Int32 idx = rResourceName.lastIndexOf('/'); idx++; // will become 0 if '/' not found: use full string OString aHelpIdAsString( ".HelpId:" ); OUString aToolbarName = rResourceName.copy( idx ); aHelpIdAsString += OUStringToOString( aToolbarName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); m_pToolBar->SetHelpId( aHelpIdAsString ); m_aAsyncUpdateControllersTimer.SetTimeout( 50 ); m_aAsyncUpdateControllersTimer.SetInvokeHandler( LINK( this, ToolBarManager, AsyncUpdateControllersHdl ) ); m_aAsyncUpdateControllersTimer.SetDebugName( "framework::ToolBarManager m_aAsyncUpdateControllersTimer" ); SvtMiscOptions().AddListenerLink( LINK( this, ToolBarManager, MiscOptionsChanged ) ); } ToolBarManager::~ToolBarManager() { assert(!m_aAsyncUpdateControllersTimer.IsActive()); assert(!m_pToolBar); // must be disposed by ToolbarLayoutManager OSL_ASSERT( !m_bAddedToTaskPaneList ); } void ToolBarManager::Destroy() { OSL_ASSERT( m_pToolBar != nullptr ); SolarMutexGuard g; if ( m_bAddedToTaskPaneList ) { vcl::Window* pWindow = m_pToolBar; while ( pWindow && !pWindow->IsSystemWindow() ) pWindow = pWindow->GetParent(); if ( pWindow ) static_cast(pWindow)->GetTaskPaneList()->RemoveWindow( m_pToolBar ); m_bAddedToTaskPaneList = false; } // Delete the additional add-ons data for ( ToolBox::ImplToolItems::size_type i = 0; i < m_pToolBar->GetItemCount(); i++ ) { sal_uInt16 nItemId = m_pToolBar->GetItemId( i ); if ( nItemId > 0 ) delete static_cast< AddonsParams* >( m_pToolBar->GetItemData( nItemId )); } // tdf#119390 this will reparent the toolbar, so focus is restored from a // floating toolbar to the last focused control of the application window. m_pToolBar->SetParentToDefaultWindow(); // #i93173# note we can still be in one of the toolbar's handlers m_pToolBar->SetSelectHdl( Link() ); m_pToolBar->SetActivateHdl( Link() ); m_pToolBar->SetDeactivateHdl( Link() ); m_pToolBar->SetClickHdl( Link() ); m_pToolBar->SetDropdownClickHdl( Link() ); m_pToolBar->SetDoubleClickHdl( Link() ); m_pToolBar->SetStateChangedHdl( Link() ); m_pToolBar->SetDataChangedHdl( Link() ); m_pToolBar.disposeAndClear(); SvtMiscOptions().RemoveListenerLink( LINK( this, ToolBarManager, MiscOptionsChanged ) ); } ToolBox* ToolBarManager::GetToolBar() const { SolarMutexGuard g; return m_pToolBar; } void ToolBarManager::CheckAndUpdateImages() { SolarMutexGuard g; bool bRefreshImages = false; SvtMiscOptions aMiscOptions; sal_Int16 eNewSymbolSize = aMiscOptions.GetCurrentSymbolsSize(); if (m_eSymbolSize != eNewSymbolSize ) { bRefreshImages = true; m_eSymbolSize = eNewSymbolSize; } const OUString& sCurrentIconTheme = aMiscOptions.GetIconTheme(); if ( m_sIconTheme != sCurrentIconTheme ) { bRefreshImages = true; m_sIconTheme = sCurrentIconTheme; } // Refresh images if requested if ( bRefreshImages ) RefreshImages(); } void ToolBarManager::RefreshImages() { SolarMutexGuard g; if (m_eSymbolSize == SFX_SYMBOLS_SIZE_LARGE) m_pToolBar->SetToolboxButtonSize(ToolBoxButtonSize::Large); else if (m_eSymbolSize == SFX_SYMBOLS_SIZE_32) m_pToolBar->SetToolboxButtonSize(ToolBoxButtonSize::Size32); else m_pToolBar->SetToolboxButtonSize(ToolBoxButtonSize::Small); for ( auto const& it : m_aControllerMap ) { Reference< XSubToolbarController > xController( it.second, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xController.is() && xController->opensSubToolbar() ) { // The button should show the last function that was selected from the // dropdown. The controller should know better than us what it was. xController->updateImage(); } else { OUString aCommandURL = m_pToolBar->GetItemCommand( it.first ); vcl::ImageType eImageType = m_pToolBar->GetImageSize(); Image aImage = vcl::CommandInfoProvider::GetImageForCommand(aCommandURL, m_xFrame, eImageType); // Try also to query for add-on images before giving up and use an // empty image. bool bBigImages = eImageType != vcl::ImageType::Size16; if ( !aImage ) aImage = Image(framework::AddonsOptions().GetImageFromURL(aCommandURL, bBigImages)); m_pToolBar->SetItemImage( it.first, aImage ); } } ::Size aSize = m_pToolBar->CalcWindowSizePixel(); m_pToolBar->SetOutputSizePixel( aSize ); } void ToolBarManager::UpdateControllers() { if( SvtMiscOptions().DisableUICustomization() ) { Any a; Reference< XLayoutManager > xLayoutManager; Reference< XPropertySet > xFramePropSet( m_xFrame, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xFramePropSet.is() ) a = xFramePropSet->getPropertyValue("LayoutManager"); a >>= xLayoutManager; Reference< XDockableWindow > xDockable( VCLUnoHelper::GetInterface( m_pToolBar ), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xLayoutManager.is() && xDockable.is() ) { css::awt::Point aPoint; aPoint.X = aPoint.Y = SAL_MAX_INT32; xLayoutManager->dockWindow( m_aResourceName, DockingArea_DOCKINGAREA_DEFAULT, aPoint ); xLayoutManager->lockWindow( m_aResourceName ); } } if ( !m_bUpdateControllers ) { m_bUpdateControllers = true; for (auto const& controller : m_aControllerMap) { try { Reference< XUpdatable > xUpdatable( controller.second, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xUpdatable.is() ) xUpdatable->update(); } catch (const Exception&) { } } } m_bUpdateControllers = false; } //for update toolbar controller via Support Visible void ToolBarManager::UpdateController( const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XToolbarController >& xController) { if ( !m_bUpdateControllers ) { m_bUpdateControllers = true; try { if(xController.is()) { Reference< XUpdatable > xUpdatable( xController, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xUpdatable.is() ) xUpdatable->update(); } } catch (const Exception&) { } } m_bUpdateControllers = false; } void ToolBarManager::frameAction( const FrameActionEvent& Action ) { SolarMutexGuard g; if ( Action.Action == FrameAction_CONTEXT_CHANGED && !m_bDisposed ) { m_aAsyncUpdateControllersTimer.Start(); } } void SAL_CALL ToolBarManager::disposing( const EventObject& Source ) { SolarMutexGuard g; if ( m_bDisposed ) return; RemoveControllers(); if ( m_xDocImageManager.is() ) { try { m_xDocImageManager->removeConfigurationListener( Reference< XUIConfigurationListener >( static_cast< OWeakObject* >( this ), UNO_QUERY )); } catch (const Exception&) { } } if ( m_xModuleImageManager.is() ) { try { m_xModuleImageManager->removeConfigurationListener( Reference< XUIConfigurationListener >( static_cast< OWeakObject* >( this ), UNO_QUERY )); } catch (const Exception&) { } } m_xDocImageManager.clear(); m_xModuleImageManager.clear(); if ( Source.Source == Reference< XInterface >( m_xFrame, UNO_QUERY )) m_xFrame.clear(); m_xContext.clear(); } // XComponent void SAL_CALL ToolBarManager::dispose() { Reference< XComponent > xThis( static_cast< OWeakObject* >(this), UNO_QUERY ); EventObject aEvent( xThis ); m_aListenerContainer.disposeAndClear( aEvent ); { SolarMutexGuard g; if (m_bDisposed) { return; } RemoveControllers(); if ( m_xDocImageManager.is() ) { try { m_xDocImageManager->removeConfigurationListener( Reference< XUIConfigurationListener >( static_cast< OWeakObject* >( this ), UNO_QUERY )); } catch (const Exception&) { } } m_xDocImageManager.clear(); if ( m_xModuleImageManager.is() ) { try { m_xModuleImageManager->removeConfigurationListener( Reference< XUIConfigurationListener >( static_cast< OWeakObject* >( this ), UNO_QUERY )); } catch (const Exception&) { } } m_xModuleImageManager.clear(); if ( m_aOverflowManager.is() ) { m_aOverflowManager->dispose(); m_aOverflowManager.clear(); } // We have to destroy our toolbar instance now. Destroy(); m_pToolBar.clear(); if ( m_bFrameActionRegistered && m_xFrame.is() ) { try { m_xFrame->removeFrameActionListener( Reference< XFrameActionListener >( static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject *>( this ), UNO_QUERY )); } catch (const Exception&) { } } m_xFrame.clear(); m_xContext.clear(); // stop timer to prevent timer events after dispose // do it last because other calls could restart timer in StateChanged() m_aAsyncUpdateControllersTimer.Stop(); m_bDisposed = true; } } void SAL_CALL ToolBarManager::addEventListener( const Reference< XEventListener >& xListener ) { SolarMutexGuard g; /* SAFE AREA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( m_bDisposed ) throw DisposedException(); m_aListenerContainer.addInterface( cppu::UnoType::get(), xListener ); } void SAL_CALL ToolBarManager::removeEventListener( const Reference< XEventListener >& xListener ) { m_aListenerContainer.removeInterface( cppu::UnoType::get(), xListener ); } // XUIConfigurationListener void SAL_CALL ToolBarManager::elementInserted( const css::ui::ConfigurationEvent& Event ) { impl_elementChanged(false,Event); } void SAL_CALL ToolBarManager::elementRemoved( const css::ui::ConfigurationEvent& Event ) { impl_elementChanged(true,Event); } void ToolBarManager::impl_elementChanged(bool const isRemove, const css::ui::ConfigurationEvent& Event) { SolarMutexGuard g; /* SAFE AREA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( m_bDisposed ) return; Reference< XNameAccess > xNameAccess; sal_Int16 nImageType = sal_Int16(); sal_Int16 nCurrentImageType = getCurrentImageType(); if (!(( Event.aInfo >>= nImageType ) && ( nImageType == nCurrentImageType ) && ( Event.Element >>= xNameAccess ))) return; sal_Int16 nImageInfo( 1 ); Reference< XInterface > xIfacDocImgMgr( m_xDocImageManager, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xIfacDocImgMgr == Event.Source ) nImageInfo = 0; const Sequence< OUString > aSeq = xNameAccess->getElementNames(); for ( OUString const & commandName : aSeq ) { CommandToInfoMap::iterator pIter = m_aCommandMap.find( commandName ); if ( pIter != m_aCommandMap.end() && ( pIter->second.nImageInfo >= nImageInfo )) { if (isRemove) { Image aImage; if (( pIter->second.nImageInfo == 0 ) && ( pIter->second.nImageInfo == nImageInfo )) { // Special case: An image from the document image manager has been removed. // It is possible that we have an image at our module image manager. Before // we can remove our image we have to ask our module image manager. Sequence< OUString > aCmdURLSeq( 1 ); Sequence< Reference< XGraphic > > aGraphicSeq; aCmdURLSeq[0] = pIter->first; aGraphicSeq = m_xModuleImageManager->getImages( nImageType, aCmdURLSeq ); aImage = Image( aGraphicSeq[0] ); } setToolBarImage(aImage,pIter); } // if (isRemove) else { Reference< XGraphic > xGraphic; if ( xNameAccess->getByName( commandName ) >>= xGraphic ) { Image aImage( xGraphic ); setToolBarImage(aImage,pIter); } pIter->second.nImageInfo = nImageInfo; } } } } void ToolBarManager::setToolBarImage(const Image& rImage, const CommandToInfoMap::const_iterator& rIter) { const ::std::vector& rIDs = rIter->second.aIds; m_pToolBar->SetItemImage( rIter->second.nId, rImage ); for (auto const& it : rIDs) { m_pToolBar->SetItemImage(it, rImage); } } void SAL_CALL ToolBarManager::elementReplaced( const css::ui::ConfigurationEvent& Event ) { impl_elementChanged(false,Event); } void ToolBarManager::RemoveControllers() { DBG_TESTSOLARMUTEX(); assert(!m_bDisposed); m_aSubToolBarControllerMap.clear(); // i90033 // Remove item window pointers from the toolbar. They were // destroyed by the dispose() at the XComponent. This is needed // as VCL code later tries to access the item window data in certain // dtors where the item window is already invalid! for ( ToolBox::ImplToolItems::size_type i = 0; i < m_pToolBar->GetItemCount(); i++ ) { sal_uInt16 nItemId = m_pToolBar->GetItemId( i ); if ( nItemId > 0 ) { Reference< XComponent > xComponent( m_aControllerMap[ nItemId ], UNO_QUERY ); if ( xComponent.is() ) { try { xComponent->dispose(); } catch (const Exception&) { } } m_pToolBar->SetItemWindow(nItemId, nullptr); } } m_aControllerMap.clear(); } void ToolBarManager::CreateControllers() { Reference< XWindow > xToolbarWindow = VCLUnoHelper::GetInterface( m_pToolBar ); css::util::URL aURL; bool bHasDisabledEntries = SvtCommandOptions().HasEntries( SvtCommandOptions::CMDOPTION_DISABLED ); SvtCommandOptions aCmdOptions; for ( ToolBox::ImplToolItems::size_type i = 0; i < m_pToolBar->GetItemCount(); i++ ) { sal_uInt16 nId = m_pToolBar->GetItemId( i ); if ( nId == 0 ) continue; bool bInit( true ); bool bCreate( true ); Reference< XStatusListener > xController; svt::ToolboxController* pController( nullptr ); OUString aCommandURL( m_pToolBar->GetItemCommand( nId ) ); // Command can be just an alias to another command. auto aProperties = vcl::CommandInfoProvider::GetCommandProperties(aCommandURL, m_aModuleIdentifier); OUString aRealCommandURL( vcl::CommandInfoProvider::GetRealCommandForCommand(aProperties) ); if ( !aRealCommandURL.isEmpty() ) aCommandURL = aRealCommandURL; if ( bHasDisabledEntries ) { aURL.Complete = aCommandURL; m_xURLTransformer->parseStrict( aURL ); if ( aCmdOptions.Lookup( SvtCommandOptions::CMDOPTION_DISABLED, aURL.Path )) { m_aControllerMap[ nId ] = xController; m_pToolBar->HideItem( nId ); continue; } } if ( m_xToolbarControllerFactory.is() && m_xToolbarControllerFactory->hasController( aCommandURL, m_aModuleIdentifier )) { PropertyValue aPropValue; std::vector< Any > aPropertyVector; aPropValue.Name = "ModuleIdentifier"; aPropValue.Value <<= m_aModuleIdentifier; aPropertyVector.push_back( makeAny( aPropValue )); aPropValue.Name = "Frame"; aPropValue.Value <<= m_xFrame; aPropertyVector.push_back( makeAny( aPropValue )); aPropValue.Name = "ServiceManager"; Reference xMSF(m_xContext->getServiceManager(), UNO_QUERY_THROW); aPropValue.Value <<= xMSF; aPropertyVector.push_back( makeAny( aPropValue )); aPropValue.Name = "ParentWindow"; aPropValue.Value <<= xToolbarWindow; aPropertyVector.push_back( makeAny( aPropValue )); aPropValue.Name = "Identifier"; aPropValue.Value <<= nId; aPropertyVector.push_back( uno::makeAny( aPropValue ) ); Sequence< Any > aArgs( comphelper::containerToSequence( aPropertyVector )); xController.set( m_xToolbarControllerFactory->createInstanceWithArgumentsAndContext( aCommandURL, aArgs, m_xContext ), UNO_QUERY ); bInit = false; // Initialization is done through the factory service } if (( aCommandURL == ".uno:OpenUrl" ) && ( !m_pToolBar->IsItemVisible(nId))) bCreate = false; if ( !xController.is() && bCreate ) { pController = CreateToolBoxController( m_xFrame, m_pToolBar, nId, aCommandURL ); if ( !pController ) { if ( aCommandURL.startsWith( ".uno:StyleApply?" ) ) { xController.set( new StyleToolbarController( m_xContext, m_xFrame, aCommandURL )); m_pToolBar->SetItemBits( nId, m_pToolBar->GetItemBits( nId ) | ToolBoxItemBits::CHECKABLE ); } else if ( aCommandURL.startsWith( "private:resource/" ) ) { xController.set( m_xContext->getServiceManager()->createInstanceWithContext( "com.sun.star.comp.framework.GenericPopupToolbarController", m_xContext ), UNO_QUERY ); } else if ( m_pToolBar->GetItemData( nId ) != nullptr ) { // retrieve additional parameters OUString aControlType = static_cast< AddonsParams* >( m_pToolBar->GetItemData( nId ))->aControlType; sal_uInt16 nWidth = static_cast< AddonsParams* >( m_pToolBar->GetItemData( nId ))->nWidth; Reference< XStatusListener > xStatusListener( ToolBarMerger::CreateController( m_xContext, m_xFrame, m_pToolBar, aCommandURL, nId, nWidth, aControlType ), UNO_QUERY ); xController = xStatusListener; } else { xController.set( new GenericToolbarController( m_xContext, m_xFrame, m_pToolBar, nId, aCommandURL )); // Accessibility support: Set toggle button role for specific commands sal_Int32 nProps = vcl::CommandInfoProvider::GetPropertiesForCommand(aCommandURL, m_aModuleIdentifier); if ( nProps & UICOMMANDDESCRIPTION_PROPERTIES_TOGGLEBUTTON ) m_pToolBar->SetItemBits( nId, m_pToolBar->GetItemBits( nId ) | ToolBoxItemBits::CHECKABLE ); } } else if ( pController ) { xController.set( static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject *>( pController ), UNO_QUERY ); } } // Associate ID and controller to be able to retrieve // the controller from the ID later. m_aControllerMap[ nId ] = xController; // Fill sub-toolbars into our hash-map Reference< XSubToolbarController > xSubToolBar( xController, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xSubToolBar.is() && xSubToolBar->opensSubToolbar() ) { OUString aSubToolBarName = xSubToolBar->getSubToolbarName(); if ( !aSubToolBarName.isEmpty() ) { SubToolBarToSubToolBarControllerMap::iterator pIter = m_aSubToolBarControllerMap.find( aSubToolBarName ); if ( pIter == m_aSubToolBarControllerMap.end() ) { SubToolBarControllerVector aSubToolBarVector; aSubToolBarVector.push_back( xSubToolBar ); m_aSubToolBarControllerMap.emplace( aSubToolBarName, aSubToolBarVector ); } else pIter->second.push_back( xSubToolBar ); } } Reference< XInitialization > xInit( xController, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xInit.is() ) { if ( bInit ) { PropertyValue aPropValue; std::vector< Any > aPropertyVector; aPropValue.Name = "Frame"; aPropValue.Value <<= m_xFrame; aPropertyVector.push_back( makeAny( aPropValue )); aPropValue.Name = "CommandURL"; aPropValue.Value <<= aCommandURL; aPropertyVector.push_back( makeAny( aPropValue )); aPropValue.Name = "ServiceManager"; Reference xMSF(m_xContext->getServiceManager(), UNO_QUERY_THROW); aPropValue.Value <<= xMSF; aPropertyVector.push_back( makeAny( aPropValue )); aPropValue.Name = "ParentWindow"; aPropValue.Value <<= xToolbarWindow; aPropertyVector.push_back( makeAny( aPropValue )); aPropValue.Name = "ModuleIdentifier"; aPropValue.Value <<= m_aModuleIdentifier; aPropertyVector.push_back( makeAny( aPropValue )); aPropValue.Name = "Identifier"; aPropValue.Value <<= nId; aPropertyVector.push_back( uno::makeAny( aPropValue ) ); Sequence< Any > aArgs( comphelper::containerToSequence( aPropertyVector )); xInit->initialize( aArgs ); if (pController) { if (aCommandURL == ".uno:SwitchXFormsDesignMode" || aCommandURL == ".uno:ViewDataSourceBrowser") pController->setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast(1, makeAny(true)); } } // Request an item window from the toolbar controller and set it at the VCL toolbar Reference< XToolbarController > xTbxController( xController, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xTbxController.is() && xToolbarWindow.is() ) { Reference< XWindow > xWindow = xTbxController->createItemWindow( xToolbarWindow ); if ( xWindow.is() ) { VclPtr pItemWin = VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow( xWindow ); if ( pItemWin ) { WindowType nType = pItemWin->GetType(); if ( nType == WindowType::LISTBOX || nType == WindowType::MULTILISTBOX || nType == WindowType::COMBOBOX ) pItemWin->SetAccessibleName( m_pToolBar->GetItemText( nId ) ); m_pToolBar->SetItemWindow( nId, pItemWin ); } } } } //for update Controller via support visible state Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( xController, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xPropSet.is() ) { try { bool bSupportVisible = true; Any a( xPropSet->getPropertyValue("SupportsVisible") ); a >>= bSupportVisible; if (bSupportVisible) { Reference< XToolbarController > xTbxController( xController, UNO_QUERY ); UpdateController(xTbxController); } } catch (const RuntimeException&) { throw; } catch (const Exception&) { } } } AddFrameActionListener(); } void ToolBarManager::AddFrameActionListener() { if ( !m_bFrameActionRegistered && m_xFrame.is() ) { m_bFrameActionRegistered = true; m_xFrame->addFrameActionListener( Reference< XFrameActionListener >( static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject *>( this ), UNO_QUERY )); } } ToolBoxItemBits ToolBarManager::ConvertStyleToToolboxItemBits( sal_Int32 nStyle ) { ToolBoxItemBits nItemBits( ToolBoxItemBits::NONE ); if ( nStyle & css::ui::ItemStyle::RADIO_CHECK ) nItemBits |= ToolBoxItemBits::RADIOCHECK; if ( nStyle & css::ui::ItemStyle::ALIGN_LEFT ) nItemBits |= ToolBoxItemBits::LEFT; if ( nStyle & css::ui::ItemStyle::AUTO_SIZE ) nItemBits |= ToolBoxItemBits::AUTOSIZE; if ( nStyle & css::ui::ItemStyle::DROP_DOWN ) nItemBits |= ToolBoxItemBits::DROPDOWN; if ( nStyle & css::ui::ItemStyle::REPEAT ) nItemBits |= ToolBoxItemBits::REPEAT; if ( nStyle & css::ui::ItemStyle::DROPDOWN_ONLY ) nItemBits |= ToolBoxItemBits::DROPDOWNONLY; if ( nStyle & css::ui::ItemStyle::TEXT ) nItemBits |= ToolBoxItemBits::TEXT_ONLY; if ( nStyle & css::ui::ItemStyle::ICON ) nItemBits |= ToolBoxItemBits::ICON_ONLY; return nItemBits; } void ToolBarManager::InitImageManager() { Reference< XModuleManager2 > xModuleManager = ModuleManager::create( m_xContext ); if ( !m_xDocImageManager.is() ) { Reference< XModel > xModel( GetModelFromFrame() ); if ( xModel.is() ) { Reference< XUIConfigurationManagerSupplier > xSupplier( xModel, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xSupplier.is() ) { Reference< XUIConfigurationManager > xDocUICfgMgr = xSupplier->getUIConfigurationManager(); m_xDocImageManager.set( xDocUICfgMgr->getImageManager(), UNO_QUERY ); m_xDocImageManager->addConfigurationListener( Reference< XUIConfigurationListener >( static_cast< OWeakObject* >( this ), UNO_QUERY )); } } } try { m_aModuleIdentifier = xModuleManager->identify( Reference< XInterface >( m_xFrame, UNO_QUERY ) ); } catch (const Exception&) { } if ( !m_xModuleImageManager.is() ) { Reference< XModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier > xModuleCfgMgrSupplier = theModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier::get( m_xContext ); Reference< XUIConfigurationManager > xUICfgMgr = xModuleCfgMgrSupplier->getUIConfigurationManager( m_aModuleIdentifier ); m_xModuleImageManager.set( xUICfgMgr->getImageManager(), UNO_QUERY ); m_xModuleImageManager->addConfigurationListener( Reference< XUIConfigurationListener >( static_cast< OWeakObject* >( this ), UNO_QUERY )); } } void ToolBarManager::FillToolbar( const Reference< XIndexAccess >& rItemContainer ) { OString aTbxName = OUStringToOString( m_aResourceName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); SAL_INFO( "fwk.uielement", "framework (cd100003) ::ToolBarManager::FillToolbar " << aTbxName ); SolarMutexGuard g; if ( m_bDisposed ) return; InitImageManager(); RemoveControllers(); // reset and fill command map m_pToolBar->Clear(); m_aControllerMap.clear(); m_aCommandMap.clear(); sal_uInt16 nId( 1 ); CommandInfo aCmdInfo; for ( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < rItemContainer->getCount(); n++ ) { Sequence< PropertyValue > aProps; OUString aCommandURL; OUString aLabel; OUString aTooltip; sal_uInt16 nType( css::ui::ItemType::DEFAULT ); sal_uInt32 nStyle( 0 ); try { if ( rItemContainer->getByIndex( n ) >>= aProps ) { bool bIsVisible( true ); for ( PropertyValue const & prop : std::as_const(aProps) ) { if ( prop.Name == ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_COMMANDURL ) prop.Value >>= aCommandURL; else if ( prop.Name == "Label" ) prop.Value >>= aLabel; else if ( prop.Name == "Tooltip" ) prop.Value >>= aTooltip; else if ( prop.Name == "Type" ) prop.Value >>= nType; else if ( prop.Name == ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_VISIBLE ) prop.Value >>= bIsVisible; else if ( prop.Name == "Style" ) prop.Value >>= nStyle; } if (!aCommandURL.isEmpty() && vcl::CommandInfoProvider::IsExperimental(aCommandURL, m_aModuleIdentifier) && !officecfg::Office::Common::Misc::ExperimentalMode::get()) { continue; } if (( nType == css::ui::ItemType::DEFAULT ) && !aCommandURL.isEmpty() ) { auto aProperties = vcl::CommandInfoProvider::GetCommandProperties(aCommandURL, m_aModuleIdentifier); OUString aString(vcl::CommandInfoProvider::GetLabelForCommand(aProperties)); ToolBoxItemBits nItemBits = ConvertStyleToToolboxItemBits( nStyle ); m_pToolBar->InsertItem( nId, aString, nItemBits ); m_pToolBar->SetItemCommand( nId, aCommandURL ); if ( !aTooltip.isEmpty() ) m_pToolBar->SetQuickHelpText(nId, aTooltip); else m_pToolBar->SetQuickHelpText(nId, vcl::CommandInfoProvider::GetTooltipForCommand(aCommandURL, aProperties, m_xFrame)); if ( !aLabel.isEmpty() ) { m_pToolBar->SetItemText( nId, aLabel ); } else { m_pToolBar->SetItemText( nId, aString ); } m_pToolBar->EnableItem( nId ); m_pToolBar->SetItemState( nId, TRISTATE_FALSE ); // Fill command map. It stores all our commands and from what // image manager we got our image. So we can decide if we have to use an // image from a notification message. auto pIter = m_aCommandMap.emplace( aCommandURL, aCmdInfo ); if ( pIter.second ) { aCmdInfo.nId = nId; pIter.first->second.nId = nId; } else { pIter.first->second.aIds.push_back( nId ); } if ( !bIsVisible ) m_pToolBar->HideItem( nId ); ++nId; } else if ( nType == css::ui::ItemType::SEPARATOR_LINE ) { m_pToolBar->InsertSeparator(); } else if ( nType == css::ui::ItemType::SEPARATOR_SPACE ) { m_pToolBar->InsertSpace(); } else if ( nType == css::ui::ItemType::SEPARATOR_LINEBREAK ) { m_pToolBar->InsertBreak(); } } } catch (const css::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException&) { break; } } // Support add-on toolbar merging here. Working directly on the toolbar object is much // simpler and faster. constexpr sal_uInt16 TOOLBAR_ITEM_STARTID = 1000; MergeToolbarInstructionContainer aMergeInstructionContainer; // Retrieve the toolbar name from the resource name OUString aToolbarName( m_aResourceName ); sal_Int32 nIndex = aToolbarName.lastIndexOf( '/' ); if (( nIndex > 0 ) && ( nIndex < aToolbarName.getLength() )) aToolbarName = aToolbarName.copy( nIndex+1 ); AddonsOptions().GetMergeToolbarInstructions( aToolbarName, aMergeInstructionContainer ); if ( !aMergeInstructionContainer.empty() ) { sal_uInt16 nItemId( TOOLBAR_ITEM_STARTID ); const sal_uInt32 nCount = aMergeInstructionContainer.size(); for ( sal_uInt32 i=0; i < nCount; i++ ) { MergeToolbarInstruction& rInstruction = aMergeInstructionContainer[i]; if ( ToolBarMerger::IsCorrectContext( rInstruction.aMergeContext, m_aModuleIdentifier )) { ReferenceToolbarPathInfo aRefPoint = ToolBarMerger::FindReferencePoint( m_pToolBar, rInstruction.aMergePoint ); // convert the sequence< sequence< propertyvalue > > structure to // something we can better handle. A vector with item data AddonToolbarItemContainer aItems; ToolBarMerger::ConvertSeqSeqToVector( rInstruction.aMergeToolbarItems, aItems ); if ( aRefPoint.bResult ) { ToolBarMerger::ProcessMergeOperation( m_pToolBar, aRefPoint.nPos, nItemId, m_aCommandMap, m_aModuleIdentifier, rInstruction.aMergeCommand, rInstruction.aMergeCommandParameter, aItems ); } else { ToolBarMerger::ProcessMergeFallback( m_pToolBar, nItemId, m_aCommandMap, m_aModuleIdentifier, rInstruction.aMergeCommand, rInstruction.aMergeFallback, aItems ); } } } } // Request images for all toolbar items. Must be done before CreateControllers as // some controllers need access to the image. RequestImages(); // Create controllers after we set the images. There are controllers which needs // an image at the toolbar at creation time! CreateControllers(); // Notify controllers that they are now correctly initialized and can start listening // toolbars that will open in popup mode will be updated immediately to avoid flickering if( m_pToolBar->WillUsePopupMode() ) UpdateControllers(); else if ( m_pToolBar->IsReallyVisible() ) { m_aAsyncUpdateControllersTimer.Start(); } // Try to retrieve UIName from the container property set and set it as the title // if it is not empty. Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( rItemContainer, UNO_QUERY ); if ( !xPropSet.is() ) return; try { OUString aUIName; xPropSet->getPropertyValue("UIName") >>= aUIName; if ( !aUIName.isEmpty() ) m_pToolBar->SetText( aUIName ); } catch (const Exception&) { } } void ToolBarManager::FillAddonToolbar( const Sequence< Sequence< PropertyValue > >& rAddonToolbar ) { SolarMutexGuard g; if ( m_bDisposed ) return; InitImageManager(); RemoveControllers(); // reset and fill command map m_pToolBar->Clear(); m_aControllerMap.clear(); m_aCommandMap.clear(); sal_uInt16 nId( 1 ); CommandInfo aCmdInfo; for ( const Sequence< PropertyValue >& rSeq : rAddonToolbar ) { OUString aURL; OUString aTitle; OUString aContext; OUString aTarget; OUString aControlType; sal_uInt16 nWidth( 0 ); ToolBarMerger::ConvertSequenceToValues( rSeq, aURL, aTitle, aTarget, aContext, aControlType, nWidth ); if ( ToolBarMerger::IsCorrectContext( aContext, m_aModuleIdentifier ) ) { if ( aURL == "private:separator" ) { ToolBox::ImplToolItems::size_type nCount = m_pToolBar->GetItemCount(); if ( nCount > 0 && m_pToolBar->GetItemType( nCount-1 ) != ToolBoxItemType::SEPARATOR ) m_pToolBar->InsertSeparator(); } else { m_pToolBar->InsertItem( nId, aTitle ); OUString aShortcut(vcl::CommandInfoProvider::GetCommandShortcut(aURL, m_xFrame)); if (!aShortcut.isEmpty()) m_pToolBar->SetQuickHelpText(nId, aTitle + " (" + aShortcut + ")"); // Create AddonsParams to hold additional information we will need in the future AddonsParams* pRuntimeItemData = new AddonsParams; pRuntimeItemData->aControlType = aControlType; pRuntimeItemData->nWidth = nWidth; m_pToolBar->SetItemData( nId, pRuntimeItemData ); m_pToolBar->SetItemCommand( nId, aURL ); // Fill command map. It stores all our commands and from what // image manager we got our image. So we can decide if we have to use an // image from a notification message. auto pIter = m_aCommandMap.emplace( aURL, aCmdInfo ); if ( pIter.second ) { aCmdInfo.nId = nId; pIter.first->second.nId = nId; } else { pIter.first->second.aIds.push_back( nId ); } ++nId; } } } // Don't setup images yet, AddonsToolbarWrapper::populateImages does that. // (But some controllers might need an image at the toolbar at creation time!) CreateControllers(); // Notify controllers that they are now correctly initialized and can start listening. UpdateControllers(); } void ToolBarManager::FillOverflowToolbar( ToolBox const * pParent ) { CommandInfo aCmdInfo; bool bInsertSeparator = false; for ( ToolBox::ImplToolItems::size_type i = 0; i < pParent->GetItemCount(); ++i ) { sal_uInt16 nId = pParent->GetItemId( i ); if ( pParent->IsItemClipped( nId ) ) { if ( bInsertSeparator ) { m_pToolBar->InsertSeparator(); bInsertSeparator = false; } const OUString aCommandURL( pParent->GetItemCommand( nId ) ); m_pToolBar->InsertItem( nId, pParent->GetItemText( nId ) ); m_pToolBar->SetItemCommand( nId, aCommandURL ); m_pToolBar->SetQuickHelpText( nId, pParent->GetQuickHelpText( nId ) ); // Handle possible add-on controls. AddonsParams* pAddonParams = static_cast< AddonsParams* >( pParent->GetItemData( nId ) ); if ( pAddonParams ) m_pToolBar->SetItemData( nId, new AddonsParams( *pAddonParams ) ); // Fill command map. It stores all our commands and from what // image manager we got our image. So we can decide if we have to use an // image from a notification message. auto pIter = m_aCommandMap.emplace( aCommandURL, aCmdInfo ); if ( pIter.second ) { aCmdInfo.nId = nId; pIter.first->second.nId = nId; } else { pIter.first->second.aIds.push_back( nId ); } } else { ToolBoxItemType eType = pParent->GetItemType( i ); if ( m_pToolBar->GetItemCount() && ( eType == ToolBoxItemType::SEPARATOR || eType == ToolBoxItemType::BREAK ) ) bInsertSeparator = true; } } InitImageManager(); // Request images for all toolbar items. Must be done before CreateControllers as // some controllers need access to the image. RequestImages(); // Create controllers after we set the images. There are controllers which needs // an image at the toolbar at creation time! CreateControllers(); // Notify controllers that they are now correctly initialized and can start listening // toolbars that will open in popup mode will be updated immediately to avoid flickering UpdateControllers(); } void ToolBarManager::RequestImages() { // Request images from image manager Sequence< OUString > aCmdURLSeq( comphelper::mapKeysToSequence(m_aCommandMap) ); Sequence< Reference< XGraphic > > aDocGraphicSeq; Sequence< Reference< XGraphic > > aModGraphicSeq; SvtMiscOptions aMiscOptions; sal_Int16 nImageType = getCurrentImageType(); if ( m_xDocImageManager.is() ) aDocGraphicSeq = m_xDocImageManager->getImages(nImageType, aCmdURLSeq); aModGraphicSeq = m_xModuleImageManager->getImages(nImageType, aCmdURLSeq); sal_uInt32 i = 0; CommandToInfoMap::iterator pIter = m_aCommandMap.begin(); CommandToInfoMap::iterator pEnd = m_aCommandMap.end(); while ( pIter != pEnd ) { Image aImage; if ( aDocGraphicSeq.hasElements() ) aImage = Image( aDocGraphicSeq[i] ); if ( !aImage ) { aImage = Image( aModGraphicSeq[i] ); // Try also to query for add-on images before giving up and use an // empty image. if ( !aImage ) aImage = Image(framework::AddonsOptions().GetImageFromURL(aCmdURLSeq[i], aMiscOptions.AreCurrentSymbolsLarge())); pIter->second.nImageInfo = 1; // mark image as module based } else { pIter->second.nImageInfo = 0; // mark image as document based } setToolBarImage(aImage,pIter); ++pIter; ++i; } } void ToolBarManager::notifyRegisteredControllers( const OUString& aUIElementName, const OUString& aCommand ) { SolarMutexClearableGuard aGuard; if ( m_aSubToolBarControllerMap.empty() ) return; SubToolBarToSubToolBarControllerMap::const_iterator pIter = m_aSubToolBarControllerMap.find( aUIElementName ); if ( pIter == m_aSubToolBarControllerMap.end() ) return; const SubToolBarControllerVector& rSubToolBarVector = pIter->second; if ( rSubToolBarVector.empty() ) return; SubToolBarControllerVector aNotifyVector = rSubToolBarVector; aGuard.clear(); const sal_uInt32 nCount = aNotifyVector.size(); for ( sal_uInt32 i=0; i < nCount; i++ ) { try { Reference< XSubToolbarController > xController = aNotifyVector[i]; if ( xController.is() ) xController->functionSelected( aCommand ); } catch (const RuntimeException&) { throw; } catch (const Exception&) { } } } void ToolBarManager::HandleClick(void ( SAL_CALL XToolbarController::*_pClick )()) { SolarMutexGuard g; if ( m_bDisposed ) return; sal_uInt16 nId( m_pToolBar->GetCurItemId() ); ToolBarControllerMap::const_iterator pIter = m_aControllerMap.find( nId ); if ( pIter != m_aControllerMap.end() ) { Reference< XToolbarController > xController( pIter->second, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xController.is() ) (xController.get()->*_pClick)( ); } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ToolBarManager, Click, ToolBox *, void) { HandleClick(&XToolbarController::click); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ToolBarManager, DropdownClick, ToolBox *, void) { SolarMutexGuard g; if ( m_bDisposed ) return; sal_uInt16 nId( m_pToolBar->GetCurItemId() ); ToolBarControllerMap::const_iterator pIter = m_aControllerMap.find( nId ); if ( pIter != m_aControllerMap.end() ) { Reference< XToolbarController > xController( pIter->second, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xController.is() ) { Reference< XWindow > xWin = xController->createPopupWindow(); if ( xWin.is() ) xWin->setFocus(); } } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ToolBarManager, DoubleClick, ToolBox *, void) { HandleClick(&XToolbarController::doubleClick); } Reference< XModel > ToolBarManager::GetModelFromFrame() const { Reference< XController > xController = m_xFrame->getController(); Reference< XModel > xModel; if ( xController.is() ) xModel = xController->getModel(); return xModel; } bool ToolBarManager::IsPluginMode() const { bool bPluginMode( false ); if ( m_xFrame.is() ) { Reference< XModel > xModel = GetModelFromFrame(); if ( xModel.is() ) { Sequence< PropertyValue > aSeq = xModel->getArgs(); utl::MediaDescriptor aMediaDescriptor( aSeq ); bPluginMode = aMediaDescriptor.getUnpackedValueOrDefault(utl::MediaDescriptor::PROP_VIEWONLY(), false ); } } return bPluginMode; } void ToolBarManager::AddCustomizeMenuItems(ToolBox const * pToolBar) { // No config menu entries if command ".uno:ConfigureDialog" is not enabled Reference< XDispatch > xDisp; css::util::URL aURL; if ( m_xFrame.is() ) { Reference< XDispatchProvider > xProv( m_xFrame, UNO_QUERY ); aURL.Complete = ".uno:ConfigureDialog"; m_xURLTransformer->parseStrict( aURL ); if ( xProv.is() ) xDisp = xProv->queryDispatch( aURL, OUString(), 0 ); if ( !xDisp.is() || IsPluginMode() ) return; } // popup menu for quick customization bool bHideDisabledEntries = !SvtMenuOptions().IsEntryHidingEnabled(); ::PopupMenu *pMenu = pToolBar->GetMenu(); // copy all menu items 'Visible buttons, Customize toolbar, Dock toolbar, // Dock all Toolbars) from the loaded resource into the toolbar menu sal_uInt16 nGroupLen = pMenu->GetItemCount(); if (nGroupLen) pMenu->InsertSeparator(); VclPtr xVisibleItemsPopupMenu; if (!m_aResourceName.startsWith("private:resource/toolbar/addon_")) { pMenu->InsertItem(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_VISIBLEBUTTON, FwkResId(STR_TOOLBAR_VISIBLE_BUTTONS)); xVisibleItemsPopupMenu = VclPtr::Create(); pMenu->SetPopupMenu(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_VISIBLEBUTTON, xVisibleItemsPopupMenu); if (m_pToolBar->IsCustomize()) { pMenu->InsertItem(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_CUSTOMIZETOOLBAR, FwkResId(STR_TOOLBAR_CUSTOMIZE_TOOLBAR)); pMenu->SetItemCommand(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_CUSTOMIZETOOLBAR, ".uno:ConfigureToolboxVisible"); } pMenu->InsertSeparator(); } if (pToolBar->IsFloatingMode()) { pMenu->InsertItem(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_DOCKTOOLBAR, FwkResId(STR_TOOLBAR_DOCK_TOOLBAR)); pMenu->SetAccelKey(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_DOCKTOOLBAR, vcl::KeyCode(KEY_F10, true, true, false, false)); } else { pMenu->InsertItem(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_UNDOCKTOOLBAR, FwkResId(STR_TOOLBAR_UNDOCK_TOOLBAR)); pMenu->SetAccelKey(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_UNDOCKTOOLBAR, vcl::KeyCode(KEY_F10, true, true, false, false)); } pMenu->InsertItem(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_DOCKALLTOOLBAR, FwkResId(STR_TOOLBAR_DOCK_ALL_TOOLBARS)); pMenu->InsertSeparator(); pMenu->InsertItem(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_LOCKTOOLBARPOSITION, FwkResId(STR_TOOLBAR_LOCK_TOOLBAR), MenuItemBits::CHECKABLE); pMenu->InsertItem(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_CLOSE, FwkResId(STR_TOOLBAR_CLOSE_TOOLBAR)); if (m_pToolBar->IsCustomize()) { bool bIsFloating( false ); DockingManager* pDockMgr = vcl::Window::GetDockingManager(); if ( pDockMgr ) bIsFloating = pDockMgr->IsFloating( m_pToolBar ); if ( !bIsFloating ) { pMenu->EnableItem(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_DOCKALLTOOLBAR, false); Reference< XDockableWindow > xDockable( VCLUnoHelper::GetInterface( m_pToolBar ), UNO_QUERY ); if( xDockable.is() ) { pMenu->CheckItem(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_LOCKTOOLBARPOSITION, xDockable->isLocked()); pMenu->EnableItem(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_UNDOCKTOOLBAR, !xDockable->isLocked()); } } else pMenu->EnableItem(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_LOCKTOOLBARPOSITION, false); if (SvtMiscOptions().DisableUICustomization()) { pMenu->EnableItem(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_VISIBLEBUTTON, false); pMenu->EnableItem(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_CUSTOMIZETOOLBAR, false); pMenu->EnableItem(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_LOCKTOOLBARPOSITION, false); } // Disable menu item CLOSE if the toolbar has no closer if( !(pToolBar->GetFloatStyle() & WB_CLOSEABLE) ) pMenu->EnableItem(MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_CLOSE, false); // Temporary stores a Command --> Url map to update contextual menu with the // correct icons. The popup icons are by default the same as those in the // toolbar. They are not correct for contextual popup menu. std::map< OUString, Image > commandToImage; if (xVisibleItemsPopupMenu) { // Go through all toolbar items and add them to the context menu for ( ToolBox::ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = 0; nPos < m_pToolBar->GetItemCount(); ++nPos ) { if ( m_pToolBar->GetItemType(nPos) == ToolBoxItemType::BUTTON ) { sal_uInt16 nId = m_pToolBar->GetItemId(nPos); OUString aCommandURL = m_pToolBar->GetItemCommand( nId ); xVisibleItemsPopupMenu->InsertItem( STARTID_CUSTOMIZE_POPUPMENU+nPos, m_pToolBar->GetItemText( nId ), MenuItemBits::CHECKABLE ); xVisibleItemsPopupMenu->CheckItem( STARTID_CUSTOMIZE_POPUPMENU+nPos, m_pToolBar->IsItemVisible( nId ) ); xVisibleItemsPopupMenu->SetItemCommand( STARTID_CUSTOMIZE_POPUPMENU+nPos, aCommandURL ); Image aImage(vcl::CommandInfoProvider::GetImageForCommand(aCommandURL, m_xFrame)); commandToImage[aCommandURL] = aImage; xVisibleItemsPopupMenu->SetItemImage( STARTID_CUSTOMIZE_POPUPMENU+nPos, aImage ); vcl::KeyCode aKeyCodeShortCut = vcl::CommandInfoProvider::GetCommandKeyCodeShortcut( aCommandURL, m_xFrame ); xVisibleItemsPopupMenu->SetAccelKey( STARTID_CUSTOMIZE_POPUPMENU+nPos, aKeyCodeShortCut ); } else { xVisibleItemsPopupMenu->InsertSeparator(); } } } // Now we go through all the contextual menu to update the icons // and accelerator key shortcuts std::map< OUString, Image >::iterator it; for ( sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; nPos < pMenu->GetItemCount(); ++nPos ) { sal_uInt16 nId = pMenu->GetItemId( nPos ); OUString cmdUrl = pMenu->GetItemCommand( nId ); it = commandToImage.find( cmdUrl ); if (it != commandToImage.end()) { pMenu->SetItemImage( nId, it->second ); } vcl::KeyCode aKeyCodeShortCut = vcl::CommandInfoProvider::GetCommandKeyCodeShortcut( cmdUrl, m_xFrame ); if ( aKeyCodeShortCut.GetFullCode() != 0 ) pMenu->SetAccelKey( nId, aKeyCodeShortCut ); } } // Set the title of the menu pMenu->SetText( pToolBar->GetText() ); if ( bHideDisabledEntries ) pMenu->RemoveDisabledEntries(); } IMPL_LINK( ToolBarManager, MenuButton, ToolBox*, pToolBar, void ) { SolarMutexGuard g; if ( m_bDisposed ) return; assert( !m_aOverflowManager.is() ); VclPtrInstance pOverflowToolBar( pToolBar, WB_BORDER | WB_SCROLL ); pOverflowToolBar->SetLineSpacing(true); m_aOverflowManager.set( new ToolBarManager( m_xContext, m_xFrame, OUString(), pOverflowToolBar ) ); m_aOverflowManager->FillOverflowToolbar( pToolBar ); ::Size aActSize( pOverflowToolBar->GetSizePixel() ); ::Size aSize( pOverflowToolBar->CalcWindowSizePixel() ); aSize.setWidth( aActSize.Width() ); pOverflowToolBar->SetOutputSizePixel( aSize ); aSize = pOverflowToolBar->CalcPopupWindowSizePixel(); pOverflowToolBar->SetSizePixel( aSize ); pOverflowToolBar->EnableDocking(); pOverflowToolBar->AddEventListener( LINK( this, ToolBarManager, OverflowEventListener ) ); vcl::Window::GetDockingManager()->StartPopupMode( pToolBar, pOverflowToolBar, FloatWinPopupFlags::AllMouseButtonClose ); // send HOME key to subtoolbar in order to select first item if keyboard activated if(pToolBar->IsKeyEvent() ) { ::KeyEvent aEvent( 0, vcl::KeyCode( KEY_HOME ) ); pOverflowToolBar->KeyInput(aEvent); } } IMPL_LINK( ToolBarManager, OverflowEventListener, VclWindowEvent&, rWindowEvent, void ) { if ( rWindowEvent.GetId() != VclEventId::WindowEndPopupMode ) return; if ( m_aOverflowManager.is() ) { m_aOverflowManager->dispose(); m_aOverflowManager.clear(); } } IMPL_LINK( ToolBarManager, MenuPreExecute, ToolBox*, pToolBar, void ) { SolarMutexGuard g; if ( m_bDisposed ) return; AddCustomizeMenuItems( pToolBar ); } IMPL_LINK( ToolBarManager, MenuSelect, Menu*, pMenu, bool ) { // We have to hold a reference to ourself as it is possible that we will be disposed and // our refcount could be zero (destruction) otherwise. Reference< XInterface > xKeepAlive( static_cast< OWeakObject* >( this ), UNO_QUERY ); { // The guard must be in its own context as the we can get destroyed when our // own xInterface reference get destroyed! SolarMutexGuard g; if ( m_bDisposed ) return true; switch ( pMenu->GetCurItemId() ) { case MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_CUSTOMIZETOOLBAR: { Reference< XDispatch > xDisp; css::util::URL aURL; if ( m_xFrame.is() ) { Reference< XDispatchProvider > xProv( m_xFrame, UNO_QUERY ); aURL.Complete = ".uno:ConfigureDialog"; m_xURLTransformer->parseStrict( aURL ); if ( xProv.is() ) xDisp = xProv->queryDispatch( aURL, OUString(), 0 ); } if ( xDisp.is() ) { Sequence< PropertyValue > aPropSeq( 1 ); aPropSeq[ 0 ].Name = "ResourceURL"; aPropSeq[ 0 ].Value <<= m_aResourceName; xDisp->dispatch( aURL, aPropSeq ); } break; } case MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_UNDOCKTOOLBAR: { ExecuteInfo* pExecuteInfo = new ExecuteInfo; pExecuteInfo->aToolbarResName = m_aResourceName; pExecuteInfo->nCmd = EXEC_CMD_UNDOCKTOOLBAR; pExecuteInfo->xLayoutManager = getLayoutManagerFromFrame( m_xFrame ); Application::PostUserEvent( LINK(nullptr, ToolBarManager, ExecuteHdl_Impl), pExecuteInfo ); break; } case MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_DOCKTOOLBAR: { ExecuteInfo* pExecuteInfo = new ExecuteInfo; pExecuteInfo->aToolbarResName = m_aResourceName; pExecuteInfo->nCmd = EXEC_CMD_DOCKTOOLBAR; pExecuteInfo->xLayoutManager = getLayoutManagerFromFrame( m_xFrame ); Application::PostUserEvent( LINK(nullptr, ToolBarManager, ExecuteHdl_Impl), pExecuteInfo ); break; } case MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_DOCKALLTOOLBAR: { ExecuteInfo* pExecuteInfo = new ExecuteInfo; pExecuteInfo->aToolbarResName = m_aResourceName; pExecuteInfo->nCmd = EXEC_CMD_DOCKALLTOOLBARS; pExecuteInfo->xLayoutManager = getLayoutManagerFromFrame( m_xFrame ); Application::PostUserEvent( LINK(nullptr, ToolBarManager, ExecuteHdl_Impl), pExecuteInfo ); break; } case MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_LOCKTOOLBARPOSITION: { Reference< XLayoutManager > xLayoutManager = getLayoutManagerFromFrame( m_xFrame ); if ( xLayoutManager.is() ) { Reference< XDockableWindow > xDockable( VCLUnoHelper::GetInterface( m_pToolBar ), UNO_QUERY ); if( xDockable->isLocked() ) xLayoutManager->unlockWindow( m_aResourceName ); else xLayoutManager->lockWindow( m_aResourceName ); } break; } case MENUITEM_TOOLBAR_CLOSE: { ExecuteInfo* pExecuteInfo = new ExecuteInfo; pExecuteInfo->aToolbarResName = m_aResourceName; pExecuteInfo->nCmd = EXEC_CMD_CLOSETOOLBAR; pExecuteInfo->xLayoutManager = getLayoutManagerFromFrame( m_xFrame ); pExecuteInfo->xWindow = VCLUnoHelper::GetInterface( m_pToolBar ); Application::PostUserEvent( LINK(nullptr, ToolBarManager, ExecuteHdl_Impl), pExecuteInfo ); break; } default: { sal_uInt16 nId = pMenu->GetCurItemId(); if(( nId > 0 ) && ( nId < TOOLBOX_MENUITEM_START )) // Items in the "enable/disable" sub-menu { // toggle toolbar button visibility OUString aCommand = pMenu->GetItemCommand( nId ); Reference< XLayoutManager > xLayoutManager = getLayoutManagerFromFrame( m_xFrame ); if ( xLayoutManager.is() ) { Reference< XUIElementSettings > xUIElementSettings( xLayoutManager->getElement( m_aResourceName ), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xUIElementSettings.is() ) { Reference< XIndexContainer > xItemContainer( xUIElementSettings->getSettings( true ), UNO_QUERY ); sal_Int32 nCount = xItemContainer->getCount(); for ( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { Sequence< PropertyValue > aProp; sal_Int32 nVisibleIndex( -1 ); OUString aCommandURL; bool bVisible( false ); if ( xItemContainer->getByIndex( i ) >>= aProp ) { for ( sal_Int32 j = 0; j < aProp.getLength(); j++ ) { if ( aProp[j].Name == ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_COMMANDURL ) { aProp[j].Value >>= aCommandURL; } else if ( aProp[j].Name == ITEM_DESCRIPTOR_VISIBLE ) { aProp[j].Value >>= bVisible; nVisibleIndex = j; } } if (( aCommandURL == aCommand ) && ( nVisibleIndex >= 0 )) { // We have found the requested item, toggle the visible flag // and write back the configuration settings to the toolbar aProp[nVisibleIndex].Value <<= !bVisible; try { xItemContainer->replaceByIndex( i, makeAny( aProp )); xUIElementSettings->setSettings( xItemContainer ); Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( xUIElementSettings, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xPropSet.is() ) { Reference< XUIConfigurationPersistence > xUICfgMgr; if (( xPropSet->getPropertyValue("ConfigurationSource") >>= xUICfgMgr ) && ( xUICfgMgr.is() )) xUICfgMgr->store(); } } catch (const Exception&) { } break; } } } } } } break; } } } return true; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ToolBarManager, Select, ToolBox *, void) { if ( m_bDisposed ) return; sal_Int16 nKeyModifier( static_cast(m_pToolBar->GetModifier()) ); sal_uInt16 nId( m_pToolBar->GetCurItemId() ); ToolBarControllerMap::const_iterator pIter = m_aControllerMap.find( nId ); if ( pIter != m_aControllerMap.end() ) { Reference< XToolbarController > xController( pIter->second, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xController.is() ) xController->execute( nKeyModifier ); } } IMPL_LINK( ToolBarManager, StateChanged, StateChangedType const *, pStateChangedType, void ) { if ( m_bDisposed ) return; if ( *pStateChangedType == StateChangedType::ControlBackground ) { CheckAndUpdateImages(); } else if ( *pStateChangedType == StateChangedType::Visible ) { if ( m_pToolBar->IsReallyVisible() ) { m_aAsyncUpdateControllersTimer.Start(); } } else if ( *pStateChangedType == StateChangedType::InitShow ) { m_aAsyncUpdateControllersTimer.Start(); } } IMPL_LINK( ToolBarManager, DataChanged, DataChangedEvent const *, pDataChangedEvent, void ) { if ((( pDataChangedEvent->GetType() == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS ) || ( pDataChangedEvent->GetType() == DataChangedEventType::DISPLAY )) && ( pDataChangedEvent->GetFlags() & AllSettingsFlags::STYLE )) { CheckAndUpdateImages(); } for ( ToolBox::ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = 0; nPos < m_pToolBar->GetItemCount(); ++nPos ) { const sal_uInt16 nId = m_pToolBar->GetItemId(nPos); vcl::Window* pWindow = m_pToolBar->GetItemWindow( nId ); if ( pWindow ) { const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt( *pDataChangedEvent ); pWindow->DataChanged( rDCEvt ); } } if ( !m_pToolBar->IsFloatingMode() && m_pToolBar->IsVisible() ) { // Resize toolbar, layout manager is resize listener and will calc // the layout automatically. ::Size aSize( m_pToolBar->CalcWindowSizePixel() ); m_pToolBar->SetOutputSizePixel( aSize ); } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ToolBarManager, MiscOptionsChanged, LinkParamNone*, void) { CheckAndUpdateImages(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ToolBarManager, AsyncUpdateControllersHdl, Timer *, void) { // The guard must be in its own context as the we can get destroyed when our // own xInterface reference get destroyed! Reference< XComponent > xThis( static_cast< OWeakObject* >(this), UNO_QUERY ); SolarMutexGuard g; if ( m_bDisposed ) return; // Request to update our controllers m_aAsyncUpdateControllersTimer.Stop(); UpdateControllers(); } IMPL_STATIC_LINK( ToolBarManager, ExecuteHdl_Impl, void*, p, void ) { ExecuteInfo* pExecuteInfo = static_cast(p); try { // Asynchronous execution as this can lead to our own destruction! if (( pExecuteInfo->nCmd == EXEC_CMD_CLOSETOOLBAR ) && ( pExecuteInfo->xLayoutManager.is() ) && ( pExecuteInfo->xWindow.is() )) { // Use docking window close to close the toolbar. The toolbar layout manager is // listener and will react correctly according to the context sensitive // flag of our toolbar. VclPtr pWin = VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow( pExecuteInfo->xWindow ); DockingWindow* pDockWin = dynamic_cast< DockingWindow* >( pWin.get() ); if ( pDockWin ) pDockWin->Close(); } else if (( pExecuteInfo->nCmd == EXEC_CMD_UNDOCKTOOLBAR ) && ( pExecuteInfo->xLayoutManager.is() )) { pExecuteInfo->xLayoutManager->floatWindow( pExecuteInfo->aToolbarResName ); } else if (( pExecuteInfo->nCmd == EXEC_CMD_DOCKTOOLBAR ) && ( pExecuteInfo->xLayoutManager.is() )) { css::awt::Point aPoint; aPoint.X = aPoint.Y = SAL_MAX_INT32; pExecuteInfo->xLayoutManager->dockWindow( pExecuteInfo->aToolbarResName, DockingArea_DOCKINGAREA_DEFAULT, aPoint ); } else if (( pExecuteInfo->nCmd == EXEC_CMD_DOCKALLTOOLBARS ) && ( pExecuteInfo->xLayoutManager.is() )) { pExecuteInfo->xLayoutManager->dockAllWindows( UIElementType::TOOLBAR ); } } catch (const Exception&) { } delete pExecuteInfo; } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */