/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::xml::sax; #define ELEMENT_IMAGECONTAINER "imagescontainer" #define ELEMENT_IMAGES "images" #define ELEMENT_ENTRY "entry" #define ELEMENT_EXTERNALIMAGES "externalimages" #define ELEMENT_EXTERNALENTRY "externalentry" #define ELEMENT_NS_IMAGESCONTAINER "image:imagescontainer" #define ELEMENT_NS_IMAGES "image:images" #define ELEMENT_NS_ENTRY "image:entry" #define ELEMENT_NS_EXTERNALIMAGES "image:externalimages" #define ELEMENT_NS_EXTERNALENTRY "image:externalentry" #define ATTRIBUTE_HREF "href" #define ATTRIBUTE_MASKCOLOR "maskcolor" #define ATTRIBUTE_COMMAND "command" #define ATTRIBUTE_BITMAPINDEX "bitmap-index" #define ATTRIBUTE_MASKURL "maskurl" #define ATTRIBUTE_MASKMODE "maskmode" #define ATTRIBUTE_HIGHCONTRASTURL "highcontrasturl" #define ATTRIBUTE_HIGHCONTRASTMASKURL "highcontrastmaskurl" #define ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_CDATA "CDATA" #define ATTRIBUTE_MASKMODE_BITMAP "maskbitmap" #define ATTRIBUTE_MASKMODE_COLOR "maskcolor" #define ATTRIBUTE_XMLNS_IMAGE "xmlns:image" #define ATTRIBUTE_XMLNS_XLINK "xmlns:xlink" #define ATTRIBUTE_XLINK_TYPE "xlink:type" #define ATTRIBUTE_XLINK_TYPE_VALUE "simple" #define XMLNS_IMAGE "http://openoffice.org/2001/image" #define XMLNS_XLINK "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" #define XMLNS_IMAGE_PREFIX "image:" #define XMLNS_XLINK_PREFIX "xlink:" #define XMLNS_FILTER_SEPARATOR "^" #define IMAGES_DOCTYPE "" namespace framework { struct ImageXMLEntryProperty { OReadImagesDocumentHandler::Image_XML_Namespace nNamespace; char aEntryName[20]; }; ImageXMLEntryProperty ImagesEntries[OReadImagesDocumentHandler::IMG_XML_ENTRY_COUNT] = { { OReadImagesDocumentHandler::IMG_NS_IMAGE, ELEMENT_IMAGECONTAINER }, { OReadImagesDocumentHandler::IMG_NS_IMAGE, ELEMENT_IMAGES }, { OReadImagesDocumentHandler::IMG_NS_IMAGE, ELEMENT_ENTRY }, { OReadImagesDocumentHandler::IMG_NS_IMAGE, ELEMENT_EXTERNALIMAGES }, { OReadImagesDocumentHandler::IMG_NS_IMAGE, ELEMENT_EXTERNALENTRY }, { OReadImagesDocumentHandler::IMG_NS_XLINK, ATTRIBUTE_HREF }, { OReadImagesDocumentHandler::IMG_NS_IMAGE, ATTRIBUTE_MASKCOLOR }, { OReadImagesDocumentHandler::IMG_NS_IMAGE, ATTRIBUTE_COMMAND }, { OReadImagesDocumentHandler::IMG_NS_IMAGE, ATTRIBUTE_BITMAPINDEX }, { OReadImagesDocumentHandler::IMG_NS_IMAGE, ATTRIBUTE_MASKURL }, { OReadImagesDocumentHandler::IMG_NS_IMAGE, ATTRIBUTE_MASKMODE }, { OReadImagesDocumentHandler::IMG_NS_IMAGE, ATTRIBUTE_HIGHCONTRASTURL }, { OReadImagesDocumentHandler::IMG_NS_IMAGE, ATTRIBUTE_HIGHCONTRASTMASKURL } }; OReadImagesDocumentHandler::OReadImagesDocumentHandler( ImageListsDescriptor& aItems ) : m_aImageList( aItems ), m_pImages( 0 ), m_pExternalImages( 0 ) { m_aImageList.pImageList = NULL; m_aImageList.pExternalImageList = NULL; m_nHashMaskModeBitmap = OUString( ATTRIBUTE_MASKMODE_BITMAP ).hashCode(); m_nHashMaskModeColor = OUString( ATTRIBUTE_MASKMODE_COLOR ).hashCode(); // create hash map to speed up lookup for ( int i = 0; i < (int)IMG_XML_ENTRY_COUNT; i++ ) { OUStringBuffer temp( 20 ); if ( ImagesEntries[i].nNamespace == IMG_NS_IMAGE ) temp.appendAscii( XMLNS_IMAGE ); else temp.appendAscii( XMLNS_XLINK ); temp.appendAscii( XMLNS_FILTER_SEPARATOR ); temp.appendAscii( ImagesEntries[i].aEntryName ); m_aImageMap.insert( ImageHashMap::value_type( temp.makeStringAndClear(), (Image_XML_Entry)i ) ); } // reset states m_bImageContainerStartFound = false; m_bImageContainerEndFound = false; m_bImagesStartFound = false; m_bImagesEndFound = false; m_bImageStartFound = false; m_bExternalImagesStartFound = false; m_bExternalImagesEndFound = false; m_bExternalImageStartFound = false; } OReadImagesDocumentHandler::~OReadImagesDocumentHandler() { } // XDocumentHandler void SAL_CALL OReadImagesDocumentHandler::startDocument() throw ( SAXException, RuntimeException, std::exception ) { } void SAL_CALL OReadImagesDocumentHandler::endDocument() throw( SAXException, RuntimeException, std::exception ) { SolarMutexGuard g; if (( m_bImageContainerStartFound && !m_bImageContainerEndFound ) || ( !m_bImageContainerStartFound && m_bImageContainerEndFound ) ) { OUString aErrorMessage = getErrorLineString(); aErrorMessage += "No matching start or end element 'image:imagecontainer' found!"; throw SAXException( aErrorMessage, Reference< XInterface >(), Any() ); } } void SAL_CALL OReadImagesDocumentHandler::startElement( const OUString& aName, const Reference< XAttributeList > &xAttribs ) throw(SAXException, RuntimeException, std::exception) { SolarMutexGuard g; ImageHashMap::const_iterator pImageEntry = m_aImageMap.find( aName ); if ( pImageEntry != m_aImageMap.end() ) { switch ( pImageEntry->second ) { case IMG_ELEMENT_IMAGECONTAINER: { // image:imagecontainer element (container element for all further image elements) if ( m_bImageContainerStartFound ) { OUString aErrorMessage = getErrorLineString(); aErrorMessage += "Element 'image:imagecontainer' cannot be embedded into 'image:imagecontainer'!"; throw SAXException( aErrorMessage, Reference< XInterface >(), Any() ); } m_bImageContainerStartFound = true; } break; case IMG_ELEMENT_IMAGES: { if ( !m_bImageContainerStartFound ) { OUString aErrorMessage = getErrorLineString(); aErrorMessage += "Element 'image:images' must be embedded into element 'image:imagecontainer'!"; throw SAXException( aErrorMessage, Reference< XInterface >(), Any() ); } if ( m_bImagesStartFound ) { OUString aErrorMessage = getErrorLineString(); aErrorMessage += "Element 'image:images' cannot be embedded into 'image:images'!"; throw SAXException( aErrorMessage, Reference< XInterface >(), Any() ); } if ( !m_aImageList.pImageList ) m_aImageList.pImageList = new ImageListDescriptor; m_bImagesStartFound = true; m_pImages = new ImageListItemDescriptor; for ( sal_Int16 n = 0; n < xAttribs->getLength(); n++ ) { pImageEntry = m_aImageMap.find( xAttribs->getNameByIndex( n ) ); if ( pImageEntry != m_aImageMap.end() ) { switch ( pImageEntry->second ) { case IMG_ATTRIBUTE_HREF: { m_pImages->aURL = xAttribs->getValueByIndex( n ); } break; case IMG_ATTRIBUTE_MASKCOLOR: { OUString aColor = xAttribs->getValueByIndex( n ); if ( aColor.startsWith("#") ) { // the color value is given as #rrggbb and used the hexadecimal system!! sal_uInt32 nColor = aColor.copy( 1 ).toUInt32( 16 ); m_pImages->aMaskColor = Color( COLORDATA_RGB( nColor ) ); } } break; case IMG_ATTRIBUTE_MASKURL: { m_pImages->aMaskURL = xAttribs->getValueByIndex( n ); } break; case IMG_ATTRIBUTE_MASKMODE: { sal_Int32 nHashCode = xAttribs->getValueByIndex( n ).hashCode(); if ( nHashCode == m_nHashMaskModeBitmap ) m_pImages->nMaskMode = ImageMaskMode_Bitmap; else if ( nHashCode == m_nHashMaskModeColor ) m_pImages->nMaskMode = ImageMaskMode_Color; else { delete m_pImages; m_pImages = NULL; OUString aErrorMessage = getErrorLineString(); aErrorMessage += "Attribute image:maskmode must be 'maskcolor' or 'maskbitmap'!"; throw SAXException( aErrorMessage, Reference< XInterface >(), Any() ); } } break; case IMG_ATTRIBUTE_HIGHCONTRASTURL: { m_pImages->aHighContrastURL = xAttribs->getValueByIndex( n ); } break; case IMG_ATTRIBUTE_HIGHCONTRASTMASKURL: { m_pImages->aHighContrastMaskURL = xAttribs->getValueByIndex( n ); } break; default: break; } } } // for if ( m_pImages->aURL.isEmpty() ) { delete m_pImages; m_pImages = NULL; OUString aErrorMessage = getErrorLineString(); aErrorMessage += "Required attribute xlink:href must have a value!"; throw SAXException( aErrorMessage, Reference< XInterface >(), Any() ); } } break; case IMG_ELEMENT_ENTRY: { // Check that image:entry is embedded into image:images! if ( !m_bImagesStartFound ) { delete m_pImages; m_pImages = NULL; OUString aErrorMessage = getErrorLineString(); aErrorMessage += "Element 'image:entry' must be embedded into element 'image:images'!"; throw SAXException( aErrorMessage, Reference< XInterface >(), Any() ); } if ( !m_pImages->pImageItemList ) m_pImages->pImageItemList = new ImageItemListDescriptor; m_bImageStartFound = true; // Create new image item descriptor ImageItemDescriptor* pItem = new ImageItemDescriptor; pItem->nIndex = -1; // Read attributes for this image definition for ( sal_Int16 n = 0; n < xAttribs->getLength(); n++ ) { pImageEntry = m_aImageMap.find( xAttribs->getNameByIndex( n ) ); if ( pImageEntry != m_aImageMap.end() ) { switch ( pImageEntry->second ) { case IMG_ATTRIBUTE_COMMAND: { pItem->aCommandURL = xAttribs->getValueByIndex( n ); } break; case IMG_ATTRIBUTE_BITMAPINDEX: { pItem->nIndex = xAttribs->getValueByIndex( n ).toInt32(); } break; default: break; } } } // Check required attribute "bitmap-index" if ( pItem->nIndex < 0 ) { delete pItem; delete m_pImages; m_pImages = NULL; OUString aErrorMessage = getErrorLineString(); aErrorMessage += "Required attribute 'image:bitmap-index' must have a value >= 0!"; throw SAXException( aErrorMessage, Reference< XInterface >(), Any() ); } // Check required attribute "command" if ( pItem->aCommandURL.isEmpty() ) { delete pItem; delete m_pImages; m_pImages = NULL; OUString aErrorMessage = getErrorLineString(); aErrorMessage += "Required attribute 'image:command' must have a value!"; throw SAXException( aErrorMessage, Reference< XInterface >(), Any() ); } m_pImages->pImageItemList->push_back( pItem ); } break; case IMG_ELEMENT_EXTERNALIMAGES: { // Check that image:externalimages is embedded into image:imagecontainer if ( !m_bImageContainerStartFound ) { delete m_pImages; m_pImages = NULL; OUString aErrorMessage = getErrorLineString(); aErrorMessage += "Element 'image:externalimages' must be embedded into element 'image:imagecontainer'!"; throw SAXException( aErrorMessage, Reference< XInterface >(), Any() ); } // Check that image:externalentry is NOT embedded into image:externalentry if ( m_bExternalImagesStartFound ) { delete m_pImages; m_pImages = NULL; OUString aErrorMessage = getErrorLineString(); aErrorMessage += "Element 'image:externalimages' cannot be embedded into 'image:externalimages'!"; throw SAXException( aErrorMessage, Reference< XInterface >(), Any() ); } // Create unique external image container m_bExternalImagesStartFound = true; m_pExternalImages = new ExternalImageItemListDescriptor; } break; case IMG_ELEMENT_EXTERNALENTRY: { if ( !m_bExternalImagesStartFound ) { delete m_pImages; delete m_pExternalImages; m_pImages = NULL; m_pExternalImages = NULL; OUString aErrorMessage = getErrorLineString(); aErrorMessage += "Element 'image:externalentry' must be embedded into 'image:externalimages'!"; throw SAXException( aErrorMessage, Reference< XInterface >(), Any() ); } if ( m_bExternalImageStartFound ) { delete m_pImages; delete m_pExternalImages; m_pImages = NULL; m_pExternalImages = NULL; OUString aErrorMessage = getErrorLineString(); aErrorMessage += "Element 'image:externalentry' cannot be embedded into 'image:externalentry'!"; throw SAXException( aErrorMessage, Reference< XInterface >(), Any() ); } m_bExternalImageStartFound = true; ExternalImageItemDescriptor* pItem = new ExternalImageItemDescriptor; // Read attributes for this external image definition for ( sal_Int16 n = 0; n < xAttribs->getLength(); n++ ) { pImageEntry = m_aImageMap.find( xAttribs->getNameByIndex( n ) ); if ( pImageEntry != m_aImageMap.end() ) { switch ( pImageEntry->second ) { case IMG_ATTRIBUTE_COMMAND: { pItem->aCommandURL = xAttribs->getValueByIndex( n ); } break; case IMG_ATTRIBUTE_HREF: { pItem->aURL = xAttribs->getValueByIndex( n ); } break; default: break; } } } // Check required attribute "command" if ( pItem->aCommandURL.isEmpty() ) { delete pItem; delete m_pImages; delete m_pExternalImages; m_pImages = NULL; m_pExternalImages = NULL; OUString aErrorMessage = getErrorLineString(); aErrorMessage += "Required attribute 'image:command' must have a value!"; throw SAXException( aErrorMessage, Reference< XInterface >(), Any() ); } // Check required attribute "href" if ( pItem->aURL.isEmpty() ) { delete pItem; delete m_pImages; delete m_pExternalImages; m_pImages = NULL; m_pExternalImages = NULL; OUString aErrorMessage = getErrorLineString(); aErrorMessage += "Required attribute 'xlink:href' must have a value!"; throw SAXException( aErrorMessage, Reference< XInterface >(), Any() ); } if ( m_pExternalImages ) m_pExternalImages->push_back( pItem ); else delete pItem; } break; default: break; } } } void SAL_CALL OReadImagesDocumentHandler::endElement(const OUString& aName) throw(SAXException, RuntimeException, std::exception) { SolarMutexGuard g; ImageHashMap::const_iterator pImageEntry = m_aImageMap.find( aName ); if ( pImageEntry != m_aImageMap.end() ) { switch ( pImageEntry->second ) { case IMG_ELEMENT_IMAGECONTAINER: { m_bImageContainerEndFound = true; } break; case IMG_ELEMENT_IMAGES: { if ( m_pImages ) { if ( m_aImageList.pImageList ) m_aImageList.pImageList->push_back( m_pImages ); m_pImages = NULL; } m_bImagesStartFound = false; } break; case IMG_ELEMENT_ENTRY: { m_bImageStartFound = false; } break; case IMG_ELEMENT_EXTERNALIMAGES: { if ( m_pExternalImages && !m_aImageList.pExternalImageList ) { if ( !m_aImageList.pExternalImageList ) m_aImageList.pExternalImageList = m_pExternalImages; } m_bExternalImagesStartFound = false; m_pExternalImages = NULL; } break; case IMG_ELEMENT_EXTERNALENTRY: { m_bExternalImageStartFound = false; } break; default: break; } } } void SAL_CALL OReadImagesDocumentHandler::characters(const OUString&) throw( SAXException, RuntimeException, std::exception ) { } void SAL_CALL OReadImagesDocumentHandler::ignorableWhitespace(const OUString&) throw( SAXException, RuntimeException, std::exception ) { } void SAL_CALL OReadImagesDocumentHandler::processingInstruction( const OUString& /*aTarget*/, const OUString& /*aData*/ ) throw( SAXException, RuntimeException, std::exception ) { } void SAL_CALL OReadImagesDocumentHandler::setDocumentLocator( const Reference< XLocator > &xLocator) throw( SAXException, RuntimeException, std::exception ) { SolarMutexGuard g; m_xLocator = xLocator; } OUString OReadImagesDocumentHandler::getErrorLineString() { SolarMutexGuard g; if ( m_xLocator.is() ) { OUStringBuffer buffer("Line: "); buffer.append(m_xLocator->getLineNumber()); buffer.append(" - "); return buffer.makeStringAndClear(); } else return OUString(); } // OWriteImagesDocumentHandler OWriteImagesDocumentHandler::OWriteImagesDocumentHandler( const ImageListsDescriptor& aItems, Reference< XDocumentHandler > rWriteDocumentHandler ) : m_aImageListsItems( aItems ), m_xWriteDocumentHandler( rWriteDocumentHandler ) { ::comphelper::AttributeList* pList = new ::comphelper::AttributeList; m_xEmptyList = Reference< XAttributeList >( static_cast(pList), UNO_QUERY ); m_aAttributeType = ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_CDATA; m_aXMLImageNS = XMLNS_IMAGE_PREFIX; m_aXMLXlinkNS = XMLNS_XLINK_PREFIX; m_aAttributeXlinkType = ATTRIBUTE_XLINK_TYPE; m_aAttributeValueSimple = ATTRIBUTE_XLINK_TYPE_VALUE; } OWriteImagesDocumentHandler::~OWriteImagesDocumentHandler() { } void OWriteImagesDocumentHandler::WriteImagesDocument() throw ( SAXException, RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard g; m_xWriteDocumentHandler->startDocument(); // write DOCTYPE line! Reference< XExtendedDocumentHandler > xExtendedDocHandler( m_xWriteDocumentHandler, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xExtendedDocHandler.is() ) { xExtendedDocHandler->unknown( OUString( IMAGES_DOCTYPE ) ); m_xWriteDocumentHandler->ignorableWhitespace( OUString() ); } ::comphelper::AttributeList* pList = new ::comphelper::AttributeList; Reference< XAttributeList > xList( static_cast(pList) , UNO_QUERY ); pList->AddAttribute( OUString( ATTRIBUTE_XMLNS_IMAGE), m_aAttributeType, OUString( XMLNS_IMAGE ) ); pList->AddAttribute( OUString( ATTRIBUTE_XMLNS_XLINK ), m_aAttributeType, OUString( XMLNS_XLINK ) ); m_xWriteDocumentHandler->startElement( OUString( ELEMENT_NS_IMAGESCONTAINER ), pList ); m_xWriteDocumentHandler->ignorableWhitespace( OUString() ); if ( m_aImageListsItems.pImageList ) { ImageListDescriptor* pImageList = m_aImageListsItems.pImageList; for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_aImageListsItems.pImageList->size(); i++ ) { const ImageListItemDescriptor* pImageItems = &(*pImageList)[i]; WriteImageList( pImageItems ); } } if ( m_aImageListsItems.pExternalImageList ) { WriteExternalImageList( m_aImageListsItems.pExternalImageList ); } m_xWriteDocumentHandler->ignorableWhitespace( OUString() ); m_xWriteDocumentHandler->endElement( OUString( ELEMENT_NS_IMAGESCONTAINER ) ); m_xWriteDocumentHandler->ignorableWhitespace( OUString() ); m_xWriteDocumentHandler->endDocument(); } // protected member functions void OWriteImagesDocumentHandler::WriteImageList( const ImageListItemDescriptor* pImageList ) throw ( SAXException, RuntimeException ) { ::comphelper::AttributeList* pList = new ::comphelper::AttributeList; Reference< XAttributeList > xList( static_cast(pList) , UNO_QUERY ); // save required attributes pList->AddAttribute( m_aAttributeXlinkType, m_aAttributeType, m_aAttributeValueSimple ); pList->AddAttribute( m_aXMLXlinkNS + ATTRIBUTE_HREF, m_aAttributeType, pImageList->aURL ); if ( pImageList->nMaskMode == ImageMaskMode_Bitmap ) { pList->AddAttribute( m_aXMLImageNS + ATTRIBUTE_MASKMODE, m_aAttributeType, OUString( ATTRIBUTE_MASKMODE_BITMAP ) ); pList->AddAttribute( m_aXMLImageNS + ATTRIBUTE_MASKURL, m_aAttributeType, pImageList->aMaskURL ); if ( !pImageList->aHighContrastMaskURL.isEmpty() ) { pList->AddAttribute( m_aXMLImageNS + ATTRIBUTE_HIGHCONTRASTMASKURL, m_aAttributeType, pImageList->aHighContrastMaskURL ); } } else { OUStringBuffer aColorStrBuffer( 8 ); sal_Int64 nValue = pImageList->aMaskColor.GetRGBColor(); aColorStrBuffer.appendAscii( "#" ); aColorStrBuffer.append( OUString::number( nValue, 16 )); pList->AddAttribute( m_aXMLImageNS + ATTRIBUTE_MASKCOLOR, m_aAttributeType, aColorStrBuffer.makeStringAndClear() ); pList->AddAttribute( m_aXMLImageNS + ATTRIBUTE_MASKMODE, m_aAttributeType, OUString( ATTRIBUTE_MASKMODE_COLOR ) ); } if ( !pImageList->aHighContrastURL.isEmpty() ) { pList->AddAttribute( m_aXMLImageNS + ATTRIBUTE_HIGHCONTRASTURL, m_aAttributeType, pImageList->aHighContrastURL ); } m_xWriteDocumentHandler->startElement( OUString( ELEMENT_NS_IMAGES ), xList ); m_xWriteDocumentHandler->ignorableWhitespace( OUString() ); ImageItemListDescriptor* pImageItemList = pImageList->pImageItemList; if ( pImageItemList ) { for ( size_t i = 0; i < pImageItemList->size(); i++ ) WriteImage( &(*pImageItemList)[i] ); } m_xWriteDocumentHandler->endElement( OUString( ELEMENT_NS_IMAGES ) ); m_xWriteDocumentHandler->ignorableWhitespace( OUString() ); } void OWriteImagesDocumentHandler::WriteImage( const ImageItemDescriptor* pImage ) throw ( SAXException, RuntimeException ) { ::comphelper::AttributeList* pList = new ::comphelper::AttributeList; Reference< XAttributeList > xList( static_cast(pList) , UNO_QUERY ); pList->AddAttribute( m_aXMLImageNS + ATTRIBUTE_BITMAPINDEX, m_aAttributeType, OUString::number( pImage->nIndex ) ); pList->AddAttribute( m_aXMLImageNS + ATTRIBUTE_COMMAND, m_aAttributeType, pImage->aCommandURL ); m_xWriteDocumentHandler->startElement( OUString( ELEMENT_NS_ENTRY ), xList ); m_xWriteDocumentHandler->ignorableWhitespace( OUString() ); m_xWriteDocumentHandler->endElement( OUString( ELEMENT_NS_ENTRY ) ); m_xWriteDocumentHandler->ignorableWhitespace( OUString() ); } void OWriteImagesDocumentHandler::WriteExternalImageList( const ExternalImageItemListDescriptor* pExternalImageList ) throw ( SAXException, RuntimeException ) { m_xWriteDocumentHandler->startElement( OUString( ELEMENT_NS_EXTERNALIMAGES ), m_xEmptyList ); m_xWriteDocumentHandler->ignorableWhitespace( OUString() ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < pExternalImageList->size(); i++ ) { const ExternalImageItemDescriptor* pItem = &(*pExternalImageList)[i]; WriteExternalImage( pItem ); } m_xWriteDocumentHandler->ignorableWhitespace( OUString() ); m_xWriteDocumentHandler->endElement( OUString( ELEMENT_NS_EXTERNALIMAGES ) ); m_xWriteDocumentHandler->ignorableWhitespace( OUString() ); } void OWriteImagesDocumentHandler::WriteExternalImage( const ExternalImageItemDescriptor* pExternalImage ) throw ( SAXException, RuntimeException ) { ::comphelper::AttributeList* pList = new ::comphelper::AttributeList; Reference< XAttributeList > xList( static_cast(pList) , UNO_QUERY ); // save required attributes pList->AddAttribute( m_aAttributeXlinkType, m_aAttributeType, m_aAttributeValueSimple ); if ( !pExternalImage->aURL.isEmpty() ) { pList->AddAttribute( m_aXMLXlinkNS + ATTRIBUTE_HREF, m_aAttributeType, pExternalImage->aURL ); } if ( !pExternalImage->aCommandURL.isEmpty() ) { pList->AddAttribute( m_aXMLImageNS + ATTRIBUTE_COMMAND, m_aAttributeType, pExternalImage->aCommandURL ); } m_xWriteDocumentHandler->startElement( OUString( ELEMENT_NS_EXTERNALENTRY ), xList ); m_xWriteDocumentHandler->ignorableWhitespace( OUString() ); m_xWriteDocumentHandler->endElement( OUString( ELEMENT_NS_EXTERNALENTRY ) ); m_xWriteDocumentHandler->ignorableWhitespace( OUString() ); } } // namespace framework /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */