/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: b3dtex.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.5 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-09 02:13:41 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _B3D_B3DTEX_HXX #define _B3D_B3DTEX_HXX #ifndef _SV_OPENGL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_BITMAPEX_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TOOLS_COLOR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SALBTYPE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TOOLS_TIME_HXX #include #endif // Vorausdeklarationen class BitmapReadAccess; class BitmapColor; /************************************************************************* |* |* define for lifetime of a texture in texture cache. |* Parameter of Time(...) call, so hrs, min, sec, 100thsec. |* Timer for cache uses ten secs delays |* \************************************************************************/ #define B3D_TEXTURE_LIFETIME 0, 1, 0 /************************************************************************* |* |* Long-Zeiger fuer OpenGL Texturdatenuebergabe |* \************************************************************************/ #ifdef WIN typedef UINT8 huge* GL_UINT8; #else typedef UINT8* GL_UINT8; #endif /************************************************************************* |* |* Art der Pixeldaten der Textur |* \************************************************************************/ enum Base3DTextureKind { Base3DTextureLuminance = 1, Base3DTextureIntensity, Base3DTextureColor }; /************************************************************************* |* |* Modus der Textur |* \************************************************************************/ enum Base3DTextureMode { Base3DTextureReplace = 1, Base3DTextureModulate, Base3DTextureBlend }; /************************************************************************* |* |* Filtermodus der Textur |* \************************************************************************/ enum Base3DTextureFilter { Base3DTextureNearest = 1, Base3DTextureLinear }; /************************************************************************* |* |* Wrapping-Modus |* \************************************************************************/ enum Base3DTextureWrap { Base3DTextureClamp = 1, Base3DTextureRepeat, Base3DTextureSingle }; /************************************************************************* |* |* Defines fuer Maskenbildung um Entscheidung innerhalb von ModifyColor |* zu beschleunigen |* \************************************************************************/ #define B3D_TXT_KIND_LUM 0x00 #define B3D_TXT_KIND_INT 0x01 #define B3D_TXT_KIND_COL 0x02 #define B3D_TXT_MODE_REP 0x04 #define B3D_TXT_MODE_MOD 0x08 #define B3D_TXT_MODE_BND 0x0C #define B3D_TXT_FLTR_NEA 0x10 /************************************************************************* |* |* Klassen fuer TexturAttribute beim Anfordern von Texturen |* \************************************************************************/ #define TEXTURE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_COLOR 0x0000 #define TEXTURE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_BITMAP 0x0001 #define TEXTURE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_GRADIENT 0x0002 #define TEXTURE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_HATCH 0x0003 class TextureAttributes { private: void* mpFloatTrans; BOOL mbGhosted; public: TextureAttributes(BOOL bGhosted, void* pFT); virtual BOOL operator==(const TextureAttributes&) const; virtual UINT16 GetTextureAttributeType() const =0; BOOL GetGhostedAttribute() { return mbGhosted; } void* GetFloatTransAttribute() { return mpFloatTrans; } }; class TextureAttributesColor : public TextureAttributes { private: Color maColorAttribute; public: TextureAttributesColor(BOOL bGhosted, void* pFT, Color aColor); virtual BOOL operator==(const TextureAttributes&) const; virtual UINT16 GetTextureAttributeType() const; Color GetColorAttribute() { return maColorAttribute; } }; class TextureAttributesBitmap : public TextureAttributes { private: Bitmap maBitmapAttribute; public: TextureAttributesBitmap(BOOL bGhosted, void* pFT, Bitmap aBmp); virtual BOOL operator==(const TextureAttributes&) const; virtual UINT16 GetTextureAttributeType() const; Bitmap GetBitmapAttribute() { return maBitmapAttribute; } }; class TextureAttributesGradient : public TextureAttributes { private: void* mpFill; void* mpStepCount; public: TextureAttributesGradient(BOOL bGhosted, void* pFT, void* pF, void *pSC); virtual BOOL operator==(const TextureAttributes&) const; virtual UINT16 GetTextureAttributeType() const; void* GetFillAttribute() { return mpFill; } void* GetStepCountAttribute() { return mpStepCount; } }; class TextureAttributesHatch : public TextureAttributes { private: void* mpFill; public: TextureAttributesHatch(BOOL bGhosted, void* pFT, void* pF); virtual BOOL operator==(const TextureAttributes&) const; virtual UINT16 GetTextureAttributeType() const; void* GetHatchFillAttribute() { return mpFill; } }; /************************************************************************* |* |* Klasse fuer Texturen in Base3D |* \************************************************************************/ class B3dTexture { protected: // Die Bitmap(s) der Textur Bitmap aBitmap; AlphaMask aAlphaMask; BitmapReadAccess* pReadAccess; BitmapReadAccess* pAlphaReadAccess; // Attribute bei der Generierung TextureAttributes* pAttributes; // Gibt die Haeufigkeit der Benutzung wieder Time maTimeStamp; // Farbe fuer Base3DTextureBlend - Modus BitmapColor aColBlend; // Farbe, wenn keine Textur an einer Stelle liegt BitmapColor aColTexture; // Art der Textur Base3DTextureKind eKind; // Modus der Textur Base3DTextureMode eMode; // Filter Base3DTextureFilter eFilter; // Wrapping-Modes fuer beide Freiheitsgrade Base3DTextureWrap eWrapS; Base3DTextureWrap eWrapT; // Entscheidungsvariable UINT8 nSwitchVal; // Vorbestimmbare interne booleans unsigned bTextureKindChanged : 1; // Konstruktor / Destruktor B3dTexture(TextureAttributes& rAtt, BitmapEx& rBmpEx, Base3DTextureKind=Base3DTextureColor, Base3DTextureMode=Base3DTextureReplace, Base3DTextureFilter=Base3DTextureNearest, Base3DTextureWrap eS=Base3DTextureSingle, Base3DTextureWrap eT=Base3DTextureSingle); virtual ~B3dTexture(); // Interne Zugriffsfunktion auf die BitMapFarben inline const BitmapColor GetBitmapColor(long nX, long nY); inline const sal_uInt8 GetBitmapTransparency(long nX, long nY); // Generate switch val for optimized own texture mapping void SetSwitchVal(); // time stamp and texture cache methods void Touch() { maTimeStamp = Time() + Time(B3D_TEXTURE_LIFETIME); } const Time& GetTimeStamp() const { return maTimeStamp; } public: // Zugriff auf die Attribute der Textur TextureAttributes& GetAttributes(); // Zugriff auf Bitmap Bitmap& GetBitmap() { return aBitmap; } AlphaMask& GetAlphaMask() { return aAlphaMask; } BitmapEx GetBitmapEx() { return BitmapEx(aBitmap, aAlphaMask); } const Size GetBitmapSize() { return aBitmap.GetSizePixel(); } // Texturfunktion void ModifyColor(Color& rCol, double fS, double fT); // Art der Pixeldaten lesen/bestimmen void SetTextureKind(Base3DTextureKind eNew); Base3DTextureKind GetTextureKind() { return eKind; } // Texturmodus lesen/bestimmen void SetTextureMode(Base3DTextureMode eNew); Base3DTextureMode GetTextureMode() { return eMode; } // Filtermodus lesen/bestimmen void SetTextureFilter(Base3DTextureFilter eNew); Base3DTextureFilter GetTextureFilter() { return eFilter; } // Wrapping fuer beide Freiheitsgrade lesen/bestimmen void SetTextureWrapS(Base3DTextureWrap eNew); Base3DTextureWrap GetTextureWrapS() { return eWrapS; } void SetTextureWrapT(Base3DTextureWrap eNew); Base3DTextureWrap GetTextureWrapT() { return eWrapT; } // Blend-Color lesen/bestimmen void SetBlendColor(Color rNew); Color GetBlendColor(); // Textur-Ersatz-Color lesen/bestimmen void SetTextureColor(Color rNew); Color GetTextureColor(); protected: // Zugriff auf Konstruktor/Destruktor nur fuer die verwaltenden Klassen friend class Base3D; friend class Base3DOpenGL; friend class B3dGlobalData; friend class B3dTextureStore; }; /************************************************************************* |* |* erweiterte Klasse fuer Texturen in Base3DOpenGL |* \************************************************************************/ class B3dTextureOpenGL : public B3dTexture { private: // Name dieser Textur in OpenGL GLuint nTextureName; // Konstruktor / Destruktor B3dTextureOpenGL(TextureAttributes& rAtt, BitmapEx& rBmpEx, OpenGL& rOGL, Base3DTextureKind=Base3DTextureColor, Base3DTextureMode=Base3DTextureReplace, Base3DTextureFilter=Base3DTextureNearest, Base3DTextureWrap eS=Base3DTextureClamp, Base3DTextureWrap eT=Base3DTextureClamp); virtual ~B3dTextureOpenGL(); // In OpenGL die Textur zerstoeren void DestroyOpenGLTexture(OpenGL&); public: // Setze diese Textur in OpenGL als aktuelle Textur void MakeCurrentTexture(OpenGL&); // Erzeuge diese Textur als OpenGL-Textur void CreateOpenGLTexture(OpenGL&); protected: // Zugriff auf Konstruktor/Destruktor nur fuer die verwaltenden Klassen friend class Base3D; friend class Base3DOpenGL; friend class B3dTextureStore; }; #endif // _B3D_B3DTEX_HXX