/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: grfmgr.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.20 $ * * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2006-03-16 13:09:17 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _GRFMGR_HXX #define _GRFMGR_HXX #ifndef _SV_GRAPH_HXX #include #endif // ----------- // - Defines - // ----------- #define GRFMGR_DRAW_NOTCACHED 0x00000000UL #define GRFMGR_DRAW_CACHED 0x00000001UL #define GRFMGR_DRAW_BILINEAR 0x00000002UL #define GRFMGR_DRAW_USE_DRAWMODE_SETTINGS 0x00000004UL #define GRFMGR_DRAW_SUBSTITUTE 0x00000008UL #define GRFMGR_DRAW_NO_SUBSTITUTE 0x00000010UL #define GRFMGR_DRAW_STANDARD (GRFMGR_DRAW_CACHED|GRFMGR_DRAW_BILINEAR) // -------------------- // - AutoSwap Defines - // -------------------- #define GRFMGR_AUTOSWAPSTREAM_LINK ((SvStream*)0x00000000UL) #define GRFMGR_AUTOSWAPSTREAM_LOADED ((SvStream*)0xfffffffdUL) #define GRFMGR_AUTOSWAPSTREAM_TEMP ((SvStream*)0xfffffffeUL) #define GRFMGR_AUTOSWAPSTREAM_NONE ((SvStream*)0xffffffffUL) // ---------------------- // - Adjustment Defines - // ---------------------- #define ADJUSTMENT_NONE 0x00000000UL #define ADJUSTMENT_DRAWMODE 0x00000001UL #define ADJUSTMENT_COLORS 0x00000002UL #define ADJUSTMENT_MIRROR 0x00000004UL #define ADJUSTMENT_ROTATE 0x00000008UL #define ADJUSTMENT_TRANSPARENCY 0x00000010UL #define ADJUSTMENT_ALL 0xFFFFFFFFUL // --------- // - Enums - // --------- enum GraphicDrawMode { GRAPHICDRAWMODE_STANDARD = 0, GRAPHICDRAWMODE_GREYS = 1, GRAPHICDRAWMODE_MONO = 2, GRAPHICDRAWMODE_WATERMARK = 3 }; // ------------ // - Forwards - // ------------ class GraphicManager; class SvStream; class BitmapWriteAccess; class GraphicCache; class VirtualDevice; struct GrfSimpleCacheObj; struct ImplTileInfo; // --------------- // - GraphicAttr - // --------------- class GraphicAttr { private: long mnDummy1; long mnDummy2; double mfGamma; sal_uInt32 mnMirrFlags; long mnLeftCrop; long mnTopCrop; long mnRightCrop; long mnBottomCrop; USHORT mnRotate10; short mnContPercent; short mnLumPercent; short mnRPercent; short mnGPercent; short mnBPercent; BOOL mbInvert; BYTE mcTransparency; GraphicDrawMode meDrawMode; void* mpDummy; public: GraphicAttr(); ~GraphicAttr(); BOOL operator==( const GraphicAttr& rAttr ) const; BOOL operator!=( const GraphicAttr& rAttr ) const { return !( *this == rAttr ); } void SetDrawMode( GraphicDrawMode eDrawMode ) { meDrawMode = eDrawMode; } GraphicDrawMode GetDrawMode() const { return meDrawMode; } void SetMirrorFlags( ULONG nMirrFlags ) { mnMirrFlags = nMirrFlags; } ULONG GetMirrorFlags() const { return mnMirrFlags; } void SetCrop( long nLeft_100TH_MM, long nTop_100TH_MM, long nRight_100TH_MM, long nBottom_100TH_MM ) { mnLeftCrop = nLeft_100TH_MM; mnTopCrop = nTop_100TH_MM; mnRightCrop = nRight_100TH_MM; mnBottomCrop = nBottom_100TH_MM; } long GetLeftCrop() const { return mnLeftCrop; } long GetTopCrop() const { return mnTopCrop; } long GetRightCrop() const { return mnRightCrop; } long GetBottomCrop() const { return mnBottomCrop; } void SetRotation( USHORT nRotate10 ) { mnRotate10 = nRotate10; } USHORT GetRotation() const { return mnRotate10; } void SetLuminance( short nLuminancePercent ) { mnLumPercent = nLuminancePercent; } short GetLuminance() const { return mnLumPercent; } void SetContrast( short nContrastPercent ) { mnContPercent = nContrastPercent; } short GetContrast() const { return mnContPercent; } void SetChannelR( short nChannelRPercent ) { mnRPercent = nChannelRPercent; } short GetChannelR() const { return mnRPercent; } void SetChannelG( short nChannelGPercent ) { mnGPercent = nChannelGPercent; } short GetChannelG() const { return mnGPercent; } void SetChannelB( short nChannelBPercent ) { mnBPercent = nChannelBPercent; } short GetChannelB() const { return mnBPercent; } void SetGamma( double fGamma ) { mfGamma = fGamma; } double GetGamma() const { return mfGamma; } void SetInvert( BOOL bInvert ) { mbInvert = bInvert; } BOOL IsInvert() const { return mbInvert; } void SetTransparency( BYTE cTransparency ) { mcTransparency = cTransparency; } BYTE GetTransparency() const { return mcTransparency; } BOOL IsSpecialDrawMode() const { return( meDrawMode != GRAPHICDRAWMODE_STANDARD ); } BOOL IsMirrored() const { return( mnMirrFlags != 0UL ); } BOOL IsCropped() const { return( mnLeftCrop != 0 || mnTopCrop != 0 || mnRightCrop != 0 || mnBottomCrop != 0 ); } BOOL IsRotated() const { return( ( mnRotate10 % 3600 ) != 0 ); } BOOL IsTransparent() const { return( mcTransparency > 0 ); } BOOL IsAdjusted() const { return( mnLumPercent != 0 || mnContPercent != 0 || mnRPercent != 0 || mnGPercent != 0 || mnBPercent != 0 || mfGamma != 1.0 || mbInvert ); } friend SvStream& operator<<( SvStream& rOStm, const GraphicAttr& rAttr ); friend SvStream& operator>>( SvStream& rIStm, GraphicAttr& rAttr ); }; // ----------------- // - GraphicObject - // ----------------- class GraphicObject : public SvDataCopyStream { friend class GraphicManager; private: static GraphicManager* mpGlobalMgr; Graphic maGraphic; GraphicAttr maAttr; Size maPrefSize; MapMode maPrefMapMode; ULONG mnSizeBytes; GraphicType meType; GraphicManager* mpMgr; String* mpLink; Link* mpSwapStreamHdl; String* mpUserData; Timer* mpSwapOutTimer; GrfSimpleCacheObj* mpSimpleCache; ULONG mnAnimationLoopCount; void* mpDummy1; void* mpDummy2; BOOL mbAutoSwapped : 1; BOOL mbTransparent : 1; BOOL mbAnimated : 1; BOOL mbEPS : 1; BOOL mbIsInSwapIn : 1; BOOL mbIsInSwapOut : 1; BOOL mbAlpha : 1; BOOL mbDummyFlag8 : 1; #if _SOLAR__PRIVATE void ImplConstruct(); void ImplAssignGraphicData(); void ImplSetGraphicManager( const GraphicManager* pMgr, const ByteString* pID = NULL ); void ImplAutoSwapIn(); BOOL ImplIsAutoSwapped() const { return mbAutoSwapped; } BOOL ImplGetCropParams( OutputDevice* pOut, Point& rPt, Size& rSz, const GraphicAttr* pAttr, PolyPolygon& rClipPolyPoly, BOOL& bRectClipRegion ) const; /** Render a given number of tiles in an optimized way This method recursively subdivides the tile rendering problem in smaller parts, i.e. rendering output size x with few tiles of size y, which in turn are generated from the original bitmap in a recursive fashion. The subdivision size can be controlled by the exponent argument, which specifies the minimal number of smaller tiles used in one recursion step. The resulting tile size is given as the integer number of repetitions of the original bitmap along x and y. As the exponent need not necessarily divide these numbers without remainder, the repetition counts are effectively converted to base-exponent numbers, where each place denotes the number of times the corresponding tile size is rendered. @param rVDev Virtual device to render everything into @param nExponent Number of repetitions per subdivision step, _must_ be greater than 1 @param nNumTilesX Number of original tiles to generate in x direction @param nNumTilesY Number of original tiles to generate in y direction @param rTileSizePixel Size in pixel of the original tile bitmap to render it in @param pAttr Graphic attributes to be used for rendering @param nFlags Graphic flags to be used for rendering @param rCurrPos Current output point for this recursion level (should start with (0,0)) @return true, if everything was successfully rendered. */ bool ImplRenderTempTile( VirtualDevice& rVDev, int nExponent, int nNumTilesX, int nNumTilesY, const Size& rTileSizePixel, const GraphicAttr* pAttr, ULONG nFlags ); /// internally called by ImplRenderTempTile() bool ImplRenderTileRecursive( VirtualDevice& rVDev, int nExponent, int nMSBFactor, int nNumOrigTilesX, int nNumOrigTilesY, int nRemainderTilesX, int nRemainderTilesY, const Size& rTileSizePixel, const GraphicAttr* pAttr, ULONG nFlags, ImplTileInfo& rTileInfo ); bool ImplDrawTiled( OutputDevice* pOut, const Rectangle& rArea, const Size& rSizePixel, const Size& rOffset, const GraphicAttr* pAttr, ULONG nFlags, int nTileCacheSize1D ); bool ImplDrawTiled( OutputDevice& rOut, const Point& rPos, int nNumTilesX, int nNumTilesY, const Size& rTileSize, const GraphicAttr* pAttr, ULONG nFlags ); void ImplTransformBitmap( BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const GraphicAttr& rAttr, const Size& rCropLeftTop, const Size& rCropRightBottom, const Rectangle& rCropRect, const Size& rDstSize, BOOL bEnlarge ) const; DECL_LINK( ImplAutoSwapOutHdl, void* ); #endif // _SOLAR__PRIVATE protected: virtual void GraphicManagerDestroyed(); virtual SvStream* GetSwapStream() const; // !!! to be removed virtual ULONG GetReleaseFromCache() const; virtual void Load( SvStream& ); virtual void Save( SvStream& ); virtual void Assign( const SvDataCopyStream& ); public: TYPEINFO(); GraphicObject( const GraphicManager* pMgr = NULL ); GraphicObject( const Graphic& rGraphic, const GraphicManager* pMgr = NULL ); GraphicObject( const Graphic& rGraphic, const String& rLink, const GraphicManager* pMgr = NULL ); GraphicObject( const GraphicObject& rCacheObj, const GraphicManager* pMgr = NULL ); GraphicObject( const ByteString& rUniqueID, const GraphicManager* pMgr = NULL ); ~GraphicObject(); GraphicObject& operator=( const GraphicObject& rCacheObj ); BOOL operator==( const GraphicObject& rCacheObj ) const; BOOL operator!=( const GraphicObject& rCacheObj ) const { return !( *this == rCacheObj ); } BOOL HasSwapStreamHdl() const { return( mpSwapStreamHdl != NULL && mpSwapStreamHdl->IsSet() ); } void SetSwapStreamHdl(); void SetSwapStreamHdl( const Link& rHdl, const ULONG nSwapOutTimeout = 0UL ); Link GetSwapStreamHdl() const; ULONG GetSwapOutTimeout() const { return( mpSwapOutTimer ? mpSwapOutTimer->GetTimeout() : 0 ); } void FireSwapInRequest(); void FireSwapOutRequest(); void SetGraphicManager( const GraphicManager& rMgr ); GraphicManager& GetGraphicManager() const { return *mpMgr; } BOOL IsCached( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz, const GraphicAttr* pAttr = NULL, ULONG nFlags = GRFMGR_DRAW_STANDARD) const; void ReleaseFromCache(); const Graphic& GetGraphic() const; void SetGraphic( const Graphic& rGraphic ); void SetGraphic( const Graphic& rGraphic, const String& rLink ); /** Get graphic transformed according to given attributes This method returns a Graphic transformed, cropped and scaled to the given parameters, ready to be rendered to printer or display. The returned graphic has the same visual appearance as if it had been drawn via GraphicObject::Draw() to a specific output device. @param rDestSize Desired output size in logical coordinates. The mapmode to interpret these logical coordinates in is given by the second parameter, rDestMap. @param rDestMap Mapmode the output should be interpreted in. This is used to interpret rDestSize, to set the appropriate PrefMapMode on the returned Graphic, and to deal correctly with metafile graphics. @param rAttr Graphic attributes used to transform the graphic. This includes cropping, rotation, mirroring, and various color adjustment parameters. @return the readily transformed Graphic */ Graphic GetTransformedGraphic( const Size& rDestSize, const MapMode& rDestMap, const GraphicAttr& rAttr ) const; Graphic GetTransformedGraphic( const GraphicAttr* pAttr = NULL ) const; // TODO: Change to Impl void SetAttr( const GraphicAttr& rAttr ); const GraphicAttr& GetAttr() const { return maAttr; } BOOL HasLink() const { return( mpLink != NULL && mpLink->Len() > 0 ); } void SetLink(); void SetLink( const String& rLink ); String GetLink() const; BOOL HasUserData() const { return( mpUserData != NULL && mpUserData->Len() > 0 ); } void SetUserData(); void SetUserData( const String& rUserData ); String GetUserData() const; ByteString GetUniqueID() const; GraphicType GetType() const { return meType; } const Size& GetPrefSize() const { return maPrefSize; } const MapMode& GetPrefMapMode() const { return maPrefMapMode; } ULONG GetSizeBytes() const { return mnSizeBytes; } ULONG GetChecksum() const; BOOL IsTransparent() const { return mbTransparent; } BOOL IsAlpha() const { return mbAlpha; } BOOL IsAnimated() const { return mbAnimated; } BOOL IsEPS() const { return mbEPS; } void ResetAnimationLoopCount(); List* GetAnimationInfoList() const; Link GetAnimationNotifyHdl() const { return maGraphic.GetAnimationNotifyHdl(); } void SetAnimationNotifyHdl( const Link& rLink ); BOOL SwapOut(); BOOL SwapOut( SvStream* pOStm ); BOOL SwapIn(); BOOL SwapIn( SvStream* pIStm ); BOOL IsInSwapIn() const { return mbIsInSwapIn; } BOOL IsInSwapOut() const { return mbIsInSwapOut; } BOOL IsInSwap() const { return( mbIsInSwapOut || mbIsInSwapOut ); } BOOL IsSwappedOut() const { return( mbAutoSwapped || maGraphic.IsSwapOut() ); } void SetSwapState(); BOOL Draw( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz, const GraphicAttr* pAttr = NULL, ULONG nFlags = GRFMGR_DRAW_STANDARD ); /** Draw the graphic repeatedly into the given output rectangle @param pOut OutputDevice where the rendering should take place @param rArea The output area that is filled with tiled instances of this graphic @param rSize The actual size of a single tile @param rOffset Offset from the left, top position of rArea, where to start the tiling. The upper left corner of the graphic tilings will virtually start at this position. Concretely, only that many tiles are drawn to completely fill the given output area. @param pAttr Optional GraphicAttr @param nFlags Optional rendering flags @param nTileCacheSize1D Optional dimension of the generated cache tiles. The pOut sees a number of tile draws, which have approximately nTileCacheSize1D times nTileCacheSize1D bitmap sizes if the tile bitmap is smaller. Otherwise, the tile is drawn as is. This is useful if e.g. you want only a few, very large bitmap drawings appear on the outdev. @return TRUE, if drawing completed successfully */ BOOL DrawTiled( OutputDevice* pOut, const Rectangle& rArea, const Size& rSize, const Size& rOffset, const GraphicAttr* pAttr = NULL, ULONG nFlags = GRFMGR_DRAW_STANDARD, int nTileCacheSize1D=128 ); BOOL StartAnimation( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz, long nExtraData = 0L, const GraphicAttr* pAttr = NULL, ULONG nFlags = GRFMGR_DRAW_STANDARD, OutputDevice* pFirstFrameOutDev = NULL ); void StopAnimation( OutputDevice* pOut = NULL, long nExtraData = 0L ); friend SvStream& operator<<( SvStream& rOStm, const GraphicObject& rGraphicObj ); friend SvStream& operator>>( SvStream& rIStm, GraphicObject& rGraphicObj ); }; // ------------------ // - GraphicManager - // ------------------ class GraphicManager { friend class GraphicObject; friend class GraphicDisplayCacheEntry; private: List maObjList; GraphicCache* mpCache; GraphicManager( const GraphicManager& rGraphicManager ) {} GraphicManager& operator=( const GraphicManager& rGraphicManager ) { return *this; } #if _SOLAR__PRIVATE BOOL ImplDraw( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz, GraphicObject& rObj, const GraphicAttr& rAttr, const ULONG nFlags, BOOL& rCached ); BOOL ImplCreateOutput( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz, const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const GraphicAttr& rAttr, const ULONG nFlags, BitmapEx* pBmpEx = NULL ); BOOL ImplCreateOutput( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz, const GDIMetaFile& rMtf, const GraphicAttr& rAttr, const ULONG nFlags, GDIMetaFile& rOutMtf, BitmapEx& rOutBmpEx ); BOOL ImplCreateScaled( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, long* pMapIX, long* pMapFX, long* pMapIY, long* pMapFY, long nStartX, long nEndX, long nStartY, long nEndY, BitmapEx& rOutBmpEx ); BOOL ImplCreateRotatedScaled( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, USHORT nRot10, const Size& rOutSzPix, const Size& rUntSzPix, long* pMapIX, long* pMapFX, long* pMapIY, long* pMapFY, long nStartX, long nEndX, long nStartY, long nEndY, BitmapEx& rOutBmpEx ); static void ImplAdjust( BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const GraphicAttr& rAttr, ULONG nAdjustmentFlags ); static void ImplAdjust( GDIMetaFile& rMtf, const GraphicAttr& rAttr, ULONG nAdjustmentFlags ); static void ImplAdjust( Animation& rAnimation, const GraphicAttr& rAttr, ULONG nAdjustmentFlags ); static void ImplDraw( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz, const GDIMetaFile& rMtf, const GraphicAttr& rAttr ); // Only used by GraphicObject's Ctor's and Dtor's void ImplRegisterObj( const GraphicObject& rObj, Graphic& rSubstitute, const ByteString* pID ); void ImplUnregisterObj( const GraphicObject& rObj ); inline BOOL ImplHasObjects() const { return( maObjList.Count() > 0UL ); } // Only used in swap case by GraphicObject void ImplGraphicObjectWasSwappedOut( const GraphicObject& rObj ); BOOL ImplFillSwappedGraphicObject( const GraphicObject& rObj, Graphic& rSubstitute ); void ImplGraphicObjectWasSwappedIn( const GraphicObject& rObj ); ByteString ImplGetUniqueID( const GraphicObject& rObj ) const; #endif // _SOLAR__PRIVATE public: GraphicManager( ULONG nCacheSize = 10000000UL, ULONG nMaxObjCacheSize = 2400000UL ); ~GraphicManager(); void SetMaxCacheSize( ULONG nNewCacheSize ); ULONG GetMaxCacheSize() const; void SetMaxObjCacheSize( ULONG nNewMaxObjSize, BOOL bDestroyGreaterCached = FALSE ); ULONG GetMaxObjCacheSize() const; ULONG GetUsedCacheSize() const; ULONG GetFreeCacheSize() const; void SetCacheTimeout( ULONG nTimeoutSeconds ); ULONG GetCacheTimeout() const; void ClearCache(); void ReleaseFromCache( const GraphicObject& rObj ); BOOL IsInCache( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz, const GraphicObject& rObj, const GraphicAttr& rAttr ) const; BOOL DrawObj( OutputDevice* pOut, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz, GraphicObject& rObj, const GraphicAttr& rAttr, const ULONG nFlags, BOOL& rCached ); }; #endif // _GRFMGR_HXX