Icon repository for the applications

All of the icons, separated by themes are included in this
directory. These icons are built into .zip files, and re-ordered /
packed for efficiency reasons based on our UI configuration by the

An icon theme does not need to contain all images, since these can be
layered one on top of another.

In general the layering is done like this:

<leaf theme>

The classic theme is left primarily for historical interest, rather
than intended to be packaged.

How to add a new image set:

- Create a directory for it here (let's call it e.g. new_set)

  FIXME: It is important to use an underscore '_' to delimit more words.
         scp2 compilation crashes when using a dash '-'.
         It evidently splits the name into two strings.
   ^ It's probably not true anymore with filelists.

- Add its name (new_set) to WITH_THEMES variable in configure.ac

- Add a vcl constant for it in vcl/inc/vcl/settings.hxx, e.g.

- Map the vcl constant to its real name in
    ::rtl::OUString StyleSettings::ImplSymbolsStyleToName( sal_uLong nStyle ) const
    sal_uLong StyleSettings::ImplNameToSymbolsStyle( const ::rtl::OUString &rName ) const
  both in vcl/source/app/settings.cxx, e.g.
    case STYLE_SYMBOLS_NEW_SET: return ::rtl::OUString( "new_set" );
    else if ( rName == "new_set" )

- Add localized item names to 'ListBox LB_ICONSTYLE' to
    'StringList [ de ]'
  and 'StringList [ en-US ]', e.g.
    < "New set" ; > ;
  both in cui/source/options/optgdlg.src

- Add the new_set to 'SymbolsStyle' property
  in officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcs.

- The default theme for various desktops (KDE, GNOME, ...) is defined in
    ULONG StyleSettings::GetCurrentSymbolsStyle() const in

- The fallback for particular icons is defined be packimages_CUSTOM_FALLBACK_1
  in packimages/CustomTarget_images.mk

How to add a new icon for a new command:

- Assume you defined a dispatch command in officecfg like the following:

  in officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI/CalcCommands.xcu

    <node oor:name=".uno:OpenFromCalc" oor:op="replace">
        <prop oor:name="Label" oor:type="xs:string">
            <value xml:lang="en-US">~Open...</value>
        <prop oor:name="Properties" oor:type="xs:int">

  Here, you need to define a property named "Properties", with its value set
  to 1 so that the icons show up.

- Now, you need to add 2 new icon images under icon-themes/galaxy/cmd/, one
  for the large size and one for the smaller size.  The name of each image
  must be lc_<command name>.png and sc_<command name>.png.  Here, the command
  name is the name given in the above .xcu file without the ".uno:" prefix and
  all its letters lower-cased.  In this example, the file names will be
  lc_openfromcalc.png and sc_openfromcalc.png.  Note that you need to add new
  images to the galaxy theme for them to show up in any themes at all.