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#include <enum.idl>
#include <struct.idl>

module idlc

module test

interface XBase
    [readonly, attribute] string description;

    string getDescription();

interface XTestBaseTypes : XBase
    void voidFunc();

    short shortFunc( [in] short inparam, [out] short outparam, [inout] short inoutparam);
    unsigned short uShortFunc( [in] unsigned short inparam, [out] unsigned short outparam, [inout] unsigned short inoutparam);

    long longFunc( [in] long inparam, [out] long outparam, [inout] long inoutparam);
    unsigned long ulongFunc( [in] unsigned long inparam, [out] unsigned long outparam, [inout] unsigned long inoutparam);

    hyper hyperFunc( [in] hyper inparam, [out] hyper outparam, [inout] hyper inoutparam);
    unsigned hyper uHyperFunc( [in] unsigned hyper inparam, [out] unsigned hyper outparam, [inout] unsigned hyper inoutparam);

    float floatFunc( [in] float inparam, [out] float outparam, [inout] float inoutparam);
    double doubleFunc( [in] double inparam, [out] double outparam, [inout] double inoutparam);
    char charFunc( [in] char inparam, [out] char outparam, [inout] char inoutparam);
    string stringFunc( [in] string inparam, [out] string outparam, [inout] string inoutparam);
    byte byteFunc( [in] byte inparam, [out] byte outparam, [inout] byte inoutparam);

    type typeFunc( [in] type inparam, [out] type outparam, [inout] type inoutparam);
    any anyFunc( [in] any inparam, [out] any outparam, [inout] any inoutparam);

interface XTestComplexTypes : XBase
    Error enumFunc( [in] Error inparam, [out] Error outparam, [inout] Error inoutparam);

    BaseStruct structFunc( [in] ::idlc::test::BaseStruct inparam, [out] idlc::test::BaseStruct outparam, [inout] BaseStruct inoutparam);

