/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.


#include <LibreOfficeKit/LibreOfficeKit.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

#if defined __GNUC__ || defined __clang__
#  define LOK_TOLERATE_UNUSED __attribute__((used))

#if defined(__linux__) || defined (__FreeBSD__) || defined(_AIX) ||\
    defined(_WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined (__NetBSD__) ||\
    defined (__sun) || defined(__OpenBSD__)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#ifndef _WIN32

    #include <dlfcn.h>

    #ifdef  _AIX
    #  include <sys/ldr.h>
    #ifdef __APPLE__
        #define TARGET_LIB        "lib" "sofficeapp" ".dylib"
        #define TARGET_MERGED_LIB "lib" "mergedlo" ".dylib"
        #define TARGET_LIB        "lib" "sofficeapp" ".so"
        #define TARGET_MERGED_LIB "lib" "mergedlo" ".so"
    #define SEPARATOR         '/'

#if !defined(IOS)
        static void *lok_loadlib(const char *pFN)
        return dlopen(pFN, RTLD_LAZY
                      | RTLD_GLOBAL

    static char *lok_dlerror(void)
        return dlerror();

    // This function must be called to release memory allocated by lok_dlerror()
    static void lok_dlerror_free(char *pErrMessage)
        // Do nothing for return of dlerror()

    static void extendUnoPath(const char *pPath)

    static void *lok_dlsym(void *Hnd, const char *pName)
        return dlsym(Hnd, pName);

    static int lok_dlclose(void *Hnd)
        return dlclose(Hnd);
#endif // IOS

    #if !defined WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
        #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
    #include  <windows.h>
    #define TARGET_LIB        "sofficeapp" ".dll"
    #define TARGET_MERGED_LIB "mergedlo" ".dll"
    #define SEPARATOR         '\\'
    #define UNOPATH           "\\..\\URE\\bin"

    static void *lok_loadlib(const char *pFN)
        return (void *) LoadLibraryA(pFN);

    static char *lok_dlerror(void)
        LPSTR buf = NULL;
            NULL, GetLastError(), 0, reinterpret_cast<LPSTR>(&buf), 0, NULL);
        return buf;

    // This function must be called to release memory allocated by lok_dlerror()
    static void lok_dlerror_free(char *pErrMessage)
        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pErrMessage);

    static void *lok_dlsym(void *Hnd, const char *pName)
        return reinterpret_cast<void *>(GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE) Hnd, pName));

    static int lok_dlclose(void *Hnd)
        return FreeLibrary((HINSTANCE) Hnd);

    static void extendUnoPath(const char *pPath)
        char *sNewPath = NULL, *sEnvPath = NULL;
        size_t size_sEnvPath = 0, buffer_size = 0;
        DWORD cChars;

        if (!pPath)

        cChars = GetEnvironmentVariableA("PATH", sEnvPath, 0);
        if (cChars > 0)
            sEnvPath = (char *) malloc(cChars);
            cChars = GetEnvironmentVariableA("PATH", sEnvPath, cChars);
            //If PATH is not set then it is no error
            if (cChars == 0 && GetLastError() != ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND)
        //prepare the new PATH. Add the Ure/bin directory at the front.
        //note also adding ';'
            size_sEnvPath = strlen(sEnvPath);
        buffer_size = size_sEnvPath + 2*strlen(pPath) + strlen(UNOPATH) + 4;
        sNewPath = (char *) malloc(buffer_size);
        sNewPath[0] = L'\0';
        strcat_s(sNewPath, buffer_size, pPath);     // program to PATH
        strcat_s(sNewPath, buffer_size, ";");
        strcat_s(sNewPath, buffer_size, UNOPATH);   // UNO to PATH
        if (size_sEnvPath > 0)
            strcat_s(sNewPath, buffer_size, ";");
            strcat_s(sNewPath, buffer_size, sEnvPath);

        SetEnvironmentVariableA("PATH", sNewPath);


#if !defined(IOS)
static void *lok_dlopen( const char *install_path, char ** _imp_lib )
    char *imp_lib;
    void *dlhandle;

    size_t partial_length, imp_lib_size;
    struct stat dir_st;

    *_imp_lib = NULL;

    if (!install_path)
        return NULL;

    if (stat(install_path, &dir_st) != 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "installation path \"%s\" does not exist\n", install_path);
        return NULL;

    // allocate large enough buffer
    partial_length = strlen(install_path);
    imp_lib_size = partial_length + sizeof(TARGET_LIB) + sizeof(TARGET_MERGED_LIB) + 2;
    imp_lib = (char *) malloc(imp_lib_size);
    if (!imp_lib)
        fprintf( stderr, "failed to open library : not enough memory\n");
        return NULL;

    memcpy(imp_lib, install_path, partial_length);


    imp_lib[partial_length++] = SEPARATOR;
    strncpy(imp_lib + partial_length, TARGET_LIB, imp_lib_size - partial_length);

    dlhandle = lok_loadlib(imp_lib);
    if (!dlhandle)
        // If TARGET_LIB exists, and likely is a real library (not a
        // small one-line text stub as in the --enable-mergedlib
        // case), but dlopen failed for some reason, don't try
        struct stat st;
        if (stat(imp_lib, &st) == 0 && st.st_size > 100)
            char *pErrMessage = lok_dlerror();
            fprintf(stderr, "failed to open library '%s': %s\n",
                    imp_lib, pErrMessage);
            return NULL;

        strncpy(imp_lib + partial_length, TARGET_MERGED_LIB, imp_lib_size - partial_length);

        dlhandle = lok_loadlib(imp_lib);
        if (!dlhandle)
            char *pErrMessage = lok_dlerror();
            fprintf(stderr, "failed to open library '%s': %s\n",
                    imp_lib, pErrMessage);
            return NULL;
    *_imp_lib = imp_lib;
    return dlhandle;

typedef LibreOfficeKit *(LokHookFunction)( const char *install_path);

typedef LibreOfficeKit *(LokHookFunction2)( const char *install_path, const char *user_profile_url );

typedef int             (LokHookPreInit)  ( const char *install_path, const char *user_profile_url );

#if defined(IOS) || defined(ANDROID)
LibreOfficeKit *libreofficekit_hook_2(const char* install_path, const char* user_profile_path);

static LibreOfficeKit *lok_init_2( const char *install_path,  const char *user_profile_url )
#if !defined(IOS) && !defined(ANDROID)
    void *dlhandle;
    char *imp_lib;
    LokHookFunction *pSym;
    LokHookFunction2 *pSym2;

    dlhandle = lok_dlopen(install_path, &imp_lib);
    if (!dlhandle)
        return NULL;

    pSym2 = (LokHookFunction2 *) lok_dlsym(dlhandle, "libreofficekit_hook_2");
    if (!pSym2)
        if (user_profile_url != NULL)
            fprintf( stderr, "the LibreOffice version in '%s' does not support passing a user profile to the hook function\n",
                     imp_lib );
            lok_dlclose( dlhandle );
            free( imp_lib );
            return NULL;
        pSym = (LokHookFunction *) lok_dlsym( dlhandle, "libreofficekit_hook" );
        if (!pSym)
            fprintf( stderr, "failed to find hook in library '%s'\n", imp_lib );
            lok_dlclose( dlhandle );
            free( imp_lib );
            return NULL;
        free( imp_lib );
        // dlhandle is "leaked"
        // coverity[leaked_storage] - on purpose
        return pSym( install_path );

    if (user_profile_url != NULL && user_profile_url[0] == '/')
        // It should be either a file: URL or a vnd.sun.star.pathname: URL.
        fprintf( stderr, "second parameter to lok_init_2 '%s' should be a URL, not a pathname\n", user_profile_url );
        lok_dlclose( dlhandle );
        free( imp_lib );
        return NULL;

    free( imp_lib );
    // dlhandle is "leaked"
    // coverity[leaked_storage] - on purpose
    return pSym2( install_path, user_profile_url );
    return libreofficekit_hook_2( install_path, user_profile_url );

LibreOfficeKit *lok_init( const char *install_path )
    return lok_init_2( install_path, NULL );

#if !defined(IOS)
int lok_preinit( const char *install_path,  const char *user_profile_url )
    void *dlhandle;
    char *imp_lib;
    LokHookPreInit *pSym;

    dlhandle = lok_dlopen(install_path, &imp_lib);
    if (!dlhandle)
        return -1;

    pSym = (LokHookPreInit *) lok_dlsym(dlhandle, "lok_preinit");
    if (!pSym)
        fprintf( stderr, "failed to find pre-init hook in library '%s'\n", imp_lib );
        lok_dlclose( dlhandle );
        free( imp_lib );
        return -1;

    free( imp_lib );

    // dlhandle is "leaked"
    // coverity[leaked_storage] - on purpose
    return pSym( install_path, user_profile_url );

#undef SEPARATOR // It is used at least in enum class MenuItemType

#endif // defined(__linux__) || defined (__FreeBSD__) || defined(_AIX) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__)

#ifdef __cplusplus


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