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#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <basebmp/metafunctions.hxx>

#include <functional>

namespace basebmp

// Some common accessor functors
// ------------------------------------------------------------

/// combine two values via XOR
template< typename T > struct XorFunctor : public std::binary_function<T,T,T>
    T operator()( T v1, T v2 ) const { return v1 ^ v2; }


/// Base class, passing on the arg types
template< typename T, typename M > struct MaskFunctorBase :
        public TernaryFunctorBase<T,M,T,T> {};

/** Let a mask flag decide between two values

    @tpl polarity
    Mask polarity. When true, a false in the mask denotes
    transparency, i.e. the original value will display. And vice
template< typename T,
          typename M,
          bool     polarity > struct GenericOutputMaskFunctor : public MaskFunctorBase<T,M>
    /// Ternary mask operation - selects v1 for !m == polarity, v2 otherwise
    T operator()( T v1, M m, T v2 ) const
        return !m == polarity ? v1 : v2;

/** Let a mask bit decide between two values (specialization for
    integer mask types)
template< typename T,
          typename M,
          bool     polarity > struct IntegerOutputMaskFunctor;
template< typename T,
          typename M > struct IntegerOutputMaskFunctor<T,M,true> : public MaskFunctorBase<T,M>
    /** Mask v with state of m

        @return v2, if m != 0, v1 otherwise.
    T operator()( T v1, M m, T v2 ) const
        typedef typename make_unsigned<T>::type unsigned_T;

        // mask will be 0, iff m == 0, and 1 otherwise
        const T mask( unsigned_cast<T>(m | -m) >> (sizeof(unsigned_T)*8 - 1) );
        return v1*(M)(1-mask) + v2*mask;
template< typename T,
          typename M > struct IntegerOutputMaskFunctor<T,M,false> : public MaskFunctorBase<T,M>
    /** Mask v with state of m

        @return v2, if m != 0, v1 otherwise.
    T operator()( T v1, M m, T v2 ) const
        typedef typename make_unsigned<T>::type unsigned_T;

        // mask will be 0, iff m == 0, and 1 otherwise
        const T mask( unsigned_cast<T>(m | -m) >> (sizeof(unsigned_T)*8 - 1) );
        return v1*mask + v2*(M)(1-mask);

/** Let a mask bit decide between two values (specialization for
    binary-valued mask types)
template< typename T, typename M, bool polarity > struct FastIntegerOutputMaskFunctor;
template< typename T, typename M > struct FastIntegerOutputMaskFunctor<T,M,true> :
   public MaskFunctorBase<T,M>
    /// Specialization, only valid if mask can only attain 0 or 1
    T operator()( T v1, M m, T v2 ) const

        return v1*(M)(1-m) + v2*m;
template< typename T, typename M > struct FastIntegerOutputMaskFunctor<T,M,false> :
   public MaskFunctorBase<T,M>
    /// Specialization, only valid if mask can only attain 0 or 1
    T operator()( T v1, M m, T v2 ) const

        return v1*m + v2*(M)(1-m);


/** Split a pair value from a JoinImageAccessorAdapter into its
    individual values, and pass it on to a ternary functor

    This wrapper is an adaptable binary functor, and can thus be used
    with a BinarySetterFunctionAccessorAdapter. Useful e.g. for
    out-of-image alpha channel, or a masked image.

    @tpl Functor
    An adaptable ternary functor (as can e.g. be passed to the
template< typename Functor > struct BinaryFunctorSplittingWrapper :
        public std::binary_function<typename Functor::first_argument_type,
                                    std::pair<typename Functor::third_argument_type,
                                              typename Functor::second_argument_type>,
                                    typename Functor::result_type>
// making all members public, if no member template friends
    template<class A> friend struct BinaryFunctorSplittingWrapper;
    Functor maFunctor;

    BinaryFunctorSplittingWrapper() : maFunctor() {}

    template< class A > explicit
        BinaryFunctorSplittingWrapper<A> const& src ) : maFunctor(src.maFunctor) {}

    template< class F > explicit
    BinaryFunctorSplittingWrapper( F const& func ) : maFunctor(func) {}

    typename Functor::result_type operator()(
        typename Functor::first_argument_type                      v1,
        std::pair< typename Functor::third_argument_type,
                   typename Functor::second_argument_type > const& v2 ) const
        return maFunctor( v1, v2.second, v2.first );

} // namespace basebmp


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