/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
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 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
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#include <boost/mpl/integral_c.hpp>
#include <vigra/metaprogramming.hxx>
#include <vigra/numerictraits.hxx>

#include <functional>

namespace basebmp

// TODO(Q3): move to generic place (o3tl?)

/** template meta function: add const qualifier to 2nd type, if given
    1st type has it
template<typename A, typename B> struct clone_const
    typedef B type;
template<typename A, typename B> struct clone_const<const A,B>
    typedef const B type;

/** template meta function: add const qualifier to plain type (if not
    already there)
template <typename T> struct add_const
    typedef const T type;
template <typename T> struct add_const<const T>
    typedef const T type;

/// template meta function: remove const qualifier from plain type
template <typename T> struct remove_const
    typedef T type;
template <typename T> struct remove_const<const T>
    typedef T type;

/// Base class for an adaptable ternary functor
template< typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename R > struct TernaryFunctorBase
    typedef A1 first_argument_type;
    typedef A2 second_argument_type;
    typedef A3 third_argument_type;
    typedef R  result_type;

/** template meta function: ensure that given integer type is unsigned

    If given integer type is already unsigned, return as-is -
    otherwise, convert to unsigned type of same or greater range.
template< typename T > struct make_unsigned;

#define BASEBMP_MAKE_UNSIGNED(T,U)        \
    template<> struct make_unsigned<T> { \
        typedef U type; \

BASEBMP_MAKE_UNSIGNED(signed char,unsigned char)
BASEBMP_MAKE_UNSIGNED(unsigned char,unsigned char)
BASEBMP_MAKE_UNSIGNED(short,unsigned short)
BASEBMP_MAKE_UNSIGNED(unsigned short,unsigned short)
BASEBMP_MAKE_UNSIGNED(int,unsigned int)
BASEBMP_MAKE_UNSIGNED(unsigned int,unsigned int)
BASEBMP_MAKE_UNSIGNED(long,unsigned long)
BASEBMP_MAKE_UNSIGNED(unsigned long,unsigned long)


/// cast integer to unsigned type of similar size
template< typename T > inline typename make_unsigned<T>::type unsigned_cast( T value )
    return static_cast< typename make_unsigned<T>::type >(value);

/// returns true, if given number is strictly less than 0
template< typename T > inline bool is_negative( T x )
    return x < 0;

/// Overload for ints (branch-free)
inline bool is_negative( int x )
    // force logic shift (result for signed shift right is undefined)
    return static_cast<unsigned int>(x) >> (sizeof(int)*8-1);

/// Results in VigraTrueType, if T is of integer type and scalar
template< typename T, typename trueCase, typename falseCase >
struct ifScalarIntegral
    typename vigra::If<
        typename vigra::NumericTraits< T >::isIntegral,
        typename vigra::If<
            typename vigra::NumericTraits< T >::isScalar,
            falseCase >::type,
        falseCase >::type type;

/// Results in VigraTrueType, if T is of non-integer type and scalar
template< typename T, typename trueCase, typename falseCase >
struct ifScalarNonIntegral
    typename vigra::If<
        typename vigra::NumericTraits< T >::isIntegral,
        typename vigra::If<
            typename vigra::NumericTraits< T >::isScalar,
            falseCase >::type >::type type;

/// Results in VigraTrueType, if both T1 and T2 are of integer type and scalar
template< typename T1, typename T2, typename trueCase, typename falseCase >
struct ifBothScalarIntegral
    typename ifScalarIntegral<
        typename ifScalarIntegral<
            falseCase >::type,
        falseCase >::type type;

/// Count number of trailing zeros
template< unsigned int val > struct numberOfTrailingZeros
    enum { next = val >> 1 };
    enum { value = vigra::IfBool< (val & 1) == 0,
                                  boost::mpl::integral_c< int,-1 > > ::type::value + 1 };

template<> struct numberOfTrailingZeros<0>
    enum { value = 0 };

/// Count number of one bits
template< unsigned int val > struct bitcount
    enum { next = val >> 1 };
    enum { value = bitcount<next>::value + (val & 1) };

template<> struct bitcount<0>
    enum { value = 0 };

/// Shift left for positive shift value, and right otherwise
template< typename T > inline T shiftLeft( T v, int shift )
    return shift > 0 ? v << shift : v >> (-shift);

/// Shift right for positive shift value, and left otherwise
template< typename T > inline T shiftRight( T v, int shift )
    return shift > 0 ? v >> shift : v << (-shift);

} // namespace basebmp


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