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#include <basegfx/range/basicrange.hxx>
#include <basegfx/basegfxdllapi.h>

namespace basegfx
    class B1IRange;

    /** A one-dimensional interval over doubles

        This is a set of real numbers, bounded by a lower and an upper
        value. All inbetween values are included in the set (see also

        The set is closed, i.e. the upper and the lower bound are
        included (if you're used to the notation - we're talking about
        [a,b] here, compared to half-open [a,b) or open intervals

        That means, isInside(val) will return true also for values of
        val=a or val=b.
    class B1DRange
        ::basegfx::BasicRange< double, DoubleTraits >   maRange;

        B1DRange() {}

        /// Create degenerate interval consisting of a single double number
        explicit B1DRange(double fStartValue)
        :   maRange(fStartValue)

        /// Create proper interval between the two given double values
        B1DRange(double fStartValue1, double fStartValue2)
        :   maRange(fStartValue1)

        /** Check if the interval set is empty

            @return false, if no value is in this set - having a
            single value included will already return true.
        bool isEmpty() const
            return maRange.isEmpty();

        /// reset the object to empty state again, clearing all values
        void reset()

        bool operator==( const B1DRange& rRange ) const
            return (maRange == rRange.maRange);

        bool operator!=( const B1DRange& rRange ) const
            return (maRange != rRange.maRange);

        bool equal(const B1DRange& rRange) const
            return (maRange.equal(rRange.maRange));

        /// get lower bound of the set. returns arbitrary values for empty sets.
        double getMinimum() const
            return maRange.getMinimum();

        /// get upper bound of the set. returns arbitrary values for empty sets.
        double getMaximum() const
            return maRange.getMaximum();

        /// return difference between upper and lower value. returns 0 for empty sets.
        double getRange() const
            return maRange.getRange();

        /// return middle of upper and lower value. returns 0 for empty sets.
        double getCenter() const
            return maRange.getCenter();

        /// yields true if value is contained in set
        bool isInside(double fValue) const
            return maRange.isInside(fValue);

        /// yields true if rRange is inside, or equal to set
        bool isInside(const B1DRange& rRange) const
            return maRange.isInside(rRange.maRange);

        /// yields true if rRange at least partly inside set
        bool overlaps(const B1DRange& rRange) const
            return maRange.overlaps(rRange.maRange);

        /// yields true if overlaps(rRange) does, and the overlap is larger than infinitesimal
        bool overlapsMore(const B1DRange& rRange) const
            return maRange.overlapsMore(rRange.maRange);

        /// add fValue to the set, expanding as necessary
        void expand(double fValue)

        /// add rRange to the set, expanding as necessary
        void expand(const B1DRange& rRange)

        /// calc set intersection
        void intersect(const B1DRange& rRange)

        /// grow set by fValue on both sides
        void grow(double fValue)

} // end of namespace basegfx


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