/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
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 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .


#include <tools/ref.hxx>
#include <svl/smplhint.hxx>
#include <svl/lstner.hxx>

#include <basic/sbxdef.hxx>
#include <basic/sbxform.hxx>
#include <basic/sbxobj.hxx>
#include <basic/sbxprop.hxx>
#include <basic/sbxmeth.hxx>
#include <basic/basicdllapi.h>

#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp>

class SvStream;
class SbxBase;
class SbxVariable;
class SbxProperty;
class SbxMethod;
class SbxObject;
class SbxArray;
class SbxDimArray;
class SbxFactory;

class SfxBroadcaster;

// Parameter information
struct SbxParamInfo
    const OUString aName;          // Name of the parameter
    SbxBaseRef     aTypeRef;       // Object, if object type
    SbxDataType    eType;          // Data type
    sal_uInt16     nFlags;         // Flag-Bits
    sal_uInt32     nUserData;      // IDs etc.
    SbxParamInfo( const OUString& s, SbxDataType t, sal_uInt16 n, SbxBase* b = NULL )
        : aName( s ), aTypeRef( b ), eType( t ), nFlags( n ), nUserData( 0 ) {}
    ~SbxParamInfo() {}

typedef boost::ptr_vector<SbxParamInfo> SbxParams;

class BASIC_DLLPUBLIC SbxInfo : public SvRefBase
    friend class SbxVariable;
    friend class SbMethod;

    OUString        aComment;
    OUString        aHelpFile;
    sal_uInt32      nHelpId;
    SbxParams       aParams;

    bool LoadData( SvStream&, sal_uInt16 );
    bool StoreData( SvStream& ) const;
    virtual ~SbxInfo();
    SbxInfo( const OUString&, sal_uInt32 );

    void                AddParam( const OUString&, SbxDataType, sal_uInt16=SBX_READ );
    const SbxParamInfo* GetParam( sal_uInt16 n ) const; // index starts with 1!
    const OUString&     GetComment() const              { return aComment; }
    const OUString&     GetHelpFile() const             { return aHelpFile; }
    sal_uInt32          GetHelpId() const               { return nHelpId;   }

    void                SetComment( const OUString& r )   { aComment = r; }
    void                SetHelpFile( const OUString& r )  { aHelpFile = r; }
    void                SetHelpId( sal_uInt32 nId )         { nHelpId = nId; }

class BASIC_DLLPUBLIC SbxHint : public SfxSimpleHint
    SbxVariable* pVar;
    SbxHint( sal_uIntPtr n, SbxVariable* v ) : SfxSimpleHint( n ), pVar( v ) {}
    SbxVariable* GetVar() const { return pVar; }

// SbxAlias is an alias for a var or object
class BASIC_DLLPUBLIC SbxAlias : public SbxVariable, public SfxListener
    SbxVariableRef xAlias;
    virtual ~SbxAlias();
    virtual void Broadcast( sal_uIntPtr ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
    virtual void SFX_NOTIFY( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const TypeId& rBCType,
                             const SfxHint& rHint, const TypeId& rHintType ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
    SbxAlias( const SbxAlias& );
    SbxAlias& operator=( const SbxAlias& );

// SbxArray is an unidimensional, dynamic Array
// The variables convert from SbxVariablen. Put()/Insert() into the
// declared datatype, if they are not SbxVARIANT.

struct SbxVarEntry;

class BASIC_DLLPUBLIC SbxArray : public SbxBase
    typedef std::vector<SbxVarEntry*> VarEntriesType;

// #100883 Method to set method directly to parameter array
    friend class SbMethod;
    friend class SbClassModuleObject;
    friend SbxObject* cloneTypeObjectImpl( const SbxObject& rTypeObj );
    BASIC_DLLPRIVATE void PutDirect( SbxVariable* pVar, sal_uInt32 nIdx );

    VarEntriesType* mpVarEntries;          // The variables

    SbxDataType eType;            // Data type of the array
    virtual ~SbxArray();
    virtual bool LoadData( SvStream&, sal_uInt16 ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
    virtual bool StoreData( SvStream& ) const SAL_OVERRIDE;

    SbxArray( SbxDataType=SbxVARIANT );
    SbxArray( const SbxArray& );
    SbxArray& operator=( const SbxArray& );
    virtual void Clear() SAL_OVERRIDE;
    sal_uInt16           Count() const;
    virtual SbxDataType  GetType() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
    virtual SbxClassType GetClass() const SAL_OVERRIDE;
    SbxVariableRef&      GetRef( sal_uInt16 );
    SbxVariable*         Get( sal_uInt16 );
    void                 Put( SbxVariable*, sal_uInt16 );
    void                 Insert( SbxVariable*, sal_uInt16 );
    void                 Remove( sal_uInt16 );
    void                 Remove( SbxVariable* );
    void                 Merge( SbxArray* );
    OUString             GetAlias( sal_uInt16 );
    void                 PutAlias( const OUString&, sal_uInt16 );
    SbxVariable*         FindUserData( sal_uInt32 nUserData );
    virtual SbxVariable* Find( const OUString&, SbxClassType );

    // Additional methods for 32-bit indices
    sal_uInt32           Count32() const;
    SbxVariableRef&      GetRef32( sal_uInt32 );
    SbxVariable*         Get32( sal_uInt32 );
    void                 Put32( SbxVariable*, sal_uInt32 );
    void                 Insert32( SbxVariable*, sal_uInt32 );
    void                 Remove32( sal_uInt32 );

// SbxDimArray is an array that can dimensioned using BASIC conventions.
struct SbxDim;

class BASIC_DLLPUBLIC SbxDimArray : public SbxArray
    SbxDim* pFirst, *pLast;               // Links to Dimension table
    short   nDim;                         // Number of dimensions
    BASIC_DLLPRIVATE void AddDimImpl32( sal_Int32, sal_Int32, bool bAllowSize0 );
    bool mbHasFixedSize;
    sal_uInt16  Offset( const short* );
    sal_uInt32  Offset32( const sal_Int32* );
    sal_uInt32  Offset32( SbxArray* );
    virtual bool LoadData( SvStream&, sal_uInt16 ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
    virtual bool StoreData( SvStream& ) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
    virtual ~SbxDimArray();
    SbxDimArray( SbxDataType=SbxVARIANT );
    SbxDimArray( const SbxDimArray& );
    SbxDimArray& operator=( const SbxDimArray& );
    virtual void Clear() SAL_OVERRIDE;
    using SbxArray::GetRef;
    using SbxArray::Get;
    SbxVariable* Get( const short* );
    using SbxArray::Put;
    void Put( SbxVariable*, const short* );
    SbxVariable* Get( SbxArray* );

    short  GetDims() const { return nDim;}
    void   AddDim( short, short );
    void   unoAddDim( short, short );
    bool   GetDim( short, short&, short& ) const;

    using SbxArray::GetRef32;
    using SbxArray::Get32;
    SbxVariable* Get32( const sal_Int32* );
    using SbxArray::Put32;
    void Put32( SbxVariable*, const sal_Int32* );
    void   AddDim32( sal_Int32, sal_Int32 );
    void   unoAddDim32( sal_Int32, sal_Int32 );
    bool   GetDim32( sal_Int32, sal_Int32&, sal_Int32& ) const;
    bool hasFixedSize() { return mbHasFixedSize; };
    void setHasFixedSize( bool bHasFixedSize ) {mbHasFixedSize = bHasFixedSize; };

class BASIC_DLLPUBLIC SbxCollection : public SbxObject
    BASIC_DLLPRIVATE void Initialize();
    virtual ~SbxCollection();
    virtual bool LoadData( SvStream&, sal_uInt16 ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
    virtual void SFX_NOTIFY( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const TypeId& rBCType,
                             const SfxHint& rHint, const TypeId& rHintType ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
    // Overridable methods (why not pure virtual?):
    virtual void CollAdd( SbxArray* pPar );
    virtual void CollItem( SbxArray* pPar );
    virtual void CollRemove( SbxArray* pPar );

    SbxCollection( const OUString& rClassname );
    SbxCollection( const SbxCollection& );
    SbxCollection& operator=( const SbxCollection& );
    virtual SbxVariable* FindUserData( sal_uInt32 nUserData ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
    virtual SbxVariable* Find( const OUString&, SbxClassType ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
    virtual void Clear() SAL_OVERRIDE;

class BASIC_DLLPUBLIC SbxStdCollection : public SbxCollection
    OUString aElemClass;
    bool bAddRemoveOk;
    virtual ~SbxStdCollection();
    virtual bool LoadData( SvStream&, sal_uInt16 ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
    virtual bool StoreData( SvStream& ) const SAL_OVERRIDE;
    virtual void CollAdd( SbxArray* pPar ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
    virtual void CollRemove( SbxArray* pPar ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
    SbxStdCollection( const OUString& rClassname, const OUString& rElemClass, bool=true );
    SbxStdCollection( const SbxStdCollection& );
    SbxStdCollection& operator=( const SbxStdCollection& );
    virtual void Insert( SbxVariable* ) SAL_OVERRIDE;
    const OUString& GetElementClass() const { return aElemClass; }

typedef tools::SvRef<SbxArray> SbxArrayRef;

typedef tools::SvRef<SbxInfo> SbxInfoRef;

typedef tools::SvRef<SbxDimArray> SbxDimArrayRef;


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