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#include <o3tl/typed_flags_set.hxx>

enum class SbxClassType {         // SBX-class-IDs (order is important!)
    DontCare = 1,  // don't care (search, not 0 due to StarBASIC)
    Array,         // Array of SbxVariables
    Value,         // simple value
    Variable,      // Variable (from here there is Broadcaster)
    Method,        // Method (Function or Sub)
    Property,      // Property
    Object         // Object

enum SbxDataType {
    SbxEMPTY    =  0,    // * Uninitialized
    SbxNULL     =  1,    // * Contains no valid data
    SbxINTEGER  =  2,    // * Integer (sal_Int16)
    SbxLONG     =  3,    // * Long integer (sal_Int32)
    SbxSINGLE   =  4,    // * Single-precision floating point number (float)
    SbxDOUBLE   =  5,    // * Double-precision floating point number (double)
    SbxCURRENCY =  6,    //   Currency (sal_Int64)
    SbxDATE     =  7,    // * Date (double)
    SbxSTRING   =  8,    // * String (StarView)
    SbxOBJECT   =  9,    // * SbxBase object pointer
    SbxERROR    = 10,    // * Error (sal_uInt16)
    SbxBOOL     = 11,    // * Boolean (0 or -1)

    SbxVARIANT    = 12,  // * Display for variant datatype
    SbxDATAOBJECT = 13,  // * Common data object w/o ref count

    SbxCHAR     = 16,    // * signed char
    SbxBYTE     = 17,    // * unsigned char
    SbxUSHORT   = 18,    // * unsigned short (sal_uInt16)
    SbxULONG    = 19,    // * unsigned long (sal_uInt32)

    SbxINT      = 22,    // * signed machine-dependent int
    SbxUINT     = 23,    // * unsigned machine-dependent int

    SbxVOID     = 24,    // * no value (= SbxEMPTY)
    SbxHRESULT  = 25,    //   HRESULT
    SbxPOINTER  = 26,    //   generic pointer
    SbxDIMARRAY = 27,    //   dimensioned array
    SbxCARRAY   = 28,    //   C style array
    SbxUSERDEF  = 29,    //   user defined
    SbxLPSTR    = 30,    // * null terminated string

    SbxLPWSTR   = 31,    //   wide null terminated string
    SbxCoreSTRING = 32,  //   from 1997-4-10 for GetCoreString(), only for converting<

    SbxWSTRING  = 33,    //   from 2000-10-4 Reimplemented for backwards compatibility (#78919)
    SbxWCHAR    = 34,    //   from 2000-10-4 Reimplemented for backwards compatibility (#78919)
    SbxSALINT64 = 35,    //   for currency internal, signed 64-bit int   and UNO hyper
    SbxSALUINT64= 36,    //   for currency internal, unsigned 64-bit int and UNO unsigned hyper
    SbxDECIMAL  = 37,    //   for UNO/automation Decimal

    SbxVECTOR = 0x1000,  // simple counted array
    SbxARRAY  = 0x2000,  // array
    SbxBYREF  = 0x4000,  // access by reference

const sal_uInt32 SBX_TYPE_WITH_EVENTS_FLAG = 0x10000;
const sal_uInt32 SBX_TYPE_DIM_AS_NEW_FLAG  = 0x20000;
const sal_uInt32 SBX_FIXED_LEN_STRING_FLAG = 0x10000;   // same value as above as no conflict possible
const sal_uInt32 SBX_TYPE_VAR_TO_DIM_FLAG  = 0x40000;

enum SbxOperator {
    // Arithmetical:
    SbxEXP,     // this ^ var
    SbxMUL,     // this * var
    SbxDIV,     // this / var
    SbxMOD,     // this MOD var     (max INT32!)
    SbxPLUS,    // this + var
    SbxMINUS,   // this - var
    SbxNEG,     // -this (var is ignored)
    SbxIDIV,            // this / var (both operands max. sal_Int32!)
                        // Boolean operators (max sal_Int32!):
    // Boolean operators (TODO deprecate this limit: max INT32!)
    SbxAND,     // this & var
    SbxOR,      // this | var
    SbxXOR,     // this ^ var
    SbxEQV,     // ~this ^ var
    SbxIMP,     // ~this | var
    SbxNOT,     // ~this (var is ignored)

    // String concatenation:
    SbxCAT,     // this & var (VBA: this + var)

    // Comparisons:
    SbxEQ,      // this = var
    SbxNE,      // this <> var
    SbxLT,      // this < var
    SbxGT,      // this > var
    SbxLE,      // this <= var
    SbxGE       // this >= var

enum class SbxNameType {          // Type of the questioned name of a variable
    NONE,           // plain name
    ShortTypes,     // Name%(A%,B$)

// Flag-Bits:
enum class SbxFlagBits {
    NONE         = 0x0000,
    Read         = 0x0001,  // Read permission
    Write        = 0x0002,  // Write permission
    ReadWrite    = 0x0003,  // Read/Write permission
    DontStore    = 0x0004,  // Don't store object
    Modified     = 0x0008,  // Object was changed
    Fixed        = 0x0010,  // Fixed data type (SbxVariable)
    Const        = 0x0020,  // Definition of const value
    Optional     = 0x0040,  // Parameter is optional
    Hidden       = 0x0080,  // Element is invisible
    Invisible    = 0x0100,  // Element is not found by Find()
    ExtSearch    = 0x0200,  // Object is searched completely
    ExtFound     = 0x0400,  // Variable was found through extended search
    GlobalSearch = 0x0800,  // Global search via Parents
    Reserved     = 0x1000,  // reserved
    Private      = 0x1000,  // #110004, #112015, cannot conflict with SbxFlagBits::Reserved
    NoBroadcast  = 0x2000,  // No broadcast on Get/Put
    Reference    = 0x4000,  // Parameter is Reference (DLL-call)
    NoModify     = 0x8000,  // SetModified is suppressed
    WithEvents   = 0x0080,  // Same value as unused SbxFlagBits::Hidden
    DimAsNew     = 0x0800,  // Same value as SbxFlagBits::GlobalSearch, cannot conflict as one
                                         // is used for objects, the other for variables only
    VarToDim     = 0x2000,  // Same value as SbxFlagBits::NoBroadcast, cannot conflict as
                                         // used for variables without broadcaster only
namespace o3tl
    template<> struct typed_flags<SbxFlagBits> : is_typed_flags<SbxFlagBits, 0xffff> {};

// List of all creators for Load/Store

#define SBXCR_SBX            0x20584253        // SBX(blank)

// List of predefined SBX-IDs. New SBX-IDs must be precisely defined so that
// they are unique within the Stream and appropriate Factory.

#define SBXID_VALUE         0x4E4E  // NN: SbxValue
#define SBXID_VARIABLE      0x4156  // VA: SbxVariable
#define SBXID_ARRAY         0x5241  // AR: SbxArray
#define SBXID_DIMARRAY      0x4944  // DI: SbxDimArray
#define SBXID_OBJECT        0x424F  // OB: SbxObject
#define SBXID_COLLECTION    0x4F43  // CO: SbxCollection
#define SBXID_FIXCOLLECTION 0x4346  // FC: SbxStdCollection
#define SBXID_METHOD        0x454D  // ME: SbxMethod
#define SBXID_PROPERTY      0x5250  // PR: SbxProperty

// StarBASIC restricts the base data type to different intervals.
// These intervals are fixed to create 'portability and independent
// of the implementation. Only type double is greedy and takes
// what it gets.

#define SbxMAXCHAR  (u'\xFFFF')
#define SbxMINCHAR  (0)
#define SbxMAXBYTE  ( 255)
#define SbxMAXINT   ( 32767)
#define SbxMININT   (-32768)
#define SbxMAXUINT  (sal_uInt16(65535))
#define SbxMAXLNG   ( 2147483647)
#define SbxMINLNG   (sal_Int32(-2147483647-1))
#define SbxMAXULNG  (sal_uInt32(0xffffffff))

        // Currency stored as SbxSALINT64 == sal_Int64
        // value range limits are ~(2^63 - 1)/10000
        // fixed precision has 4 digits right of decimal pt
#define CURRENCY_FACTOR         (10000)
#define CURRENCY_FACTOR_SQUARE  (100000000)

// TODO effective MAX/MINCURR limits:
// true value ( 922337203685477.5807) is too precise for correct comparison to 64bit double
#define SbxMAXCURR      ( 922337203685477.5807)
#define SbxMINCURR      (-922337203685477.5808)

#define SbxMAXSNG       ( 3.402823e+38)
#define SbxMINSNG       (-3.402823e+38)
#define SbxMAXSNG2      ( 1.175494351e-38)
#define SbxMINSNG2      (-1.175494351e-38)

// Max valid offset index of a Sbx-Array (due to 64K limit)
#define SBX_MAXINDEX    0x3FF0

// The numeric values of sal_True and FALSE
enum SbxBOOL { SbxFALSE = 0, SbxTRUE = -1 };


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