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namespace dbtools
//= OCharsetMap
/** is a class which translates between different charset representations.
The set of recognized charsets is very limited: only the ones which are database relevant are
implemented at the moment
Possible representations are:
- IANA names.
Have a look at this document for
more details
- rtl_TextEncoding
typedef std::set TextEncBag;
TextEncBag m_aEncodings;
class CharsetIterator;
friend class OCharsetMap::CharsetIterator;
typedef CharsetIterator iterator;
typedef CharsetIterator const_iterator;
virtual ~OCharsetMap();
struct IANA { };
/** find the given text encoding in the map.
@return the end iterator if the encoding could not be found.
CharsetIterator find(const rtl_TextEncoding _eEncoding) const;
/** find the given IANA name in the map.
@return the end iterator if the IANA name could not be found.
CharsetIterator find(const OUString& _rIanaName, const IANA&) const;
/// get access to the first element of the charset collection
CharsetIterator begin() const;
/// get access to the (last + 1st) element of the charset collection
CharsetIterator end() const;
// needed because we want to call a virtual method during construction
void lateConstruct();
inline void ensureConstructed( ) const { if ( m_aEncodings.empty() ) const_cast< OCharsetMap* >( this )->lateConstruct(); }
virtual bool approveEncoding( const rtl_TextEncoding _eEncoding, const rtl_TextEncodingInfo& _rInfo ) const;
//- CharsetIteratorDerefHelper
class OOO_DLLPUBLIC_DBTOOLS CharsetIteratorDerefHelper
friend class OCharsetMap::CharsetIterator;
rtl_TextEncoding m_eEncoding;
OUString m_aIanaName;
CharsetIteratorDerefHelper(const CharsetIteratorDerefHelper& _rSource);
rtl_TextEncoding getEncoding() const { return m_eEncoding; }
const OUString& getIanaName() const { return m_aIanaName; }
CharsetIteratorDerefHelper( const rtl_TextEncoding _eEncoding, const OUString& _rIanaName );
//- OCharsetMap::CharsetIterator
class OOO_DLLPUBLIC_DBTOOLS OCharsetMap::CharsetIterator
friend class OCharsetMap;
friend OOO_DLLPUBLIC_DBTOOLS bool operator==(const CharsetIterator& lhs, const CharsetIterator& rhs);
friend bool operator!=(const CharsetIterator& lhs, const CharsetIterator& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
// friend sal_Int32 operator-(const CharsetIterator& lhs, const CharsetIterator& rhs);
const OCharsetMap* m_pContainer;
OCharsetMap::TextEncBag::const_iterator m_aPos;
CharsetIterator(const CharsetIterator& _rSource);
CharsetIteratorDerefHelper operator*() const;
// no -> operator
// this would require us to a) store CharsetIteratorDerefHelper instances ourself so that we
// can return a pointer or b) introduce a -> operator on the CharsetIteratorDerefHelper, too.
/// prefix increment
const CharsetIterator& operator++();
/// prefix decrement
const CharsetIterator& operator--();
CharsetIterator(const OCharsetMap* _pContainer, OCharsetMap::TextEncBag::const_iterator const & _aPos );
} // namespace dbtools
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