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#include <com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/cppuhelperdllapi.h>

namespace cppu

/** This function throws the exception given by rExc.  The given value has to
    be of typeclass EXCEPTION and must be dervived from or of
    type com.sun.star.uno.Exception.

    @param rExc
           exception to be thrown.
CPPUHELPER_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL throwException( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any & rExc );

/** Use this function to get the dynamic type of a caught C++-UNO exception;
    completes the above function throwing exceptions generically.

    catch (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException &)
        // you ought not handle RuntimeExceptions:
    catch (::com::sun::star::uno::Exception &)
        ::com::sun::star::uno::Any caught( ::cppu::getCaughtException() );

    - use only for caught C++-UNO exceptions (UNOIDL defined)
    - only as first statement in a catch block!
    - don't do a C++ rethrow (throw;) after you have called this function
    - call getCaughtException() just once in your catch block!
      (function internally uses a C++ rethrow)

              caught UNO exception

    @attention Caution!
              This function is limited to the same C++ compiler runtime library.
              E.g. for MSVC, this means that the catch handler code (the one
              that calls getCaughtException()) needs to use the very same
              C++ runtime library, e.g. msvcrt.dll as cppuhelper, e.g.
              cppuhelper3MSC.dll and the bridge library, e.g. msci_uno.dll.
              This is the case if all of them are compiled with the same
              compiler version.
              Background: The msci_uno.dll gets a rethrown exception out
              of the internal msvcrt.dll thread local storage (tls).
              Thus you _must_ not use this function if your code needs to run
              in newer UDK versions without being recompiled, because those
              newer UDK (-> OOo versions) potentially use newer C++ runtime
              libraries which most often become incompatible!

              But this function ought to be usable for most OOo internal C++-UNO
              development, because the whole OOo code base is compiled using the
              same C++ compiler (and linking against one runtime library).
CPPUHELPER_DLLPUBLIC ::com::sun::star::uno::Any SAL_CALL getCaughtException();



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