/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
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#include <editeng/LookupTree.hxx>
#include <editeng/TreeHead.hxx>
#include <editeng/editengdllapi.h>

 * LatinLookupTree implements a tree that is optimized for storing and looking
 * up words that mainly consist of roman characters, although any other
 * language can be handled, too.
class EDITENG_DLLPUBLIC LatinLookupTree : public LookupTree, public TreeHead

    explicit LatinLookupTree(OUString sLanguage);

    /* =================== Implemented Virtuals From LookupTree =================== */
    void returnToRoot();
    void gotoNode(OUString sNode);
    void advance(const sal_Unicode a);
    void goBack();
    void insert(OUString sKey, const int nProbability = 1);
    void insert(const int nProbability = 1);
    void remove(OUString sKey);
    OUString suggestAutoCompletion() const;
    void clear();

    /* =================== Implemented Virtuals From Node =================== */
    bool isSeparatedlyHandled(const sal_Unicode cKey) const;
    Node*& getChildRef(const sal_Unicode cKey, bool bCreatePlaceholder = false);
    void evaluateSeparateStorage(int& nSuggest, Node*& pSuggest) const;
    void freeMemory();

    /* =================== Implemented Virtual From TreeHead =================== */
    Node* newNode(Node* pParent, const sal_Unicode cKey, const int nProbability = 0);

    /* =================== Member Variables =================== */
    // position of lower case letter 'a' within the selected char encoding.
    static const unsigned int our_nLowerCaseA;

    // position of upper case letter 'A' within the selected char encoding.
    static const unsigned int our_nUpperCaseA;

    Node*   m_pLeaves[52];  // handles [a-z] and [A-Z]


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