/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.


#include <cassert>
#include <vector>

#include <clew/clew.h>

#include <sal/detail/log.h>
#include <opencl/opencldllapi.h>
#include <opencl/platforminfo.hxx>
#include <osl/file.hxx>
#include <rtl/string.hxx>

#define MAX_CLFILE_NUM 50
#define OPENCL_CMDQUEUE_SIZE 1 // number of command queues per OpenCL device.

#include <cstdio>

namespace opencl {

struct KernelEnv
    cl_context mpkContext;
    cl_command_queue mpkCmdQueue;
    cl_program mpkProgram;

    //share vb in all modules in hb library
    cl_platform_id mpPlatformID;
    cl_context mpContext;
    cl_device_id mpDevID;
    cl_command_queue mpCmdQueue[OPENCL_CMDQUEUE_SIZE];
    cl_program mpArryPrograms[MAX_CLFILE_NUM]; //one program object maps one kernel source file
    int mnIsUserCreated; // 1: created , 0:no create and needed to create by opencl wrapper
    int mnCmdQueuePos;
    bool mnKhrFp64Flag;
    bool mnAmdFp64Flag;
    bool mbNeedsTDRAvoidance;

    static bool isOpenCLEnabled();

extern OPENCL_DLLPUBLIC sal_uInt64 kernelFailures;

OPENCL_DLLPUBLIC bool generatBinFromKernelSource( cl_program program, const char * clFileName );
OPENCL_DLLPUBLIC bool buildProgramFromBinary(const char* buildOption, GPUEnv* gpuEnv, const char* filename, int idx);
OPENCL_DLLPUBLIC void setKernelEnv( KernelEnv *envInfo );
OPENCL_DLLPUBLIC const std::vector<OpenCLPlatformInfo>& fillOpenCLInfo();

 * Used to set or switch between OpenCL devices.
 * @param pDeviceId the id of the opencl device of type cl_device_id, NULL means use software calculation
 * @param bAutoSelect use the algorithm to select the best OpenCL device
 * @param rOutSelectedDeviceVersionIDString returns the selected device's version string.
 * @return returns true if there is a valid opencl device that has been set up
OPENCL_DLLPUBLIC bool switchOpenCLDevice(const OUString* pDeviceId, bool bAutoSelect,
                                         bool bForceEvaluation,
                                         OUString& rOutSelectedDeviceVersionIDString);

OPENCL_DLLPUBLIC void getOpenCLDeviceInfo(size_t& rDeviceId, size_t& rPlatformId);

 * Set the current command queue position in case of multiple command queues
 * for a given device.
OPENCL_DLLPUBLIC void setOpenCLCmdQueuePosition( int nPos );

 * Return a textual representation of an OpenCL error code.
 * (Currently the symbolic name sans the CL_ prefix.)
OPENCL_DLLPUBLIC const char* errorString(cl_int nError);



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