/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
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 * This file is part of LibreOffice published API.


#include "osl/profile.h"
#include "rtl/ustring.hxx"

#include <string.h>
#include <exception>
#include <list>

namespace osl {

    typedef oslProfileOption ProfileOption;

    const int Profile_DEFAULT   = osl_Profile_DEFAULT;
    const int Profile_SYSTEM    = osl_Profile_SYSTEM;    /* use system depended functionality */
    const int Profile_READLOCK  = osl_Profile_READLOCK;  /* lock file for reading            */
    const int Profile_WRITELOCK = osl_Profile_WRITELOCK; /* lock file for writing            */

    /** Deprecated API.
    class Profile {
        oslProfile profile;

        /** Open or create a configuration profile.
            @retval 0 if the profile could not be created, otherwise a handle to the profile.
        Profile(const rtl::OUString & strProfileName, oslProfileOption Options = Profile_DEFAULT )
            profile = osl_openProfile(strProfileName.pData, Options);
            if( ! profile )
                throw std::exception();

        /** Close the opened profile an flush all data to the disk.

        bool flush()
            return osl_flushProfile(profile);

        rtl::OString readString( const rtl::OString& rSection, const rtl::OString& rEntry,
                                 const rtl::OString& rDefault)
            char aBuf[1024];
            return osl_readProfileString( profile,
                                          sizeof( aBuf ),
                                          rDefault.getStr() ) ? rtl::OString( aBuf ) : rtl::OString();


        bool readBool( const rtl::OString& rSection, const rtl::OString& rEntry, bool bDefault )
            return osl_readProfileBool( profile, rSection.getStr(), rEntry.getStr(), bDefault );

        sal_uInt32 readIdent(const rtl::OString& rSection, const rtl::OString& rEntry,
                             sal_uInt32 nFirstId, const std::list< rtl::OString >& rStrings,
                             sal_uInt32 nDefault)
            size_t nItems = rStrings.size();
            const char** pStrings = new const char*[ nItems+1 ];
            std::list< rtl::OString >::const_iterator it = rStrings.begin();
            nItems = 0;
            while( it != rStrings.end() )
                pStrings[ nItems++ ] = it->getStr();
            pStrings[ nItems ] = NULL;
            sal_uInt32 nRet = osl_readProfileIdent(profile, rSection.getStr(), rEntry.getStr(), nFirstId, pStrings, nDefault);
            delete[] pStrings;
            return nRet;

        bool writeString(const rtl::OString& rSection, const rtl::OString& rEntry,
                             const rtl::OString& rString)
            return osl_writeProfileString(profile, rSection.getStr(), rEntry.getStr(), rString.getStr());

        bool writeBool(const rtl::OString& rSection, const rtl::OString& rEntry, bool Value)
            return osl_writeProfileBool(profile, rSection.getStr(), rEntry.getStr(), Value);

        bool writeIdent(const rtl::OString& rSection, const rtl::OString& rEntry,
                            sal_uInt32 nFirstId, const std::list< rtl::OString >& rStrings,
                            sal_uInt32 nValue)
            size_t nItems = rStrings.size();
            const char** pStrings = new const char*[ nItems+1 ];
            std::list< rtl::OString >::const_iterator it = rStrings.begin();
            nItems = 0;
            while( it != rStrings.end() )
                pStrings[ nItems++ ] = it->getStr();
            pStrings[ nItems ] = NULL;
            bool bRet =
                osl_writeProfileIdent(profile, rSection.getStr(), rEntry.getStr(), nFirstId, pStrings, nValue );
            delete[] pStrings;
            return bRet;

        /** Remove an entry from a section.
            @param rSection Name of the section.
            @param rEntry Name of the entry to remove.
            @retval False if section or entry could not be found.
        bool removeEntry(const rtl::OString& rSection, const rtl::OString& rEntry)
            return osl_removeProfileEntry(profile, rSection.getStr(), rEntry.getStr());

        /** Get all entries belonging to the specified section.
            @param rSection Name of the section.
            @return Pointer to an array of pointers.
        std::list< rtl::OString > getSectionEntries(const rtl::OString& rSection )
            std::list< rtl::OString > aEntries;

            // count buffer size necessary
            size_t n = osl_getProfileSectionEntries( profile, rSection.getStr(), NULL, 0 );
            if( n > 1 )
                char* pBuf = new char[ n+1 ];
                osl_getProfileSectionEntries( profile, rSection.getStr(), pBuf, n+1 );
                size_t nLen;
                for( n = 0; ; n += nLen+1 )
                    nLen = strlen( pBuf+n );
                    if (!nLen)
                    aEntries.push_back( rtl::OString( pBuf+n ) );
                delete[] pBuf;

            return aEntries;

        /** Get all section entries
            @return Pointer to an array of pointers.
        std::list< rtl::OString > getSections()
            std::list< rtl::OString > aSections;

            // count buffer size necessary
            size_t n = osl_getProfileSections( profile, NULL, 0 );
            if( n > 1 )
                char* pBuf = new char[ n+1 ];
                osl_getProfileSections( profile, pBuf, n+1 );
                size_t nLen;
                for( n = 0; ; n += nLen+1 )
                    nLen = strlen( pBuf+n );
                    if (!nLen)
                    aSections.push_back( rtl::OString( pBuf+n ) );
                delete[] pBuf;

            return aSections;


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