/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
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 * This file is part of LibreOffice published API.


#include "sal/config.h"

#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>

#include "osl/time.h"
#include "osl/thread.h"
#include "rtl/alloc.h"

namespace osl
/** threadFunc is the function which is executed by the threads
    created by the osl::Thread class. The function's signature
    matches the one of oslWorkerFunction which is declared in
extern "C" inline void SAL_CALL threadFunc( void* param);

   A thread abstraction.

   @deprecated use ::salhelper::Thread instead.  Only the static member
   functions ::osl::Thread::getCurrentIdentifier, ::osl::Thread::wait, and
   ::osl::Thread::yield are not deprecated.
class Thread
    Thread( const Thread& ) SAL_DELETED_FUNCTION;
    Thread& operator= ( const Thread& ) SAL_DELETED_FUNCTION;
    // these are here to force memory de/allocation to sal lib.
    static void * SAL_CALL operator new( size_t nSize )
        { return ::rtl_allocateMemory( nSize ); }
    static void SAL_CALL operator delete( void * pMem )
        { ::rtl_freeMemory( pMem ); }
    static void * SAL_CALL operator new( size_t, void * pMem )
        { return pMem; }
    static void SAL_CALL operator delete( void *, void * )

    Thread(): m_hThread(NULL){}

    virtual  ~Thread() COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE
        osl_destroyThread( m_hThread);

    bool SAL_CALL create()
        assert(m_hThread == NULL); // only one running thread per instance
        m_hThread = osl_createSuspendedThread( threadFunc, static_cast<void*>(this));
        if (m_hThread == NULL)
            return false;
        return true;

    bool SAL_CALL createSuspended()
        assert(m_hThread == NULL); // only one running thread per instance
        if( m_hThread)
            return false;
        m_hThread= osl_createSuspendedThread( threadFunc,
        return m_hThread != NULL;

    virtual void SAL_CALL suspend()
        if( m_hThread )

    virtual void SAL_CALL resume()
        if( m_hThread )

    virtual void SAL_CALL terminate()
        if( m_hThread )

    virtual void SAL_CALL join()

    bool SAL_CALL isRunning() const
        return osl_isThreadRunning(m_hThread);

    void SAL_CALL setPriority( oslThreadPriority Priority)
        if( m_hThread )
            osl_setThreadPriority(m_hThread, Priority);

    oslThreadPriority SAL_CALL getPriority() const
        return m_hThread ? osl_getThreadPriority(m_hThread) : osl_Thread_PriorityUnknown;

    oslThreadIdentifier SAL_CALL getIdentifier() const
        return osl_getThreadIdentifier(m_hThread);

    static oslThreadIdentifier SAL_CALL getCurrentIdentifier()
        return osl_getThreadIdentifier(NULL);

    static void SAL_CALL wait(const TimeValue& Delay)

    static void SAL_CALL yield()

    static void setName(char const * name) throw () {

    virtual bool SAL_CALL schedule()
        return m_hThread && osl_scheduleThread(m_hThread);

    SAL_CALL operator oslThread() const
        return m_hThread;


    /** The thread functions calls the protected functions
        run and onTerminated.
    friend void SAL_CALL threadFunc( void* param);

    virtual void SAL_CALL run() = 0;

    virtual void SAL_CALL onTerminated()

    oslThread m_hThread;

extern "C" inline void SAL_CALL threadFunc( void* param)
        Thread* pObj= static_cast<Thread*>(param);

class ThreadData
    ThreadData( const ThreadData& ) SAL_DELETED_FUNCTION;
    ThreadData& operator= (const ThreadData& ) SAL_DELETED_FUNCTION;
     /// Create a thread specific local data key
    ThreadData( oslThreadKeyCallbackFunction pCallback= NULL )
        m_hKey = osl_createThreadKey( pCallback );

    /// Destroy a thread specific local data key

    /** Set the data associated with the data key.
        @returns True if operation was successful
    bool SAL_CALL setData(void *pData)
           return osl_setThreadKeyData(m_hKey, pData);

    /** Get the data associated with the data key.
        @returns The data associated with the data key or
        NULL if no data was set
    void* SAL_CALL getData()
           return osl_getThreadKeyData(m_hKey);

    operator oslThreadKey() const
        return m_hKey;

    oslThreadKey m_hKey;

} // end namespace osl


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