/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.


#include <sal/config.h>

#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>

#include <sal/types.h>

// The unittest uses slightly different code to help check that the proper
// calls are made. The class is put into a different namespace to make
// sure the compiler generates a different (if generating also non-inline)
// copy of the function and does not merge them together. The class
// is "brought" into the proper rtl namespace by a typedef below.
#define rtl rtlunittest

namespace rtl

#undef rtl

/// @cond INTERNAL

/** A simple wrapper around an ASCII character literal.

    Can be useful to pass a char constant with ASCII value into a
    OUString-related function that is optimized for ASCII string literal
    arguments.  That is, instead of

      char const WILDCARD = '%';
      if (s[i] == WILDCARD) ...
      if (s.endsWith(OUString(WILDCARD))) ...


      char const WILDCARD = '%';
      if (s[i] == WILDCARD) ...
      if (s.endsWith(OUStringLiteral1<WILDCARD>())) ...

    to avoid creating a temporary OUString instance, and instead pick the
    endsWith overload actually designed to take an argument of type
    char const[N].

    Instances of OUStringLiteral1 need to be const, as those literal-optimized
    functions take the literal argument by non-const lvalue reference, for
    technical reasons.  Except with MSVC, at least up to Visual Studio 2013:
    For one, it fails to take that const-ness into account when trying to match
    "OUStringLiteral1_<C> const" against T in a "T & literal" parameter of a
    function template.  But for another, as a language extension, it allows to
    bind non-const temporary OUStringLiteral1_ instances to non-const lvalue
    references, but also with a warning that thus needs to be disabled.

    @since LibreOffice 5.0
template<char C> struct SAL_WARN_UNUSED OUStringLiteral1_ {
        static_cast<unsigned char>(C) < 0x80,
        "non-ASCII character in OUStringLiteral1");
    char const c = C;
#if defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER <= 1900 && !defined __clang__
    // Visual Studio 2015
template<char C> using OUStringLiteral1 = OUStringLiteral1_<C>;
#pragma warning(disable: 4239)
template<char C> using OUStringLiteral1 = OUStringLiteral1_<C> const;

/// @endcond

namespace libreoffice_internal
These templates use SFINAE (Substitution failure is not an error) to help distinguish the various
plain C string types: char*, const char*, char[N], const char[N], char[] and const char[].
There are 2 cases:
1) Only string literal (i.e. const char[N]) is wanted, not any of the others.
    In this case it is necessary to distinguish between const char[N] and char[N], as the latter
    would be automatically converted to the const variant, which is not wanted (not a string literal
    with known size of the content). In this case ConstCharArrayDetector is used to ensure the function
    is called only with const char[N] arguments. There's no other plain C string type overload.
2) All plain C string types are wanted, and const char[N] needs to be handled differently.
    In this case const char[N] would match const char* argument type (not exactly sure why, but it's
    consistent in all of gcc, clang and msvc). Using a template with a reference to const of the type
    avoids this problem, and CharPtrDetector ensures that the function is called only with char pointer
    arguments. The const in the argument is necessary to handle the case when something is explicitly
    cast to const char*. Additionally (non-const) char[N] needs to be handled, but with the reference
    being const, it would also match const char[N], so another overload with a reference to non-const
    and NonConstCharArrayDetector are used to ensure the function is called only with (non-const) char[N].
Additionally, char[] and const char[] (i.e. size unknown) are rather tricky. Their usage with 'T&' would
mean it would be 'char(&)[]', which seems to be invalid. But gcc and clang somehow manage when it is
a template. while msvc complains about no conversion from char[] to char[1]. And the reference cannot
be avoided, because 'const char[]' as argument type would match also 'const char[N]'
So char[] and const char[] should always be used with their contents specified (which automatically
turns them into char[N] or const char[N]), or char* and const char* should be used.
struct Dummy {};
template< typename T1, typename T2 = void >
struct CharPtrDetector
    static const bool ok = false;
template< typename T >
struct CharPtrDetector< const char*, T >
    typedef T Type;
    static const bool ok = true;
template< typename T >
struct CharPtrDetector< char*, T >
    typedef T Type;
    static const bool ok = true;

template< typename T1, typename T2 >
struct NonConstCharArrayDetector
template< typename T, int N >
struct NonConstCharArrayDetector< char[ N ], T >
    typedef T Type;
// never use, until all compilers handle this
template< typename T >
struct NonConstCharArrayDetector< char[], T >
    typedef T Type;
template< typename T >
struct NonConstCharArrayDetector< const char[], T >
    typedef T Type;

template< typename T1, typename T2 = void >
struct ConstCharArrayDetector
    static const bool ok = false;
template< std::size_t N, typename T >
struct ConstCharArrayDetector< const char[ N ], T >
    typedef T Type;
    static const std::size_t length = N - 1;
    static const bool ok = true;
    static bool isValid(char const (& literal)[N])
    { return std::strlen(literal) == length; }
    static char const * toPointer(char const (& literal)[N]) { return literal; }
template<char C, typename T> struct ConstCharArrayDetector<
#if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ <= 8 \
        && !defined __clang__
    OUStringLiteral1_<C> const,
    typedef T Type;
    static const std::size_t length = 1;
    static const bool ok = true;
    static bool isValid(OUStringLiteral1_<C>) { return true; }
    static char const * toPointer(OUStringLiteral1_<C> const & literal)
    { return &literal.c; }

// this one is used to rule out only const char[N]
template< typename T >
struct ExceptConstCharArrayDetector
    typedef Dummy Type;
template< int N >
struct ExceptConstCharArrayDetector< const char[ N ] >
// this one is used to rule out only const char[N]
// (const will be brought in by 'const T&' in the function call)
// msvc needs const char[N] here (not sure whether gcc or msvc
// are right, it doesn't matter).
template< typename T >
struct ExceptCharArrayDetector
    typedef Dummy Type;
template< int N >
struct ExceptCharArrayDetector< char[ N ] >
template< int N >
struct ExceptCharArrayDetector< const char[ N ] >
#if defined LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY && defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER <= 1900
    // Visual Studio 2015
template<char C> struct ExceptCharArrayDetector<OUStringLiteral1<C>> {};

template< typename T1, typename T2 = void >
struct SalUnicodePtrDetector
    static const bool ok = false;
template< typename T >
struct SalUnicodePtrDetector< const sal_Unicode*, T >
    typedef T Type;
    static const bool ok = true;
template< typename T >
struct SalUnicodePtrDetector< sal_Unicode*, T >
    typedef T Type;
    static const bool ok = true;

// SFINAE helper class
template< typename T, bool >
struct Enable

template< typename T >
struct Enable< T, true >
    typedef T Type;

} /* Namespace */

} /* Namespace */


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