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#include <sal/types.h>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <osl/module.h>
#include <salhelper/salhelperdllapi.h>

namespace salhelper

/** The ORealDynamicLoader is an implementation helper class for the template loader ODynamicLoader.
class SALHELPER_DLLPUBLIC ORealDynamicLoader
    /** initializes the loader, loads the library and call the initialization function.

        @param ppSetToZeroInDestructor points to the loader instance which must be set to NULL
                                       if the loader will be destroyed.
        @param strModuleName specifies the library name.
        @param strInitFunction specifies the name of the initialization function.
    static ORealDynamicLoader* SAL_CALL newInstance(
            ORealDynamicLoader ** ppSetToZeroInDestructor,
            const ::rtl::OUString& strModuleName,
            const ::rtl::OUString& strInitFunction );

    /// increase the reference count.
    sal_uInt32 SAL_CALL acquire();
    /// decrease the reference count and delete the last instance.
    sal_uInt32 SAL_CALL release();

    /// returns a poiner to the initialized API function structure.
    void* SAL_CALL getApi() const;

    /** Constructor.

        @param ppSetToZeroInDestructor points to the loader instance which must be set to NULL
                                       if the loader will be destroyed.
        @param strModuleName specifies the library name.
        @param strInitFunction specifies the name of the initialization function.
        @param pApi points to a structure with the initialized API function pointers.
        @param pModule points to the loaded library handle.
    ORealDynamicLoader( ORealDynamicLoader ** ppSetToZeroInDestructor,
                        const ::rtl::OUString& strModuleName,
                        const ::rtl::OUString& strInitFunction,
                        void* pApi,
                        oslModule pModule );

    /// Destructor, try to unload the library.
    virtual ~ORealDynamicLoader();

    /// points to  the structure with the initialzed API function pointers.
    void*                   m_pApi;
    /// stores the reference count.
    sal_uInt32              m_refCount;
    /// stores the library handle.
    oslModule               m_pModule;
    /// stores the library name.
    ::rtl::OUString         m_strModuleName;
    /// stores the name of the initialization function.
    ::rtl::OUString         m_strInitFunction;
    /** stores a pointer to itself, which must be reset in the destructor to signal
        that the loader is invalid.
    ORealDynamicLoader **   ppSetToZeroInDestructor;

/** The ODynmaicLoader provides a special load on call mechanism for dynamic libraries
    which support a C-API.

    The libraries must provide a struct with function pointers for all supported C functions.
    The loader loads the specified library and call the specified initialization function
    to initialize the function pointers with the real functions. Furthermore provides the
    loader a reference counter for the library. When the last instance of the laoder will
    be destroyed the loader will unload the library.

    Do not use.
template<class API>
class ODynamicLoader
    /// Default constructor
        m_pLoader = NULL;

    /** Constructor, loads the library if necessary otherwise the refernece count will
        be increased.

        @param strModuleName specifies the library name.
        @param strInitFunction specifies the name of the initialization function.
    ODynamicLoader( const ::rtl::OUString& strModuleName,
                       const ::rtl::OUString& strInitFunction )
        if (!m_pStaticLoader)
            m_pStaticLoader = ORealDynamicLoader::newInstance(

        m_pLoader = m_pStaticLoader;

    /// Copy constructor
    ODynamicLoader(const ODynamicLoader<API>& toCopy)
        m_pLoader = toCopy.m_pLoader;
        if( m_pLoader )

    /// Destructor, decrease the reference count and unload the library if it is tha last instance.
        if( m_pLoader )
            if (m_pLoader->release()==0)
                m_pStaticLoader = NULL;

    /// Assign operator
    ODynamicLoader<API>& SAL_CALL operator = (const ODynamicLoader<API>& toAssign)
        if( m_pLoader != toAssign.m_pLoader )
            if( toAssign.m_pLoader )
            if( m_pLoader )
            m_pLoader = toAssign.m_pLoader;

        return (*this);

    /// returns a poiner to the initialized API function structure.
    API* SAL_CALL getApi() const
        return static_cast<API*>(m_pLoader->getApi());

    /// cast operator, which cast to a pointer with the initialized API function structure.
    API* SAL_CALL operator->() const
        return static_cast<API*>(m_pLoader->getApi());

    /// checks if the loader works on a loaded and initialized library.
    bool SAL_CALL isLoaded() const
        return (m_pLoader != NULL);

    /// stores the real loader helper instance
    static ORealDynamicLoader*  m_pStaticLoader;
    ORealDynamicLoader*         m_pLoader;

template<class API>
ORealDynamicLoader* ODynamicLoader<API>::m_pStaticLoader = NULL;



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