/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include "sfx2/dllapi.h"
#include "sfx2/dockwin.hxx"

#include <vcl/toolbox.hxx>
#include <tools/svborder.hxx>

namespace sfx2

    //= TitledDockingWindow
    class SFX2_DLLPUBLIC TitledDockingWindow : public SfxDockingWindow
            SfxBindings* i_pBindings, SfxChildWindow* i_pChildWindow,
            Window* i_pParent, WinBits i_nStyle = 0

        TitledDockingWindow( SfxBindings* i_pBindings, SfxChildWindow* i_pChildWindow,
            Window* i_pParent, const ResId& i_rResId

        virtual ~TitledDockingWindow();

        /** sets a title to be displayed in the docking window
        void        SetTitle( const OUString& i_rTitle );

        /** adds a drop down item to the toolbox. Usually, this is used to add some kind of menu to the toolbox.

            @param i_rItemText
                the text to display for the item
            @param i_nHelpId
                the help ID for the new toolbox item
            @param i_rCallback
                the callback to invoke when the drop item has been clicked
                the ID of the newly created toolbox item
        sal_uInt16  AddDropDownToolBoxItem( const OUString& i_rItemText, const OString& i_nHelpId, const Link& i_rCallback )
            return impl_addDropDownToolBoxItem( i_rItemText, i_nHelpId, i_rCallback );

        void        SetEndDockingHdl( const Link& i_rEndDockingHdl ) { m_aEndDockingHdl = i_rEndDockingHdl; }
        const Link& GetEndDockingHdl() const { return m_aEndDockingHdl; }

        /** resets the toolbox. Upon return, the only item in the toolbox is the closer.
        void    ResetToolBox()

        /** returns the content window, which is to be used as parent window for any content to be displayed
            in the docking window.
        ::Window&       GetContentWindow()          { return m_aContentWindow; }
        const ::Window& GetContentWindow() const    { return m_aContentWindow; }

        ToolBox&        GetToolBox()        { return m_aToolbox; }
        const ToolBox&  GetToolBox() const  { return m_aToolbox; }

        /** Return the border that is painted around the inner window as
        SvBorder        GetDecorationBorder (void) const  { return m_aBorder; }

        // Window overridables
        virtual void Paint( const Rectangle& i_rArea );
        virtual void Resize();
        virtual void StateChanged( StateChangedType i_nType );
        virtual void DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& i_rDataChangedEvent );
        virtual void SetText( const OUString& i_rText );

        // DockingWindow overridables
        void EndDocking( const Rectangle& rRect, sal_Bool bFloatMode );

        // own overridables
        virtual void onLayoutDone();

        /** internal version of ResetToolBox
        void    impl_resetToolBox();

        /** internal version of AddDropDownToolBoxItem
        sal_uInt16  impl_addDropDownToolBoxItem( const OUString& i_rItemText, const OString& i_nHelpId, const Link& i_rCallback );

        /** returns the current title.

            If no title has been set via SetTitle, then the window text (Window::GetText) is returned.
        OUString  impl_getTitle() const;

        DECL_LINK( OnToolboxItemSelected, ToolBox* );

        void    impl_construct();
        void    impl_layout();
        void    impl_scheduleLayout();

        OUString            m_sTitle;
        ToolBox             m_aToolbox;
        Window              m_aContentWindow;

        Link                m_aEndDockingHdl;

        /** The border that is painted arround the inner window.  The bevel
            shadow lines are part of the border, so where the border is 0 no
            such line is painted.
        SvBorder            m_aBorder;

        /** Remember that a layout is pending, i.e. Resize() has been called
            since the last Paint().
        bool                m_bLayoutPending;

        /** Height of the title bar.  Calculated in impl_layout().
        int                 m_nTitleBarHeight;


} // namespace sfx2


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