/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #ifndef INCLUDED_SFX2_VIEWSH_HXX #define INCLUDED_SFX2_VIEWSH_HXX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class SfxTabPage; class SfxBaseController; class Fraction; namespace weld { class Container; class DialogController; class Window; } class KeyEvent; class SvBorder; class SdrView; class SfxModule; class SfxViewFrame; class Printer; class SfxPrinter; class NotifyEvent; class SfxInPlaceClient; class SfxLokCallbackInterface; class LOKDocumentFocusListener; class SfxStoringHelper; class VCLXPopupMenu; namespace rtl { class OStringBuffer; } namespace vcl { class PrinterController; } namespace com::sun::star::beans { struct PropertyValue; } namespace com::sun::star::datatransfer::clipboard { class XClipboardListener; } namespace com::sun::star::datatransfer::clipboard { class XClipboardNotifier; } namespace com::sun::star::embed { class XEmbeddedObject; } namespace com::sun::star::frame { class XController; } namespace com::sun::star::frame { class XModel; } namespace com::sun::star::ui { class XContextMenuInterceptor; } namespace com::sun::star::ui { struct ContextMenuExecuteEvent; } namespace com::sun::star::view { class XRenderable; } namespace com::sun::star::security { class XCertificate; } namespace svtools { enum ColorConfigEntry : int; } namespace svl::crypto { class CertificateOrName; } enum class SfxPrinterChangeFlags { NONE = 0, PRINTER = 1, // without JOB SETUP => Temporary JOBSETUP = 2, OPTIONS = 4, CHG_ORIENTATION = 8, CHG_SIZE = 16 }; namespace o3tl { template<> struct typed_flags : is_typed_flags {}; } #define SFX_PRINTER_ALL (SfxPrinterChangeFlags::PRINTER | SfxPrinterChangeFlags::JOBSETUP | SfxPrinterChangeFlags::OPTIONS | SfxPrinterChangeFlags::CHG_ORIENTATION | SfxPrinterChangeFlags::CHG_SIZE) #define SFX_PRINTERROR_BUSY 1 // "Verified" using www.apple.com and Netscape 3.01 #define DEFAULT_MARGIN_WIDTH 8 #define DEFAULT_MARGIN_HEIGHT 12 // @[SfxViewShell-Flags] enum class SfxViewShellFlags { NONE = 0x0000, HAS_PRINTOPTIONS = 0x0010, /* Options-Button and Options-Dialog in PrintDialog */ NO_NEWWINDOW = 0x0100, /* Allow N View */ }; namespace o3tl { template<> struct typed_flags : is_typed_flags {}; } /* [Description] The SfxViewShell flags control the behavior of SfxViewShell for the duration of its lifetime. They are defined in the constructor of . */ enum class LOKDeviceFormFactor { UNKNOWN = 0, DESKTOP = 1, TABLET = 2, MOBILE = 3 }; class SfxViewFactory; #define SFX_DECL_VIEWFACTORY(Class) \ private: \ static SfxViewFactory *s_pFactory; \ public: \ static SfxViewShell *CreateInstance(SfxViewFrame& rFrame, SfxViewShell *pOldView); \ static void RegisterFactory( SfxInterfaceId nPrio ); \ static SfxViewFactory*Factory() { return s_pFactory; } \ static void InitFactory() #define SFX_IMPL_NAMED_VIEWFACTORY(Class, AsciiViewName) \ SfxViewFactory* Class::s_pFactory; \ SfxViewShell* Class::CreateInstance(SfxViewFrame& rFrame, SfxViewShell *pOldView) \ { return new Class(rFrame, pOldView); } \ void Class::RegisterFactory( SfxInterfaceId nPrio ) \ { \ s_pFactory = new SfxViewFactory(&CreateInstance,nPrio,AsciiViewName);\ InitFactory(); \ } \ void Class::InitFactory() #define SFX_VIEW_REGISTRATION(DocClass) \ DocClass::Factory().RegisterViewFactory( *Factory() ) template bool checkSfxViewShell(const SfxViewShell& pShell) { return dynamic_cast(&pShell) != nullptr; } typedef std::unordered_map> StylesHighlighterColorMap; /** * One SfxViewShell more or less represents one edit window for a document, there can be multiple * ones for a single opened document (SfxObjectShell). */ class SFX2_DLLPUBLIC SfxViewShell: public SfxShell, public SfxListener, public OutlinerViewShell, public vcl::ILibreOfficeKitNotifier { friend class SfxViewFrame; friend class SfxBaseController; friend class SfxPrinterController; std::unique_ptr pImpl; SfxViewFrame& rFrame; VclPtr pWindow; bool bNoNewWindow; bool mbPrinterSettingsModified; LanguageTag maLOKLanguageTag; LanguageTag maLOKLocale; LOKDeviceFormFactor maLOKDeviceFormFactor; bool mbLOKAccessibilityEnabled; rtl::Reference mpLOKDocumentFocusListener; std::unordered_set mvLOKBlockedCommandList; OUString maLOKTimezone; bool maLOKIsTimezoneSet; /// Used to set the DocId at construction time. See SetCurrentDocId. static ViewShellDocId mnCurrentDocId; /// Used for async export std::shared_ptr m_xHelper; StylesHighlighterColorMap ParaStylesColorMap; StylesHighlighterColorMap CharStylesColorMap; protected: virtual void Activate(bool IsMDIActivate) override; virtual void Deactivate(bool IsMDIActivate) override; virtual void InnerResizePixel( const Point &rOfs, const Size &rSize, bool inplaceEditModeChange ); virtual void OuterResizePixel( const Point &rOfs, const Size &rSize ); virtual void SetZoomFactor( const Fraction &rZoomX, const Fraction &rZoomY ); virtual void Move(); virtual void Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint ) override; public: // Iteration SAL_RET_MAYBENULL static SfxViewShell* GetFirst( bool bOnlyVisible = true, const std::function& isViewShell = nullptr ); SAL_RET_MAYBENULL static SfxViewShell* GetNext( const SfxViewShell& rPrev, bool bOnlyVisible = true, const std::function& isViewShell = nullptr ); SAL_RET_MAYBENULL static SfxViewShell* Current(); SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static bool IsCurrentLokViewReadOnly(); SAL_RET_MAYBENULL static SfxViewShell* Get( const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XController>& i_rController ); // Initialize Constructors/Destructors SFX_DECL_INTERFACE(SFX_INTERFACE_SFXVIEWSH) private: /// SfxInterface initializer. static void InitInterface_Impl(); LOKDocumentFocusListener& GetLOKDocumentFocusListener(); const LOKDocumentFocusListener& GetLOKDocumentFocusListener() const; bool lokReadOnlyView = false; // When true, this is a LOK readonly view. bool allowChangeComments = false; // When true, user can edit comments in readonly view mode. public: SfxViewShell( SfxViewFrame& rFrame, SfxViewShellFlags nFlags ); virtual ~SfxViewShell() override; /// Informs the view shell that it'll be deleted before the main loop processes the next user /// input. virtual void SetDying() {} SfxInPlaceClient* GetIPClient() const; SfxInPlaceClient* GetUIActiveClient() const; SfxInPlaceClient* FindIPClient( const css::uno::Reference < css::embed::XEmbeddedObject >& xObj, vcl::Window *pObjParentWin ) const; virtual ErrCode DoVerb(sal_Int32 nVerb); void OutplaceActivated( bool bActive ); virtual void UIActivating( SfxInPlaceClient* pClient ); virtual void UIDeactivated( SfxInPlaceClient* pClient ); void JumpToMark( const OUString& rMark ); void VisAreaChanged(); void SetLokReadOnlyView(bool readOnlyView) { lokReadOnlyView = readOnlyView; }; bool IsLokReadOnlyView() const { return lokReadOnlyView; }; void SetAllowChangeComments(bool allow) { allowChangeComments = allow; } bool IsAllowChangeComments() { return allowChangeComments; } // Misc /** * Initialize is called after the frame has been loaded and the controller * has been set. By the time this is called the document has been fully * imported. * @param bOnlyASample used by some dialogs to avoid constructing monster strings e.g. in calc */ virtual bool PrepareClose( bool bUI = true ); virtual OUString GetSelectionText( bool bCompleteWords = false, bool bOnlyASample = false ); virtual bool HasSelection( bool bText = true ) const; virtual SdrView* GetDrawView() const; void AddSubShell( SfxShell& rShell ); void RemoveSubShell( SfxShell *pShell=nullptr ); SfxShell* GetSubShell( sal_uInt16 ); virtual SfxShell* GetFormShell() { return nullptr; }; virtual const SfxShell* GetFormShell() const { return nullptr; }; // ILibreOfficeKitNotifier virtual void notifyWindow(vcl::LOKWindowId nLOKWindowId, const OUString& rAction, const std::vector& rPayload = std::vector()) const override; virtual OString dumpNotifyState() const override; // Focus, KeyInput, Cursor virtual void ShowCursor( bool bOn = true ); virtual bool KeyInput( const KeyEvent &rKeyEvent ); bool Escape(); // Viewing Interface vcl::Window* GetWindow() const { return pWindow; } weld::Window* GetFrameWeld() const; void SetWindow( vcl::Window *pViewPort ); const SvBorder& GetBorderPixel() const; void SetBorderPixel( const SvBorder &rBorder ); void InvalidateBorder(); /* [Description] This method returns a reference to the Instance in which this SfxViewShell is displayed. This is the instance that was passed on in the constructor. It is guaranteed that the returned reference is a valid SfxViewFrame instance. [Cross-reference] */ SfxViewFrame& GetViewFrame() const { return rFrame; } // Printing Interface virtual SfxPrinter* GetPrinter( bool bCreate = false ); virtual sal_uInt16 SetPrinter( SfxPrinter *pNewPrinter, SfxPrinterChangeFlags nDiffFlags = SFX_PRINTER_ALL ); virtual bool HasPrintOptionsPage() const; virtual std::unique_ptr CreatePrintOptionsPage(weld::Container* pPage, weld::DialogController* pController, const SfxItemSet &rOptions); Printer* GetActivePrinter() const; // Working set virtual void WriteUserData( OUString&, bool bBrowse = false ); virtual void ReadUserData( const OUString&, bool bBrowse = false ); virtual void WriteUserDataSequence ( css::uno::Sequence < css::beans::PropertyValue >& ); virtual void ReadUserDataSequence ( const css::uno::Sequence < css::beans::PropertyValue >& ); virtual void QueryObjAreaPixel( tools::Rectangle& rRect ) const; virtual SfxObjectShell* GetObjectShell() override; /** retrieves the document which shall be considered the "current document" when the frame is active The default implementation simply returns the XModel of the associated SfxObjectShell. You will rarely need to overwrite this behavior. */ virtual css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XModel > GetCurrentDocument() const; /** forwards the current document, as returned by ->GetCurrentDocument, to SfxObjectShell::SetWorkingDocument */ void SetCurrentDocument() const; /** get an XRenderable instance that can render this document */ virtual css::uno::Reference< css::view::XRenderable > GetRenderable(); virtual void MarginChanged(); const Size& GetMargin() const; void SetMargin( const Size& ); void DisconnectAllClients(); bool NewWindowAllowed() const { return !bNoNewWindow; } void SetNewWindowAllowed( bool bSet ) { bNoNewWindow = !bSet; } void SetController( SfxBaseController* pController ); css::uno::Reference GetController() const; bool TryContextMenuInterception(const rtl::Reference& rIn, const OUString& rMenuIdentifier, rtl::Reference& rOut, css::ui::ContextMenuExecuteEvent aEvent); bool TryContextMenuInterception(const rtl::Reference&, const OUString& rMenuIdentifier, css::ui::ContextMenuExecuteEvent aEvent); void ExecPrint( const css::uno::Sequence < css::beans::PropertyValue >&, bool, bool ); // Like ExecPrint(), but only sets up for printing. Use Printer::ExecutePrintJob() and Printer::FinishPrintJob() afterwards. void StartPrint( const css::uno::Sequence < css::beans::PropertyValue >&, bool, bool ); const std::shared_ptr< vcl::PrinterController >& GetPrinterController() const; void AddRemoveClipboardListener( const css::uno::Reference < css::datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardListener>&, bool ); css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardNotifier > GetClipboardNotifier() const; SAL_DLLPRIVATE SfxInPlaceClient* GetUIActiveIPClient_Impl() const; SAL_DLLPRIVATE void AddContextMenuInterceptor_Impl( const css::uno::Reference < css::ui::XContextMenuInterceptor >& xInterceptor ); SAL_DLLPRIVATE void RemoveContextMenuInterceptor_Impl( const css::uno::Reference < css::ui::XContextMenuInterceptor >& xInterceptor ); SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool GlobalKeyInput_Impl( const KeyEvent &rKeyEvent ); SAL_DLLPRIVATE void NewIPClient_Impl( SfxInPlaceClient *pIPClient ); SAL_DLLPRIVATE void IPClientGone_Impl( SfxInPlaceClient const *pIPClient ); SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ResetAllClients_Impl( SfxInPlaceClient const *pIP ); SAL_DLLPRIVATE void SetPrinter_Impl( VclPtr& pNewPrinter ); SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool HandleNotifyEvent_Impl( NotifyEvent const & rEvent ); SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool HasKeyListeners_Impl() const; SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool HasMouseClickListeners_Impl() const; SAL_DLLPRIVATE SfxBaseController* GetBaseController_Impl() const; // Shell Interface SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ExecPrint_Impl(SfxRequest &); SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ExecMisc_Impl(SfxRequest &); SAL_DLLPRIVATE void GetState_Impl(SfxItemSet&); SAL_DLLPRIVATE void CheckIPClient_Impl(SfxInPlaceClient const *, const tools::Rectangle&); SAL_DLLPRIVATE void PushSubShells_Impl( bool bPush=true ); SAL_DLLPRIVATE void PopSubShells_Impl() { PushSubShells_Impl( false ); } SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool ExecKey_Impl(const KeyEvent& aKey); /// Set up a more efficient internal callback instead of LibreOfficeKitCallback. void setLibreOfficeKitViewCallback(SfxLokCallbackInterface* pCallback); SfxLokCallbackInterface* getLibreOfficeKitViewCallback() const; /// dump view state for diagnostics void dumpLibreOfficeKitViewState(rtl::OStringBuffer &rState); /// Invokes the registered callback, if there are any. virtual void libreOfficeKitViewCallback(int nType, const OString& pPayload) const override; virtual void libreOfficeKitViewCallbackWithViewId(int nType, const OString& pPayload, int nViewId) const override; virtual void libreOfficeKitViewInvalidateTilesCallback(const tools::Rectangle* pRect, int nPart, int nMode) const override; virtual void libreOfficeKitViewUpdatedCallback(int nType) const override; virtual void libreOfficeKitViewUpdatedCallbackPerViewId(int nType, int nViewId, int nSourceViewId) const override; // Performs any pending calls to libreOfficeKitViewInvalidateTilesCallback() as necessary. virtual void flushPendingLOKInvalidateTiles(); virtual void libreOfficeKitViewAddPendingInvalidateTiles() override; // Returns current payload for nType, after libreOfficeKitViewUpdatedCallback() or // libreOfficeKitViewUpdatedCallbackPerViewId() were called. If no payload should // be generated, the ignore flag should be set. virtual std::optional getLOKPayload(int nType, int nViewId) const; /// Set if we are doing tiled searching. void setTiledSearching(bool bTiledSearching); /// See lok::Document::getPart(). virtual int getPart() const; /// See lok::Document::getMode(). virtual int getEditMode() const; virtual void dumpAsXml(xmlTextWriterPtr pWriter) const; /// See OutlinerViewShell::GetViewShellId(). ViewShellId GetViewShellId() const override; /// Set the current DocId, which is used by Mobile LOKit to /// load multiple documents and yet identify the views of each. /// There are events that are fired while creating a new view, /// and if we don't have a DocId, we can't know which other views /// within the same document (if any) should get those events. /// By setting this static value, we are able to set the DocId /// of each SfxViewShell at construction time. static void SetCurrentDocId(ViewShellDocId nId); /// Get the DocId used by Mobile LOKit to load multiple documents. ViewShellDocId GetDocId() const override; /// ILibreOfficeKitNotifier. Emits a LOK_CALLBACK_INVALIDATE_TILES. virtual void notifyInvalidation(tools::Rectangle const *) const override; /// See OutlinerViewShell::NotifyOtherViews(). void NotifyOtherViews(int nType, const OString& rKey, const OString& rPayload) override; /// See OutlinerViewShell::NotifyOtherView(). void NotifyOtherView(OutlinerViewShell* pOtherShell, int nType, const OString& rKey, const OString& rPayload) override; /// Ask this view to send its cursor position to pViewShell. virtual void NotifyCursor(SfxViewShell* /*pViewShell*/) const; /// Where a new view can perform some update/initialization soon after the callback has been registered. virtual void afterCallbackRegistered(); /// See OutlinerViewShell::GetEditWindowForActiveOLEObj(). virtual vcl::Window* GetEditWindowForActiveOLEObj() const override; /// Get a color config color from this view virtual ::Color GetColorConfigColor(svtools::ColorConfigEntry nColorType) const; /// Set the LibreOfficeKit language of this view. void SetLOKLanguageTag(const OUString& rBcp47LanguageTag); /// Get the LibreOfficeKit language of this view. const LanguageTag& GetLOKLanguageTag() const { return maLOKLanguageTag; } /// Enable/Disable LibreOfficeKit AT support for this view. void SetLOKAccessibilityState(bool bEnabled); /// Get LibreOfficeKit AT support state for this view. bool GetLOKAccessibilityState() const { return mbLOKAccessibilityEnabled; } /// Get the LibreOfficeKit timezone of this view. See @SetLOKTimezone. std::pair GetLOKTimezone() const { return { maLOKIsTimezoneSet, maLOKTimezone }; } /// Set the LibreOfficeKit timezone of this view. /// @isSet true to use @rTimezone, even if it's empty. Otherwise, no timezone. /// @rTimezone the value to set (which could be empty). void SetLOKTimezone(bool isSet, const OUString& rTimezone) { maLOKIsTimezoneSet = isSet; maLOKTimezone = rTimezone; } /// Set the LibreOfficeKit locale of this view. void SetLOKLocale(const OUString& rBcp47LanguageTag); /// Get the LibreOfficeKit locale of this view. const LanguageTag& GetLOKLocale() const { return maLOKLocale; } /// Get the form factor of the device where the lok client is running. LOKDeviceFormFactor GetLOKDeviceFormFactor() const { return maLOKDeviceFormFactor; } /// Check if the lok client is running on a desktop machine. bool isLOKDesktop() const { return maLOKDeviceFormFactor == LOKDeviceFormFactor::DESKTOP; } /// Check if the lok client is running on a tablet. bool isLOKTablet() const { return maLOKDeviceFormFactor == LOKDeviceFormFactor::TABLET; } /// Check if the lok client is running on a mobile device. bool isLOKMobilePhone() const { return maLOKDeviceFormFactor == LOKDeviceFormFactor::MOBILE; } virtual tools::Rectangle getLOKVisibleArea() const { return tools::Rectangle(); } // Blocked Command view settings void setBlockedCommandList(const char* blockedCommandList); bool isBlockedCommand(const OUString & command) const; void SetStoringHelper(const std::shared_ptr& xHelper) { m_xHelper = xHelper; } StylesHighlighterColorMap& GetStylesHighlighterParaColorMap() { return ParaStylesColorMap; } StylesHighlighterColorMap& GetStylesHighlighterCharColorMap() { return CharStylesColorMap; } OUString getA11yFocusedParagraph() const; int getA11yCaretPosition() const; void SetSigningCertificate(const svl::crypto::CertificateOrName& rCertificateOrName); svl::crypto::CertificateOrName GetSigningCertificate() const; }; #endif // INCLUDED_SFX2_VIEWSH_HXX /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */