/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #pragma once #include <svl/svldllapi.h> #include <com/sun/star/i18n/XNumberFormatCode.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/uno/XComponentContext.hpp> #include <i18nlangtag/lang.h> #include <tools/link.hxx> #include <svl/nfkeytab.hxx> #include <svl/ondemand.hxx> #include <svl/zforlist.hxx> #include <unotools/charclass.hxx> #include <functional> #include <map> class Color; class ImpSvNumberformatScan; class ImpSvNumberInputScan; class SvNumberFormatterRegistry_Impl; class SvNumberFormatter; class NfCurrencyTable; class SVL_DLLPUBLIC SvNFLanguageData { public: SvNFLanguageData(const css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XComponentContext>& rxContext, LanguageType eLang, const SvNumberFormatter& rColorCallback); SvNFLanguageData(const SvNFLanguageData& rOther); ~SvNFLanguageData(); const css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XComponentContext>& GetComponentContext() const { return xContext; } // return the corresponding LocaleData wrapper const LocaleDataWrapper* GetLocaleData() const; // return the corresponding CharacterClassification wrapper const CharClass* GetCharClass() const; // return the corresponding Calendar wrapper CalendarWrapper* GetCalendar() const; // return corresponding Transliteration wrapper const ::utl::TransliterationWrapper* GetTransliteration() const; //! The following method is not to be used from outside but must be //! public for the InputScanner. // return the current FormatScanner const ImpSvNumberformatScan* GetFormatScanner() const; // return current (!) Locale const LanguageTag& GetLanguageTag() const; /// Get compatibility ("automatic" old style) currency from I18N locale data void GetCompatibilityCurrency(OUString& rSymbol, OUString& rAbbrev) const; // cached locale data items // return the corresponding decimal separator const OUString& GetNumDecimalSep() const; // return the corresponding decimal separator alternative const OUString& GetNumDecimalSepAlt() const; // return the corresponding group (AKA thousand) separator const OUString& GetNumThousandSep() const; // return the corresponding date separator const OUString& GetDateSep() const; // checks for decimal separator and optional alternative bool IsDecimalSep(std::u16string_view rStr) const; /// Return the decimal separator matching the given locale / LanguageType. OUString GetLangDecimalSep(LanguageType nLang); /// Change language/country, also input and format scanner void ChangeIntl(LanguageType eLnge); /** Set evaluation type and order of input date strings @see NfEvalDateFormat */ void SetEvalDateFormat(NfEvalDateFormat eEDF) { eEvalDateFormat = eEDF; } NfEvalDateFormat GetEvalDateFormat() const { return eEvalDateFormat; } struct InputScannerPrivateAccess { friend class ImpSvNumberInputScan; private: InputScannerPrivateAccess() {} }; /** Access for input scanner to temporarily (!) switch locales. */ OnDemandLocaleDataWrapper& GetOnDemandLocaleDataWrapper(const InputScannerPrivateAccess&) { return xLocaleData; } /** The language with which the formatter was initialized (system setting), NOT the current language after a ChangeIntl() */ LanguageType GetIniLanguage() const { return IniLnge; } LanguageType ImpResolveLanguage(LanguageType eLnge) const; /// Return the reference date const Date& GetNullDate() const; sal_uInt16 GetCurrencyFormatStrings(NfWSStringsDtor&, const NfCurrencyEntry&, bool bBank) const; void ChangeStandardPrec(short nPrec); sal_uInt16 ExpandTwoDigitYear(sal_uInt16 nYear) const; private: friend class SvNFEngine; friend class SvNFFormatData; friend class SvNumberFormatter; css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XComponentContext> xContext; const LanguageType IniLnge; // Initial language/country setting LanguageType ActLnge; // Current language/country setting LanguageTag aLanguageTag; OnDemandCharClass xCharClass; // CharacterClassification OnDemandLocaleDataWrapper xLocaleData; // LocaleData switched between SYSTEM, ENGLISH and other OnDemandTransliterationWrapper xTransliteration; // Transliteration loaded on demand OnDemandCalendarWrapper xCalendar; // Calendar loaded on demand std::unique_ptr<ImpSvNumberInputScan> pStringScanner; // Input string scanner std::unique_ptr<ImpSvNumberformatScan> pFormatScanner; // Format code string scanner // cached locale data items needed almost every time OUString aDecimalSep; OUString aDecimalSepAlt; OUString aThousandSep; OUString aDateSep; NfEvalDateFormat eEvalDateFormat; // DateFormat evaluation }; class SVL_DLLPUBLIC SvNFFormatData { public: typedef std::map<sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32> DefaultFormatKeysMap; private: typedef std::map<sal_uInt32, std::unique_ptr<SvNumberformat>> FormatEntryMap; FormatEntryMap aFTable; // Table of format keys to format entries DefaultFormatKeysMap aDefaultFormatKeys; // Table of default standard to format keys sal_uInt32 MaxCLOffset; // Max language/country offset used sal_uInt32 nDefaultSystemCurrencyFormat; // NewCurrency matching SYSTEM locale bool bNoZero; // Zero value suppression public: SvNFFormatData(); ~SvNFFormatData(); public: const SvNumberformat* GetFormatEntry(sal_uInt32 nKey) const; SvNumFormatType GetType(sal_uInt32 nFIndex) const; /// Whether format index nFIndex is of type text or not bool IsTextFormat(sal_uInt32 nFIndex) const; OUString GetCalcCellReturn(sal_uInt32 nFormat) const; /** Whether nFormat is of type css::util::NumberFormat::CURRENCY and the format code contains a new SYMBOLTYPE_CURRENCY and if so which one [$xxx-nnn]. If ppEntry is not NULL and exactly one entry is found, a [$xxx-nnn] is returned, even if the format code only contains [$xxx] ! */ bool GetNewCurrencySymbolString(sal_uInt32 nFormat, OUString& rSymbol, const NfCurrencyEntry** ppEntry, bool* pBank = nullptr) const; void MergeDefaultFormatKeys(const DefaultFormatKeysMap& rDefaultFormatKeys); private: SvNFFormatData(const SvNFFormatData&) = delete; SvNFFormatData& operator=(const SvNFFormatData&) = delete; friend class SvNFEngine; friend class SvNumberFormatter; // Obtain the format entry for a given key index. SVL_DLLPRIVATE SvNumberformat* GetFormatEntry(sal_uInt32 nKey); SVL_DLLPRIVATE SvNumberformat* GetEntry(sal_uInt32 nKey) const; /// Return whether zero suppression is switched on SVL_DLLPRIVATE bool GetNoZero() const { return bNoZero; } SVL_DLLPRIVATE void SetNoZero(bool bNZ) { bNoZero = bNZ; } SVL_DLLPRIVATE sal_uInt32 ImpIsEntry(std::u16string_view rString, sal_uInt32 nCLOffset, LanguageType eLnge) const; // Return CLOffset or (MaxCLOffset + SV_COUNTRY_LANGUAGE_OFFSET) if new language/country SVL_DLLPRIVATE sal_uInt32 ImpGetCLOffset(LanguageType eLnge) const; // Generate builtin formats provided by i18n behind CLOffset, // if bNoAdditionalFormats==false also generate additional i18n formats. SVL_DLLPRIVATE void ImpGenerateFormats(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, sal_uInt32 CLOffset, bool bNoAdditionalFormats); // Create builtin formats for language/country if necessary, return CLOffset SVL_DLLPRIVATE sal_uInt32 ImpGenerateCL(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, LanguageType eLnge); // Generate additional formats provided by i18n SVL_DLLPRIVATE void ImpGenerateAdditionalFormats( SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, sal_uInt32 CLOffset, css::uno::Reference<css::i18n::XNumberFormatCode> const& rNumberFormatCode, bool bAfterChangingSystemCL); // called by SvNumberFormatterRegistry_Impl::Notify if the default system currency changes SVL_DLLPRIVATE void ResetDefaultSystemCurrency(); SVL_DLLPRIVATE bool PutEntry(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, OUString& rString, sal_Int32& nCheckPos, SvNumFormatType& nType, sal_uInt32& nKey, LanguageType eLnge = LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW, bool bReplaceBooleanEquivalent = true); SVL_DLLPRIVATE SvNumberformat* ImpInsertFormat(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, const css::i18n::NumberFormatCode& rCode, sal_uInt32 nPos, bool bAfterChangingSystemCL = false, sal_Int16 nOrgIndex = 0); // Return the format index of the currency format of the current locale. // Format is created if not already present. SVL_DLLPRIVATE sal_uInt32 ImpGetDefaultCurrencyFormat(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, sal_uInt32 CLOffset, LanguageType eLnge); // Return the format index of the currency format of the system locale. // Format is created if not already present. SVL_DLLPRIVATE sal_uInt32 ImpGetDefaultSystemCurrencyFormat(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum); SVL_DLLPRIVATE sal_uInt32 FindCachedDefaultFormat(sal_uInt32 nSearch) const; SVL_DLLPRIVATE static sal_Int32 ImpGetFormatCodeIndex(const SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, css::uno::Sequence<css::i18n::NumberFormatCode>& rSeq, const NfIndexTableOffset nTabOff); SVL_DLLPRIVATE static void ImpAdjustFormatCodeDefault(const SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, css::i18n::NumberFormatCode* pFormatArr, sal_Int32 nCnt); }; class SVL_DLLPUBLIC SvNFEngine { public: typedef std::function<sal_uInt32(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, LanguageType eLnge)> GetCLOffset; typedef std::function<void(sal_uInt32 nSearch, sal_uInt32 nFormat)> CacheFormat; typedef std::function<sal_uInt32(sal_uInt32 nSearch)> FindFormat; typedef std::function<sal_uInt32(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, sal_uInt32 CLOffset, LanguageType eLnge)> GetDefaultCurrency; struct Accessor { GetCLOffset mGetCLOffset; CacheFormat mCacheFormat; FindFormat mFindFormat; GetDefaultCurrency mGetDefaultCurrency; }; static Accessor GetRWPolicy(SvNFFormatData& rFormatData); static Accessor GetROPolicy(const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, SvNFFormatData::DefaultFormatKeysMap& rFormatCache); static void ChangeIntl(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, LanguageType eLnge); static void ChangeNullDate(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, sal_uInt16 nDay, sal_uInt16 nMonth, sal_Int16 nYear); static sal_uInt32 GetFormatIndex(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const Accessor& rFuncs, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, NfIndexTableOffset nTabOff, LanguageType eLnge); static sal_uInt32 GetFormatForLanguageIfBuiltIn(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, const Accessor& rFunc, sal_uInt32 nFormat, LanguageType eLnge); static bool IsNumberFormat(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, const Accessor& rFunc, const OUString& sString, sal_uInt32& F_Index, double& fOutNumber, SvNumInputOptions eInputOptions = SvNumInputOptions::NONE); static sal_uInt32 GetStandardFormat(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, const Accessor& rFunc, SvNumFormatType eType, LanguageType eLnge); static sal_uInt32 GetStandardFormat(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, const Accessor& rFuncs, sal_uInt32 nFIndex, SvNumFormatType eType, LanguageType eLnge); static sal_uInt32 GetStandardFormat(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, const Accessor& rFuncs, double fNumber, sal_uInt32 nFIndex, SvNumFormatType eType, LanguageType eLnge); static sal_uInt32 GetStandardIndex(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, const Accessor& rFuncs, LanguageType eLnge = LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW); static sal_uInt32 GetTimeFormat(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, const Accessor& rFuncs, double fNumber, LanguageType eLnge, bool bForceDuration); /// Return the decimal separator matching the locale of the given format static OUString GetFormatDecimalSep(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, sal_uInt32 nFormat); /// Count of decimals static sal_uInt16 GetFormatPrecision(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, sal_uInt32 nFormat); static OUString GetInputLineString(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, const Accessor& rFuncs, const double& fOutNumber, sal_uInt32 nFIndex, bool bFiltering, bool bForceSystemLocale); static sal_uInt32 GetEditFormat(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, const Accessor& rFuncs, double fNumber, sal_uInt32 nFIndex, SvNumFormatType eType, const SvNumberformat* pFormat, LanguageType eForLocale); static void GetOutputString(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, const Accessor& rFuncs, const double& fOutNumber, sal_uInt32 nFIndex, OUString& sOutString, const Color** ppColor, bool bUseStarFormat); static void GetOutputString(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, const OUString& sString, sal_uInt32 nFIndex, OUString& sOutString, const Color** ppColor, bool bUseStarFormat); static bool GetPreviewString(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, const Accessor& rFuncs, const OUString& sFormatString, double fPreviewNumber, OUString& sOutString, const Color** ppColor, LanguageType eLnge, bool bUseStarFormat); static bool GetPreviewString(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, const Accessor& rFuncs, const OUString& sFormatString, const OUString& sPreviewString, OUString& sOutString, const Color** ppColor, LanguageType eLnge = LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW); static bool GetPreviewStringGuess(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, const Accessor& rFuncs, const OUString& sFormatString, double fPreviewNumber, OUString& sOutString, const Color** ppColor, LanguageType eLnge); static OUString GenerateFormat(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, const Accessor& rFuncs, sal_uInt32 nIndex, LanguageType eLnge, bool bThousand, bool IsRed, sal_uInt16 nPrecision, sal_uInt16 nLeadingZeros); private: static sal_uInt32 ImpGetDefaultFormat(const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, const Accessor& rFuncs, SvNumFormatType nType, sal_uInt32 CLOffset); static sal_uInt32 ImpGetDefaultFormat(const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, SvNumFormatType nType, sal_uInt32 CLOffset); static sal_uInt32 ImpGetStandardFormat(SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, const SvNFEngine::Accessor& rFuncs, SvNumFormatType eType, sal_uInt32 CLOffset, LanguageType eLnge); static sal_uInt32 DefaultCurrencyRW(SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, sal_uInt32 CLOffset, LanguageType eLnge); static sal_uInt32 DefaultCurrencyRO(const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, SvNFLanguageData&, const NativeNumberWrapper&, sal_uInt32 CLOffset, LanguageType eLnge); static sal_uInt32 GetCLOffsetRW(SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, SvNFLanguageData& rCurrentLanguage, const NativeNumberWrapper& rNatNum, LanguageType eLnge); static sal_uInt32 GetCLOffsetRO(const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, SvNFLanguageData&, const NativeNumberWrapper&, LanguageType eLnge); static void CacheFormatRW(SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, sal_uInt32 nSearch, sal_uInt32 nFormat); static void CacheFormatRO(SvNFFormatData::DefaultFormatKeysMap& rMap, sal_uInt32 nSearch, sal_uInt32 nFormat); static sal_uInt32 FindFormatRW(const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, sal_uInt32 nSearch); static sal_uInt32 FindFormatRO(const SvNFFormatData& rFormatData, const SvNFFormatData::DefaultFormatKeysMap& rMap, sal_uInt32 nSearch); }; /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */