/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <svtools/svtdllapi.h>
#include <vcl/ctrl.hxx>
#include <vcl/vclptr.hxx>
#include <tools/multisel.hxx>
#include <vcl/event.hxx>
#include <vcl/headbar.hxx>
#include <vcl/transfer.hxx>
#include <vcl/AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType.hxx>
#include <vcl/accessibletableprovider.hxx>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>

#include <limits.h>
#include <memory>
#include <o3tl/typed_flags_set.hxx>

class BrowserColumn;
class BrowserDataWin;
class BrowserHeader;
class ScrollBar;
class StatusBar;

namespace svt {
    class BrowseBoxImpl;

namespace utl {
    class AccessibleStateSetHelper;

namespace vcl {
    class IAccessibleFactory;


enum class BrowserMode
    NONE                 = 0x000000,
    COLUMNSELECTION      = 0x000001,
    MULTISELECTION       = 0x000002,
    KEEPHIGHLIGHT        = 0x000008,
    HLINES               = 0x000010,
    VLINES               = 0x000020,

    HIDESELECT           = 0x000100,
    HIDECURSOR           = 0x000200,

    NO_HSCROLL           = 0x000400,

    AUTO_VSCROLL         = 0x001000,
    AUTO_HSCROLL         = 0x002000,

    TRACKING_TIPS        = 0x004000,

    NO_VSCROLL           = 0x008000,

    HEADERBAR_NEW        = 0x040000,
    AUTOSIZE_LASTCOL     = 0x080000,

    CURSOR_WO_FOCUS      = 0x200000,
    // Allows a cursor which is shown even if the control does not have the focus. This does not affect other
    // situations which require to temporarily hide the cursor (such as scrolling).

namespace o3tl
    template<> struct typed_flags<BrowserMode> : is_typed_flags<BrowserMode, 0x2cf73b> {};

#define BROWSER_NONE                      0
#define BROWSER_SELECT                  720
#define BROWSER_SELECTDOWN              724
#define BROWSER_SELECTUP                725
#define BROWSER_CURSORDOWN              731
#define BROWSER_CURSORUP                732
#define BROWSER_CURSORLEFT              733
#define BROWSER_CURSORRIGHT             734
#define BROWSER_CURSORPAGEDOWN          735
#define BROWSER_CURSORPAGEUP            736
#define BROWSER_CURSORHOME              745
#define BROWSER_CURSOREND               746
#define BROWSER_SCROLLDOWN              751
#define BROWSER_SCROLLUP                752
#define BROWSER_SELECTHOME              753
#define BROWSER_SELECTEND               754
#define BROWSER_SELECTCOLUMN            755
#define BROWSER_MOVECOLUMNLEFT          756

class BrowseEvent
    VclPtr<vcl::Window>     pWin;
    long                    nRow;
    tools::Rectangle        aRect;
    sal_uInt16              nCol;
    sal_uInt16              nColId;

                        BrowseEvent( vcl::Window* pWindow,
                                     long nAbsRow,
                                     sal_uInt16 nColumn, sal_uInt16 nColumnId,
                                     const tools::Rectangle& rRect );

    vcl::Window*        GetWindow() const { return pWin; }
    long                GetRow() const { return nRow; }
    sal_uInt16          GetColumn() const { return nCol; }
    sal_uInt16          GetColumnId() const { return nColId; }
    const tools::Rectangle&    GetRect() const { return aRect; }

class BrowserMouseEvent: public MouseEvent, public BrowseEvent
    BrowserMouseEvent( BrowserDataWin* pWin, const MouseEvent& rEvt );
    BrowserMouseEvent( vcl::Window* pWin, const MouseEvent& rEvt,
                       long nAbsRow, sal_uInt16 nColumn, sal_uInt16 nColumnId,
                       const tools::Rectangle& rRect );

class BrowserAcceptDropEvent : public AcceptDropEvent, public BrowseEvent
    BrowserAcceptDropEvent( BrowserDataWin* pWin, const AcceptDropEvent& rEvt );

class BrowserExecuteDropEvent : public ExecuteDropEvent, public BrowseEvent
    BrowserExecuteDropEvent( BrowserDataWin* pWin, const ExecuteDropEvent& rEvt );

// The whole selection thingie in this class is somewhat... suspicious to me.
// some oddities:
// * method parameters named like members (and used in both semantics within the method!)
// * the multi selection flag is sometimes used as if it is for row selection, sometimes as if
//   it's for column selection, too (and sometimes in an even stranger way :)
// * it is not really defined like all these hundreds selection related flags/methods work together
//   and influence each other. I do not understand it very well, but this may be my fault :)
// * There is a GetColumnSelection, but it can't be used to determine the selected columns (at least
//   not without a const_cast)
// We should clearly define this somewhere in the future. Or, even better, we should re-implement this
// whole class, which is planned for a long time :)
// sorry for the ranting. could not resist

class SVT_DLLPUBLIC BrowseBox
        :public Control
        ,public DragSourceHelper
        ,public DropTargetHelper
        ,public vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider
    friend class BrowserDataWin;
    friend class ::svt::BrowseBoxImpl;

    static const sal_uInt16 HandleColumnId = 0;

    VclPtr<BrowserDataWin> pDataWin;       // window to display data rows
    VclPtr<ScrollBar>      pVScroll;       // vertical scrollbar
    VclPtr<ScrollBar>      aHScroll;       // horizontal scrollbar
    VclPtr<StatusBar>      aStatusBar;     // statusbar, just to measure its height

    long            nDataRowHeight; // height of a single data-row
    sal_uInt16      nTitleLines;    // number of lines in title row
    sal_uLong       nControlAreaWidth; // width of fixed area beneath hscroll
    bool            bColumnCursor;  // single columns and fields selectable
    bool            bMultiSelection;// allow multiple selected rows
    bool            bKeepHighlight; // don't hide selection on LoseFocus

    bool            bHLines;        // draw lines between rows
    bool            bVLines;        // draw lines between columns
    bool            bBootstrapped;  // child windows resized etc.
    long            nTopRow;        // no. of first visible row (0...)
    long            nCurRow;        // no. of row with cursor
    long            nRowCount;      // total number of rows in model
    sal_uInt16      nFirstCol;      // no. of first visible scrollable column
    sal_uInt16      nCurColId;      // column id of cursor

    bool            bSelecting;
    bool            bRowDividerDrag;
    bool            bHit;
    bool            mbInteractiveRowHeight;

    long            nResizeX;       // mouse position at start of resizing
    long            nMinResizeX;    // never drag more left
    long            nDragX;         // last dragged column (MouseMove)
    sal_uInt16      nResizeCol;     // resize this column in MouseMove
    bool            bResizing;      // mouse captured for column resizing

    bool            bSelect;        /// select or deselect
    bool            bSelectionIsVisible; // depending on focus
    bool            bScrolling;     // hidden cursor while scrolling
    bool            bNotToggleSel;  // set while in ToggleSelection() etc.
    bool            bHasFocus;      // set/unset in Get/LoseFocus
    bool            bHideSelect;    // hide selection (highlight)
    TriState        bHideCursor;    // hide cursor (frame)
    Range           aSelRange;      // for selection expansion

    ::std::vector< std::unique_ptr<BrowserColumn> > mvCols; // array of column-descriptions
        MultiSelection* pSel;       // selected rows for multi-selection
        long            nSel;       // selected row for single-selection
    }               uRow;
    std::unique_ptr<MultiSelection> pColSel; // selected column-ids

    // fdo#83943, detect if making the cursor position visible is impossible to achieve
    struct CursorMoveAttempt
        long m_nCol;
        long m_nRow;
        bool m_bScrolledToReachCell;
        CursorMoveAttempt(long nCol, long nRow, bool bScrolledToReachCell)
            : m_nCol(nCol)
            , m_nRow(nRow)
            , m_bScrolledToReachCell(bScrolledToReachCell)
        bool operator==(const CursorMoveAttempt& r) const
            return m_nCol == r.m_nCol &&
                   m_nRow == r.m_nRow &&
                   m_bScrolledToReachCell == r.m_bScrolledToReachCell;
        bool operator!=(const CursorMoveAttempt& r) const { return !(*this == r); }

    ::std::unique_ptr< ::svt::BrowseBoxImpl >  m_pImpl;       // impl structure of the BrowseBox object

    bool            m_bFocusOnlyCursor; // hide cursor if we don't have the focus
    Color           m_aCursorColor;     // special color for cursor, COL_TRANSPARENT for usual (VCL-painted) "inverted" cursor
    BrowserMode     m_nCurrentMode;     // last argument of SetMode (redundant, as our other members represent the current settings, too)

    SVT_DLLPRIVATE void            ConstructImpl(BrowserMode nMode);
    SVT_DLLPRIVATE void            ExpandRowSelection( const BrowserMouseEvent& rEvt );
    SVT_DLLPRIVATE void            ToggleSelection();

    SVT_DLLPRIVATE void            UpdateScrollbars();
    SVT_DLLPRIVATE void            AutoSizeLastColumn();

    SVT_DLLPRIVATE long            ImpGetDataRowHeight() const;
    SVT_DLLPRIVATE tools::Rectangle       ImplFieldRectPixel( long nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId ) const;
    SVT_DLLPRIVATE sal_uInt16      FrozenColCount() const;

    SVT_DLLPRIVATE void            ColumnInserted( sal_uInt16 nPos );

    DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(    ScrollHdl, ScrollBar*, void );
    DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(    StartDragHdl, HeaderBar*, void );

    SVT_DLLPRIVATE long GetFrozenWidth() const;

    SVT_DLLPRIVATE long GetBarHeight() const;

    bool            GoToRow(long nRow, bool bRowColMove, bool bDoNotModifySelection = false );

    bool            GoToColumnId( sal_uInt16 nColId, bool bMakeVisible, bool bRowColMove = false);
    void            SelectColumnPos( sal_uInt16 nCol, bool _bSelect, bool bMakeVisible);

    void            ImplPaintData(OutputDevice& _rOut, const tools::Rectangle& _rRect, bool _bForeignDevice);

    bool            PaintCursorIfHiddenOnce() const { return !m_bFocusOnlyCursor && !HasFocus(); }

    sal_uInt16      ToggleSelectedColumn();
    void            SetToggledSelectedColumn(sal_uInt16 _nSelectedColumnId);

    /// retrieves the XAccessible implementation associated with the BrowseBox instance
    ::vcl::IAccessibleFactory&   getAccessibleFactory();

    sal_uInt16          ColCount() const;

    // software plug for database access
    // RowCount is counted automatically
    // (with the help of RowInserted and RowRemoved), so overriding of
    // the method is needless
    virtual long    GetRowCount() const override;

    // for display in VScrollBar set it e.g. on  "?"
    void            SetRealRowCount( const OUString &rRealRowCount );

    // Return Value has to be sal_True always - SeekRow *has* to work!
    // (else ASSERT) MI: who integrated that? It must not be like that!

    /** seeks for the given row position
        @param nRow
            nRow starts at 0
    virtual bool    SeekRow( long nRow ) = 0;
    void            DrawCursor();
    void            PaintData(vcl::Window const & rWin, vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle& rRect);
    virtual void    PaintField(vcl::RenderContext& rDev, const tools::Rectangle& rRect, sal_uInt16 nColumnId) const = 0;
    // Advice for the subclass: the visible scope of rows has changed.
    // The subclass is able to announce changes of the model with the
    // help of the methods RowInserted and RowRemoved. Because of the
    // new status a paint is induced (SeekRow is called etc).
    // parameters: nNewTopRow: number of the new TopRow (can get changed from
    // VisibleRowsChanged by request of RowInserted and RowDeleted).
    // nNumRows: number of visible rows (a partial visible row is counted too)
    // Possible reason for changing the visible scope:
    // - in front of the visible scope rows were inserted or removed, so the
    //   numbering of the visible scope has changed
    // - Scrolling (and thereof resulting in another first visible row)
    // - Resize the window
    virtual void    VisibleRowsChanged( long nNewTopRow, sal_uInt16 nNumRows);

    // number of visible rows in the window (incl. "truncated" rows)
    sal_uInt16      GetVisibleRows() const;
    long            GetTopRow() const { return nTopRow; }
    sal_uInt16      GetFirstVisibleColNumber() const { return nFirstCol; }

    // Focus-Rect enable / disable
    void            DoShowCursor( const char *pWhoLog );
    void            DoHideCursor( const char *pWhoLog );
    short           GetCursorHideCount() const;

    virtual VclPtr<BrowserHeader> CreateHeaderBar( BrowseBox* pParent );

    // HACK(virtual create is not called in Ctor)
    void            SetHeaderBar( BrowserHeader* );

    long            CalcReverseZoom(long nVal);

    const DataFlavorExVector&
                    GetDataFlavors() const;

    bool            IsDropFormatSupported( SotClipboardFormatId nFormat );     // need this because the base class' IsDropFormatSupported is not const ...

    // callbacks for the data window
    virtual void    ImplStartTracking();
    virtual void    ImplEndTracking();

                    BrowseBox( vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nBits,
                               BrowserMode nMode = BrowserMode::NONE );
    virtual         ~BrowseBox() override;
    virtual void    dispose() override;

    // override inherited handler
    virtual void    StateChanged( StateChangedType nStateChange ) override;
    virtual void    MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rEvt ) override;
    virtual void    MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rEvt ) override;
    virtual void    MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rEvt ) override;
    virtual void    KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rEvt ) override;
    virtual void    LoseFocus() override;
    virtual void    GetFocus() override;
    virtual void    Resize() override;
    virtual void    Paint( vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle& rRect ) override;
    virtual void    Draw( OutputDevice* pDev, const Point& rPos, DrawFlags nFlags ) override;
    virtual void    Command( const CommandEvent& rEvt ) override;
    virtual void    StartDrag( sal_Int8 _nAction, const Point& _rPosPixel ) override;

    virtual sal_Int8 AcceptDrop( const AcceptDropEvent& rEvt ) override;     // will forward everything got to the second AcceptDrop method
    virtual sal_Int8 ExecuteDrop( const ExecuteDropEvent& rEvt ) override;   // will forward everything got to the second ExecuteDrop method

    virtual sal_Int8 AcceptDrop( const BrowserAcceptDropEvent& rEvt );
    virtual sal_Int8 ExecuteDrop( const BrowserExecuteDropEvent& rEvt );

    // new handlers
    virtual void    MouseButtonDown( const BrowserMouseEvent& rEvt );
    virtual void    MouseButtonUp( const BrowserMouseEvent& rEvt );
    void            StartScroll();
    virtual void    EndScroll();
    virtual void    Select();
    virtual void    DoubleClick( const BrowserMouseEvent& rEvt );
    virtual bool    IsCursorMoveAllowed( long nNewRow, sal_uInt16 nNewColId ) const;
    virtual void    CursorMoved();
    virtual void    ColumnMoved( sal_uInt16 nColId );
    virtual void    ColumnResized( sal_uInt16 nColId );
    /// called when the row height has been changed interactively
    virtual void    RowHeightChanged();
    virtual long    QueryMinimumRowHeight();

    // Window-Control (pass to DataWindow)
    void            SetUpdateMode( bool bUpdate );
    bool            GetUpdateMode() const;

    // map-mode and font control
    void            SetFont( const vcl::Font& rNewFont );
    const vcl::Font& GetFont() const;
    void            SetTitleFont( const vcl::Font& rNewFont )
                        { Control::SetFont( rNewFont ); }

    // inserting, changing, removing and freezing of columns
    void            InsertHandleColumn( sal_uLong nWidth );
    void            InsertDataColumn( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const OUString& rText,
                                    long nSize, HeaderBarItemBits nBits = HeaderBarItemBits::STDSTYLE,
                                    sal_uInt16 nPos = HEADERBAR_APPEND );
    void            SetColumnTitle( sal_uInt16 nColumnId, const OUString &rTitle );
    void            SetColumnWidth( sal_uInt16 nColumnId, sal_uLong nWidth );
    void            SetColumnPos( sal_uInt16 nColumnId, sal_uInt16 nPos );
    void            FreezeColumn( sal_uInt16 nColumnId );
    void            RemoveColumn( sal_uInt16 nColumnId );
    void            RemoveColumns();

    // control of title and data row height
    void            SetDataRowHeight( long nPixel );
    long            GetDataRowHeight() const;
    void            SetTitleLines( sal_uInt16 nLines );
    long            GetTitleHeight() const;

    // access to dynamic values of cursor row
    OUString        GetColumnTitle( sal_uInt16 nColumnId ) const;
    tools::Rectangle       GetFieldRect( sal_uInt16 nColumnId ) const;
    sal_uLong       GetColumnWidth( sal_uInt16 nColumnId ) const;
    sal_uInt16      GetColumnId( sal_uInt16 nPos ) const;
    sal_uInt16      GetColumnPos( sal_uInt16 nColumnId ) const;
    bool            IsFrozen( sal_uInt16 nColumnId ) const;

    // movement of visible area
    long            ScrollColumns( long nColumns );
    long            ScrollRows( long nRows );
    void            MakeFieldVisible( long nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId );

    // access and movement of cursor
    long            GetCurRow() const { return nCurRow; }
    sal_uInt16      GetCurColumnId() const { return nCurColId; }
    bool            GoToRow( long nRow );
    bool            GoToColumnId( sal_uInt16 nColId );
    bool            GoToRowColumnId( long nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId );

    // selections
    virtual void    SetNoSelection() override;
    virtual void    SelectAll() override;
    virtual void    SelectRow( long nRow, bool _bSelect = true, bool bExpand = true ) override;
    void            SelectColumnPos( sal_uInt16 nCol, bool _bSelect = true )
                        { SelectColumnPos( nCol, _bSelect, true); }
    void            SelectColumnId( sal_uInt16 nColId )
                        { SelectColumnPos( GetColumnPos(nColId), true, true); }
    long            GetSelectRowCount() const;
    sal_uInt16          GetSelectColumnCount() const;
    virtual bool    IsRowSelected( long nRow ) const override;
    bool            IsColumnSelected( sal_uInt16 nColumnId ) const;
    long            FirstSelectedRow();
    long            LastSelectedRow();
    long            NextSelectedRow();
    const MultiSelection* GetColumnSelection() const { return pColSel.get(); }
    const MultiSelection* GetSelection() const
                    { return bMultiSelection ? uRow.pSel : nullptr; }

    long            FirstSelectedColumn( ) const;

    bool            IsResizing() const { return bResizing; }

    // access to positions of fields, column and rows
    vcl::Window&    GetDataWindow() const;
    tools::Rectangle       GetRowRectPixel( long nRow ) const;
    tools::Rectangle       GetFieldRectPixel( long nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId,
                                       bool bRelToBrowser = true) const;
    bool            IsFieldVisible( long nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId,
                                    bool bComplete = false ) const;
    long            GetRowAtYPosPixel( long nY,
                                        bool bRelToBrowser = true  ) const;
    sal_uInt16      GetColumnAtXPosPixel( long nX ) const;

    // invalidations
    void            Clear();
    void            RowRemoved( long nRow, long nNumRows = 1, bool bDoPaint = true );
    void            RowModified( long nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId = BROWSER_INVALIDID );
    void            RowInserted( long nRow, long nNumRows = 1, bool bDoPaint = true, bool bKeepSelection = false );

    // miscellaneous
    bool            ReserveControlArea(sal_uInt16 nWidth = USHRT_MAX);
    tools::Rectangle       GetControlArea() const;
    bool            ProcessKey( const KeyEvent& rEvt );
    void            Dispatch( sal_uInt16 nId );
    void            SetMode( BrowserMode nMode );
    BrowserMode     GetMode( ) const { return m_nCurrentMode; }

    void            SetCursorColor(const Color& _rCol);

    /** specifies that the user is allowed to interactively change the height of a row,
        by simply dragging an arbitrary row separator.

        Note that this works only if there's a handle column, since only in this case,
        there *is* something for the user to click onto
    void            EnableInteractiveRowHeight() { mbInteractiveRowHeight = true; }
    bool            IsInteractiveRowHeightEnabled( ) const { return mbInteractiveRowHeight; }

    /// access to selected methods, to be granted to the BrowserColumn
    struct BrowserColumnAccess { friend class BrowserColumn; private: BrowserColumnAccess() { } };
    /** public version of PaintField, with selected access rights for the BrowserColumn
    void            DoPaintField( OutputDevice& rDev, const tools::Rectangle& rRect, sal_uInt16 nColumnId, BrowserColumnAccess ) const
                    { PaintField( rDev, rRect, nColumnId ); }

    /** suggests a default width for a column containing a given text

        The width is calculated so that the text fits completely, plus some margin.
    sal_uLong         GetDefaultColumnWidth( const OUString& _rText ) const;

    /** GetCellText returns the text at the given position
        @param  _nRow
            the number of the row
        @param  _nColId
            the ID of the column
            the text out of the cell
    virtual OUString  GetCellText(long _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColId) const;

    /** @return
            the current column count
    sal_uInt16 GetColumnCount() const override { return ColCount(); }

    /** commitBrowseBoxEvent commit the event at all listeners of the browsebox
        @param nEventId
            the event id
        @param rNewValue
            the new value
        @param rOldValue
            the old value
    void commitBrowseBoxEvent(sal_Int16 nEventId,
            const css::uno::Any& rNewValue,
            const css::uno::Any& rOldValue);

    /** commitTableEvent commit the event at all listeners of the table
        @param nEventId
            the event id
        @param rNewValue
            the new value
        @param rOldValue
            the old value
    void commitTableEvent(sal_Int16 nEventId,
            const css::uno::Any& rNewValue,
            const css::uno::Any& rOldValue);

    /** fires an AccessibleEvent relative to a header bar AccessibleContext

        @param nEventId
            the event id
        @param rNewValue
            the new value
        @param rOldValue
            the old value
    void commitHeaderBarEvent(sal_Int16 nEventId,
            const css::uno::Any& rNewValue,
            const css::uno::Any& rOldValue,
            bool _bColumnHeaderBar

    /** returns the Rectangle for either the column header bar or the row header bar
        @param  _bIsColumnBar
            <TRUE/> when column header bar is used
        @param  _bOnScreen
            <TRUE/> when the rectangle should be calculated OnScreen
            the Rectangle
    virtual tools::Rectangle calcHeaderRect(bool _bIsColumnBar, bool _bOnScreen = true) override;

    /** calculates the Rectangle of the table
        @param  _bOnScreen
            <TRUE/> when the rectangle should be calculated OnScreen
            the Rectangle
    virtual tools::Rectangle calcTableRect(bool _bOnScreen = true) override;

        @param  _nRowId
            the current row
        @param  _nColId
            the column id
        @param  _bOnScreen
            <TRUE/> when the rectangle should be calculated OnScreen
            the Rectangle
    virtual tools::Rectangle GetFieldRectPixelAbs(sal_Int32 _nRowId, sal_uInt16 _nColId, bool _bIsHeader, bool _bOnScreen = true) override;

    /// return <TRUE/> if and only if the accessible object for this instance has been created and is alive
    bool isAccessibleAlive( ) const;

    /** Creates and returns the accessible object of the whole BrowseBox. */
    virtual css::uno::Reference<
        css::accessibility::XAccessible > CreateAccessible() override;

    // Children ---------------------------------------------------------------

    /** Creates the accessible object of a data table cell.
        @param nRow  The row index of the cell.
        @param nColumnId  The column pos of the cell.
        @return  The XAccessible interface of the specified cell. */
    virtual css::uno::Reference<
        css::accessibility::XAccessible >
    CreateAccessibleCell( sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nColumnPos ) override;

    /** Creates the accessible object of a row header.
        @param nRow  The row index of the header.
        @return  The XAccessible interface of the specified row header. */
    virtual css::uno::Reference<
        css::accessibility::XAccessible >
    CreateAccessibleRowHeader( sal_Int32 nRow ) override;

    /** Creates the accessible object of a column header.
        @param nColumnId  The column ID of the header.
        @return  The XAccessible interface of the specified column header. */
    virtual css::uno::Reference<
        css::accessibility::XAccessible >
    CreateAccessibleColumnHeader( sal_uInt16 nColumnPos ) override;

    /** @return  The count of additional controls of the control area. */
    virtual sal_Int32 GetAccessibleControlCount() const override;

    /** Creates the accessible object of an additional control.
        @param nIndex  The 0-based index of the control.
        @return  The XAccessible interface of the specified control. */
    virtual css::uno::Reference<
        css::accessibility::XAccessible >
    CreateAccessibleControl( sal_Int32 nIndex ) override;

    /** Converts a point relative to the data window origin to a cell address.
        @param rnRow  Out-parameter that takes the row index.
        @param rnColumnId  Out-parameter that takes the column ID.
        @param rPoint  The position in pixels relative to the data window.
        @return <TRUE/>, if the point could be converted to a valid address. */
    virtual bool ConvertPointToCellAddress(
        sal_Int32& rnRow, sal_uInt16& rnColumnId, const Point& rPoint ) override;

    /** Converts a point relative to the row header bar origin to a row header
        @param rnRow  Out-parameter that takes the row index.
        @param rPoint  The position in pixels relative to the header bar.
        @return <TRUE/>, if the point could be converted to a valid index. */
    virtual bool ConvertPointToRowHeader( sal_Int32& rnRow, const Point& rPoint ) override;

    /** Converts a point relative to the column header bar origin to a column
        header index.
        @param rnColumnId  Out-parameter that takes the column ID.
        @param rPoint  The position in pixels relative to the header bar.
        @return <TRUE/>, if the point could be converted to a valid index. */
    virtual bool ConvertPointToColumnHeader( sal_uInt16& rnColumnPos, const Point& rPoint ) override;

    /** Converts a point relative to the BrowseBox origin to the index of an
        existing control.
        @param rnRow  Out-parameter that takes the 0-based control index.
        @param rPoint  The position in pixels relative to the BrowseBox.
        @return <TRUE/>, if the point could be converted to a valid index. */
    virtual bool ConvertPointToControlIndex( sal_Int32& rnIndex, const Point& rPoint ) override;

    /** return the name of the specified object.
        @param  eObjType
            The type to ask for
        @param  _nPosition
            The position of a tablecell (index position), header bar  column/row cell
            The name of the specified object.
    virtual OUString GetAccessibleObjectName( ::vcl::AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType eObjType,sal_Int32 _nPosition = -1) const override;

    /** return the description of the specified object.
        @param  eObjType
            The type to ask for
        @param  _nPosition
            The position of a tablecell (index position), header bar  column/row cell
            The description of the specified object.
    virtual OUString GetAccessibleObjectDescription( ::vcl::AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType eObjType,sal_Int32 _nPosition = -1) const override;

    /** @return  The header text of the specified row. */
    virtual OUString GetRowDescription( sal_Int32 nRow ) const override;

    /** @return  The header text of the specified column. */
    virtual OUString GetColumnDescription( sal_uInt16 _nColumn ) const override;

    /** Fills the StateSet with all states (except DEFUNC and SHOWING, done by
        the accessible object), depending on the specified object type. */
    virtual void FillAccessibleStateSet(
            ::utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper& rStateSet,
            ::vcl::AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType eObjType ) const override;

    /** Fills the StateSet with all states for one cell (except DEFUNC and SHOWING, done by
        the accessible object). */
    virtual void FillAccessibleStateSetForCell(
            ::utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper& _rStateSet,
            sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumn ) const override;

    /** Sets focus to current cell of the data table. */
    virtual void GrabTableFocus() override;

    // IAccessibleTableProvider
    virtual sal_Int32               GetCurrRow() const override;
    virtual sal_uInt16              GetCurrColumn() const override;
    virtual bool                    HasRowHeader() const override;
    virtual bool                    GoToCell( sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumn ) override;
    virtual void                    SelectColumn( sal_uInt16 _nColumn, bool _bSelect = true ) override;
    virtual bool                    IsColumnSelected( long _nColumn ) const override;
    virtual sal_Int32               GetSelectedRowCount() const override;
    virtual sal_Int32               GetSelectedColumnCount() const override;
    virtual void                    GetAllSelectedRows( css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 >& _rRows ) const override;
    virtual void                    GetAllSelectedColumns( css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 >& _rColumns ) const override;
    virtual bool                    IsCellVisible( sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumn ) const override;
    virtual OUString                GetAccessibleCellText(long _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColPos) const override;
    virtual bool                    GetGlyphBoundRects( const Point& rOrigin, const OUString& rStr, int nIndex, int nLen, MetricVector& rVector ) override;
    virtual tools::Rectangle               GetWindowExtentsRelative( vcl::Window *pRelativeWindow ) const override;
    virtual void                    GrabFocus() override;
    virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > GetAccessible() override;
    virtual vcl::Window*            GetAccessibleParentWindow() const override;
    virtual vcl::Window*            GetWindowInstance() override;

    // the following declares some Window/OutputDevice methods private. This happened in the course
    // of CWS warnings01, which pointed out nameclashs in those methods. If the build breaks in some
    // upper module, you should investigate whether you really wanted to call base class methods,
    // or the versions at this class. In the latter case, use the renamed versions above.

    // Set/GetLineColor - superseded by Set/GetGridLineColor
    using OutputDevice::SetLineColor;
    using OutputDevice::GetLineColor;

    // ToTop/ToBottom were never property implemented. If you currently call it, this is most probably wrong
    // and not doing as intended
    using Window::ToTop;


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