/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #pragma once #include <svtools/svtdllapi.h> #include <editeng/borderline.hxx> #include <vcl/idle.hxx> #include <vcl/metric.hxx> #include <vcl/weld.hxx> #include <memory> namespace weld { class CustomWeld; } class BitmapEx; class BorderWidthImpl; class FontList; class VclSimpleEvent; class VirtualDevice; /** Utility class storing the border line width, style and colors. The widths are defined in Twips. */ class ImpLineListData { private: BorderWidthImpl const m_aWidthImpl; Color ( * m_pColor1Fn )( Color ); Color ( * m_pColor2Fn )( Color ); Color ( * m_pColorDistFn )( Color, Color ); tools::Long m_nMinWidth; SvxBorderLineStyle m_nStyle; public: ImpLineListData( BorderWidthImpl aWidthImpl, SvxBorderLineStyle nStyle, tools::Long nMinWidth, Color ( *pColor1Fn )( Color ), Color ( *pColor2Fn )( Color ), Color ( *pColorDistFn )( Color, Color ) ) : m_aWidthImpl( aWidthImpl ), m_pColor1Fn( pColor1Fn ), m_pColor2Fn( pColor2Fn ), m_pColorDistFn( pColorDistFn ), m_nMinWidth( nMinWidth ), m_nStyle( nStyle ) { } /** Returns the computed width of the line 1 in twips. */ tools::Long GetLine1ForWidth( tools::Long nWidth ) { return m_aWidthImpl.GetLine1( nWidth ); } /** Returns the computed width of the line 2 in twips. */ tools::Long GetLine2ForWidth( tools::Long nWidth ) { return m_aWidthImpl.GetLine2( nWidth ); } /** Returns the computed width of the gap in twips. */ tools::Long GetDistForWidth( tools::Long nWidth ) { return m_aWidthImpl.GetGap( nWidth ); } Color GetColorLine1( const Color& rMain ) { return ( *m_pColor1Fn )( rMain ); } Color GetColorLine2( const Color& rMain ) { return ( *m_pColor2Fn )( rMain ); } Color GetColorDist( const Color& rMain, const Color& rDefault ) { return ( *m_pColorDistFn )( rMain, rDefault ); } /** Returns the minimum width in twips */ tools::Long GetMinWidth( ) const { return m_nMinWidth;} SvxBorderLineStyle GetStyle( ) const { return m_nStyle;} }; enum class SvxBorderLineStyle : sal_Int16; typedef ::std::vector< FontMetric > ImplFontList; /************************************************************************* class LineListBox Description Allows selection of line styles and sizes. Note that before first insert, units and window size need to be set. Supported units are typographic point (pt) and millimeters (mm). For SourceUnit, pt, mm and twips are supported. All scalar numbers in 1/100 of the corresponding unit. Line1 is the outer, Line2 the inner line, Distance is the distance between these two lines. If Line2 == 0, only Line1 will be shown. Defaults for source and target unit are FieldUnit::POINT. SetColor() sets the line color. Remarks Contrary to a simple ListBox, user-specific data are not supported. If UpdateMode is disabled, no data should be read, no selections should be set, and the return code shall be ignore, as in these are not defined in this mode. Also the bit WinBit WB_SORT may not be set. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class FontNameBox Description Allows selection of fonts. The ListBox will be filled using Fill parameter, which is pointer to an FontList object. Calling EnableWYSIWYG() enables rendering the font name in the currently selected font. See also FontList; FontStyleBox; FontSizeBox; FontNameMenu -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class FontStyleBox Description Allows select of FontStyle's. The parameter Fill points to a list of available font styles for the font. Reproduced styles are always added - this could change in future, as potentially not all applications [Draw,Equation,FontWork] can properly handle synthetic fonts. On filling, the previous name will be retained if possible. For DontKnow, the FontStyleBox should be filled with OUString(), so it will contain a list with the default attributes. The currently shown style probably needs to be reset by the application. See also FontList; FontNameBox; FontSizeBox; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class FontSizeBox Description Allows selection of font sizes. The values are retrieved via GetValue() and set via SetValue(). The Fill parameter fills the ListBox with the available sizes for the passed font. All sizes are in 1/10 typographic point (pt). The passed FontList must be retained until the next fill call. Additionally it supports a relative mod, which allows entering percentage values. This, eg., can be useful for template dialogs. This mode can only be enabled, but not disabled again. For DontKnow the FontSizeBox should be filled FontMetric(), so it will contain a list with the standard sizes. Th currently shown size probably needs to be reset by the application. See also FontList; FontNameBox; FontStyleBox; FontSizeMenu *************************************************************************/ inline Color sameColor( Color rMain ) { return rMain; } inline Color sameDistColor( Color /*rMain*/, Color rDefault ) { return rDefault; } class ValueSet; class SVT_DLLPUBLIC SvtLineListBox { public: typedef Color (*ColorFunc)(Color); typedef Color (*ColorDistFunc)(Color, Color); SvtLineListBox(std::unique_ptr<weld::MenuButton> pControl); ~SvtLineListBox(); static OUString GetLineStyleName(SvxBorderLineStyle eStyle); /** Set the width in Twips */ void SetWidth(tools::Long nWidth) { m_nWidth = nWidth; UpdateEntries(); UpdatePreview(); } tools::Long GetWidth() const { return m_nWidth; } /** Insert a listbox entry with all widths in Twips. */ void InsertEntry(const BorderWidthImpl& rWidthImpl, SvxBorderLineStyle nStyle, tools::Long nMinWidth = 0, ColorFunc pColor1Fn = &sameColor, ColorFunc pColor2Fn = &sameColor, ColorDistFunc pColorDistFn = &sameDistColor); void SelectEntry( SvxBorderLineStyle nStyle ); SvxBorderLineStyle GetSelectEntryStyle() const; void SetSourceUnit( FieldUnit eNewUnit ) { eSourceUnit = eNewUnit; } void SetColor( const Color& rColor ) { aColor = rColor; UpdateEntries(); UpdatePreview(); } const Color& GetColor() const { return aColor; } void SetSelectHdl(const Link<SvtLineListBox&,void>& rLink) { maSelectHdl = rLink; } void set_sensitive(bool bSensitive) { m_xControl->set_sensitive(bSensitive); } private: SVT_DLLPRIVATE void ImpGetLine( tools::Long nLine1, tools::Long nLine2, tools::Long nDistance, Color nColor1, Color nColor2, Color nColorDist, SvxBorderLineStyle nStyle, BitmapEx& rBmp ); void UpdatePaintLineColor(); // returns sal_True if maPaintCol has changed DECL_LINK(ValueSelectHdl, ValueSet*, void); DECL_LINK(FocusHdl, weld::Widget&, void); DECL_LINK(ToggleHdl, weld::ToggleButton&, void); DECL_LINK(NoneHdl, weld::Button&, void); void UpdateEntries(); sal_Int32 GetStylePos(sal_Int32 nListPos); const Color& GetPaintColor() const { return maPaintCol; } Color GetColorLine1( sal_Int32 nPos ); Color GetColorLine2( sal_Int32 nPos ); Color GetColorDist( sal_Int32 nPos ); void UpdatePreview(); SvtLineListBox( const SvtLineListBox& ) = delete; SvtLineListBox& operator =( const SvtLineListBox& ) = delete; std::unique_ptr<weld::MenuButton> m_xControl; std::unique_ptr<weld::Builder> m_xBuilder; std::unique_ptr<weld::Widget> m_xTopLevel; std::unique_ptr<weld::Button> m_xNoneButton; std::unique_ptr<ValueSet> m_xLineSet; std::unique_ptr<weld::CustomWeld> m_xLineSetWin; std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ImpLineListData>> m_vLineList; tools::Long m_nWidth; ScopedVclPtr<VirtualDevice> aVirDev; Color aColor; Color maPaintCol; FieldUnit eSourceUnit; Link<SvtLineListBox&,void> maSelectHdl; }; class SVT_DLLPUBLIC SvtCalendarBox { public: SvtCalendarBox(std::unique_ptr<weld::MenuButton> pControl); ~SvtCalendarBox(); weld::MenuButton& get_button() { return *m_xControl; } void set_date(const Date& rDate); Date get_date() const { return m_xCalendar->get_date(); } void set_label(const OUString& rLabel) { m_xControl->set_label(rLabel); } OUString get_label() const { return m_xControl->get_label(); } void set_sensitive(bool bSensitive) { m_xControl->set_sensitive(bSensitive); } bool get_sensitive() const { return m_xControl->get_sensitive(); } void set_visible(bool bSensitive) { m_xControl->set_visible(bSensitive); } void show() { set_visible(true); } void grab_focus() { m_xControl->grab_focus(); } void connect_activated(const Link<SvtCalendarBox&, void>& rActivatedHdl) { m_aActivatedHdl = rActivatedHdl; } void connect_selected(const Link<SvtCalendarBox&, void>& rSelectHdl) { m_aSelectHdl = rSelectHdl; } void connect_focus_in(const Link<weld::Widget&, void>& rLink) { m_xControl->connect_focus_in(rLink); } void connect_focus_out(const Link<weld::Widget&, void>& rLink) { m_xControl->connect_focus_out(rLink); } private: DECL_LINK(SelectHdl, weld::Calendar&, void); DECL_LINK(ActivateHdl, weld::Calendar&, void); std::unique_ptr<weld::MenuButton> m_xControl; std::unique_ptr<weld::Builder> m_xBuilder; std::unique_ptr<weld::Widget> m_xTopLevel; std::unique_ptr<weld::Calendar> m_xCalendar; Link<SvtCalendarBox&, void> m_aActivatedHdl; Link<SvtCalendarBox&, void> m_aSelectHdl; void set_label_from_date(); }; class SVT_DLLPUBLIC FontNameBox { private: std::unique_ptr<weld::ComboBox> m_xComboBox; std::unique_ptr<ImplFontList> mpFontList; size_t mnPreviewProgress; bool mbWYSIWYG; OUString maFontMRUEntriesFile; Idle maUpdateIdle; SVT_DLLPRIVATE void ImplDestroyFontList(); DECL_LINK(CustomRenderHdl, weld::ComboBox::render_args, void); DECL_LINK(CustomGetSizeHdl, OutputDevice&, Size); DECL_LINK(SettingsChangedHdl, VclSimpleEvent&, void); DECL_LINK(UpdateHdl, Timer*, void); void LoadMRUEntries( const OUString& aFontMRUEntriesFile ); void SaveMRUEntries( const OUString& aFontMRUEntriesFile ) const; OutputDevice& CachePreview(size_t nIndex, Point* pTopLeft); public: FontNameBox(std::unique_ptr<weld::ComboBox> p); ~FontNameBox(); void Fill( const FontList* pList ); void EnableWYSIWYG(bool bEnable); bool IsWYSIWYGEnabled() const { return mbWYSIWYG; } void connect_changed(const Link<weld::ComboBox&, void>& rLink) { m_xComboBox->connect_changed(rLink); } void connect_focus_in(const Link<weld::Widget&, void>& rLink) { m_xComboBox->connect_focus_in(rLink); } void connect_focus_out(const Link<weld::Widget&, void>& rLink) { m_xComboBox->connect_focus_out(rLink); } void connect_key_press(const Link<const KeyEvent&, bool>& rLink) { m_xComboBox->connect_key_press(rLink); } int get_active() const { return m_xComboBox->get_active(); } OUString get_active_text() const { return m_xComboBox->get_active_text(); } void set_active_or_entry_text(const OUString& rText); int get_count() const { return m_xComboBox->get_count(); } OUString get_text(int nIndex) const { return m_xComboBox->get_text(nIndex); } void set_sensitive(bool bSensitive) { m_xComboBox->set_sensitive(bSensitive); } void save_value() { m_xComboBox->save_value(); } OUString const& get_saved_value() const { return m_xComboBox->get_saved_value(); } void select_entry_region(int nStartPos, int nEndPos) { m_xComboBox->select_entry_region(nStartPos, nEndPos); } bool get_entry_selection_bounds(int& rStartPos, int& rEndPos) { return m_xComboBox->get_entry_selection_bounds(rStartPos, rEndPos); } void clear() { m_xComboBox->clear(); } void grab_focus() { m_xComboBox->grab_focus(); } bool has_focus() const { return m_xComboBox->has_focus(); } void connect_entry_activate(const Link<weld::ComboBox&, bool>& rLink) { m_xComboBox->connect_entry_activate(rLink); } void connect_get_property_tree(const Link<tools::JsonWriter&, void>& rLink) { m_xComboBox->connect_get_property_tree(rLink); } void set_entry_width_chars(int nWidth) { m_xComboBox->set_entry_width_chars(nWidth); } void set_size_request(int nWidth, int nHeight) { m_xComboBox->set_size_request(nWidth, nHeight); } int get_max_mru_count() const { return m_xComboBox->get_max_mru_count(); } void set_max_mru_count(int nCount) { m_xComboBox->set_max_mru_count(nCount); } // font size is in points, not pixels, e.g. see Window::[G]etPointFont void set_entry_font(const vcl::Font& rFont) { m_xComboBox->set_entry_font(rFont); } vcl::Font get_entry_font() { return m_xComboBox->get_entry_font(); } void set_tooltip_text(const OUString& rTip) { m_xComboBox->set_tooltip_text(rTip); } private: void InitFontMRUEntriesFile(); FontNameBox( const FontNameBox& ) = delete; FontNameBox& operator =( const FontNameBox& ) = delete; }; class SVT_DLLPUBLIC FontStyleBox { std::unique_ptr<weld::ComboBox> m_xComboBox; public: FontStyleBox(std::unique_ptr<weld::ComboBox> p); void Fill(const OUString& rName, const FontList* pList); void connect_changed(const Link<weld::ComboBox&, void>& rLink) { m_xComboBox->connect_changed(rLink); } OUString get_active_text() const { return m_xComboBox->get_active_text(); } void set_active_text(const OUString& rText) { m_xComboBox->set_active_text(rText); } void append_text(const OUString& rStr) { m_xComboBox->append_text(rStr); } void set_sensitive(bool bSensitive) { m_xComboBox->set_sensitive(bSensitive); } void save_value() { m_xComboBox->save_value(); } OUString const& get_saved_value() const { return m_xComboBox->get_saved_value(); } int get_count() const { return m_xComboBox->get_count(); } int find_text(const OUString& rStr) const { return m_xComboBox->find_text(rStr); } private: FontStyleBox(const FontStyleBox& ) = delete; FontStyleBox& operator=(const FontStyleBox&) = delete; }; class SVT_DLLPUBLIC FontSizeBox { FontMetric aFontMetric; const FontList* pFontList; int nSavedValue; int nMin; int nMax; FieldUnit eUnit; sal_uInt16 nDecimalDigits; sal_uInt16 nRelMin; sal_uInt16 nRelMax; sal_uInt16 nRelStep; short nPtRelMin; short nPtRelMax; short nPtRelStep; bool bRelativeMode:1, bRelative:1, bPtRelative:1, bStdSize:1; Link<weld::ComboBox&, void> m_aChangeHdl; Link<weld::Widget&, void> m_aFocusOutHdl; std::unique_ptr<weld::ComboBox> m_xComboBox; sal_uInt16 GetDecimalDigits() const { return nDecimalDigits; } void SetDecimalDigits(sal_uInt16 nDigits) { nDecimalDigits = nDigits; } FieldUnit GetUnit() const { return eUnit; } void SetUnit(FieldUnit _eUnit) { eUnit = _eUnit; } void SetRange(int nNewMin, int nNewMax) { nMin = nNewMin; nMax = nNewMax; } void SetValue(int nNewValue, FieldUnit eInUnit); void InsertValue(int i); OUString format_number(int nValue) const; DECL_LINK(ModifyHdl, weld::ComboBox&, void); DECL_LINK(ReformatHdl, weld::Widget&, void); public: FontSizeBox(std::unique_ptr<weld::ComboBox> p); void Fill(const FontMetric* pFontMetric, const FontList* pList); void EnableRelativeMode(sal_uInt16 nMin, sal_uInt16 nMax, sal_uInt16 nStep = 5); void EnablePtRelativeMode(short nMin, short nMax, short nStep = 10); bool IsRelativeMode() const { return bRelativeMode; } void SetRelative( bool bRelative ); bool IsRelative() const { return bRelative; } void SetPtRelative( bool bPtRel ) { bPtRelative = bPtRel; SetRelative(true); } bool IsPtRelative() const { return bPtRelative; } void connect_changed(const Link<weld::ComboBox&, void>& rLink) { m_aChangeHdl = rLink; } void connect_focus_out(const Link<weld::Widget&, void>& rLink) { m_aFocusOutHdl = rLink; } void connect_key_press(const Link<const KeyEvent&, bool>& rLink) { m_xComboBox->connect_key_press(rLink); } OUString get_active_text() const { return m_xComboBox->get_active_text(); } void set_active_or_entry_text(const OUString& rText); void set_sensitive(bool bSensitive) { m_xComboBox->set_sensitive(bSensitive); } int get_active() const { return m_xComboBox->get_active(); } int get_value() const; void set_value(int nValue); void save_value() { nSavedValue = get_value(); } int get_saved_value() const { return nSavedValue; } bool get_value_changed_from_saved() const { return get_value() != get_saved_value(); } int get_count() const { return m_xComboBox->get_count(); } OUString get_text(int i) const { return m_xComboBox->get_text(i); } void grab_focus() { m_xComboBox->grab_focus(); } bool has_focus() const { return m_xComboBox->has_focus(); } void connect_entry_activate(const Link<weld::ComboBox&, bool>& rLink) { m_xComboBox->connect_entry_activate(rLink); } void disable_entry_completion() { m_xComboBox->set_entry_completion(false, false); } void connect_get_property_tree(const Link<tools::JsonWriter&, void>& rLink) { m_xComboBox->connect_get_property_tree(rLink); } private: FontSizeBox(const FontSizeBox&) = delete; FontSizeBox& operator=(const FontSizeBox&) = delete; }; /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */