/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .


#include <com/sun/star/awt/XControlContainer.hpp>
#include <cppuhelper/implbase4.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <svl/lstner.hxx>
#include <svx/svdhlpln.hxx>
#include <svx/svdsob.hxx>
#include <svx/svdtypes.hxx>
#include <svx/svxdllapi.h>

#include <cppuhelper/implbase3.hxx>
#include <vector>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx>

class Region;
class SdrObjList;
class SdrObject;
class SdrPage;
class SdrUnoObj;
class SdrPaintWindow;
class SdrView;
class SdrPageObj;
class SdrPageView;

// #110094#
namespace sdr
    namespace contact
        class ViewObjectContactRedirector;
        class DisplayInfo;
        class ViewObjectContactRedirector;
    } // end of namespace contact
} // end of namespace sdr

// typedefs for a list of SdrPageWindow
class SdrPageWindow;
typedef ::std::vector< SdrPageWindow* > SdrPageWindowVector;

class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SdrPageView
    SdrView& mrView;
    SdrPage* mpPage;
    Point         aPgOrg;   // Nullpunkt der Page

    Rectangle     aMarkBound; // wird
    Rectangle     aMarkSnap;  // von
    bool          mbHasMarked;
    bool          mbVisible;

    SetOfByte    aLayerVisi;   // Menge der sichtbaren Layer
    SetOfByte    aLayerLock;   // Menge der nicht editierbaren Layer
    SetOfByte    aLayerPrn;    // Menge der druckbaren Layer

    SdrObjList*  pAktList;     // Aktuelle Liste, in der Regel die Page.
    SdrObject*   pAktGroup;    // Aktuelle Gruppe. NULL=Keine.

    SdrHelpLineList aHelpLines; // Hilfslinien und -punkte

    // #103911# Use one reserved slot (bReserveBool2) for the document color
    Color         maDocumentColor;

    // #103834# Use one reserved slot (bReserveBool1) for the background color
    Color         maBackgroundColor;

    SdrPageWindowVector maPageWindows;

    // #i72752# member to remember with which SdrPageWindow the BeginDrawLayer
    // was done
    SdrPageWindow* mpPreparedPageWindow;

    // interface to SdrPageWindow
    void ClearPageWindows();
    void AppendPageWindow(SdrPageWindow& rNew);
    SdrPageWindow* RemovePageWindow(SdrPageWindow& rOld);
    sal_uInt32 PageWindowCount() const { return maPageWindows.size(); }
    SdrPageWindow* FindPageWindow( SdrPaintWindow& rPaintWindow ) const;
    SdrPageWindow* FindPageWindow( const OutputDevice& rOutDev ) const;
    SdrPageWindow* GetPageWindow(sal_uInt32 nIndex) const;

    /** finds the page window whose PaintWindow belongs to the given output device

        In opposite to FindPageWindow, this method also cares possibly patched PaintWindow instances.
        That is, a SdrPageWindow might have an original, and a patched SdrPaintWindow instance - if
        this is the case, then the original SdrPaintWindow is examined before the patched one.
    const SdrPageWindow* FindPatchedPageWindow( const OutputDevice& rOutDev ) const;

    SVX_DLLPRIVATE SdrPageWindow& CreateNewPageWindowEntry(SdrPaintWindow& rPaintWindow);

    void ImpInvalidateHelpLineArea(sal_uInt16 nNum) const;

    void SetLayer(const OUString& rName, SetOfByte& rBS, bool bJa);
    bool IsLayer(const OUString& rName, const SetOfByte& rBS) const;

    // Nachsehen, ob AktGroup noch Inserted ist.
    void CheckAktGroup();

    void AdjHdl();

    SdrPageView(SdrPage* pPage1, SdrView& rNewView);

    // Wird von der PaintView gerufen, wenn Modelaenderungen abgeschlossen sind
    void ModelHasChanged();

    void Show();
    void Hide();

    void AddPaintWindowToPageView(SdrPaintWindow& rPaintWindow);
    void RemovePaintWindowFromPageView(SdrPaintWindow& rPaintWindow);

    SdrView& GetView() { return mrView; }
    const SdrView& GetView() const { return mrView; }

    /** looks up the control container belonging to given output device

            If the given output device belongs to one of the SdrPageViewWinRecs associated with this
            SdrPageView instance, the XControlContainer for this output device is returned, <NULL/>
    ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XControlContainer >
        GetControlContainer( const OutputDevice& _rDevice ) const;

    /** sets all elements in the view which support a design and a alive mode into the given mode
    void    SetDesignMode( bool _bDesignMode ) const;

    bool IsVisible() const { return mbVisible; }

    // Invalidiert den gesamten Bereich der Page
    void InvalidateAllWin();

    // PrePaint call forwarded from app windows
    void PrePaint();

    // rReg bezieht sich auf's OutDev, nicht auf die Page
    void CompleteRedraw(SdrPaintWindow& rPaintWindow, const Region& rReg, sdr::contact::ViewObjectContactRedirector* pRedirector = 0L) const;

    // write access to mpPreparedPageWindow
    void setPreparedPageWindow(SdrPageWindow* pKnownTarget);

    void DrawLayer(SdrLayerID nID, OutputDevice* pGivenTarget = 0, sdr::contact::ViewObjectContactRedirector* pRedirector = 0L,
                   const Rectangle& rRect =  Rectangle()) const;
    void DrawPageViewGrid(OutputDevice& rOut, const Rectangle& rRect, Color aColor = Color( COL_BLACK ) );

    Rectangle GetPageRect() const;
    SdrPage* GetPage() const { return mpPage; }

    // Betretene Liste rausreichen
    SdrObjList* GetObjList() const { return pAktList; }

    // Betretene Gruppe rausreichen
    SdrObject* GetAktGroup() const { return pAktGroup; }

    // Betretene Gruppe und Liste setzen
    void SetAktGroupAndList(SdrObject* pNewGroup, SdrObjList* pNewList);

    bool HasMarkedObjPageView() const { return mbHasMarked; }
    void SetHasMarkedObj(bool bOn) { mbHasMarked = bOn; }

    const Rectangle& MarkBound() const { return aMarkBound; }
    const Rectangle& MarkSnap() const { return aMarkSnap; }
    Rectangle& MarkBound() { return aMarkBound; }
    Rectangle& MarkSnap() { return aMarkSnap; }

    void SetLayerVisible(const OUString& rName, bool bShow = true) { SetLayer(rName, aLayerVisi, bShow); if(!bShow) AdjHdl(); InvalidateAllWin(); }
    bool IsLayerVisible(const OUString& rName) const { return IsLayer(rName, aLayerVisi); }

    void SetLayerLocked(const OUString& rName, bool bLock = true) { SetLayer(rName, aLayerLock, bLock); if(bLock) AdjHdl(); }
    bool IsLayerLocked(const OUString& rName) const { return IsLayer(rName,aLayerLock); }

    void SetLayerPrintable(const OUString& rName, bool bPrn = true) { SetLayer(rName, aLayerPrn, bPrn); }
    bool IsLayerPrintable(const OUString& rName) const { return IsLayer(rName, aLayerPrn); }

    // PV stellt eine RefPage oder eine SubList eines RefObj dar oder Model ist ReadOnly
    bool IsReadOnly() const;

    // der Origin bezieht sich immer auf die obere linke Ecke der Page
    const Point& GetPageOrigin() const { return aPgOrg; }
    void SetPageOrigin(const Point& rOrg);

    void LogicToPagePos(Point& rPnt) const { rPnt-=aPgOrg; }
    void LogicToPagePos(Rectangle& rRect) const { rRect.Move(-aPgOrg.X(),-aPgOrg.Y()); }
    void PagePosToLogic(Point& rPnt) const { rPnt+=aPgOrg; }
    void PagePosToLogic(Rectangle& rRect) const { rRect.Move(aPgOrg.X(),aPgOrg.Y()); }

    void SetVisibleLayers(const SetOfByte& rSet) { aLayerVisi=rSet; InvalidateAllWin(); }
    const SetOfByte& GetVisibleLayers() const { return aLayerVisi; }
    void SetPrintableLayers(const SetOfByte& rSet) { aLayerPrn=rSet; }
    const SetOfByte& GetPrintableLayers() const { return aLayerPrn;  }
    void SetLockedLayers(const SetOfByte& rSet) { aLayerLock=rSet; }
    const SetOfByte& GetLockedLayers() const { return aLayerLock; }

    const SdrHelpLineList& GetHelpLines() const { return aHelpLines; }
    void SetHelpLines(const SdrHelpLineList& rHLL);
    //void SetHelpLinePos(sal_uInt16 nNum, const Point& rNewPos);
    void SetHelpLine(sal_uInt16 nNum, const SdrHelpLine& rNewHelpLine);
    void DeleteHelpLine(sal_uInt16 nNum);
    void InsertHelpLine(const SdrHelpLine& rHL, sal_uInt16 nNum=0xFFFF);
    void MoveHelpLine(sal_uInt16 nNum, sal_uInt16 nNewNum) { aHelpLines.Move(nNum,nNewNum); }

    // Liefert sal_True, wenn Layer des Obj sichtbar und nicht gesperrt.
    // Beim Gruppenobjekt muss wenigstens ein Member sichtbar sein,
    // gesperrt sein darf keiner.
    bool IsObjMarkable(SdrObject* pObj) const;

    // Betreten (Editieren) einer Objektgruppe. Anschliessend liegen alle
    // Memberobjekte der Gruppe im direkten Zugriff. Alle anderen Objekte
    // koennen waerendessen nicht bearbeitet werden (bis zum naechsten
    // LeaveGroup()). (wie MsDos chdir bla).
    bool EnterGroup(SdrObject* pObj);

    // Verlassen einer betretenen Objektgruppe. (wie MsDos chdir ..)
    void LeaveOneGroup();

    // Verlassen aller betretenen Objektgruppen. (wie MsDos chdir \)
    void LeaveAllGroup();

    // Feststellen, wie weit hinabgestiegen wurde (0=Root(Page))
    sal_uInt16 GetEnteredLevel() const;

    // #103834# Set background color for svx at SdrPageViews
    void SetApplicationBackgroundColor(Color aBackgroundColor);

    // #109585#
    Color GetApplicationBackgroundColor() const;

    // #103911# Set/Get document color for svx at SdrPageViews
    void SetApplicationDocumentColor(Color aDocumentColor);
    Color GetApplicationDocumentColor() const;


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